2009 Event Reviews

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Please note: this review is for the 2009 season rather than the current season.

The Haunted Barn Stoughton (PERMANENTLY CLOSED)

by Grey Knight after attending on Friday, October 16, 2009 at about 3 p.m.

Fun Factor: Very High Fear Factor: High


For $8, the Haunted Barn provides you with a long stroll - indoor and out - through numerous mazes and paths. The tour relies heavily on live actors to deliver the scares, and they do so very well. The real entertainment value is in the actors and not the animatronics, unlike more 'commercial' and 'carnival-like' attractions. The "organic" touch really enhances the experience as each player seems genuinely interested in their role.

*Spoiler Alert* There were even moments where the animatronics came alive to reveal that they were living people the whole time, which really added to the spook factor.
I also appreciated how the players didn't just do their piece and wait fo you to leave the area. Being dogged by a machete-wielding maniac down the entire length of the hallway, around the corner, and into the next room, while he was slashing and slamming it against the wall, was a great "motivator."

The ONLY thing I would have done differently would have been making the final walk back to the concession area a little more event-filled.

Thanks, Haunted Barn and personnel. You gave me a thoroughly enjoyable experience.


I have been a part of or helped out with 4 Haunted Houses in my life, and this one put to shame any of the ones I was involved in.

With a huge staff on hand, lots of role players, ample live interaction, a vast array of props and animatronics, refreshment vendors, and great costumery, The Haunted Barn is not just an attraction, [b]it's an event.[/b]

A tremendous value for your admission money.

View all The Haunted Barn Stoughton (PERMANENTLY CLOSED) reviews

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Please note: this review is for the 2009 season rather than the current season.

A Theater Of Lost Souls Presents: Nightmare Factory Haunt

by HocusPocus (Newbie Review Crew Member) after attending on Friday, October 16, 2009 at about 4 p.m.

Fun Factor: Medium Fear Factor: Low


It was a dark and cold night...REALLY cold. Fortunately for me I had a warm car to step out of and to warm back up in. As this haunt is contained within the unheated barns of the fair grounds it appears as if the actors did not enjoy a similar luxury. Perhaps I caught this haunt at a bad time? I checked out The Theater of Lost Souls and Theater of the Absurd...but due to the temps I declined the invitation to partake in the hayride.

The Theater of the Absurd was very entertaining! I kind of got the impression that it's billed to be a side show to the Lost Souls haunt but I really enjoyed the unique concept of an attraction that was completely in 3D. The clown was very energetic and interactive. As we were the only group touring at the time we received quite a bit of attention. Not sure if this is typical as there appeared to be just a few actors in the Absurd attraction but we definitely enjoyed it! (Fun Factor = 4 / Scare Factor = 1)

The Theater of Lost Souls had its moments but appeared to lack the energy and enthusiasm to provide for a good scare or a fun interactive experience with a ghoul by way of a riveting performance. Perhaps the cold temps and sparse crowds of the Friday evening played a role in this? I really enjoyed the voodoo room and the acting performance in this room was absolutely superb! (Loved the accent!) The "Two Dogs" room has a lot of potential. The actor did a good job of heightening your anticipation prior to entering the room but the absence of a surprise once in the room made for an anti-climatic experience. A little bit of darkness combined with a sudden flash of light/sound could do wonders for the scare factor of this room. (Fun Factor = 2 / Scare Factor = 3)

Signage / Visibility / Location

Fortunately I looked at the map on this website ahead of time. There were no visible signs along Jackson Street and only a hand painted black and white sign on County Rd Y. Very easy to miss if you're not looking closely.

Wait Area / Line Entertainment

Come dressed for the weather. The wait line and haunt are all unheated but at least protected from the elements. A very motivated costumed actor provided entertainment while you walked from your car, purchased your tickets and while you waited in line.

Actors' Performance

There were a few stellar acting performances. The Voodoo room actress and the Clown hosting the Theater of the Absurd were outstanding. Many of the others appeared to be in need of a little red bull....or hot chocolate.

Sets Scenes / Props / FX

The sets in the Theater of the Absurd were outstanding. I can only imagine how much time and energy went into creating these scenes. The Theater of Lost Souls had some great props but the sets and supporting FX often times limited the scare opportunities for them.


It took our group 16 minutes to complete the Theater of Lost Souls and 12 minutes to complete the Theater of the Absurd.

Crowd Control

Appeared to be a slow night so there were only a couple of other groups present besides ours.

Most Memorable Moment

The clown hosting the Theater of the Absurd...no shortage of energy! The Theater of the Absurd was a VERY pleasant surprise after checking out the Theater of Lost Souls.

While touring the Theater of Lost Souls someone in our group jokingly asked one of the actors if she was cold. Her reply: "I'm dead...how could be I be cold?" Very funny! :)


If you're looking for a unique and fun Halloween experience checkout the Theater of the Absurd. Adults will enjoy it and kids will certainly love it!

View all A Theater Of Lost Souls Presents: Nightmare Factory Haunt reviews

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Please note: this review is for the 2009 season rather than the current season.

Burial Chamber Haunted House Complex

by HocusPocus (Newbie Review Crew Member) after attending on Friday, October 16, 2009 at about 3 p.m.

Fun Factor: Medium Fear Factor: Very High


On the scare factor scale, Burial Chamber is totally off the charts!! I've been to 8 haunts this year and this is by far the scariest one...or should I say two? Burial chamber is actually a mega complex of haunted / scary attractions. Due to time constraints I only checked out the two indoor haunts, Adrenalin and Insanity. Both of these attractions were similar but offered a unique experience unlike the other haunts I've been to this year. Rather than parade you through a series of rooms that feature a variety of themes and skits, Burial Chamber's haunts are comprised of a complex maze of dimly lit hall ways and rooms, all with a consistent theme. Acting appeared to be at minimum (especially in Insanity) and was usually limited to a quick entrance from out of nowhere in an attempt to scare you and then a quick disappearance into the shadows....a very effective tactic to scare you regardless of where you might be positioned in your group.

As much as I loved the scare factor of Burial chamber I must admit the mandatory group size disappointed me. Groups were sized as close to 10 as possible. Given the extremely long lines I can totally understand why groups are sized so large. While the maze of hallways provided great scares for everyone in our group, and could certainly entertain the large group size, many of the rooms struggled to accommodate the size of our entire group. To make matters worse at the end of Insanity the group behind us caught us which resulted in a group size of nearly 20. Due to confusion in traversing a circular maze at this point and the unfortunate actor who had no way of knowing where one group ended and the next started a third group actually caught us....quite the mess.

IF you don't like standing in long lines while being exposed to the weather elements I would strongly recommend the VIP pass. The VIP admission allows you to skip everyone who hasn't purchased it. It does not, however, limit your group size or guarantee that you'll be able to enter immediately.

Signage / Visibility / Location

Very easy to find as its just minutes from Hwy 41. The sheer size of this complex combined with several parking attendants flagging you into the parking lot make it nearly impossible to miss this place.

Wait Area / Line Entertainment

Come dressed for the elements as the wait lines for Adrenalin and Insanity are both outside. Two large screens along the waiting line along with a few costumed actors help to build your anticipation. There's also a snack wagon parked out back to help satisfy your cravings for munchies.

Actors' Performance

The actors were very skilled at providing quick and unexpected scares. Nothing noteworthy in terms of an academy award type performance...but in their defense these haunts weren't designed to provide an opportunity for a theatrical display. Occasionally the actors would flash a performance that may creep you out.

Sets Scenes / Props / FX

Brilliant use of shadows and dimly lit rooms to maximize scare and creep factor. Not the most elaborate set designs I've seen this year but very effective in immersing you into the theme of the haunt. Enjoyed some of the unique concepts and special effects...particularly the cleverly laid out lab maze in Adrenalin.


Took our group 18 minutes to complete Adrenalin. Insanity may have been a bit shorter but the merging of groups towards the end led to a complete standstill for a few minutes.

Crowd Control

Waiting lines for both Adrenalin and Insanity were clearly marked off along with the separate VIP lines. With the VIP passes we didn't wait more than 10 minutes to enter the haunt.

Most Memorable Moment

Several great scares....but I won't give any of them away here. Really enjoyed the lab maze in Adrenalin....unique, clever and fun!


If you're looking for a good scare you'll be hard pressed to find a haunt that does it better than Burial Chamber. Of all the haunts I've been to this year this one is off the scare factor charts!

View all Burial Chamber Haunted House Complex reviews

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Please note: this review is for the 2009 season rather than the current season.

House of Bathory (CLOSED)

by dirkadirka (Newbie Review Crew Member) after attending on Saturday, October 17, 2009 at about 4:30 p.m.

Fun Factor: High Fear Factor: Medium


Dead by Dawn Productions has surprised haunt-goers for years.  The reason for that reaction is not the scares, although there are plenty of those.   Instead, it is the unique take on “traditional haunted houses” that makes House of Bathory stand apart.   It feels as though monsters actually live in the sets they inhabit rather than just visiting for the haunting season.   They also take harmless themes and spin them around with demented glee until they are either funny, scary, or both.

Signage / Visibility / Location

The haunt is located behind a costume shop on South 8th Street in downtown Manitowoc.  I stupidly forgot my directions and cursed Manitowoc’s layout and one-ways, but it shouldn’t have been that hard.  Flashing lights and music from the entrance make the location obvious once you are close.

Wait Area / Line Entertainment

Lines are miserable under almost any circumstances.  If you are over 21, I would highly recommend buying your ticket and relocating to the Fat Seagull down the block until your number gets called.  Otherwise you are stuck waiting on the street in the cold.  We enjoyed a cozy bar and a beer while listening to live music.  Pretty sweet.

Actors' Performance

The acting in House of Bathory was somewhat spotty.  For every amazing Ronald McDonald and Michael Jackson there were at least as many ghouls who basically stood motionless and stared at you.  This may have been partly due to the number of young children staffing the haunt on our visit. 

Unlike most other haunts, touching is allowed by the monsters.  While surprising, it is not overdone and only helps make the experience more real.

Sets Scenes / Props / FX

The House of Bathory has four essential haunt elements while most are happy to have one: a slide, claustrophobic room, vortex tunnel, and chainsaws.  Combine this with sets that range from funny to disturbing, or sometimes both, and it adds up to a very unique attraction.  However, some of the scenes are pretty similar to last year and it would have been nice to see more ghouls in makeup instead of masks. Several rooms could have been filled out more making it easier to understand the intended theme.


It took us 15 minutes.  I wish it had been longer but I am guessing they are already squeezing the most out of the space they have.  Victims navigate through three floors and an outside scene before being released back into reality.

Crowd Control

The staff at the House of Bathory makes pacing a top priority.  Group sizes are small and spaced out with plenty of room in between.  This makes the customer experience better but also helps the actors reset and relax before another crowd comes marching through.  Many other haunted houses have great scenes and scares that miss the mark because the timing is off.  Nothing breaks the mood more than having to wait for the group in front of you to leave a room.

Most Memorable Moment

One room had me pretty worried.  My buddy said he figured it out right away, so maybe I was just too far back in the group.  It was pretty genius either way.  I’ll leave it at that.


Based on past years, the House of Bathory has set the bar high for itself.   A few minor details kept it from being an A+, but overall I thought it once again delivered a very unique and entertaining experience.

View all House of Bathory (CLOSED) reviews

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Please note: this review is for the 2009 season rather than the current season.

House of Bathory (CLOSED)

by x0char0x (Newbie Review Crew Member) after attending on Saturday, October 17, 2009 at about 2 p.m.

Fun Factor: Very High Fear Factor: Very High


House of Bathory is definitely an old school kind of haunt. Unlike most haunts, they don't use animated creatures to scare you. Their actors do an amazing job at scaring you and just leave you wondering what is waiting for you around the next corner. In every scene there is something that will surprise you. Being a smaller haunt, they definitely use their space very well. Every inch is covered in creepy and erie scares. They also touch you in this haunt which I love. Walking through a dark hallway and all of a sudden you feel someone touch your shoulder just sends chills throughout your entire body because you know you aren't alone and who knows what will get you.

Signage / Visibility / Location

The location of this haunt is very easy to find. They have signs all over the windows of the store its located in.

Wait Area / Line Entertainment

The wait area for this haunt is outside. There is an awning over it in case of rain. They also have music playing to listen to while you wait. They also have something new this year where you can buy your ticket and wait at the bar across the street if you are over the age of 21 and when its your turn they call the bar for you to come over.

Actors' Performance

The actors are just absolutely amazing. They know exactly what to do. They are lurking around every corner and you just never know where there will be one.

Sets Scenes / Props / FX

The scenes in this haunt are very unique. This is a haunt that actually puts creativity into everything they do. There are scenes in this haunt I've never seen in any other haunt.


The length of this haunt is about 20 minutes to walk through the entire thing. But every minute of it you are being scared.


Overall, this haunt is definitely the best I have ever seen. I would recommend this is anyone 16 and over.

View all House of Bathory (CLOSED) reviews

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Please note: this review is for the 2009 season rather than the current season.

Dominion of Terror

by dirkadirka (Newbie Review Crew Member) after attending on Saturday, October 17, 2009 at about 3:30 p.m.

Fun Factor: Very High Fear Factor: Very High


Always in my top three, this year Dominion of Terror is my favorite haunt in Wisconsin.   This non-profit event never repeats rooms and always has expert set design/construction.  What surprised me this year was the scare factor.   This is easily the most difficult aspect of a haunt to review because there are so many variables that can change an already subjective experience.
I was forced to go first and got the initial glance at each room.  Several times I groaned and sincerely dreaded uncovering what horror lay within.  In the worst rooms, (or best depending on how you look at it), we would all get an initial scare, then become disoriented, then frantically look for an exit which was never obvious.  It may sound strange, but this required team work by a group of strangers and there was a sense of relief every time we made it out together.
There is a difference between being scared and being fearful.  Big noises, surprises, and shocking gore may scare you, but being terrified requires a human element that monsters and props can’t deliver.  Dominion of Terror was terrifying to me because the actors got in my head and clouded the part of my brain that says, “This isn’t real, just have fun.”  Unfortunately, I can’t guarantee that anyone else will have the same experience as me, but in my case it worked.

Wait Area / Line Entertainment

Day or night, rain or shine, Halloween or not, this hundred year old
warehouse is creepy and the outdoor waiting area sets up the terror to
come perfectly.   From the hearse to the lights flashing through
boarded up windows, the whole scene is appropriately ominous and heavy
metal music does nothing to cover up the roar of a chainsaw that awaits
your group.  Two mental patients roved the snaking line and
relentlessly scared a group of young girls.  Their fake screams turned
very real when they accompanied my buddy and I through the haunt.

Actors' Performance

The sheer number of actors made all the scares more successful.  This allowed these ghouls to come at intruders in waves and keep anybody from getting complacent.  They employed startling, screaming, running, dialogue, moaning, misdirection, chainsaws, you name it.  At one point my friend got separated from our group and the morbid janitor whispered to him, “It’s just you and me now.”  The gate-keeper that greeted us at the entrance to the graveyard unsettled our entire group and set the tone for the rest of the haunt.

Sets Scenes / Props / FX

Dominion of Terror has a unique way of continuing themes for three or four rooms before transitioning to the next idea.  The school setting was great, but the torture rooms are truly haunting.  We felt sympathy for all the victims and the image of one particular girl with a leg injury will remain burned in my brain.

The attention to detail is fantastic in every room.  This is also true for all actors.  I did not see a single store-bought mask and the gory makeup is almost nauseating, in a good way.


Time stretches depending on how scared you are.  It took us 25 minutes, but seemed to go on forever and a tiny part of me was relieved to be finished.  No comedic or “pop culture” rooms broke up the action and the feeling of being in a horror movie persisted from beginning to end.

Crowd Control

Very good pacing.  We bolted through several rooms trying to get out as quick as possible and still did not run into the group ahead of us until halfway finished.  Some nifty misdirection by an actor allowed us to pass them and we never saw the poor souls again.

Most Memorable Moment

Of all the great actors, my favorite was the zombie in the graveyard.  He nailed his performance and should try out for the next George Romero:  ___-of the Dead movie.


I can’t guarantee you will be as scared as I was, but the $12 admission goes to a good cause.  The length is above average, the setting is above average, the scenes are above average, and in my opinion the actors are above average.  Might as well go find out for yourself, no?

View all Dominion of Terror reviews

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Please note: this review is for the 2009 season rather than the current season.

Burial Chamber Haunted House Complex

by btweezy414 after attending on Saturday, October 17, 2009 at about 3:30 p.m.

Fun Factor: Very High Fear Factor: Very High


Last Saturday myself and a group of friends decided to travel to Neenah, WI for the Burial chamber complex and let me tell you it lives up to the hype. Before I get into detail about the houses and haunt overall, I would highly recommend the timed VIP tickets that can be purchased via their website before hand. We purchased the 8:30pm timed VIP tickets and it will save you hours of waiting. We arrived and they had people directing you to the proper parking lot, which was done smoothly. When they where able to walk right up to the VIP ticket window (the line for regular tickets had to be at least 1 hour long) . Got our tickets for the haunt and jumped in Adrenaline’s VIP line. Within 10 minutes we where paired with a group of 6 others (we already had 4 so, I thought 10 was sorta big group) and entered the house. I would also like to note that the line to enter this haunt with regular tickets was well over 1 hour long. The haunt did a good job of mixing actors and pressured air jets to scare the guest walking thru. The set designs where very well done. Even one room that an almost sponge like flooring! It took us about 20 to 25 minutes to get thru this haunt. After that we where on to Insanity! Another very well thought out house where it makes you believe you are going in circles at times, losing your way, or even being sprayed with blood. This haunt was also well planned and though out. It also took us about 20 to 25 minutes to pass thru. Up next we headed to the haunted woods known as Phobia. The wait in the VIP line was about 20 minutes for this haunt , but that was because they put you in smaller groups. My group of 4 was allowed to go by our self. The walk thru was only about 10 minutes long, but it is pitch black in the woods and the actors did a great job again. After that for $4.00 more we did the Burial Chamber simulators. They where fun but didn’t live up to the hype.


Overall this was a very done haunt, the set designs are top notch along with the actors. I would highly recommend this haunt and will be attending in the future.

View all Burial Chamber Haunted House Complex reviews

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Please note: this review is for the 2009 season rather than the current season.

Spooky Stalks Haunted Cornfield

by kamfab4 after attending on Friday, October 16, 2009 at about 2 p.m.

Fun Factor: High Fear Factor: Medium


At first glance, the props in the front yard are amusing. Having "outgrown" the front yard (according to the website), I expected to see a larger assortment of "spooky" memorabilia and decoration while walking down the path to the ticket booth. I was very disappointed. The first actor to greet us wasn't very spooky, save the costume, and smoking a cigarette with customers approaching probably isn't a good idea ...

Now, keep in mind, I am by no means an expert in evaluating the effectiveness of spooky themed venues. I also had two kids, (8 and 6) with me at the time. If you ask them, they'd say the place was awesome and very scary. My son (the 6 year-old) actually cried. Didn't see that coming because his "fear factor" is normally very low ... I expected my daughter (the 8 year old) to be the one screaming and what-not ...

After dropping $40 for wristbands, we were led to a greenhouse arbor which was the main entrance to the corn maze. Inside is was decorated a little better than the front yard or the path leading up to it. We waited approximately 15 minutes before actually beginning out tour 9even though there were no other customers present). As we were waiting, a group of teenagers showed up. One girl tried running away while in line because she basically "freaked out" when an actor carrying a dismembered head prop walked through the main entrance. Now, THAT was funny!

So, we begin our tour and the "head carrying" actor tries to hype it up a bit. He interacted well with the kids and they seemed genuinely "spooked" at this point and we were still outside the maze!

That said, I didn't think it was dark enough to walk the maze. In hindsight, that's a good thing because even though we could see most of the actors before they had a chance to scare us, the ambient light made it easier for my son to handle the "ghouls." Simultaneously, I was disappointed, but I can't blame them for the lighting ...

All told, we walked through in about 45 minutes. There were some cool effects, like the vortex and the "barns" but the actors scare tactice were very predictable because of the lighting thus reducing the overall "scary" effect.

The actors were however, very diligent recognizing the "fear factor" of the kids though. They actually stopped to talk to the kids to reassure them that they were normal people and didn't try to scare the kids unless they knew the kids could handle it. Thanks for that.
Kudos to the "swamp thing" (SPOILER ALERT)outside barn 3 for scaring me. (The one time I totally didn't expect it!)

Well, our first family foray into the "spooky" stuff didn't exactly go as planned, but we still had some wonderful fun. The staff were friendly, engaging, and the actors were awesome with the kids. I'd consider this venue a family friendly one for sure and will return when my kids can handle the dark a little bit better.


Reasonably priced,
Make sure it's dark outside,
could've used a concession area (hot chocolate & coffee go a long way ...),
and had some fun!

View all Spooky Stalks Haunted Cornfield reviews

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Please note: this review is for the 2009 season rather than the current season.

Terror on the Fox

by Loafstain after attending on Sunday, October 18, 2009 at about 3:30 p.m.

Fun Factor: Very High Fear Factor: Medium


I try to get out to Terror on the Fox every year, but unfortunatly I missed it last year. I was really looking forward to it, considering...

I got there around 8:30 and there were basically no lines, which was awesome! I went with the combo ticket because I had heard from a friend that the new Void thing was a lot of fun.

Ok frist up, the train ride: A little dissapointing. There were some strobe lights and only one or two ghouls that came though making random noises and getting in peoples faces. It was cool to take the train ride, but it wasnt really scary at all.

When we got off the train, all of us with combo tickets were sent to these big white tents. First up was Torment. The hospital feel was really cool, and I love how the farther you went, the weirder it got! The acting here was a little less than acting and a little more like beating the crap out of yourself, but the effect was bas ass!

From Torment, we went straight into the void. Can you say dark? Because I can! This maze in the haze was something else. I'll be honest, it wasn't scary, but it was pretty fun. There was crap haning in your face and countless wrong turns. It took my group quite a while to find our way out, no thanks to the actors wandering around in the dark.

After the void, we went straight into 3rd Dimension... no lines in between the events, I thought that was really cool. This event was something I had never seen before. the 3d aspect wasn't new, but the ideas were. I guess they had based every room on different holidays. I especially liked the amazingly corny Halloween room at the end. 3rd Dimension gave me a good laugh.

After the 3d event, we did have to wait in line for a little bit before we got into the big main house. Once we got close enough tot the front of the line, the show going on out front of the house was really cool. All the lights and the rocking music really set the tone for what was to come.

Our group walked into the first room and there was this huge guy in a top hat and cape. I was suprised, because I wasn't scared, but I laughed my ass off when he grabbed an empty water bottle that the lady in front of my was holding. He cackled something about how he would add it to his collection and then ran off through a secret door. After that, the house got a lot scarier. The acting here seemed a little more interactive than it had been in the other events and I really liked that. A lot of the rooms were kinda the same as I remember them from years past, but I always see something new, whether it was a new little detail like the fake wall that some chick jumped out of, or the new hidden compartment in a couch. The two things that stick out the most for me was getting the crap scared out of me by some little dude in the dark cave parts and then seeing that big dude with the top hat again at the end of the house. He was stading right outside the last door laughing he ass off. He gave the lady in front of me her water bottle back and told her that if he ever saw her again, he'd take a lot more than just some crappy bottle.

I loved Terror on the Fox this year, and I feel bad that I missed out on last year.


Overall, I'd say Terror on the Fox delivers a lot of fun, but, at least for me, it could be a little more scary. I loved seeing the interaction with the actors. Guys like the cook and the big dude in the top hat really stuck out in my mind on the ride home. I'd recommend Terror on the Fox to friends this year, and if I can get enough friends together on one night, I might even go back for another run!

View all Terror on the Fox reviews

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Please note: this review is for the 2009 season rather than the current season.

Hubertus House of Horror

by Dr_Caligari (Newbie Review Crew Member) after attending on Friday, October 16, 2009 at about 3:30 p.m.

Fun Factor: Very High Fear Factor: Medium


In the small town of Hubertus, there is something unsettling finding it's way into an old abandoned house in the middle of town. You are given a ride to this house and you are given the chance to tour it.

Undoubtably one of the older haunted houses in this area, this house again gives a stellar performance. Those who lurk within it are veteran ghouls and goblins (also don't forget the clowns....did I just hear laughter behind me?!). The attraction that they put together could be one of the best that I have seen them have.

One of the neatest things about the experiance is the building itself. It is a genuine old house. It adds a touch of authenticity that you can't build into a set. It a particularly notable example of this, one of the members of my group got all freaked out when he noticed that the spider webs on the stairs going down to the basement were real and not fake.

Once in the basement, you get all the authentic smell of damp earth and mustiness that really does exist. This makes the scares in this area particularly poignant.

One thing of note: This year they have one of the best 3D areas I have ever seen in a haunted house. The basic reason for this is that they actually do a lot with it. I have been in a number of haunted houses where a 3D area is just a little walk through their little 3D world. In this haunted house, there are actually some good solid scares that are hidden in the area. The 3D actually augments it and is not just a distraction.

The only problem with the scene is that it left many in our group wondering when we were supposed to take the glasses off. If you go, don't worry about this, they will collect the glasses when you are done. Just enjoy.

Signage / Visibility / Location

Hubertus itself can be hard to find, but if you can find Hubertus, it is easy to find the haunted house. Their signage is good, but all you have to do is look for the direction everybody in town seems to be headed.

Wait Area / Line Entertainment

They have a nice waiting area. It's in a school gym and it provides for plenty area for one to wait while waiting for the house. The wait time the night I went seemed to be around 45 minutes, but expect that it will get longer in the 2 weekends immediatly prior to Halloween. Don't worry about the wait, though, as you have plenty of arcade games and even an old horror movie being projected onto a screen in the back of the gym.

Actors' Performance

There were many spirited actors in the haunted house this year, as always. They were energetic and enjoyable. This haunted house thrives on getting a mixture of extreme scares, macabre humor, and shock. The actors here do not hesitate in getting in your face and often times flow as part of the group.

Sets Scenes / Props / FX

Though not the most elaborate haunted house as far as style, but the effects they use are ahead of the game. There is a lot of computer generated imagery and quite a large retinue of animatronics. They also have a large quantity of interactive scares. The only problem with this, though, is that it should be seamlessly be integrated into the scenes. This is a chronic issue with almost all the haunted houses this year. If it isn't seamless, it should be placed in the background, it shouldn't be the focal point for a scene. That being said, they are ahead of the game on integrating some effects into their haunted house. I think it is really neat and can't wait to see what they have next year.


It is a relatively average length haunted house, but they pack a lot into that time. Their is a lot of time given for interaction, which makes the haunted house seem much longer than it really must be.

Crowd Control

It wasn't hugely crowded the night I went. I didn't see any issues with the crowds at the event.

Most Memorable Moment

Unseen dogs can be really scary!


Overall, a good, creative haunted house. They utilize a lot of different methods to frighten you. They have simply the best 3D work I have seen in any haunted house. Definitly a solid performing haunted house

View all Hubertus House of Horror reviews

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Please note: this review is for the 2009 season rather than the current season.

Terror on Rural Street

by CrazyKathy after attending on Saturday, October 17, 2009 at about 2 p.m.

Fun Factor: Very High Fear Factor: Very High


I went through the house on Saturday night and was extremely impressed at the creativity and ingenuity. Each room was more dramatic then the prior. The lighting and sound effects were spectacular and added to the frightfulness. Such attention to detail I had not expected or experienced before. At one point the floor dropped right out from under me! The drama in the room with the organ was fun. The rotating tunnel was fantastic and a favorite for everyone in our group.


I highly recommend a visit to this location. I learned later that due to a fire at a building next door and a concern for safety, the fire dept shut the electricity off to the neighborhood. The staff carried out the evacuation plan perfectly. Patrons were offered a voucher to return or their money refunded.The real losers here were the charities that benefit from the proceeds of this terrific project. Volunteers donate countless hours and hard work all year to prepare for the limited weekends in October. Already taking a hit due to the economy, the fire was responsible for losses in the thousands, which could have been given to the local charities. If you were one of those that had to be turned away,I recommend and encourage you to return in the next 2 weekends. You will experience a memorable "scare" and the charities and scholarship funds will be appreciative of your support.

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Please note: this review is for the 2009 season rather than the current season.

Haunted Trail at Scenic Ridge Campground

by BBWolf after attending on Saturday, October 17, 2009 at about 4 p.m.

Fun Factor: Very High Fear Factor: Very High


AWESOME!! - Great scares and excellent effects. We were lost in the maze for what seemed like a half hour! The chainsaw guy was the best - he chased us all the way to our car! Good times

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Please note: this review is for the 2009 season rather than the current season.

The Haunted Barn Stoughton (PERMANENTLY CLOSED)

by badgerman06 after attending on Saturday, October 17, 2009 at about 5 p.m.

Fun Factor: High Fear Factor: Medium


My fiance and I went to the Haunted Barn last Saturday night. It was really easy to find, and it is by far the best haunted house I've seen in the Madison area. We got there just before 10pm and had to wait about an hour to actually get in, which the ticket clerk told us was a much longer line than they were used to. Obviously they're getting the word out. It was really cold, and it looked like their hot chocolate and coffee sales were doing well. They also had a few actors warming up the crowd. Beetlejuice was especially good, sounded just like Michael Keaton. Once we got in, a kindly witch explained the rules to us, and she also mentioned that a lot of the actors had either taken breaks because of the cold or gone home. I would have to say that that trend held true through the entire tour. There were some creepy little kids taunting "You're not gonna make it", and of course prominent appearances by slasher favorites Jason, Michael Myers, and Leatherface. Beetlejuice also made his way inside, and this guy knows his stuff. Make some obscure reference to the movie and he'll probably get it. The rooms were laid out in a way that allowed the same actors to come around and get you again just after you thought you got away. The new building "Bloodshed" was not very impressive at all, except that they made good use of pounding on the walls and this was where we met Michael Myers. Props and decorating were good, especially the plastic hose maze section. There was not enough use of sound. Most of the actors did not even talk or scream. After going through both buildings, you follow a trail into the woods, which could have been truly terrifying, but was decidedly not. They did selectively place a few bright lights to keep you from ever really developing proper night vision, but there were a total of 3 actors in the woods. 3! I must say though that the woods did contain the biggest real scare moment of the tour. Be a good sport and check in the cabin. From there, just follow the trail back to the farm, completely unbothered. They tried to keep groups small and pace them well, although we managed to catch up to the group in front of us. Overall, a pretty good value for only $8, but they need more actors and need to make better use of sound and complete darkness.


Best haunted house so far in the Madison area. Good value at $8, easy to find. Need more actors, especially in the woods. Pretty fun, not so scary.

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Please note: this review is for the 2009 season rather than the current season.

Wisconsin Feargrounds

by CC2 (Newbie Review Crew Member) after attending on Friday, October 16, 2009 at about 2 p.m.

Fun Factor: High Fear Factor: High


This reviewer had never attended this event before, however, had heard good things about it and the producers of this project did not disappoint.

If attending all three attractions, the order of progression of what you will see is Morgan Manor, Morgana's Torment and Unstable.

Morgan Manor is a fairly elaborate house featuring a walk through a library, wine cellar and various other rooms full of actors waiting to meet you. Conditions are dim and hazy, but one can make out the dimentions of the rooms and see most of the actors approaching.

Morgana's Torment is essentially a series of darkened mazes to negotiate that involve passing through several inflated air bag enclosures and a hallway with a lazer light effect. You will hear from actors, but they tend not to appear.

Unstable is a walk through various stables, tool sheds, slaughterhouse/smokehouse where you will come upon actors working at their various crafts who become annoyed at your presence and make that known to you.

Signage / Visibility / Location

Once you get to the Waukesha Co. fairgrounds, it is simple to find your way to the well lit main entrance. The haunts are at the extreme North end of the parking lot. Signage is posted along the fencelines of the fairgrounds and they were not lit. There are no signs to the event from the highway, so you must first know your way to the fairgrounds to locate the event.

Wait Area / Line Entertainment

The initial wait places you in several lines seperated by snow fence and you are then moved to horse pens to await your call into the attractions. The waiting areas are covered, but chilly. Dress accordingly.

While you wait, expect to be visited by actors who will enter your pen through the gate or climb over the walls to greet you. Their presence and interaction help to pass the time time as you wait to be called to the houses.

Closed circuit TV shows tape delay footage of people going through the attraction prior to when you are led to the horse pens.

Actors' Performance

The actors throughout this attraction gave a very, very invested presentation, bordering on over the top. Morgan Manor was extremely well staffed with actors who approach you on foot and on all fours. Beware.

If you find yourself disoriented while negotiating the exhibits in Morgan Manor or Unstable, follow the actors who will subtly direct you to the exit of the various rooms, etc.

During my visit, I was well impressed with the investment the actors took in trying to startle and engage the visitors. Comparivitely, this was a strength of this haunt.

Look out for actors approaching you on foot, on all fours and even occasionally from above.

Sets Scenes / Props / FX

Morgan Manor is well appointed with props, however, is dimly lit so it is sometimes difficult to appreciate the details. Clearly, great effort was put into the decoration of this haunt, however.

Morgana's Torment is reliant on maze strategies and is lightly staffed. The maze effects of Morgana are a diversification from typical haunts, however.

Unstable is also well stocked with table top and hanging props that the actors are using to enhance their performances.


Morgan Manor took approximately 15 to 20 minutes to complete and my party attempted to walk at a slow pace.

Morgana's Torment was completed in about 10 minutes and would be somewhat disorienting to those unfamiliar with how to address inflatable bag tunnels. It is lightly staffed and reliant upon dark maze negotiations and sensory deprivation.

Unstable took about 15 minutes to complete and is a fairly open air concept attraction in a barn, thus is easier to follow if one looks up for perspective when confused/disoriented.

Crowd Control

The crowd was light during my visit, however, there were more than adequate staff to route visitors and there was a police presence of at least three officers.

There are staff in-between each of the three attractions to route and organize guests and there are also portable toilet facilites available along the way, which is a well thought out convenience.

Most Memorable Moment

Morgan Manor, in general, stood out as the star of the three exhibits during my visit. It was overflowing with engaging actors bent on trying to interact and startle. The home is full of props to attempt to give it the feel of an old manor home and the designers were successful at approximating that. During your visit, you will have cause to walk through a smoldering fireplace, which was an imaginitive twist. You are also greeted with an eerily lit fountain while approaching the entrance to Morgan Manor, which sets the table for what you are about to experience.


The Wisconsin Fear Grounds is a very well done and polished event. It offers three options at one location to entice its guests. The amount of actors and their investment in their performances make this a memorable and recommended experience.

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Please note: this review is for the 2009 season rather than the current season.

Hauntfest - CLOSED -

by Jane Sanders after attending on Saturday, October 17, 2009 at about 2:30 p.m.

Fun Factor: Very High Fear Factor: High


The day I went was quite busy. I thought I would be bored by the wait, but they have videos playing on a big movie screen and a DJ in a tent which made the time fly by. Also there were dancers that put on a awesome show with a Michael Jackson tribute. The haunted house had me jumping, flinching, and screaming. I think Ill go again just to see all of the creepy, scary stuff I missed the first time

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