2009 Event Reviews

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Please note: this review is for the 2009 season rather than the current season.


by Bontary after attending on Saturday, October 24, 2009 at about 3 p.m.

Fun Factor: Very High Fear Factor: Medium


Much better than expected! Great for a local haunt, Will go back again! We had a howling good time!


Had great laughs really enjoyed it wait line was orderly apx.20min

View all Dr. SCary's (PERMANENTLY CLOSED) reviews

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Please note: this review is for the 2009 season rather than the current season.

Lister F/X Presents Monster Mayhem Haunted Laser Tag (CLOSED)

by Niffer after attending on Saturday, October 24, 2009 at about 3 p.m.

Fun Factor: Very High Fear Factor: High


This is not your typical Haunt, of boo I scared you.
Very unique story line, and the fact that it is in a celler type fall out shelter basement is very cool.
Actors REALLY into it.
Some chic being ripped apart, we all had to do a double take. Blood and guts looked REAL, and her screaming almost made me want to dial 911.

Lots of great effects, NOT your purchased at a halloween store props.

Awesome makeup work. Very convincing.

Crazy dude glowing, people exploding, elevator rides (in a basement , to cool)
Some funny dude with a mop. (I think I am in love)


Just an all around good time we had.
Hoping to make it again this weekend.

View all Lister F/X Presents Monster Mayhem Haunted Laser Tag (CLOSED) reviews

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Please note: this review is for the 2009 season rather than the current season.

Emslie Haunted Barn - CLOSED FOR GOOD-

by kal2292 after attending on Friday, October 23, 2009 at about 2 p.m.

Fun Factor: Very High Fear Factor: High


At first I didn't know what to expect when we pulled up. We had come for the hay ride but it turned out that they didn't run hay rides on Fridays, so we figured since we were already there we were gonna through the haunted barn.This was my first haunted house,so I was going into it completely terrified.I was close to tears by the end.It was definitely a place that gets your blood pressure going and its worth the wait and money.

View all Emslie Haunted Barn - CLOSED FOR GOOD- reviews

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Please note: this review is for the 2009 season rather than the current season.

Trail Of Terror - Final Season

by pud27 (Newbie Review Crew Member) after attending on Saturday, October 24, 2009 at about 5:30 p.m.

Fun Factor: Very High Fear Factor: High


Our Third haunt of the year took us up to The Oconto Jaycees' Trail of Terror. This was my second time at this event, the first being a  couple years ago. I was excited to get out there again as the first time was a lot of fun. Let me tell you, it was well worth the drive! A ten dollar ticket buys you a half hour, guided trail through the woods (depending how long it takes you to navigate the unguided maze....). The waiting area uses a number system instead of a line, and while it is not covered, there is a big bonfire and music playing whil you wait. Watch out for the snake pit on your way to the fire!!! My fiancee and I were put into a goup with four 17-18 year olds and another couple. All fears I had that it would be an obnoxious group trying to act cool were put to rest as the guys backed away from the haybale maze entrance and tried pushing the girls through ahead of them. The actors in this maze were great at scaring and misdirecting, and one actor in particular did the best job of staying in character no matter what happened. I don't want to give anything away, but you'll know who I mean when you see him! We and the other couple made it through and enjoyed a few laughs while we listened to the teenagers in our group scream as they took another 5 minutes to escape.  I've never heard 18 year old guys scream and whine or seen people hide behind me like they did in this section. As I mentioned earlier, this is a guided walk through the woods, but don't let that fool you. It is better this way, as the trail isn't clearly marked at some points (such as the clown graveyard). Plus, the group we were with would have taken off running if they hadn't had to stay behind the guide. As this is a low budget haunt, the sets are not elaborate, they instead rely on their actors and the darkness only a woods can provide. The sets they do have are average in design, great in acting. My favorite by far is the scene where swine flu has obviously hit really hard, with symptoms we have not yet seen outside the woods. Also, the graveyard and the hunting camp are great. The actor's come at you from every angle, and I mean every angle. Also, they are allowed to touch you, so if you think something grabbed at your leg, it probably did. THe actor's did great, and the Jaycee's once again put on a great fundraiser. Props to them and their actor's, by far one of the best nonprofit haunts in the area.

Signage / Visibility / Location

This haunt, as a trail should be, is out in the middle of nowhere. It is easy to find, as it is one turn off of Hwy 41. There is a Sign where to turn, and flashing lights at the  haunt itself tell you you are getting closer.

Wait Area / Line Entertainment

If you have to wait, they use a number system so you can walk around and not be tied to one spot. There is a bonfire with metal music and horror theme songs playing as well. Also, whatch for the snake handlers, somethingI have never seen before.

Actors' Performance

The actor's were great, they were dedicated and most didn't break character even if they knew people in our group. You never know who's going to come out from where.

Sets Scenes / Props / FX

Again, the scenes and sets are not elaborate, but they do not have to be. This haunt relies on your basic fears, the things in the woods that are going to get you. THe limited scenes they do have add to the fears, but again, it's the actors that make the scenes what they are.


It took us 37 minutes to get through, and there is not a minute of boredom in that time. It is guided, so the guide determines how long it's going to take. 

Crowd Control

We did not see any other groups ahead or behind us, but there were people waiting before and after we went through. I would say they space the groups out real well.

Most Memorable Moment

Has to be the teenagers in the haybail maze.


For ten dollars this is a great value. On their profile they say their scare factor is medium. I would say as in the past they do no give themselves credit. While not superscared myself, I cannot deny the scares there were after watching how the rest of the group reacted.  I would say it is good for 12 and up, but a brave 10 year old should be fine if the parents want to deal with the nightmares. LAstly, remember it is an outdoor event, so if the weather looks questionable call them and makr sure they are open.

View all Trail Of Terror - Final Season reviews

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Please note: this review is for the 2009 season rather than the current season.

The Haunted Mansion (PERMANENTLY CLOSED)

by pud27 (Newbie Review Crew Member) after attending on Saturday, October 24, 2009 at about 2:30 p.m.

Fun Factor: High Fear Factor: High


My second haunt of the year was a trip to Brussels for The Haunted Mansion at Quietwoods South Camp Resort.  A short half hour drive into Door County from Green Bay, you know your going the right way soon as a bill board tells you that The Haunted Mansion is ahead. As you get closer to the haunt itself, signs off of Highway 57 point you the correct way, as  do signs at the rest of the turns you need to take. Be careful though, as the last sign, for Lover's Lane, is right where you need to turn, so there is no warning. The car ahead of us missed it, as did we and we had to turn around. The thing you notice most while driving towards the haunt is it's location. It is quite a ways from the higway, out in the middle of nowhere so it really sets the mood as your driving deeper and deeper into nothingness. We arrived about a half hour after opening, and parking was sketchy. We parked out on the road like a few others, but weren't certain if thats where we were supposed to be. They could use a few more signs or even a parking attendant to show the way to maximize the space.

 If it's busy, you can tell from the road where you're supposed to go as the line starts stretching down the driveway. This line is for the first attraction, the haunted trail. You can either wait in line and by your tickets when you make it to the window, or you can grab a spot in line and send someone up to purchase your tickets so your ready to go when you get to the front. The line features a few ghouls walking around, one being one of the coolest costumes I have ever seen. There are also movie clips and things playing on a big screen for your entertainment. Lastly,  be sure to use the bathroom before you start, they have a nice facility at the start, and even if the waits are short  you'll spend a bit of time in the haunts.

The complex is set up in four parts, which have a certain order that needs to be followed. The first attraction, The haunted trail, is a short walk with a few surprises. My fiancee and I  had the displeasure of taking this walk with a group of obnoxious teenagers, which of course is no fault of the haunt staff., I think it would have been better with a different group. They walked fast so it only took about 5 minutes to get through the trail. Overall I would say the quality was about a 3 and the scare factor could have been a 3 if it weren't for the rest of the group.

The second attraction is the corn maze. This isn't your typical corn maze, which you'll know what I mean when you get there, but it is a neat effect. Here you will definitely catch up to other groups, but that's the point of their set up. Again, I would say this is about a 3.5 in quality and a 3 in scare. Definitely more confusion than surprise, but it's a really neat effect.

Thirdly, you reach the line for the Haunted Bus. I found this to be a very cool, original idea. The bus ride take approximately 10 minutes or so, which by the time you get to the end your happy to be getting off. The bus is decorated like a gruesome murder inside, and the music playing sets the mood right as well. I liked the ride for the fact that it's right in the middle, gives you a chance to sit down and warm up, and gives you a nice tour of the decorated campsites in the resort. One of the coolest effect I have seen happens on the busride, I don't want to spoil it, but I'll tell you it doesn't happen inside the bus. Inside the bus, in my opinion it gets old when the gouhls come out. In my opinion it was more annoying than scary. A person can only take so much random, unrelenting screaming before you've had enough. Ear plugs are definitely not a bad idea here.  Overall I would say 3.5 on quality and and 2.5 on scare. It's a nice way to break it up, but the gouhls are a bit obnoxious.

Lastly, we arrived at the feature event, The Haunted Manison. Wow, is the first thing that comes to mind. When you arrive here, you realize why the set up is as it is. As you progress through the attractions, they are steadily getting better, and they totally save the best for last. The line here features a screen with movie clips, as well as people walking around selling hot chocolate. The group spacing is great, so you do have to wait in line a little longer, but once you enter you don't see anybody else til the other side. The outside of the building looks cool too, like an old rundown mansion should. Before you even enter the haunt, you can tell how the acting is going to be. The person in charge of letting you into the haunted house really plays her part well, as she makes conversation with you. Then, when you enter, the butler plays an awesome role as well. After that you enter through the fireplace and the scares begin. The pathways are kind of tight, so a bigger person like myself had to do a little turning to get thorugh, but it made for more room to scare by having tight spaces. Overall the scenes were great, some of my favorites include the mechanic, the electric chair and the bedroom. All the actors stayed in character the whole time, and no one was scrambling to get back to their spots for the next scare. The only real problem I had in here was some rooms had multiple doorways, some of which led backstage (whoops!) Every room in this haunt led to a new surprise, most of which was original from any other haunt I've been too. I give the haunted mansion portion a 5 for quality and 4 for scare factor.

Signage / Visibility / Location

Signs at every turn you need to make when coming from Green Bay.

Wait Area / Line Entertainment

THe only lin that didn't have a screen playing movie clips or ghouls walking around was the bus ride line.

Actors' Performance

Overall the actor's were great. They weren't really character driven with a script, but they did very well with their performances.

Sets Scenes / Props / FX

The sets were about average in the outside portion, but they were outstanding in the mansion itself.


We spent about an hour and ten minutes there after we parked, and only about 20 minutes was spent waiting in line. The longest amount of time spent in an attraction was definitely the mansion, and it wax close to 20 minutes there.

Crowd Control

It lacked in the earlier trail, and the corn maze seemed intended to be jumbled up due to the misdirections. The MAnsion control was perfect, not another group in sight after you enter.

Most Memorable Moment

Most memorable moment came when I accidently went through one of those doors that went backstage and I ran into an actor set in his scene and made him jump.


You more than get your money's worth for the ten dollars you spend per ticket. Where else can you get this much halloween entertainment for that price. As stated in the earlier review, the early stages are just primer's for the main event. If you feel a little disapointed by the time you get to the Mansion, I guarantee your mind will be changed when you get out the other side. Considering all components of the attraction, I would put this at an even 4 for quality/fun and for fear

View all The Haunted Mansion (PERMANENTLY CLOSED) reviews

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Please note: this review is for the 2009 season rather than the current season.

The Haunted Barn Stoughton (PERMANENTLY CLOSED)

by hermek after attending on Saturday, October 24, 2009 at about 2 p.m.

Fun Factor: High Fear Factor: High


Very Good, Really liked the addition of the blood barn. Although I would like to see more human (actor) interaction on the wooded trail,perhaps the addition of a "Big Foot" (Sasquawtch) would be awesome.


Overall was a worth the money and I would recommend as a place to go this halloween. That is if you like to be scared!

Good Job Guys, looking forward to next year.

View all The Haunted Barn Stoughton (PERMANENTLY CLOSED) reviews

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Please note: this review is for the 2009 season rather than the current season.

Terror on Rural Street

by CC2 (Newbie Review Crew Member) after attending on Friday, October 23, 2009 at about 3:30 p.m.

Fun Factor: Very High Fear Factor: High


Terror on Rural Street is an attraction that historically makes great efforts to be at the cutting edge of scares and creative sets and this year's version of the house keeps with that tradition.

Terror has one of the more impressive and elaborate approaches to the entrance to their house with lightning effects coupled with a tomb and a large gargoyle that looms at the edge of the entrance lines in a margin of manufactured woods.

At the entrance to the lines to the house, you are also able to peer inside one of the areas of the attraction to see visitors getting startled by creatures hiding in the darkness.

During your visit, you will encounter a speaking spider and meet the Angel of Death among others.

You will walk through an elaborate morgue and be confronted by menacing clowns on a carousel.

Passage through the attraction is efficient and attempts are made to space the groups so that you will not catch the groups that precede you.

Signage / Visibility / Location

Terror on Rural is easy to find with well lit signage and a large parking lot.

Wait Area / Line Entertainment

The wait area for Terror on Rural Street is in a seperate portion of the building from the house itself. It is heated and features a concession stand and ample seating. You will be visited by numerous actors while you wait. During my visit, I saw no less than 5 characters wandering the waiting area and there was also a significant security presence and two police officers available to ensure proper crowd conduct.

In-between the waiting area and the house, you will be greeted by more actors in elaborate costumes, some of whom are on stilts.

Great care has been put into trying to have the visitor engaged while waiting to enter the house.

Restrooms are numerous portable toilets located outside of the waiting area.

Actors' Performance

The actors at this attraction are invested in their efforts and the visitor will notice this.

The actors appear to enjoy their responsibilites and give active performances throughout the attraction and its waiting areas.

Sets Scenes / Props / FX

Terror on Rural historically pays sharp attention to detail and this year is no different, as has been mentioned.

This year's event has elaborate sets and effects and the actors present in quality costumes with artistically applied facial make up.


It took about 20 minutes to negotiate this house while walking at a leisurely pace.

Crowd Control

This event is polished in terms of its crowd control. Terror on Rural has been in existence for numerous years and the management understands how to route visitors in an efficient manner.

Most Memorable Moment

This house features a lit waterfall in a section of jungle that you should stop to admire for a moment during your visit.

There was also a dead ringer for Grandpa Munster/Al Lewis working at the entrance to the house who was amusing to speak with.


Terror on Rural Street is very much worth a visit. Its operators are concerned about the visitor's experience and take care to try to keep their operation fresh year to year. Terror has a good reputation for the efforts of its management and the performance of its actors as well as its elaborate sets and props. The scare factor of this attraction is moderately high and the attention to detail/props and investment of the actors makes for an enjoyable visit.

View all Terror on Rural Street reviews

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Please note: this review is for the 2009 season rather than the current season.

Schuster's Haunted Forest

by Scaryman5000 after attending on Thursday, October 1, 2009 at about 2 p.m.

Fun Factor: High Fear Factor: Medium


Overall it was ok. In the forest its self actors hid in sheds or other objects. Which i think really didnt work because if you walk by a shed in the middle of the forest there is most likey going to be someone in it or right by it so it really wasnt breath taking!!.. I thought the acting was ok to.. the timing wasnt right because actors would be walking back to there spot as the other group ran into them.. I also think there costumes were ok, but ive been there the last couple years and they seem to be useing costumes that other haunted places use in the area... that i have gone to... but they did a good job,i just havent seen a positive improvement in the past couple years.. I think that some of the surrouding towns/ countys haunted houses or trails are going to put on a better show then you guys next year... Hope to see a better proformace next year :(


overall ok, should be way better with the amount of actors and vistors they get..

View all Schuster's Haunted Forest reviews

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Please note: this review is for the 2009 season rather than the current season.

Fright Factory

by louiscyphre (Newbie Review Crew Member) after attending on Friday, October 23, 2009 at about 3 p.m.

Fun Factor: High Fear Factor: High


An enjoyable all-indoors haunt set at an abandoned factory building on a spooky hill right behind a quiet residential neighborhood, Fright Factory is one of those multiple-floor, dark-maze-and-scene-heavy haunts that tend to have more creative juice and room for acting (Acting!) than the typical walk-through-bleargh!-chainsaw!-heavy-haunts.  Boy oh boy, does this place set the scene as you approach it, snaking past all these rusted out fences and up to a yellow-brick factory building looming above you at the top of a short climb through what looks like an abandoned industrial loading area.  The ghouls attack from all directions in the haunt proper,  including from above (yikes!), but there are also nice opportunities for interaction with actors in their little vignettes, so a full experience all around.  A (Severed) Thumbs-up! 

Signage / Visibility / Location

Very easy to find, just follow the official directions, we had no problem.  It's behind what looks like a residential neighborhood and up on a hill; parking might get pretty dicey when they're really busy, as you park on the street around the haunt and neighborhood, so be prepared for that, and the street is kind of tight and there are all these patrons walking around and clogging up the crosswalks and such (stupid patrons!), so it might be in your best interest to park a little ways away and avoid the crowded streets up close. 

Wait Area / Line Entertainment

All indoors, which was really nice, as it was spitting rain on Friday.  Pay at a ticket window, then line up in one of those queues like at Great America that snake around and you think your wait is going to be shorter, but it's a trick of the eye (very tricksy, Fright Factory).  If you don't want to wait, you can pay an extra $5 and go to the front of the line; this seemed to be worth it, as the wait was about 35 minutes at 8:15 PM and it's all a fund-raiser anyway.  As stated previously, the setting is suitably spooky, it's really an abandoned factory with these huge ceilings and industrial detritus all around, and you climb these dirty stairs and wind through all these dusty hallways and it sure smells like something got abandoned somewhere, which just adds to the atmosphere, of course. 

Actors' Performance

Some great stuff, from black-robe-clad li'l old ladies sitting at a dining table muttering about how much they'd love to eat you, to a really really menacing executioner who was seriously about seven feet tall (in real life, or maybe he just seemed that way) and quite the intimidating presence; perhaps he executes at his dayjob as well.  Also, there's a very friendly butcher and friends who appear to run their own shop, and a great Freddy.  Again, they set up some nice scenes and the ghouls can act out a little stuff if they want to, cause they don't rush you through, so feel free to interact at your own discretion.

Sets Scenes / Props / FX

The setting really speaks for itself and allows all kinds of cool opportunities that they take advantage of, from wandering through what seemed like a real meat-locker (no idea what that was originally, possibly just a good set, but the butcher aprons were really wet and sticky, so kudos to you, butcher-apron-preparing-guy), to a really great compression room; this must be the new big thing, every haunt we went to this season had a claustrophobia-inducing scene where you're compressed and crushed by the walls and ceiling and it's pretty intense, and Fright Factory's was very effective.  This might be wishful thinking on my part, but they may also have been trying to tell some story that we didn't completely get -- there's a scene labeled "St. Ana's Orphanage," and it seemed to connect visually with some other stuff with Christmas trees and people in black robes or something; we wondered if this was from a movie or if it had some resonance with local residents of the Janesville area, so if they're playing off some local legend, that's cool.  There's also a scene recreating one of those famous moments from NOES #1 (That's Nightmare on Elm Street #1 to all you laymen out there) with a real-live working industrial fan and a nicely-sparking knife-glove, and some moments where you're not sure initially how you're going to get out of the room you're in, and some disorienting "Didn't we just make our way through this little corridor with the same paintings and wallpaper?" stuff. 


Took about a half hour to get through, more if you want to interact with the ghouls a bit. 

Crowd Control

Ah, this may have been the problem with not rushing you through, they looked like they tried to take different groups through different paths, but we got bunched up with a group of patrons behind us and in front of us, so it got kind of awkward at some points; there was a great interactive tarot-reading scene, but we ended up with a roomful of people in front of the tarot reader, so the scare got kind of watered down.  Good scene, though.  To their credit, I think all-indoor haunts have a harder time keeping groups separated, as there's less room for dawdling than there might be at an outdoor, farm/forest/corn maze setting, so let's cut them some slack on this one.

Most Memorable Moment

1)  Great Floating Jason Mask Room.
2)  There's a point where you have to electrocute a guy to get out of the room; delightful!
3)  Mr.  Executioner, Could You Just Move A Little Bit to the Right or Left and Let Us Through?
4)  Death From Above. 


A lot of fun, and makes full use of it's creepy abandoned church pew factory setting.  Terrorific atmosphere, scenes move you around in creative ways, and actors are obviously having a good time with the horrifying.  Looks like they planned this out in an interesting fashion, and good misdirection and disorientation, along with some enjoyable performances and good special effects.  Recommended.

View all Fright Factory reviews

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Please note: this review is for the 2009 season rather than the current season.

Wisconsin Feargrounds

by mountaindewriter after attending on Saturday, October 17, 2009 at about 6 p.m.

Fun Factor: Very High Fear Factor: Very High


This is definitely the best event I have been to. Each of the houses is a thrill ride in and of itself and all together they make for a terrifying event. All the actors are really into selling their characters. This is a must go to for anyone who wants to be scared

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Please note: this review is for the 2009 season rather than the current season.

Wisconsin Feargrounds

by golden2849 after attending on Saturday, October 24, 2009 at about 3 p.m.

Fun Factor: Very High Fear Factor: Very High


I'm not the type to be scared or impressed by haunted houses but the Wisconsin Fear Grounds was definitely the exception to this rule. I went into all of houses and each one was excellent. I particularly found Morgana Manor to be excellently acted and well set up. I would recommend Wisconsin Fear Grounds to anyone looking to have a good time.

View all Wisconsin Feargrounds reviews

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Please note: this review is for the 2009 season rather than the current season.

Gilly's Haunted House

by x0char0x (Newbie Review Crew Member) after attending on Friday, October 23, 2009 at about 5 p.m.

Fun Factor: Very High Fear Factor: High


Gilly's Haunted House really surprised me. This was my first time going to this haunt and it was one of the better ones I have ever been to. One of the main reasons I enjoyed it is because the actors actually interacted with you. Whenever, you get to a scene they played a little game with you and actually put more effort in it than just popped out and screaming in your ear like some do.

Signage / Visibility / Location

The location of this is very easy to find. They have signs all over the place.

Wait Area / Line Entertainment

The wait area for this haunt is located in a green house. They don't have any actors in there other than the man that pops out to greet your group when its time to go in, but they do have stories posted throughout for you to read while you are waiting in line.

Actors' Performance

The actors did a great job. They really know how to entertain you and keep you scared.

Sets Scenes / Props / FX

Their scenes are set up very well. There wasn't really any down time throughout the entire haunt, so you never knew what to expect as you were walking along.


The length of this I would say took about 20 minutes to walk through the entire thing.

Crowd Control

I felt they do an excellent job on crowd control. They don't send any more than 4 to a group which makes the haunt itself so much better. The actors also keep you in the scenes longer so you don't run into the group in front of you..

Most Memorable Moment

My most memborable moment would have to be the room with the doctor in it. The friend I went with was so terrified by him it made my whole night.


Overall, this was a very fun and scary haunt. I would recommend this to anyone over the age of 12.

View all Gilly's Haunted House reviews

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Please note: this review is for the 2009 season rather than the current season.

Hartford Jaycees Haunted House

by zackistheman after attending on Friday, October 16, 2009 at about 4 p.m.

Fun Factor: High Fear Factor: Medium


I attended this haunted house in 2007, and it was a lot better at that time. I got scared a lot of times in this haunted house, but there was one thing that i didn't like: the length. If this haunted house got longer, it would be one of the best. For only 12 dollars, I got a good amount of scares.


It was worth the 12 dollars. The props were fabulous in the haunted house. So, I would have to say it was worth it.

View all Hartford Jaycees Haunted House reviews

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Please note: this review is for the 2009 season rather than the current season.

Spooky Stalks Haunted Cornfield

by zackistheman after attending on Friday, October 9, 2009 at about 5 p.m.

Fun Factor: High Fear Factor: Low


A decent haunted cornmaze. I understand haunted cornmazes are difficult because it is still light outside, so overall I think this was a good one. The legnth was alright;however, the scaring was below average.


A good family haunt for a good price.

View all Spooky Stalks Haunted Cornfield reviews

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Please note: this review is for the 2009 season rather than the current season.

Hauntfest - CLOSED -

by zackistheman after attending on Friday, October 2, 2009 at about 5:30 p.m.

Fun Factor: Very High Fear Factor: High


I was very pleased with this haunted house. I attended other haunted houses this year, however none were as good as this one. The length is great. You get scared a lot. For only 15 dollars, this is a great deal.


Wonderful haunted house. Totally worth the 15 dollars.

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