2009 Event Reviews

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Please note: this review is for the 2009 season rather than the current season.

Factory of Fear Haunted Attraction

by killerchicken after attending on Friday, October 2, 2009 at about 4:30 p.m.

Fun Factor: Very High Fear Factor: N/A


Where to begin?
I attended Factory of Fear on Friday, October 2nd with two girlfriends of mine. I'll admit that we were skeptical of how FOF was going to scare us, given two of us have worked at various haunts throughout SE Wisconsin since we were in middle school, but we tried to keep an open mind and give the haunt a chance.
When we arrived we were greeted by a really nice woman working at the concession stand. She offered us popcorn, candy, coffee, or hot cocoa to keep us warm. We said "no thank you" and stood waiting for the line to move forward. As we were waiting some actors wandered through the waiting area- something I've noticed is becoming a common "teaser" among locations. One actor, however, was a boy who was clearly a minor. He wandered toward us not in character and talked with the woman working the concession stand about getting some Skittles, then went back into the haunt. The other two actors were young women who had wandered through us in order to get out of the building so they could take a smoke break- right in front of us, no less.
After a 15 or so minute wait by the concession stand, one of the managers mentioned to someone at the front of the line that we were waiting to enter because the crew had to fix some walls that had fallen. I can tell you that those words made me feel SO incredibly safe in the building! :-/
So once we were led to the ticket booth, it started to become a little better. The booth is at the bottom of some stairs, in a kinda tiny cramped hallway- which set the mood for the abandoned factory building that the haunt is located in.
Once we purchased our tickets, which were a whopping $12.50 each, we walked up the stairs and joined two women who were starting to freak out (they entertained me through most of the haunt because for some reason they were actually scared). We handed off our tickets and made our way through the door.
Upon first glance I thought the haunt was gong to be quite interesting- the path ways that they constructed are all spray painted with graffiti which sorta glows in the dark. right away we were greeted by a chilling carnival sound, and I was ready to be scared because I am terrified of clowns. To be honest, the room was painted and constructed well, but the guy in the clown mask tried to scare us before we even entered the room, which ruined the effect for me.
That's actually a recurring theme throughout the haunt- the actors continually tried to scare the first person in the room without waiting for the people at the end, therefore ruining the experience for everyone but the first person...and even then, the first person in our group and I laughed the entire way through the haunt.
One of my biggest problems with the house is the content- the whole haunt is based SOLELY on Hollywood scary movies (Friday the 13th, Halloween, The Grudge, IT, Night of the Living Dead), and didn't utilize the idea of mental scares as well as physical.
My BIGGEST problem with the house was that every member of my group was touched once, if not more times, by the actors. One of my friends was touched by the boy I mentioned earlier, I was touched by a woman on a gurney who was having her intestines ripped out, and my other friend was touched by someone in the dark who wasn't anyone else in our group.
At the end of the haunt there was a SMALL entry room where the exit door was, and a guy wearing a Michael Myers mask holding a chainsaw who (I assume) chases you into the parking lot- and the fact that the actor had a chainsaw in hand while we were passing through such a small room bothered me because I know that people tend to freak out from chainsaws, and having it in such a small space is quite dangerous.


Overall the haunt was entertaining, as in I had a good time laughing my ass off. It was not in any way worth the cost of admission, and was FAR to short of an event for the cost. If I had to give grades, I'd say:
Scare factor: D-
Originality: C-
Overall: D

View all Factory of Fear Haunted Attraction reviews

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Please note: this review is for the 2009 season rather than the current season.

Mars Haunted House - CLOSED-

by HocusPocus (Newbie Review Crew Member) after attending on Friday, October 2, 2009 at about 2 p.m.

Fun Factor: Very High Fear Factor: Very High


Looking to totally immerse yourself into a nightmarishly good time? Look no further than the Mars Haunted House.

It appears the venue has expanded this year and added a few rooms...unfortunately they did such a good job scaring the bajeebus out of me I totally lost count.

Seriously, it didn't matter where I was in my group...front, middle, back...they did a stellar job providing scares for everyone.

If your into evaluating haunts with your senses you might find this helpful:

* Sight: Elaborate sets with great attention to detail. Lighting and special effects were frequently used to surprise me even though I was expecting it.

* Sound: Superb! The sound experience allowed me to become totally immersed in each and every room. Not once was I distracted by sounds coming from other parts of the attraction.

* Smell: Believe it or not I think there were sets that intentionally smelled a little musty (like BO or perfume) to compliment the scene. Interesting thought...if Barn yard Bob is chasing you around with an ax why shouldn't he smell like one?

* Touch: Nothing special on this front...although there are haunts that venture into this realm.

Signage / Visibility / Location

If the hearse parking by the front door and the elaborately dressed ghouls meandering along the sidewalk don't catch your attention you may be dead already...but if you're not you probably wouldn't be the first person to drive past the site.

Wait Area / Line Entertainment

Elaborately dressed ghouls interact with you to heighten your anticipation while you wait to enter. The waiting line is all outdoors...so dressing for the weather may be a good idea if you're attending during peak haunting hours.

Actors' Performance

Brilliant! Some hilariously funny, others ghastly scary. (I'd love to name a few of the characters that were portrayed but I find the element of surprise to be priceless...go and check it out for yourself!)

Sets Scenes / Props / FX

Solid! With the total immersion and interaction with the actors and sound in each room it's very easy to miss some of the attention to detail found in each room....but there are plenty of outstanding effects to keep you visually entertained if the acting isn't grabbing 100% of your attention.


I really wished I would have timed this event....but if you were to measure scares per dollar this one will definitely maximizes your value!

Crowd Control

Waiting line is clearly roped off and patrolled frequently by ghouls.

Most Memorable Moment

Ok...I hope I don't spoil anything for anyone... the 'bubbles' room was totally twisted and disturbingly funny. Complimenting a brilliant acting performance were props that were skillfully leveraged to make this an experience you will not soon forget. This room caught me by complete surprise. I don't think I've EVER experienced a room like this at a haunt. A scary concept that made me laugh so hard my eyes watered...GENIUS!


An outstanding attraction! If you've been to Mars in prior years I'd strongly recommend checking this venue out again. Unlike prior years, I felt more immersed in this year's haunted experience than in prior years. If you've never checked it out...what are you waiting for? This IS the best haunt in Milwaukee!

View all Mars Haunted House - CLOSED- reviews

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Please note: this review is for the 2009 season rather than the current season.

Shockwave Haunts & The Fuzzy Pig Presents the Halloween Fashion Show & Sale

by douglsboyls2 after attending on Saturday, October 3, 2009 at about 6 p.m.

Fun Factor: Very High Fear Factor: Very High


This haunted house is one of the scariest I've been too. Very unique and definitely captures the thrill and grouesome ghoulishness of Halloween. A must see! What's great is there is even a discount if you bring food items which makes it an even better deal! I don't want to give away all of the surprises but there are definitely one of a kind scares that I have never found anywhere else! Literally almost made my wife pee her pants! There is also a family haunt at the same location so it is worth the extra trip to go to 2 haunts in the same spot. Covered waiting was nice because it was raining out and the wait time wasn't long at all.


Definitely going again to take some more friends! Everyone needs to check this place out...very impressed!

View all Shockwave Haunts & The Fuzzy Pig Presents the Halloween Fashion Show & Sale reviews

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Please note: this review is for the 2009 season rather than the current season.

Wisconsin Feargrounds

by Haunt_Master_Terri after attending on Saturday, October 3, 2009 at about 6 p.m.

Fun Factor: Very High Fear Factor: Very High


This is one of the biggest haunted attractions in the Milwaukee area. There are 3 haunted houses at one location. You can buy a ticket to just one or hit all three of them for 30 dollars. It's quite a bit of money to see them all, but I felt it was worth it! There are so many props that the level of detail in the house is extraordinarily high. My group was impressed at the real dust that was used to create an eerie effect in a haunted library.

The three houses are all unique. One is more traditional with tons of actors, the second is dark and lots of mazes and pitch black parts, the third has a psycho hillbilly theme. The makeup and costumes were impressive all throughout. It is clear from the start this place has a large budget to be able to afford all the props, size/location, costumes, actors, and ambiance. They are even giving away cans of free tasty energy drink at the end if you do all three houses!


This is the place to visit if you want to be scared. The fear and fun level are both sky high. Not many places I have been to in the Wisconsin and Illinois area can compare. This place is probably too scary for young children. Luckily you can quit at anytime and safely be escorted out of the house. I heard this happens quite a few times a night so don't be surprised if it happens to you!

View all Wisconsin Feargrounds reviews

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Please note: this review is for the 2009 season rather than the current season.

Gilly's Haunted House

by JJrakman after attending on Saturday, October 3, 2009 at about 5:30 p.m.

Fun Factor: Medium Fear Factor: Low


This haunt had a mix of really good points and really bad points. First the good.

The whole theme of a haunted circus is a great one, and one that isn't done too often. The actors gave a great performance and stayed in character. The initial boat ride in the fog was a great introduction to the haunt, and helped to set a mood. I really loved the black and white room with the harlequin camouflaged in it. Great effect. The vortex was awesome!

Now the bad, most of the haunt is too brightly lit for my tastes. There's nothing wrong with a haunt that is operated on a short budget, but darkness, shadows, and fog go a long way to hide a low budget. Many of the sets seemed plain and ordinary in regular lighting, not frighting at all, and a large room with only a few set pieces looks rather empty in bright light. Some of the "puzzle" rooms are clever but frankly after a while you want to get moving on, plus I see these as devices for holding up the line when it gets busier, not to mention separate groups bouncing into each other as one group gets stumped over a puzzle. A few more actors could be used in the transitions from room to room. Even something as simple as reaching out at the audience as they pass. The haunt could greatly benefit from the use of some sound effects as well.


While it definitely has its good points, it could use a bit of work.

View all Gilly's Haunted House reviews

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Please note: this review is for the 2009 season rather than the current season.

Gilly's Haunted House

by Haunt_Master_Terri after attending on Saturday, October 3, 2009 at about 4 p.m.

Fun Factor: Very High Fear Factor: High


This is a very unique haunted house that seemed more like a scary circus fun house. Lots of clowns and sideshow freaks everywhere! This wasn't just a linear path haunted house, there were several mazes which were very enjoyable. One was a shifting exit maze where you were presented with over a dozen possible "doors" or exits. It was a challenge to find the correct way out! There was also a great mirror maze portion which produced a good effect in the dim light.
Very unique was a boat ride through an incredibly foggy tunnel. You could barely see what was coming at you!
A bonus was not one, but TWO vortexes. The last one was incredibly disorientating. There is a lot of cool aspects to this haunt, and it has the potential to be super scary for those who are afraid of clowns. If it takes a lot to scare you, you will still enjoy the fun house aspect. Be advised that waiting and parts of this haunted house are outdoors so be sure to dress warm.


With the whole psycho circus theme, this place seemed more like a haunted fun house! Two vortexes, the haunted boat ride, and the mirror maze and shifting exit maze really made this place stand out. It wasn't the scariest place, but there were some actors who were very intense and who really got into character. This is definitely a place worth checking out!

View all Gilly's Haunted House reviews

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Please note: this review is for the 2009 season rather than the current season.

Burial Chamber Haunted House Complex

by majorXpsycho (Newbie Review Crew Member) after attending on Saturday, October 3, 2009 at about 2 p.m.

Fun Factor: High Fear Factor: High


We were one of the first ones to arrive at the Burial Chamber. We were side tracked by the warm mini sugar doughnuts and had to indulge. Once our bellies were satisfied it was time for the "Fear". The Burial Chamber is known for being one of the best haunts in WI. That having been said, being "the best" means that there is no room for flaws. Overall The Burial Chamber has lived up to its expectations, with only a few minor flaws. The outdoor wait area is not pleasant, especially on a rainy night. Each line we waited in there was always a group of heavy chain smokers in front of us. There was also an extremely intoxicated young lady who felt the need to rub my friends bum. There were also line jumpers which is very obnoxious. I think if there was a way to "monitor" the lines, the wait wouldn't be a problem. Enough about the wait, lets discuss the fear.

The first part of the haunt we went into was Adrenaline "under attack". The actors were out of this world. It was frightening because "monkey boy" (I believe they said that was his name) was doing things beyond human. He was literally crawling up the wall, it was creepy. Syrina was very pleasant and witty, she was the "gate master" of Adrenaline. We got lost in Adrenaline and found ourselves in and out of the same room over and over again. Just when we thought we would never get out, somehow we did. My anxiety level definitely sky rocketed as we thought we could out smart this maze. There isn't much more I can say about this portion without giving too much. Adrenaline has A LOT of in the face, make your heart race scares (hence the name Adrenaline). Adrenaline was 25 minutes long.

After Adrenaline we headed to "Phobia", the haunted woods. It rained and things were pretty muddy, make sure to wear shoes that can get dirty. I did not like Phobia as much this year. It lacked actors and a good theme. The woods itself is a creepy environment, but it is only 6 minutes long (compared to a 25 minute wait). There are not many prop's. The best part was at the end when an actor imitated a creaking door as we were exiting the woods. A possible suggestion would be sending one person at a time through the woods ... everyone knows walking alone in the woods is frightening. That is just a thought. Then we headed back to the snack shop ... they have so many treats such as frankin figers corn dogs.

Insantity was the last portion of The Burial Chamber we explored. The outside prop of a large gory corpse chained to the wall. The sign also said "Gov't Quarantine Area". As soon as you get in the host sets the ground rules and you watch a creepy introductory video. Insanity was AMAZING. The actors were great and always in the right place at the right time. The props were so detailed you couldn't help but realize how much hard work and intellect had to go into them. I was sprayed with blood, got wet in the swamp, and had a not so great experience with an overflooded toilette. We all felt as if we were in another "world". The caves and board walk were amazing. The actor in the caves was incredible, he would appear in front of you making this creepy alien noise and then disappear again. I get chills just remembering the experience. Again I do not want to give away too much. Insanity lasted 19 minutes.

Finally, my friend and husband did the coffin ride (I chickened out). It was great because you could watch their face on a television screen as they fear their journey. It is my understanding that pictures of anyone who has ridden are available on their website. I think that area was still "under construction" ... and a bench to sit on would be nice. Overall The Burial Chamber is aware of the ever changing environment and constantly seeks out new innovative scares. They also employ the best actors I have seen ... PURE talent.

Signage / Visibility / Location

They have a large multi spotlight that is impossible to miss. They are not to far off US 41. You can't miss the signs or the Haunt as you drive.

Wait Area / Line Entertainment

The Wait area was great because they had every kind of treat imaginable. Their warm mini doughnuts are the best! There are a few ghouls wandering throughout the lines. They also have two large projection screens playing different video clips and creepy music. The wait area is outside with no seating so be prepared to stand the entire time.

Actors' Performance

On a scale of 1 - 10, I would give the actors an 11! Their energy and psychologically disturbing personalities are perfect. BEST actors around!

Sets Scenes / Props / FX

The props and scenes in Insanity were excellent! I would like to go through it again and again. You can tell that A LOT of hard work went into designing each set.


Adrenaline = 25 minutes
Phobia = 6 minutes
Insanity = 19 minutes

Crowd Control

Excellent crowd control ... even though we were lost in Adrenaline we NEVER ran into another group. This is the first time this has ever happened for me at a haunt, so BRAVO!

Most Memorable Moment

"Monkey Man" ... unbelievable, I thought certainly he was attached to a harness or something ... pure genius and talent.


I'm only giving 5's out this year to perfection. Adrenaline = 4, Phobia = 3, Insanity = 5!!

View all Burial Chamber Haunted House Complex reviews

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Please note: this review is for the 2009 season rather than the current season.

Dominion of Terror

by globalbowler after attending on Saturday, October 3, 2009 at about 3:30 p.m.

Fun Factor: Very High Fear Factor: Medium


For 12.00 was a pretty good house to go to. Wasn't the scariest but did have alot of fun with the workers. They were interactive which is always fun to have when you go through a haunted house. If you have your choice betweent the Splatterhaus and the Dominion I would definately choose the Dominion of Terror


Was a fun place to go to I would consider it more of a interactive fun house with a few suprises throughout. Had fun.

View all Dominion of Terror reviews

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Please note: this review is for the 2009 season rather than the current season.

Lister F/X Presents Monster Mayhem Haunted Laser Tag (CLOSED)

by Haunt_Master_Terri after attending on Saturday, October 3, 2009 at about 2 p.m.

Fun Factor: Very High Fear Factor: High


This is a haunted house located in the basement of a LARGE pizza pub/diner. You buy a ticket and if there is a big line you can hang out at the premises until its your turn to enter the haunt.

The acting at this haunted house is top notch, all the way through. There are a lot of adults working here which is always more scary than teen and pre-teens booing at you. They really created a theme and stick with it. I would describe this theme as Experiment Gone Wrong in a Resident Evil sort of way. I was IMPRESSED! Soldiers throwing their lives away to try to save you from the monsters within, a major surprise involving a 12 foot alien creature, a realistic hellavator ride, and sneaky elements of surprise are a few examples of what is in store for patrons.
My favorite part of this attraction was the acting. The acting was top notch compared to bigger haunts with larger budgets. This is a very creative haunt and its clear the people who operate it love what they do and want happy customers.
I only gave this a 4/5 for fear. I am very hard to scare but I did scream once and had an incredibly fun time even if the fear factor wasn't as high as some other houses. This does however, make it appeal to wider audiences that are looking more to be scared in a fun way than to have to quit halfway through.


In summary, I believe this attraction would especially be great for a family with not TOO young of children that wants a fun Haunted House evening. It is also sure to please even a haunted house veteran with some of the surprises that are in store. A huge asset to this place is that everything is indoors, the wait AND the attraction. It's already pretty cold out and if you want to avoid waiting 2 hours in line outside, this is the place to come to. Not only is it nice and warm inside, there are things to do on site so you are not just standing in a line all night. There's a bar on one side of the restaurant and a large 50's themed pizzeria on the other side that can make pizzas larger than your table (if you're really hungry!). I also noticed an arcade section with a bunch of games.
The haunted attraction is in the basement of this restaurant/bar, but don't let that fool you. This is a BIG place, not some corner pizza joint. They really make use of their space too. I highly recommend this attraction for its indoor perks and enthusiastic staff.

View all Lister F/X Presents Monster Mayhem Haunted Laser Tag (CLOSED) reviews

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Please note: this review is for the 2009 season rather than the current season.

A Theater Of Lost Souls Presents: Nightmare Factory Haunt

by majorXpsycho (Newbie Review Crew Member) after attending on Saturday, October 3, 2009 at about 5:30 p.m.

Fun Factor: Very High Fear Factor: High


A Theater of Lost Souls has always been the black horse of the haunt industry. There is so much potential for A Theater of Lost Souls to be one of the best Haunt attractions in WI and perhaps in the Midwest. This year they have certainly expanded and tapped into some of that potential. The haunt began with a "guided" hay ride explaining the history of the fair grounds. What many people may not understand is that the story is actually true! In 1915 there was a Sanatorium for people who had tuberculosis. People who went to the Sanatorium either had money and could be treated or they had no money and had to suffer and die. While the Sanatorium is gone there are still a few remains. The energy of the spirits that still linger there can be felt while on the Hay Ride (you just have to ignore the giggling children seated next to you). The tour guide did an excellent job of explaining the what occurred in this area. I would have preferred more special effects on the hay ride and maybe a few more actors. Maybe a can of WD40 and the lighter? I know it is so difficult to keep things safe AND scary. They hay ride was a perfect bone chilling, thought provoking start to the Theater of Lost Souls.

We went late, but it appeared that they kept everyone waiting in cattle pens. The Theater of Lost Souls had the perfect combination of old school scares and new fears. The Animatronics were superb, you could not decipher it the body tortured body was human or not. The power of Christ that compells one even got me in the head (I took that message seriously). If you have a fear of spiders ... stay out! The Theater of the Absurd is the best 3d haunt I have been too (and I have been to them all over the US). The painting was so creatively done that you felt as if you should be submitted to an asylum. I even had to take my glasses off at one point in time because I was thought I had lost the ground beneath me. The young lady made us go round and round and half of the group disappeared. There is no better ending to a haunt than that loud roaring sound of a chainsaw ... call it cliche, but it works! I haven't been to many haunts so far this season, but I have a feeling that A Theater of Lost Souls may become a favorite. They have grown so much just in the 3 years that I have been attending. They listen and keep the good scares and get rid of the boring ones. They are very innovative and I can not wait to see NEXT YEAR. (oh and crazy country boy, good luck with your surgery)!

Want to see all the detail that goes into a haunt? Too afraid to go to a haunted house? Have young children? Want to support a good cause?
On OCT 10th A Theater or Lost Souls is having a "lights on" haunt from 2p - 4:30p. It is only $3, and the proceeds go to help the children's hospital. See their website for more information.

Signage / Visibility / Location

There is a Large Billboard when heading South on US 41. If you miss that, its exit 124 on Jackson st. heading West. About half a mile up you will see the entrance to the haunted house along with signs and lights.

Wait Area / Line Entertainment

We arrived late so we missed out on some of the in line action. It appears that they lock groups inside of cattle pens while waiting. There are plenty of ghouls wandering around. There is also plenty of snacks ranging from carmel apples to hot dogs. I recommend the warm pretzels and cheese. There is also a great photo opportunity with several creepy murals ... keep an eye on the threads if you want to see what our ghoulish picture looks like!

Actors' Performance

The actors were phenomenal. I was concerned because we arrived so late that the actors would be tired and bored, but just the opposite as if the evening brings out their madness. The tour guide did a phenomenal job, we loved the crazy clown, and of course our country boy buddy. I also enjoyed the crazy young lady going round and round! Not a single actor was out of character.

Sets Scenes / Props / FX

I can not say enough about the animatronics! They didn't seem fake like most haunted houses, it was grueling. Typically I don't like a lot of animatronics, but A Theater of Lost Souls literally "hit the nail on the head". It was a great balance of old traditional scares and new innovative ones.


The Theater of Lost Souls and The Theater of the Absurd lasted about 28 minutes. The hay ride was about 20 minutes (give or take 5).

Crowd Control

There were a couple points in The Theater of Lost Souls which we started catching up to the group ahead of us, but we just slowed down or a ghoul would block us from exiting.

Most Memorable Moment

The most memorable moment is when our dear friend from Poland (who has never been to a haunted house before) experienced her first chainsaw scare! There is just something about the sound of a chainsaw coming at you that is priceless.


If I could I would give A Theater of Lost Souls a 4+ ... just because a 5 would be perfection!

View all A Theater Of Lost Souls Presents: Nightmare Factory Haunt reviews

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Please note: this review is for the 2009 season rather than the current season.

Hauntfest - CLOSED -

by halloween after attending on Saturday, October 3, 2009 at about 3 p.m.

Fun Factor: Very High Fear Factor: Very High


This was one of the best haunted houses I have been to in years (and I have been to a lot.) I went with my 15 year old daughter and her 15 year old friend (who had never been to a haunted house in her life.) My daughter and I both agreed that it was the best haunted house we have been to. Unfortunately (or fortunately) we had to work hard to keep the friend from exiting the haunted house early. She was TERRIFIED and had a look of genuine terror on her face the whole time! The actors were wonderful, and the many different scenes were well done. It was not one of those short 10 minute haunted houses, we were in there for 20 minutes. There were pitch black, claustrophobic parts (including 1 crawling part,) and a vortex that physically affected us all. We were going to go to another haunted house that night, but decided that the friend had been too traumatized by this one! Next weekend!


Well worth the $15. Plan on parking on the street or paying $5 to park. :(
Bring cash (or a high-fee paying debit card!) as they do not accept charge cards! The parking and cash requirement put me in a bad mood before I even went in--but they redeemed themselves! Why are the websites not forthcoming about these details?? It really starts you off on a bad note!

View all Hauntfest - CLOSED - reviews

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Please note: this review is for the 2009 season rather than the current season.

Factory of Fear Haunted Attraction

by mdavis222000 after attending on Saturday, October 3, 2009 at about 4 p.m.

Fun Factor: Not fun - I got a rock. Fear Factor: Low


HUGE Disappointment!!!


I was excited to hear that Racine finally had a Haunted attraction. The building was MASSIVE, old, and creepy (also on a creepy side of town, i.e., shootings, gang activity, etc.)But I was willing to risk the neighborhood for such an alluring Haunt. Parking was a mess even though they had at least one person I saw in the lot, he was not directing traffic (or doing anything at all but standing in one spot staring off into the distance) and many people were parked in by other vehicles standing around waiting to get out. Upon approach, there was a huge line spanning the outside of the building, through a wait area with music and refreshments for purchase, all the way up a stairwell. LOTS of people, moving VERY VERY slow. No wait line entertainers (unless you consider the actors coming out to use the port-a-potties or buy refreshments as line entertainment). Also, no props or real decor in the wait areas with the exception of one thrown together cheap Wal-Mart looking thingy. Admission was a straight $12.50, regardless of age. This attraction was worth maybe $2.50. Upon reaching the top of the stairwell, the women taking the tickets at the door told us someone actually had urinated in the attraction, so I was all pumped up and excited thinking this was going to be an amazing Haunt! It took 3 minutes to go thru this Haunt. 3 MINUTES!! And that was at a slow pace folks!! It was short, poorly constructed and poorly themed going from dirty bathroom scenes into graveyard scenes into a bedroom scene into a hospital scene, etc (you get the point--it made no sense and had no plot or story line). The props and decor (what little they had) were pathetically all homemade, as was the costuming with the exception of 1 or 2 actual costumes one might find at a Halloween store. The biggest issue I had was layout, it was very very sloppy. One of the actors hiding behind a wall with a hole in it large enough for him to stab out some hard foam prop was at an angle and this guy popped his hard foam prop right into my face and eye. This owner better be careful unless he wants a lawsuit from someone getting a serious eye injury or worse. They have this HUGE building and they used such a very small portion of it (they used maybe 3 rooms at most on 1 level out of 100's of available rooms on 3 or 4 different levels), what a letdown, and how deceiving to the patrons as well.

View all Factory of Fear Haunted Attraction reviews

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Please note: this review is for the 2009 season rather than the current season.

A Howell In The Woods at the Fuzzy Pig

by IrishFun4All after attending on Saturday, October 3, 2009 at about 3:30 p.m.

Fun Factor: Very High Fear Factor: Very High


A spooky setting at night in itself, the Fuzzy Pig really goes all out for Halloween. In tandum with a more mild mannered Haunt for children called "A Howell in the Woods," the "Blood Manor" is definatly a must see for all ages. Be warned however, I would not suggest letting younger than 16 through blood manor as there are times when you get disoriented and the actors are extremely realistic. A great atmosphere with everyone there, and a house that will scare time and time again. I recommend using the restroom before hand!


Blood Manor and A Howell in the Woods are both excellent and scary for each age group. Filled with startling creatures and some unexpected things, be careful where you walk because you might just be walking into a bloodbath!

View all A Howell In The Woods at the Fuzzy Pig reviews

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Please note: this review is for the 2009 season rather than the current season.

Terror on the Fox

by rtease after attending on Friday, September 25, 2009 at about 4:30 p.m.

Fun Factor: Low Fear Factor: N/A


the best parts of the haunt was the train ride was very unique and the actress on there was pretty good. The entrance to the main house was cool. There was one good actor in a room with a sofa he popped up at us from down low and was hopping around the room and really doing a good job working his room kudos to him. The downfalls was there were to many dead spots seemed like I walked forever without seeing an actor. didn't see any cool make-up at all on actors and not enough pop-out people. The rooms that had actors in seemed like they would just walk up to you and stare at you. also there were actors out of position I walked up behind an actor looking through a window he didn't even see us and I think I scared him.


I have read many good reviews about this place but was very disappointed. Not sure if it was because it was opening weekend or not but I will definitively not go back here.

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Please note: this review is for the 2009 season rather than the current season.

Wisconsin Feargrounds

by christine after attending on Thursday, October 1, 2009 at about 2 p.m.

Fun Factor: Very High Fear Factor: Very High


If you only go to one haunted house make sure this is the one you go to!!! It is worth every penny and then some. It,s scary and fun! Went through it twice and it was just as good the second time as it was the first. We go to alot of them and this one is one of the best out there!!!!


I was scared, jumped a million times and screamed a million times. Tons of surprises, stuff that makes you jump, stuff that makes you laugh. The props are awesome and the "monsters" and "gouls" are really good, they don't just scream and yell in your face like some houses. They are very energetic and in character. I give it a 10 out of 10

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