Please note: this review is for the 2009 season rather than the current season.
by Scaryman5000 after attending on Thursday, October 1, 2009 at about 2 p.m.
Submitted: Sunday, October 25, 2009
Overall it was ok. In the forest its self actors hid in sheds or other objects. Which i think really didnt work because if you walk by a shed in the middle of the forest there is most likey going to be someone in it or right by it so it really wasnt breath taking!!.. I thought the acting was ok to.. the timing wasnt right because actors would be walking back to there spot as the other group ran into them.. I also think there costumes were ok, but ive been there the last couple years and they seem to be useing costumes that other haunted places use in the area... that i have gone to... but they did a good job,i just havent seen a positive improvement in the past couple years.. I think that some of the surrouding towns/ countys haunted houses or trails are going to put on a better show then you guys next year... Hope to see a better proformace next year :(
overall ok, should be way better with the amount of actors and vistors they get..
February 14th, 2025 12:45 p.m. CST 24.11.01
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