2017 Event Reviews

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78 total reviews. Showing 11 of 15 on this page (4 filtered).

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Please note: this review is for the 2017 season rather than the current season.

Twisted Realms Haunted House (CLOSED)

by NicoleStreit after attending on Saturday, October 28, 2017 at about 9 p.m.

Fun Factor: Not fun - I got a rock. Fear Factor: N/A


I was disappointed in this haunted house. I saw reviews and saw it had 5*'s. It was not scary. The graphics were mostly spray painted. I felt for the reviews were not accurate. This is set more for teenagers versus adults. I am sorry I have to write this review as I am not one to complain. We were in and out of house in 12 minutes but waited 60 to get in. It could have had real potential....


Not a good haunted house.

View all Twisted Realms Haunted House (CLOSED) reviews

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Please note: this review is for the 2017 season rather than the current season.

Haunted Forest and Cornfield at Meadowbrook Pumpkin Farm

by TracyVanCleve after attending on Saturday, October 28, 2017 at about 7 p.m.

Fun Factor: Very High Fear Factor: Very High


Such a great experience!!!!!!! The maze took about 45 minutes and was amazing!!!!! The actors were really great!!!!! The decorations were perfect!!! This is a must see!!!

View all Haunted Forest and Cornfield at Meadowbrook Pumpkin Farm reviews

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Please note: this review is for the 2017 season rather than the current season.

Twisted Realms Haunted House (CLOSED)

by Kyron after attending on Thursday, October 26, 2017 at about 7 p.m.

Fun Factor: Not fun - I got a rock. Fear Factor: N/A


This place is NOT scary, I think I counted like 7 total actors... I'd say probably 4 of the 7 didn't say anything at all. It was also VERY bright, there isnt much to go through. AKA very short, your not in there for 5 minutes if you understand the interactive codes. This is comparable to a haunted house you'd get at a high schools halloween bash, it was that bad. I did like how it was interactive... You had to find your way through by finding codes to unlock doors. I thought that was very cool and creative. I've been doing haunted houses for roughly 8 years now and this is by far the most poor one that I have been to. Luckily we had a Groupon for this and didn't pay full price. I would recommend this to five year olds it MIGHT scare them...


Short, too bright, barely any actors, NOT scary at all, might want to reconsider the layout...

View all Twisted Realms Haunted House (CLOSED) reviews

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Please note: this review is for the 2017 season rather than the current season.

The Haunted Mansion (PERMANENTLY CLOSED)

by DaneHartzell after attending on Friday, October 20, 2017 at about 8 p.m.

Fun Factor: Very High Fear Factor: Very High


Really, really good. Best haunted house I've been to.

View all The Haunted Mansion (PERMANENTLY CLOSED) reviews

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Please note: this review is for the 2017 season rather than the current season.


by BrittanyAnnBula (Junior Review Crew Member) after attending on Sunday, October 22, 2017 at about 8 p.m.

Fun Factor: Very High Fear Factor: Very High


Terror Trail... that's exactly what you will get when you enter the unknown woods. As you make your way down dark wooden trails lit with only the moon light you never know what will be lurking in the darkness. Expect the unexpected. The trail will lead you to countless shacks spread through out the trail filled with mazes, tight spaces and you will have to find your way out of others! This isn't your typical haunted house, this is a haunted trail that you wouldn't want to miss! The actors put in the effort with each and every person in the group. They limit the group size to only 4 and they don't rush the groups in right after each other.

Signage / Visibility / Location

There are signs on the corners of the road directing you to the haunted trail. Also strobe lights when you arrive on location.

Wait Area / Line Entertainment

There isn't any entertainment, but the guy checking you before you go in really makes an effort to talk to everyone.

Actors' Performance

The actors go above and beyond what I ever had expected. They take time with each group and put in 100% to scare you.

Sets Scenes / Props / FX

Each shack is different and you never know what to expect. The props look real and the detail is amazing.


It took us about 40 minutes to get through the whole trail!

Crowd Control

There is a guy doing metal detector tests as you enter, but limited people at the ticket booth and entrance.

Most Memorable Moment

Actually getting scared and having actors take the time to give you a great experience.


I highly recommend going there. It is great every year so this spot makes the list yearly!

View all Terror Trail (PERMANENTLY CLOSED) reviews

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Please note: this review is for the 2017 season rather than the current season.


by wm (Senior Review Crew Member) after attending on Saturday, October 21, 2017 at about 8:30 p.m.

Fun Factor: Very High Fear Factor: Very High


The Morgue has been around long enough now that it's become a staple haunt in Northeast Wisconsin. One would assume that an old school, homemade haunt could not compete against the large, corporate haunts that are always advertised as 'the best'. Well... that will teach you to assume!

I've been to the Morgue at least a dozen times. The first several years it was the best kept secret in the Green Bay area. Most experiences were great, and a few were mediocre. For a while it seemed as though this haunt was stuck in a rut. It's been several years since I've last visited. Would this trip renew my love affair with the Morgue?

I’m thrilled to say that the Morgue did not disappoint! It’s everything that it was in the past with some great additions. The staples of the Morgue are still there: The ominous walk in the woods, the great wait area with a huge bonfire, and the unique ending. So what's different? Since I've last attended, a lot!

This haunt always starts off with a nice walk through the woods. One change that I noticed as soon as I drove in was the structure that you have to walk into to start your journey. Music was blaring, and several ominous figures hung out above the entrance. I assumed they would be moving to the music like they do at other haunts. These two gents did nothing of the sort! They just hung over you. Looking down on you as you waited and ultimately walked under them. Sometimes pointing, but mostly just staring you down. Kinda creepy! Once in the woods you start your dark journey to the bonfire that awaits. The woods seemed a little under staffed, but the those ghouls were excellent. This haunt can lay claim to the darkest woods walk by far!

After waiting by their fire and having a treat from the snack bar, it was our turn to make our way up to the house. Once you’re near the entrance, there’s was about a 10 minute wait to get in the front door. This is subtle, but brilliant. It gives you time to look around at the great props that they have out. It also gives you time to think about what you’re about to encounter. Once in the front door, you’re greeted by the Morgue Witch. Another staple of the community! She plays a quick video regarding the haunt as her white eyes stare into those that dare look back. Then, it’s time to begin your journey as you enter the elevator.

I’m not sure if the elevator was going up or down, but it sure was a rocky ride! As we exited the elevator it was complete darkness. This haunt is not for the faint at heart. It’s part obstacle course, part haunted house! Much of it is DARK. Each room was different from the last. There’s plenty of opportunities for them to scare the pants off you, and that’s just what they did.

Signage / Visibility / Location

It's very easy to find, with a big lit-up sign in front of the haunt. Lot's of parking in a open field.

Wait Area / Line Entertainment

The Morgue has one of the best wait areas in Wisconsin! There's a huge bonfire for those chilly nights, and a great concession area for food and drinks. No waiting in line here, they call you up to the haunt by groups 4. No waiting in line means you can go by the fire, the food stand, or anywhere else when you're waiting! They also have a fun live 'video game' you can play that triggers a scare upon an unknowing participant making their way through the Morgue! I did not see any actors in the wait area, but they did play videos/music on the side of building for those waiting.

Actors' Performance

They all did a great job this year!!! These are volunteers, and my hats off to them. Some jumped out right at the right time, others waited for you to pass before they made their move. Some screamed at us, others whispered in our ears. A haunt is only as good as their actors, and everyone went all out.

Sets Scenes / Props / FX

Many rooms were dark, but the rooms we could see were impressive. Rooms that I remember from previous visits, but are very impressive, are the funeral parlor and the kitchen! One thing to remember is that this is a HOMEMADE haunt. There were a few places where we tripped over things. Some spaces were very tight. A few times, we had no clue which direction to go. Like any haunted house, use caution but have fun!


It took us about 25 minutes to make our way through the Morgue.

Crowd Control

They do a GREAT job at crowd control. Everything seems to be timed out perfect the way they call groups up.

Most Memorable Moment

There was a room that was so creative, I've never seen it before in a haunt. We walked from a very dark (pitch black) room into a room that was the exact opposite. So bright that we were squinting! The room was covered in a heavy, thick fog. The contrast was amazing. What awaits you in the fog? You’ll have to find out for yourself!


I have a soft spot for the Morgue. It's an old school haunt with homemade props and costumes. It's dark, spooky and creative. The price is old school as well! Cost of admission is a fraction of what you’d pay at some of the other local haunts. Checking out this haunt is a no-brainer, even zombies would agree!

View all The Morgue (PERMANENTLY CLOSED) reviews

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Please note: this review is for the 2017 season rather than the current season.

Gags Nightmare A Haunting Experience

by hex_on_you (Newbie Review Crew Member) after attending on Friday, October 20, 2017 at about 7:30 p.m.

Fun Factor: Low Fear Factor: Low


Living in Green Bay and having heard of Gags nearly a year ago when he first made his appearance on the dark streets of the Green Bay area, I was thrilled when I heard that they would not only be releasing a film, but also having a haunt this season! I was very excited to see that their location was directly downtown Green Bay, was easy to find, and was in close proximity to a parking structure, making it a breeze to get to. Unfortunately, that's where most of the perks to this haunt ended for me, as myself and the group I was with left not scared, or having had a great time, but confused as to the direction they were trying to take with the Gags Nightmare haunt.

The actors were great--excellent makeup and very dedicated to their roles. Without giving too much away, this haunt is set up in more of an interactive way. In the beginning you are set up with a pen and notepad to take notes throughout the haunt and told that there is a test of sorts at the end. This excited our group, as we felt it would be more of an escape room/game show type experience as opposed to just a walk through haunt. The idea behind the attraction was great, but I feel it really lacked follow through. We were led through the haunt with a 'tour guide' of sorts. As we were doing each task, we weren't set up well as to what exactly we were to be looking for in each room, and at the end not a single one of us knew the answers to the test, or even felt like we got to take a trip through Gag's mind. We were set up in the beginning so wonderfully by a "drunken" carny stating we were to take a trip through Gag's mind and what made him the man he was today, and we felt as though the attraction didn't touch on this subject at all.

When we got to the end, there was a physical written test, which didn't include some of the tasks we did, and no one in our group of 5 knew most of the answers. There wasn't closure as to what the answers were either, as we weren't told what the correct answers were. Our group of 5 left confused as to what we had just completed, and didn't feel like we had been through a haunt or an escape room and didn't feel like we had "accomplished" or "failed" as we weren't properly set up to complete the tasks.

All in all, if you're looking to get a first hand look at the celebrity clown who has been haunting the streets of Green Bay, going to Gags Nightmare would give you the glimpse at him you're craving, however, for the price and length of the haunt, and with it not either being a traditional haunt or an escape room, I'll leave it up to you if you want to venture to this downtown Green Bay attraction.

This haunt is open multiple days during the week and weekend, so I recommend checking social media or their website for more information. They sell tickets until 11pm, which I wasn't able to find anywhere but was able to call and find. It was also on the main sign to the haunt.

Signage / Visibility / Location

Gags Nightmare is located downtown Green Bay, and was easy to find, and there was ample parking available in the Pine Street. Multiple signs, and a staff member were present at the entrance to direct you where to go. This is the first haunt that I know of directly downtown Green Bay, which was a fun environment.

Wait Area / Line Entertainment

Gags Nightmare had an indoor heated waiting area, with the ticket takers in makeup and a concession stand. There is a waiver to sign (but don't worry--no extreme effects or monsters touching you during our experience). There was no wait when we went; we were able to purchase our tickets and go directly into the haunt. There was concessions available for purchase as well. (We weren't able to really check this out as we were ushered directly into the attraction).

Actors' Performance

The actors in the haunt were great. We were greeted by a "drunken" carny, who set us up for a great experience inside the haunt. He was animated and very dedicated to his role. He set it up that this haunt would be a look inside of Gag's mind, and what made him the man he is today. We were disappointed by the lack of follow through on this wonderful greeting in the first room of the haunt, but more on that later.

The rest of the characters in the house had great makeup and were dedicated to their roles. I was singled out throughout the haunt, which started off as a fun and memorable addition to our experience, but it got old being picked on by every monster by the end of the haunt. I feel it detracted from the experience.

Watch out--you'll be followed by a certain "celebrity" throughout!

Sets Scenes / Props / FX

The "scenes" were set up well and the decor was on point. A few of the rooms you were put in for 60 seconds and told to look for things or complete a 'task' for a test at the end. I wish these rooms would have set you up more for success, since at the end we didn't feel like we were pointed in the direction of what exactly we were doing or looking for. I loved the feeling of being in a circus tent, and I loved the change in room types and hallways we were in. Great job with set up.


All in all it took us about 15-20 minutes to get through the attraction. We were led through by a 'tour guide', so running into other groups wasn't an issue at this attraction.

Crowd Control

There wasn't anyone besides my group of three and another group of two when we arrived. If there was large crowds, they had waivers out on tables for extras to fill out, but they weren't set up to deal with large crowds in terms of their ticket line.

Most Memorable Moment

Being followed around by a certain clown 'celebrity' was the highlight of this haunt. After seeing him in both the local media and on social media, it was cool to steal an up close look at the clown himself.


All in all, I feel like this haunt had excellent intentions, but lacked execution and follow through. The actors had great make up and were dedicated to their roles, the rooms had wonderful decorations, but I feel that the 'tasks' needed more thought. Either there needed to be more set up for the attendees, or a more solidified task with a definite answer, or 'pass or fail' feeling. When I invite my friends out for a haunt or an attraction, we want to feel like our money was well spent on either something we had fun on or something we accomplished, and we didn't have this feeling at the end. While the actors makeup was well done and the scenes looked great, this attraction also lacked a fear factor that would have maybe made up for the other downfalls. I would recommend re working the tasks and the idea behind this haunt could be a great one! And incorporate Gags a little bit more--I want to know more about the namesake of the haunt!

View all Gags Nightmare A Haunting Experience reviews

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Please note: this review is for the 2017 season rather than the current season.

Twisted Realms Haunted House (CLOSED)

by PaigeBerrier (Junior Review Crew Member) after attending on Saturday, October 21, 2017 at about 9 p.m.

Fun Factor: Very High Fear Factor: Very High


I love this haunt! Last year was my first time attending, but I fell immediately in love with the unique style of this haunt and the creativity of the staff who puts it together. This year was no exception, and in a brand new location at the Bavarian Bierhouse!

I mentioned the location because it was a particularly cool element of the haunt – visitors can truly have a full night out in one place (and located very conveniently for those of us who live in the Milwaukee area). After enjoying some food at the restaurant, Twisted Realms offers a bar in the waiting area for the haunt, complete with activities like bobbing for beers! TR also featured a dance party after Friday and Saturday haunts this year, with an awesome DJ and lights. I loved all these additional elements; it just makes the whole experience that much more exciting and fun. VIP tickets come with a free drink as well!

As for the haunt itself, my favorite part of Twisted Realms is the unique, interactive elements. Several of the rooms require “escaping” from, often times while being scared and screamed at by actors! The puzzle element is such a fun, different way to scare people – it can be really anxiety inducing trying to find your way out while also determinedly avoiding eye contact with some really scary people! TR also does an amazing job with their timing – we never encountered any other group, and never felt rushed. I loved the variety of scenes, including a red church and some very creepy bedrooms. The actors had a great mix of providing jump scares and being scary just in their presence; and they weren’t afraid to scream in your face!

All in all, Twisted Realms is one of my all time favorite haunts – the staff is clearly passionate and loves what they do, and that shows through their determination to provide an experience that is both scary and fun. I love the changes from last year, and I can’t wait to experience a blackout night there for Halloween!

Signage / Visibility / Location

Very easy to find; located in the same area as the Bavarian Bierhouse, complete with a neon sign (that can be seen from the highway), and tons of parking.

Wait Area / Line Entertainment

Loved, loved the bar area with games, as well as the dance floor.

Actors' Performance

Very committed to the scares and weren’t afraid to get up in your face, which is something I particularly love. They never lost character as they “helped” us find our way through puzzles and rooms.

Sets Scenes / Props / FX

Unique, moving parts, fake walls, and intentional diversions were really different and fun.


Relatively long; about 30 minutes.

Crowd Control

Great, it was very organized and we enjoyed just hanging out in the general area while we waited!

Most Memorable Moment

The creepy red church! I love the feeling of not knowing who is “real” and who isn’t!


One of my favorite haunts of all time – such a fun experience for those who are looking to get scared and have a good time doing it. The interactive element of puzzles and trick rooms is amazing, and the waiting area/after party was a blast!

View all Twisted Realms Haunted House (CLOSED) reviews

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Please note: this review is for the 2017 season rather than the current season.

Wisconsin Feargrounds

by kittymomof4 after attending on Sunday, October 22, 2017 at about 7 p.m.

Fun Factor: Very High Fear Factor: Very High


To round out my weekend of haunted houses, I came out to Waukesha Wisconsin. Now I've heard this was a #1 haunted house, and holy crap are they right!! I almost wet myself during the second haunted house. Morgan Manor was an absolute delight. I enjoyed the scenery along with the actors who kept the whole mood going. I thought I was touring an actual house from the olden days. Made it to the second haunted house called Unknown. You literally have no senses in there except touch and even that can be a little shocking. I made it through but demanded I could use the porta potty because I almost voided my bladder in the middle of the house. Then I continued on to the 3rd house, Unstable. This is a messed up house of horrors; slaughtering people and animals is the name of the game. So creepy. While leaving, one of the witch doctor guys followed me to my car. I will definitely be going back this upcoming weekend. Definitely worth the drive, and the price is phenomenal. 10/10 stars!!!

View all Wisconsin Feargrounds reviews

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Please note: this review is for the 2017 season rather than the current season.

Terror on the Fox

by kittymomof4 after attending on Friday, October 20, 2017 at about 9 p.m.

Fun Factor: Low Fear Factor: N/A


Wasn't a huge fan because the props looked so fake. Slaughterhouse was probably the best of the 3, I at least jumped during this one, however for the 5 hour drive from Illinois for this haunted house, I was severely disappointed. I wouldn't consider this a top 5 haunted house even if you paid me to believe it.

View all Terror on the Fox reviews

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Please note: this review is for the 2017 season rather than the current season.

Abandoned Haunted House Complex

by kittymomof4 after attending on Saturday, October 21, 2017 at about 8 p.m.

Fun Factor: Not fun - I got a rock. Fear Factor: Low


Was this supposed to be a haunted house? I went through it uninterested and unimpressed. Thought that this was a top notch haunted attraction just to get there and waste my money on something that was maybe worth a buck (if they are lucky). There is nothing that I enjoyed more than getting in my car and driving away! Don't waste your time driving out there.

View all Abandoned Haunted House Complex reviews

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Please note: this review is for the 2017 season rather than the current season.

Wisconsin Feargrounds

by TylerPease after attending on Friday, October 13, 2017 at about 7 p.m.

Fun Factor: Very High Fear Factor: Very High


Really loved the haunted house, all of the actors are impeccable at their jobs Andy do an amazing job. You can tell they really do it for the fun and from the heart. I recommend it to all my friends and family. Truely an amazing night.


So much fun.

View all Wisconsin Feargrounds reviews

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Please note: this review is for the 2017 season rather than the current season.

The Haunted Barn Stoughton (PERMANENTLY CLOSED)

by kariniepow (Newbie Review Crew Member) after attending on Friday, October 20, 2017 at about 8 p.m.

Fun Factor: Very High Fear Factor: Very High


The first time we went, we had just paid for our tickets and the power went out. Thankfully, the staff took our name and let us come back a different night. When the power went out, they followed their protocol and handled everything likes pros. They kept the line actors in character to guide guests out of the waiting area and haunted barn. We were really happy to be back!

This haunt combines a haunted house with a haunted woods! Well done all around! You begin the haunt in a mine and end up in the woods, surrounded by freaks and creatures of the night! The haunt combines actors, props and animatronics in a unique way that leaves you uneasy and happy to get back in your car AND lock your doors. I've had the privilege to experience this haunt over the years and they topped themselves this year! It is a drive from the Milwaukee area but well worth it.
The haunt has fast pass, Zombie Paintball and Knocker Ball - you know, the big balls that fit around you? Yeah, they have that! It was a riot!

Signage / Visibility / Location

There is a lighted sign pointing towards the haunt. It is easy to find right off 51

Wait Area / Line Entertainment

The wait area includes food and beverages (bring cash), paintball shooting and knocker ball. The waiting area to get into the haunt was well done for traffic control and covered for the elements. It was a busy night and took about 30 minutes of waiting. It was no problem because the line entertainment was epic! Pee-Wee the Clown stole the show! He was so dedicated to his role, energetic and even worked an onion into his performance. We had a great time waiting and it went by fast.

Actors' Performance

The actors were spot on! The one room with the hospital beds had a woman that would not let up! She had this amazing ability to click and snicker while holding eye contact the entire time. We were terrified! The actors love to scare you and it shows.

Sets Scenes / Props / FX

The props were excellent! Sadly, the spacing in the haunted woods ruined some of the animatronics that were timed. The barn was well done and made you feel as though you were in a mine, rainforest and hospitals to name a few. There was a mixture of mazes, optical illusions, labs, classic fears scenarios and a graveyard.

The zombie paintball was more fun than I had thought! You can shoot targets and knock them over or just blast one target. We did it after the haunt because there is no waiting system to get in the haunt. Knocker Ball was in a field and you got to run into people and knock them over! There was a group of younger guys that were really tearing it up! We were just busting a gut!


The haunt took over 20 minutes to get through, perfect! The paintball and knocker ball were about 5 to 10 minutes.

Crowd Control

During the start of the haunted barn, they did a great job but it fell off in the haunted woods. The group ahead of us was very slow so we kept catching up to them and ruining some of the haunt's timed scenes. We were still scared but the element of surprise was lost on some of their scenes.

Most Memorable Moment

Watching Pee-Wee the Clown mess with everyone. He even made it into the haunt and scared us. He has an energy that excites you and makes you extremely uneasy. He literally shows up out of nowhere. I am pretty sure there is only one but he seems to be everywhere at once! The pig man almost had me falling down the trail. Bravo!


This haunt combines an inside haunt with the natural creepiness of the woods. The weather was perfect with clear skies and a strong breeze that swept over the field creating sounds to terrify. The Haunted Barn did not disappoint this year. We left scared with plenty to discuss on the ride home.

View all The Haunted Barn Stoughton (PERMANENTLY CLOSED) reviews

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Please note: this review is for the 2017 season rather than the current season.

The Haunted Mansion (PERMANENTLY CLOSED)

by CathyBosman after attending on Saturday, October 21, 2017 at about 7 p.m.

Fun Factor: Very High Fear Factor: Very High


WOW! This year's Quietwoods South Haunted Mansion was phenomenal. What a GREAT GREAT GREAT haunted mansion. So intricate, so original, so scary! It was so neat. I am so glad that we went. FOR SURE going to go again next year. Congrats to all the actors and designers and make up artists etc etc. Just fantastic!!



View all The Haunted Mansion (PERMANENTLY CLOSED) reviews

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Please note: this review is for the 2017 season rather than the current season.

Catholic Memorial Haunted House (PERMANENTLY CLOSED)

by spirit44 (Junior Review Crew Member) after attending on Friday, October 20, 2017 at about 7:30 p.m.

Fun Factor: High Fear Factor: Medium


Everyone remembers there first. While this house wasn't my first haunt, for many out there this place was theirs. If you have that brave young soul in your crew that thinks they want to give a walk through a haunt a try and make it part of their Halloween tradition, I highly recommend a drive out to Waukesha. It had a very retro feel with how it was put together for me. Even though this wasn't where I did my first, it reminded me a lot of it, complete with some festive Halloween carnival games. There were many kids standing in line, and based on the reactions as they went through, they found it absolutely terrifying. Now I wouldn't recommend this for the hard core haunt veterans, but there was a great effort put into this haunt by CMH and for beginners it hit the mark. The best part for me was that they donate the proceeds to great charities. This year the charity is Operation Finally Home. There were some very creative ideas and design elements throughout the haunt, but the one thing I would have recommended was a little more ambient lighting in some areas where characters were staged.

Signage / Visibility / Location

Just as scary as the haunt itself for many is the drive through Waukesha. LOL But with technology, you should have absolutely no problem at all finding your way here. As you pull up, there is a terrifically spooky house and well lit banners letting you know you've arrived.

Wait Area / Line Entertainment

The wait area is within a hall of the school. It's warm, well lit, and complete with a concession stand. There is an area that is set up with games for the kids, again lending to the atmosphere that welcomes youngsters in for their first taste of a Halloween haunt.

Actors' Performance

Many of the actors are students and all are volunteers, some executed their roles with extreme ambition and may have been a little over the top. Others really captured the spirit of their characters and were pretty creepy. But all of them really fit into place, to give this haunt the feel that it has. To me it's a slice of rural Americana, tradition, and great memories of my childhood haunts.

Sets Scenes / Props / FX

While the sets were a little crude compared to some of the really high level haunts out there today, this haunt is not set up in a school cafeteria. The haunt takes you through a 100+ year house, capturing some of the eeriness of the season. And there were even a few very clever FX that I have not seen in even the highest budget haunts.


The wait to get into the haunt for us was about 20 minutes with the attraction taking us 15 minutes to get through.

Crowd Control

Crowds were very well behaved and well managed with staff throughout guiding you where to go

Most Memorable Moment

For me the thing that stuck with me was that they were able to capitalize on the resource they had. As you meandered from room to room, you were hit with the recurring theme of the tortured souls of demonic children.


This was a great community effort, to raise money for a very worthy charity. For that reason alone I would encourage this attraction to be added to your Halloween tradition, especially if you have younger kids and are not quite sure if they are ready for a haunt yet. This is a great haunt for that special demographic

View all Catholic Memorial Haunted House (PERMANENTLY CLOSED) reviews

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