Please note: this review is for the 2009 season rather than the current season.

Terror on Rural Street

by CC2 (Newbie Review Crew Member) after attending on Friday, October 23, 2009 at about 3:30 p.m.

Fun Factor: Very High Fear Factor: High


Terror on Rural Street is an attraction that historically makes great efforts to be at the cutting edge of scares and creative sets and this year's version of the house keeps with that tradition.

Terror has one of the more impressive and elaborate approaches to the entrance to their house with lightning effects coupled with a tomb and a large gargoyle that looms at the edge of the entrance lines in a margin of manufactured woods.

At the entrance to the lines to the house, you are also able to peer inside one of the areas of the attraction to see visitors getting startled by creatures hiding in the darkness.

During your visit, you will encounter a speaking spider and meet the Angel of Death among others.

You will walk through an elaborate morgue and be confronted by menacing clowns on a carousel.

Passage through the attraction is efficient and attempts are made to space the groups so that you will not catch the groups that precede you.

Signage / Visibility / Location

Terror on Rural is easy to find with well lit signage and a large parking lot.

Wait Area / Line Entertainment

The wait area for Terror on Rural Street is in a seperate portion of the building from the house itself. It is heated and features a concession stand and ample seating. You will be visited by numerous actors while you wait. During my visit, I saw no less than 5 characters wandering the waiting area and there was also a significant security presence and two police officers available to ensure proper crowd conduct.

In-between the waiting area and the house, you will be greeted by more actors in elaborate costumes, some of whom are on stilts.

Great care has been put into trying to have the visitor engaged while waiting to enter the house.

Restrooms are numerous portable toilets located outside of the waiting area.

Actors' Performance

The actors at this attraction are invested in their efforts and the visitor will notice this.

The actors appear to enjoy their responsibilites and give active performances throughout the attraction and its waiting areas.

Sets Scenes / Props / FX

Terror on Rural historically pays sharp attention to detail and this year is no different, as has been mentioned.

This year's event has elaborate sets and effects and the actors present in quality costumes with artistically applied facial make up.


It took about 20 minutes to negotiate this house while walking at a leisurely pace.

Crowd Control

This event is polished in terms of its crowd control. Terror on Rural has been in existence for numerous years and the management understands how to route visitors in an efficient manner.

Most Memorable Moment

This house features a lit waterfall in a section of jungle that you should stop to admire for a moment during your visit.

There was also a dead ringer for Grandpa Munster/Al Lewis working at the entrance to the house who was amusing to speak with.


Terror on Rural Street is very much worth a visit. Its operators are concerned about the visitor's experience and take care to try to keep their operation fresh year to year. Terror has a good reputation for the efforts of its management and the performance of its actors as well as its elaborate sets and props. The scare factor of this attraction is moderately high and the attention to detail/props and investment of the actors makes for an enjoyable visit.

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February 14th, 2025 12:38 p.m. CST 24.11.01