Please note: this review is for the 2009 season rather than the current season.
by pud27 (Newbie Review Crew Member) after attending on Saturday, October 24, 2009 at about 5:30 p.m.
Submitted: Monday, October 26, 2009
Our Third haunt of the year took us up to The Oconto Jaycees' Trail of Terror. This was my second time at this event, the first being a couple years ago. I was excited to get out there again as the first time was a lot of fun. Let me tell you, it was well worth the drive! A ten dollar ticket buys you a half hour, guided trail through the woods (depending how long it takes you to navigate the unguided maze....). The waiting area uses a number system instead of a line, and while it is not covered, there is a big bonfire and music playing whil you wait. Watch out for the snake pit on your way to the fire!!! My fiancee and I were put into a goup with four 17-18 year olds and another couple. All fears I had that it would be an obnoxious group trying to act cool were put to rest as the guys backed away from the haybale maze entrance and tried pushing the girls through ahead of them. The actors in this maze were great at scaring and misdirecting, and one actor in particular did the best job of staying in character no matter what happened. I don't want to give anything away, but you'll know who I mean when you see him! We and the other couple made it through and enjoyed a few laughs while we listened to the teenagers in our group scream as they took another 5 minutes to escape. I've never heard 18 year old guys scream and whine or seen people hide behind me like they did in this section. As I mentioned earlier, this is a guided walk through the woods, but don't let that fool you. It is better this way, as the trail isn't clearly marked at some points (such as the clown graveyard). Plus, the group we were with would have taken off running if they hadn't had to stay behind the guide. As this is a low budget haunt, the sets are not elaborate, they instead rely on their actors and the darkness only a woods can provide. The sets they do have are average in design, great in acting. My favorite by far is the scene where swine flu has obviously hit really hard, with symptoms we have not yet seen outside the woods. Also, the graveyard and the hunting camp are great. The actor's come at you from every angle, and I mean every angle. Also, they are allowed to touch you, so if you think something grabbed at your leg, it probably did. THe actor's did great, and the Jaycee's once again put on a great fundraiser. Props to them and their actor's, by far one of the best nonprofit haunts in the area.
February 14th, 2025 11:21 a.m. CST 24.11.01
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