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Please note: this review is for the 2009 season rather than the current season.
by natalyaestelle after attending on Friday, October 9, 2009 at about 5:30 p.m.
Submitted: Monday, October 12, 2009
Terror on the fox...
I attended their haunt 2 years in a row about 4 years ago (2005/2006). I was so dissapointed, I felt as if it was a waste of money...My opinion has changed after giving it another shot this year, here's how it went:
We went on a Friday night we early in the season as hope to get light lines and small waiting periods (so happy we did!). We arrived at about 10:30pm and had no wait at the ticket both. After asking and finding out about a 20minute wait was it, we went for just the combo ticket to see all the houses.
Train Ride: I was very dissapointed. 3 years ago the train ride was one of my favorite parts, this year left me asking if that was it... There seemed to be 3 ghosts haunting the train's 3 cars. If the train ride is roughly 15 minutes, the first five, we rode with just a strobe light. The second five a woman came in and spooked one group of 3 and then she left. The last five I waited wondering if that was it??? In the last two minutes of the ride 2 guys came on the other side of us but were never able to get close because the ride stopped. They also didn't seem to be really into their parts because all I saw them do in the car we were in was walk around and sit near people. Very dissapointed :(
The asylum: VERY good set, VERY good potential, VERY bad timing by the actors. They had a lot of spook spots, but I always saw them before or they missed the scare. I also did know what I was doing in each room. This house seemed to lack a plot. The fortunate thing was they let my group of 3 go together just us. This has a lot of potential and I think it could be better if they continue to develop it throughout the season
THe void: I am afraid of the dark, I was not so scared here. But this was the most fun. Almost pitch black and very hard to navigate through. I do wish that they would have had some lower ceilings and most textures on the wall. Again, this was my favorite part, but they could do so much more! My favorite mention was a guy that looked like death came into one of the strobe behind me and I happened to turn around to look and caught sight on him and he turned and walked back into the dark. It was the spookiest part of the night because I felt like it could have actually been a ghost!
3rd dimension: What in the world is sopposed to be scary other than the one guy that jumps out at you from the wall? Each room was holiday themed and the actor that guided us through I think every room just said "welcome to christmas" "welcome to easter" and some one line after that left me looking at him like...Ok, where's the scary part. They definetly need to work on the thrills in this event. Honerable mention: the girl giving out the glasses were very nice and stayed in character, even when I caught her and told her she said "the void" when she meant "3rd dimension of fear" :)
The main house:
Again we got to go in as a group of 3! woohoo! But, we are rather slow house viewers because we like to checkout the sets and get creeped out rather then just run through. SO the group behind us caught up with us. THere were several hallways they could have done more with, but the were REALLY neat hallways. A spectacular spook jumped out of the kitchen in a way that we brought up his performance several times throughout the night on the way home. There were several characters that I felt like they were extremely inexperienced. I think the biggest dissapointement in this house is the lack of and lack of quality in actors. Actors need to be ready for improv because every group reacts to scary differently. In acting class they teach you to develop a complete background story for your character, age, things that have happened to them etc. The actors seemed to have two emotions. One:crazy sounds and shrills or yelling at us. Their responces were often poorly developed as if in a loss of words and not as if that's what the character would have really said. The 2 biggest improvements were the change of the devil's room. Both years I had previously attended this room was exactly the same. This year it had some changes. Very impressed, but I still think there's a lot more they can do with their "big guy" :). The other part we LOVED was the alien thing near a bridge (don't want to wreck it for other's). But the timing was off, if we hadn't stopped to inspect it we would have missed it's movement. We also had bad timing with the spook in the livingroom. That lady jumped out when we were on the other side of the room not even looking or close to her.
By the way, we left at 11:45 and the lines were short so terror gives you a lot of entertainment time :)
Overall:Definetly fun and worth a stop. Best house around?...maybe not. But I was still quite impressed. I hope that by the end of the season when things get busier, they can have some kinks worked out. My advice is to work with the actors and develop their timing and skills for an improvement ten-fold! Sets were GREAT!!! Ability for this house to get a 5? definetly, but it will take a little work. This house had some five moments and some one moments so I'm going to have to give it a 4 for fun and a 2 for fear (simply because we scared each other more than the ghosts scared us---shows them they have much potential)
Looking foreward to next year!
Please note: this review is for the 2009 season rather than the current season.
by charmed (Newbie Review Crew Member) after attending on Saturday, October 10, 2009 at about 5 p.m.
Submitted: Monday, October 12, 2009
We had so much fun at the Terror Trail. This was my first time at this particular haunt and I can tell you with was totally worth the drive. So much so, in fact, that I'll definitely be back!
When we arrived, there was no one else there. The parking area is just a short walk from the ticket counter, and very easy to find.
The actors were just finishing up from break and they were trying to stay warm on the freezing cold night. As we walked up, it was cool to see their excitement and hear the "everyone take your places!" on the walkie-talkies. I don't know how many actors there were, but I can tell you they were VERY well staffed.
Our wait was only to allow the actors to get in their spots, just a few minutes. We were entertained by the friendly gentleman who was preparing to let us in.
As we entered what I assumed was going to be an entirely outdoor trail, I was pleasantly surprised to find they also had some "indoor" scene areas. But, even if the entire trail had been outdoors, my adrenaline was pumping enough in the first 30 seconds to keep me warm all night!
From beginning to end, this haunt was a total scream-fest. This haunt definitely ranks up in my top 5 EVER. Scares from every direction, when you least expected. The trail was set up through all sorts of terrain and quite literally, these people have THE BEST environment for a haunt.
Props were great, actors were thoroughly enjoying scaring the pants off of us. I will make note that this is not completely a no-touch haunt, as I know some people have issues with that. I however, feel it adds to the excitement and fun and I wouldn't change a thing. We were running (out of pure fear), crawling (great terrain effects), and just trying not to pee our pants, which with the help of one completely unexpected effect, I just about lost!!
I definitely want to spread the word on this haunt. I'm not sure what their attendance looked like the rest of that evening, but people you NEED to get out and see these guys...they were committed and GREAT haunters. Loved it!!!
View all Terror Trail (PERMANENTLY CLOSED) reviews
Please note: this review is for the 2009 season rather than the current season.
by charmed (Newbie Review Crew Member) after attending on Saturday, October 10, 2009 at about 2 p.m.
Submitted: Monday, October 12, 2009
In previous years ATOLS has been really highly ranked in my book, with big marks in fun and in screams.
Perhaps it was the time we arrived (about 1/2 hour after opening), or the group we were put with (which contained a young child). As an experienced haunt-goer, I understand these both can be contributing factors to the overall experience of a haunt, so I am going to chalk it up to one of those two reasons.
When we arrived, there was no one in line for the haunted hayride, a new addition to ATOLS in 2009. We were directed to the spot marked with a sign as the waiting line. We spent a few minutes before the first actor, the Farm Boy, came to chat and entertain (and sniff!) us. We spent a total of 10 minutes waiting to see if we could add to our group. The wagon waiting for us had no hay at all, so it was actually a hay-less hayride. After a while, 3 other people joined our group and our tour guide told the driver to head out.
As we took the 15 minute ride around the grounds of the Expo center, we learned the history of the santitarium from our guide. Unfortunately, our guide seemed completely bored. Our ride was totally uneventful as there appeared only to be two actors during the entire ride.
After the ride, we pulled up and saw another wagon, this one full of hay and people, so perhaps we were just unlucky enough to be on the wrong ride. I will also note that the weather was rather chilly, in the low 40's, which may also have been a contributing factor to the lack of outdoor actors.
The waiting line for the first haunt was non-existent, which meant we were grouped with the other 3 people on our hayride, which still included the young child. Now, either the actors were aware of the young child and really toned down the scare factor, or ATOLS just wasn't as scary this year.
There was a lot of pushing us to go faster through the maze, so we felt completely rushed, but there was very little scaring going on. They had some cool new props and effects, LOVED the "puppies", and a lot of recognizable props from previous years.
What that portion of the haunt lacked, was made up for in fun by the 3D/blacklight clown part of ATOLS. A definite favorite of mine last year, I rushed to the front of the line, hoping for some scare-redemption. I was not disappointed. From beginning to end, the 3D clown experience was great, though I still feel it lacked multiple actors. The one actor I saw spent his time solely on scaring me. But, he did a GREAT job of surprising me AND making it fun.
Overall, to say I was disappointed by ATOLS is too harsh. I think they have a lot of potential and I give them props for trying the hayride this year. I certainly think there is potential for that portion of the experience to be successful. There were definitely some good actors, committed to their characters, (LOVED THE VOODOO WOMAN!) but perhaps staffed a little more lightly than they could have been.
This experience is about what I would expect if it was opening night. Just a few kinks to work out, but the scare potential is there!
View all A Theater Of Lost Souls Presents: Nightmare Factory Haunt reviews
Please note: this review is for the 2009 season rather than the current season.
by katie_kiesow13 after attending on Saturday, October 10, 2009 at about 6:30 p.m.
Submitted: Sunday, October 11, 2009
I have gone to this haunt for the last few years and this was the first time I was truly disappointed. The best part of the haunt, honestly, is the walk through the forest on your way INTO the house... it's before anything really even starts.
The location of this haunt is perfect - creepy forest in the middle of nowhere, low lighting, old house. It's great. I just wish that the theme (or lack-there-of in this case) of the haunt and actors could have kept up with the great set-up. I was turned off immediately when one actor was on a smoke break right on the steps into the house. If this was actually planned by the house, to have an actor outside trying to scare people - bad idea.
Most of the scares from this haunt come from animatronic props rather than real actors. And the real actors they do have rely on jumping out and hoping to scare you rather than actually interacting with you. Some of the other actors I encountered had a hard time staying in character - I'll let one slide since the reason he broke character was because I kept inadvertantly grabbing him in the pitch black thinking it was just a wall with fabric and I was trying to find my way out of the room.
Another thing that I seriously disliked was the use of mechanized doors to let you out of the room. I understand the need - it is used to keep you in the room as long as possible for maximum scaring ability... however, there was little scare and I was just getting irritated that I kept having to wait to get let out. Along the same lines, with most of the house in serious darkness, I kept running in to things and couldn't ever find my way out the proper way. Too many heavy doors that opened the wrong way and too few open doorways.
Lastly, I understand completely that haunted houses are all about loud music, loud noises, and all around loudness to disorient. But WOW! This house was loud. The sound effects in most of the house had my boyfriend and I putting our hands over our ears because it hurt so badly! Ouchie!
I was disappointed this year, unfortunately. For those of you out there who can scare quite easily with animatronic monsters coming at you, then by all means, go enjoy this haunt. For those of us who require a more psychologically advanced thriller, I'd pass this one by this year.
View all Hartford Jaycees Haunted House reviews
Please note: this review is for the 2009 season rather than the current season.
by katie_kiesow13 (Newbie Review Crew Member) after attending on Saturday, October 10, 2009 at about 5:30 p.m.
Submitted: Sunday, October 11, 2009
Once again Terror on Rural Street has proven to be one of the best haunts in the area!!! I have loved this haunt for years and they keep outdoing themselves every year.
Right from the beginning they get you good and scared. Elevator much? Most of the actors that we encountered were really playing their parts - and the make-up is pretty incredible!
There were (I think) 17 different rooms to experience within this haunt - that's a LOT! It took quite some time to get through the whole thing and I enjoyed every part of it. It always goes well when you have boys with you who scream more than you do. That's a good sign that they've done a great job.
There is a lot different this year from last year. So if you have gone in the past and don't want to go again because you fear it will be the same... fear not. Or rather, fear... but not for that reason. You'll get scared in whole new ways this time!
Air guns, pounding on walls and floors, strobe lights, dizzying paint patterns, and other props keep you on your toes and continue to disorient and terrorize you throughout this whole haunt. And most importantly, actors come at you from all sides and scare you even when you can't imagine anything is coming... be ready!
View all Terror on Rural Street reviews
Please note: this review is for the 2009 season rather than the current season.
by katie_kiesow13 (Newbie Review Crew Member) after attending on Friday, October 9, 2009 at about 6 p.m.
Submitted: Sunday, October 11, 2009
Overall it was a great haunt provided on the State Fair grounds. I have never been to this one and I enjoyed my experience a great deal. Of course, it always helps when you're with a group of guys who scream at everything. The Neverland theme of the haunt didn't really make much sense. They play thriller on a big screen in the waiting area, but otherwise, not much Michael Jackson stuff. It was a well put-on haunt that has some excellent rooms, just don't expect much Neverland theming.
View all Hauntfest - CLOSED - reviews
Please note: this review is for the 2009 season rather than the current season.
by MistressSweetness420 after attending on Saturday, October 10, 2009 at about 4 p.m.
Submitted: Sunday, October 11, 2009
This place was awful.. we drove out there from Milwaukee as based on their description sounded great.. haunted train ride etc.. yeah not so much.. first u wait in line to buy tickets, and wait and wait.. then you wait in line for the train and wait and wait... there "haunted train ride" is a slow moving train with smoke and ghouls walk down the isle..then you wait in line again.. and wait and wait and wait and wait.. and the house looks AWESOME and then you get inside and its all disappointment.. I jump when the toast pops out of the toaster and I wasnt so much as startled here..:( waste of gas and money
waste of gas and money.. spend more time waiting than in the "haunt" soooo not scary.. I was wasted and it still wasnt even so much as more than mildly amusing :(
View all Terror on the Fox reviews
Please note: this review is for the 2009 season rather than the current season.
by Webs after attending on Saturday, October 10, 2009 at about 2 p.m.
Submitted: Sunday, October 11, 2009
First of all, one thing i liked, was the two creatures walking around scaring people while you wait in line. However, I find the house it self, lacking fear. At first, the bus ride from hell seems to set a high expectation, but that is lowered soon after. throughout the house, skits are performed and they have an attempt to be scary. The mobster one was just sad. Being shot with a gun, is not what haunted houses are about. The masks are plastic and there was almost no "creature" popped out. The pitch black parts are near impossible to guide through. The Neon rooms are very cool. Great effect, just not for a haunted house. Alot of the acts were predictable. I had a childhood trauma that made me scared of haunted houses, this is my first one in 10 years, and i think it was a good warm up.
Under 10 is easily accepted. The house is not scary what so ever.
View all Hubertus House of Horror reviews
Please note: this review is for the 2009 season rather than the current season.
by chainsawguy after attending on Thursday, October 1, 2009 at about 2 p.m.
Submitted: Sunday, October 11, 2009
Lied it alot this year...alot of new things in the house and the woods also has something new!
After parking you walk up to the ticket booth and get your wristband which has a number on it for your entire group. Then you walk through a 1/4 mile haunted trail in the wood, which is one of the ebst parts of this haunt...props to the chainsaw people...after exiting the woods you arrive at a huge bonfire which is great...then as your groups number is called you walk up to the 3 story building and after that it's all scare and fun...
View all The Morgue (PERMANENTLY CLOSED) reviews
Please note: this review is for the 2009 season rather than the current season.
by luebke5830 after attending on Friday, October 9, 2009 at about 5 p.m.
Submitted: Sunday, October 11, 2009
hands down the past haunted house that I have been to so far this. Actors never broke charctor and were really into what they were doing. If you are only going to 1 house I would make it this one.
View all Wisconsin Feargrounds reviews
Please note: this review is for the 2009 season rather than the current season.
by FleshEater02 after attending on Thursday, October 1, 2009 at about 2 p.m.
Submitted: Sunday, October 11, 2009
Great setting gets you ready for a fun night. One person in our group got so scared by an actor while waiting in line. It was great fun. Loved the start where they split you up. Really added to our anticipation and fear, especially the kids'. The mazes are fantastic. Actors are great. We loved it.
A great place that sets the mood before you even go in...creepy old warehouse. It was a great haunted house. Lots of scares, darkness, surprises and challenges. Well done folks. We'll be back!
View all Fright Factory reviews
Please note: this review is for the 2009 season rather than the current season.
by FleshEater02 after attending on Saturday, October 10, 2009 at about 3 p.m.
Submitted: Sunday, October 11, 2009
The Haunted Barn is better than last year's quality event. Groups needed to be 3-4. So if you have a bigger group be ready to split up. I love the haunted hills, outside. It was awesome. The actors were great. I met the monsters that chased me through the prairie outside and they were just as pumped to have scared me as I was to get scared. That's why I go. Well run, fun and scary!
Great haunt. Reasonably priced. Love the additonal haunt added this year. Walking outside in the woods is fantastic! We paired this with the short drive to the Fear Factory in Janesville. A great combination.
View all The Haunted Barn Stoughton (PERMANENTLY CLOSED) reviews
Please note: this review is for the 2009 season rather than the current season.
by jennjenn after attending on Saturday, October 10, 2009 at about 2 p.m.
Submitted: Sunday, October 11, 2009
We went last night and absolutely loved it. Everything about this haunt was just great. What I liked:
* Short wait: We got there after 9pm and still got in before 10pm. Plus, the waiting area is indoors with seating, so it's pretty comfortable.
* Awesome sets/rooms: Everything looked incredible. The costumes and rooms were really cool looking, with great props and effects. I still can't get over the spinning room and waterfall! Incredible!
* Great staff! You could totally tell that the staff was having fun, and wanted you to have fun. The best staff I've seen so far. Really great job guys, thank you!
* Fun, but still scary: Great mix of classic scares and fun stuff too. I screamed and laughed so much my throat hurt by the time we left!
Awesome haunt, totally worth the drive and price. I'll definitely be back next year (so I hope they mix it up a bit). Highly recommended!
View all Terror on Rural Street reviews
Please note: this review is for the 2009 season rather than the current season.
by beezers after attending on Friday, October 9, 2009 at about 3:30 p.m.
Submitted: Sunday, October 11, 2009
This haunt is fantastic. All three houses keep up jumping, they don't let up at all. The rooms and mazes have so much detail, you could go to this one twice and not see the same thing each time. The acting crew was great. They just keep coming from out of no where. The make up and costomes really do everything up right. Even the in door waiting area is well done with actors flying into the cages they have. Some of them don't even bother to use the doors. Morgan Manor is the classic haunted mansion and is pretty long, Torment was shorter but made up with lots of scares in a short period, Unstable was real wickedly sick. They do things better left unsaid. IT is thier new house and it really rocks with more scares than you would expect.
This haunt is the must see haunt. It puts most of the haunts in the area in a lower class. The price is up there but when you consider there are three great house here the price is lower than going to three different locations and waiting in three different lines. You can also dwonload a coupon from the internet and gets lots off the price. Scares per dollar, this one is the best. IF you are only going to one haunted house this year make it this one.
View all Wisconsin Feargrounds reviews
Please note: this review is for the 2009 season rather than the current season.
by bunnehop after attending on Saturday, October 10, 2009 at about 4 p.m.
Submitted: Saturday, October 10, 2009
This haunt is very different this year, they have quite a few new scenes and brought back the crazy suspension bridge. They also got rid of any crawl spaces, but added some cool moving things, I can't tell you because it will ruin it! Also they have a crazy christmas scene, as well as new longer maze type things you walk through. They always have something that vibrates, which was very weird, and scary. The actors all all dressed differently and some that have been there previous years have changed what they do and how they look. They never are the same from year to year, and is one of the best I have ever been to. I come back almost every year. I love the bonfires too! I always think I'm going to get lost in those woods,but the monsters lead your way lol.
Very unique, its in the woods, which is just creepy. They got me numerous times even though I've been there a few years. The line was a little long but went very fast. It was easy to find, if you are coming from 43 look for the citgo, it's like a mile after that on the left, and the first sign says bear den petting zoo. If I didn't know this I may get lost, watch for that one because the haunted woods sign is right after that one.
View all Bear Den Haunted Woods - CLOSED - reviews
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