2006 Event Reviews

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Please note: this review is for the 2006 season rather than the current season.


by bigdeezy23 after attending on Friday, October 20, 2006 at about 5:30 p.m.

Fun Factor: Very High Fear Factor: Very High


Signage / Visibility / Location

Horrible jus as bad as u can get i used mapquest and everything but they dont like to inform u that there are two W's the turn you have to make to go down the road to get there must have spent an extra hour driving around stopping at places to see if they knew but after almost driving home came across a sign that said W and it had a little sign next to it that said splatter haus no lights or reflectors but if u happen to see that then ur on the right track and u cant miss it then but i do have to say all the extra driving was worth it

Wait Area / Line Entertainment

the wait area was alright nothing to special hardcore rock playin and everything not a fan of it but kept u going with the whole theme and everything i advise to get there early because the wait is at least an hour long on busy nights and they stop selling tickets at 11 o clock so make good time arrangements.

Most Unique

The first room was awesome u kno how they usually start u off with little things to get u prepared for the bigger things but no they litterally started out with the biggest thing possible i am not a small guy i am 6'6 but yet the monster in the first room was just towereing over me u had about two inches of space to make it around this ginormous monster then there is this slide u go down which was unexpected would have been better of the girl behind me would have let go so i could actually go down it and the final thing i will say so i dont let all the secrets go is when u go onto this porch thing a guy with a shotgun comes out waving it around and all in ur face jus sooooo good

Actors' Performance

Cant even say how good these guys were jus unbelieveable they were into so much u seriously thought u were in a horror movie or sumthing. Ok they might brush up against u but they arent tryin to harm u or anything its just part of the job that they did so well so if u dont like it like that dont waste ur time cuz these guys will come within two inches of ur face each and everytime in every room this one isnt for the faint of hearts.

Appropriate For

14 and up lil kids might wet themselves


If ur looking for a good time to get the *@!? scared out of u come to this place i caant even say enough of the things about it it was soo good well worth the drive and the wait.

View all Splatterhaus Presents - HELLWORLD (PERMANENTLY CLOSED) reviews

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Please note: this review is for the 2006 season rather than the current season.


by sek2z after attending on Friday, October 20, 2006 at about 3 p.m.

Fun Factor: Very High Fear Factor: Very High


Signage / Visibility / Location

I was driving the road not knowing where i was going and BOOM it was there.. It rocked

Wait Area / Line Entertainment

First we waited in line to get our tickets then a little walk thu a woods to a waiting area where you can get something to drink, chill by the fire, or watch a little intro to the morgan. THen we waitied for our number.. It was nice and we didn't have to wait in line ROCKON

Most Unique

Well i don't want to say.. might spoil it for someone elese

Actors' Performance

It was good.. came in areas i did not think of

Appropriate For

10 plus


This place rocks.. Also the price is not bad at all.

I got scared

View all The Morgue (PERMANENTLY CLOSED) reviews

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Please note: this review is for the 2006 season rather than the current season.

Bear Den Haunted Woods - CLOSED -

by louiscyphre after attending on Friday, October 20, 2006 at about 4:30 p.m.

Fun Factor: Medium Fear Factor: Medium


Signage / Visibility / Location

It's kind of out of the way, but well-lit. The parking area is all grass, so it was pretty muddy when we were there; dress appropriately and wear appropriate shoes, 'cause mine got covered in mud. I think it's one of those farms where they have animals you can pet and/or view and you can get pumpkins and stuff.

Wait Area / Line Entertainment

Waiting area is kind of non-existent; you just wait in line outside, so if it's cold or raining, be prepared. They do have a weird little playground with cast-off, old-school McDonaldland playground equipment (!), like a giant Hamburger Cop (I don't remember his name, though I believe he was the nemesis of the Hamburglar) head with steel bars for teeth...Ticket building is kind of cool, hanging antlers and old farm tools nailed to the ceiling all over. They sell food in the ticket building and there are tables to sit down and eat, though you need to wait in line outside to get to the haunt. Very cool feature is that when you reach the front of the line, you get into a filthy hearse and are driven to the haunt location proper. Our wait was relatively short, probably 20 minutes.

Most Unique

the bathtub, the hallway of hanging dolls, the "Pain is God" screed scrawled on one of the houses.

Actors' Performance

Actors are fine, though mostly just loud; there are an awful lot of them, and it seemed overrun with ghouls at times. There's not much character or acting beyond "Bleargh!" I don't think that's what they're focusing on, though, it's more about startling you. Actors seemed kind of combative, actually (one of them yelled at some kids on the rope bridge while we were there), so I guess that was intimidating in a certain way...

Appropriate For

Probably for older kids, 'cause there's a lot of loudness and gore.


This one's down and dirty; it's very cacophonous and seems more focused on overwhelming you with sound, enclosed spaces, and general overall nastiness. There are lots of power tools making lots of noise on lots of thin walls that you're cramped in between, which becomes numbing after a while. Terrific entrance, though, walking on a rope bridge over a pond with torches lighting your way; there are also plenty of bonfires along the way if you get cold. Very long haunt, took a long time to get through, although pacing was kind of lacking and we got stuck sandwiched in between other groups many times. The ride in the hearse was cool, especially when it was attacked.

View all Bear Den Haunted Woods - CLOSED - reviews

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Please note: this review is for the 2006 season rather than the current season.


by ange after attending on Friday, October 20, 2006 at about 5 p.m.

Fun Factor: Medium Fear Factor: Low


Signage / Visibility / Location

It's pretty easy to find if you have good directions, but the only sign is right on frnt of the event.

Wait Area / Line Entertainment

Get there early-we waited for 2 1/2 hrs. The wait to get tickets was like 30 min and there were these little kids running around with chainsaws. The wait for the house is cool-there's a bonfire, loud music and concessions.

Most Unique

The bridge.

Actors' Performance

There were no actors in the woods, which was disappointing. There was a serious lack of them in the house as well, and a few that did nothing when we walked past, just stood there staring. The kids with chainsaws weren't even dressed up, and some just stood there chatting with friends.

Appropriate For



90% of it is walking/crawling in the dark. Lots of people were lost, and we kept running into the people in front of us. I was disappointed in the actors performance/lack of actors. Maybe we came on a bad night, but it was not worth waiting 2 1/2 hrs. Last year was way better.

View all The Morgue (PERMANENTLY CLOSED) reviews

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Please note: this review is for the 2006 season rather than the current season.

by louiscyphre after attending on Friday, October 20, 2006 at about 3:15 p.m.

Fun Factor: Very High Fear Factor: High


Signage / Visibility / Location

Easy to find, located in the Elkhorn Fairgrounds, plenty of parking, there's a long line of lit torches leading you to the parking/ticket area; I believe there was a parked hearse where you turn to go to the parking lot and a guy with an electric torch guiding cars in.

Wait Area / Line Entertainment

Waiting area is atmospheric, a large circular indoor stadiumish space, must be a show space for animals or something, lit in misty green light. Very out-of-the-ordinary ghouls, really cool looming, totally silent scarecrow walking around, eerie and effective. There's also a "Chuck's Wagon" that sells hot food. Giant lit skull overlooking entrance to the haunted house proper.

Most Unique

that clown seems awfully nonchalant...; "Johnny Rattlebones;" creepy hysterical bride; one very stressed-out mother; chainsaw guy with the Ed Grimley pants. And we were actually followed by a malevolent cheshire cat grin for a while in one dark space...

Actors' Performance

Actors are freakin' amazin'; terrific performances, these ghouls are dead serious and don't play around (unless that playing involves things like "scalping you to make wigs for my barbies"). Very interested in interaction, too. Seems like more character-driven than you might normally get at a haunt, and they zero in on things that will make you uncomfortable, actually believeably threatening you at times. Could also be quite funny. I also liked that characters from other areas of the haunt showed up again in different locations, like the skull-faced master-of-ceremonies.

Appropriate For

Probably more for mature audiences, but if your goal is to instill some traumatic phobias in your kids, this might be one-stop shopping. Actually, they might adjust their performances if there are kids present, but I don't know.


This is a really smart haunt -- it plays off other senses in addition to seeing and hearing, and doesn't just go for the cheap gore or startle response; ghouls take their time in their scenes and seem both very creative and professional. Someone was very thoughtful in putting this together, and in scenes that seem standard to a typical haunt (prisoner behind bars, severed body parts, etc), they give things a little extra oomph, while at the same time keeping everything right on the edge so it doesn't get so exaggerated it becomes boring (for example, the gore is used only when it makes sense for the scene, and since it's used sparingly and paired with smell, it's more effective than it might otherwise be). And I have to say, the disorientation/misdirection with the clown was top notch and THANK SATAN there were no clowns with chainsaws or Killer Klown masks; that's so cliched at this point. Haunt proper took about 25 minutes to get through, and miracle of miracles, we never ran into another group while there, so they must pace things well. This is probably the best haunt we've been to this year; only criticism is that there sometimes seems to be a good deal of dark space between scenes, though this was also taken advantage of at times and never devolved into a boring maze. My hat (scalp?) is off to the House of Darkness.

HOT TIP: Interact with the ghouls! Some of them seemed awfully clever...

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Please note: this review is for the 2006 season rather than the current season.

Elements of Fear

by cricky after attending on Friday, October 20, 2006 at about 4 p.m.

Fun Factor: Very High Fear Factor: High


Signage / Visibility / Location

very good!

Wait Area / Line Entertainment

there was food offered and its covered waiting

Most Unique

the entire event was great, but the most awesome was you have a 2 choice walk through, for $3 more we got to see it all!!! the vortex is unreal!

Actors' Performance


Appropriate For

not for the very young!!!


its very bloody to start and then you go into complete dark and walk alone, that is if you dare walk slow, very cool!

View all Elements of Fear reviews

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Please note: this review is for the 2006 season rather than the current season.

by bmk after attending on Friday, October 20, 2006 at about 3:30 p.m.

Fun Factor: Very High Fear Factor: Very High


Signage / Visibility / Location

It had a small sign, but was lit well, so easily visable from the road.

Wait Area / Line Entertainment

The gravestones and creepy music added to the effect displayed by the 3+ roaming ghouls, and the occasional chain saw chase.

Most Unique

They had 2 chainsaws and that caught me off guard.

Actors' Performance

Although some were a little young, they still scared me, they must have been trained well.

Appropriate For



Cheap compaired to others I've gone through.

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Please note: this review is for the 2006 season rather than the current season.

Wisconsin Feargrounds

by bunnehop after attending on Thursday, October 19, 2006 at about 2:45 p.m.

Fun Factor: Medium Fear Factor: Low


Signage / Visibility / Location

Some signage not too hard to find. Just follow the expo center signs.

Wait Area / Line Entertainment

None, but there was no line either.

Most Unique

Glowing pumpkin faces.

Actors' Performance

Well played, all stayed in character. One girl told me friend she smelt like bananas?

Appropriate For

12 and up


Overall ok didn't really get scared. Needed more actors and less props.

View all Wisconsin Feargrounds reviews

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Please note: this review is for the 2006 season rather than the current season.

by MadMaxx after attending on Thursday, October 19, 2006 at about 3:30 p.m.

Fun Factor: High Fear Factor: Very High


Signage / Visibility / Location

Small sign, the hearse was a dead give-away that something was going on here, though. Hearse is advertising something else. ??? If you know that it's at the Walworth County Fairgrounds, it's not that hard to find.

Wait Area / Line Entertainment

We went on a Thursday, so our wait was more like a pause. The clown in the overcoat is FUNNY! He made all of us jump at least once. The tall guy is just plain creepy, I want his costume!!!

Most Unique

It's a tie between the tall guy in the waiting area and the butcher. Butcher made me ill. I seriously gagged. I'm not sure that's a good thing. LOL.

Actors' Performance

Most everyone was energetic and really into it... again, it was a Thursday... they were probably dying (pun intended) for someone to scare. LOL. The lady with the baby had a comeback for everything... and I think I may need therapy after talking to her.

Appropriate For

NOT appropriate for all ages. I'd say teens and up.


Some of the ideas in here were created by some really sick minds. Others were just the general haunt stuff that you find everywhere else.

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Please note: this review is for the 2006 season rather than the current season.

A Theater Of Lost Souls Presents: Nightmare Factory Haunt

by untitledsouls after attending on Friday, October 13, 2006 at about 3:30 p.m.

Fun Factor: Medium Fear Factor: Medium


Signage / Visibility / Location

It was okay, one giant banner infront of the Expo center parking lot saying "A Theater of Lost Souls" than a road sign about the size of a milk carton pointing where parking was. Still a nice location considering I've been to country USA and Lifefest.

Wait Area / Line Entertainment

Waiting was okay, you'd wait in a barn after purchasing a ticket. Not a whole lot of entertainment except a few really good actors, I loved the girl with the syringe, and the southern 'boys.' Music was also played along with a smoke machine in the waiting line. Really chilly so I recommend dressing warm for the occasion.

Most Unique

I Think the most unique piece out of the entire haunt excluding the clown side was the Acting, they were believable, they knew what they were doing. The Majority of them were just outstanding!

Actors' Performance

Alot of the actors were impressive in my opinion, I found that the places that stood out the most was the guy with the hannibal mask and the sparks, He was good. the Old lady was nice, very convincing accent and style of movement. The Little girl and the dolls was an A+ Performance. For the clowns I guess the guy with the hockey stick and the other guy with the stiches for face paint really stood out, the rule giver was a bit overdone, sort of silly than scary. Although it was an overall A Performance I wonder how they keep warm...

Appropriate For



Um, for additional comments, I would suggest if at all possible throwing a tarp over the roofs of the walls so the light reflection doesnt spoil whats ahead, it may also keep the building warm. and Maybe if you could stretch the 3-D Carpet all the way throughout the clown area and add more bubbles? That'd kick major butt! But besides that it was fun, well worth the 15.00.
I'd also like to pin out that some of the actors overkilled their rolls, like they acted awesome, its just they would overact such as the clown rule giver.

View all A Theater Of Lost Souls Presents: Nightmare Factory Haunt reviews

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Please note: this review is for the 2006 season rather than the current season.


by alimoz after attending on Saturday, October 14, 2006 at about 4:15 p.m.

Fun Factor: Very High Fear Factor: Very High


Signage / Visibility / Location

Don't miss the entrance onto W. It's confusing when coming from Milwaukee, but it's still worth finding! There are 2 W's and you want the second one. The turn is last minute so go slow!

Wait Area / Line Entertainment

It's cold out there so wear a coat. The lines are long as all get out, but well worth it. For only a dollar you can try to win a chance for your entire group to go to the head of the pack and go next. It's worth it, but only if you try immediately after getting there! We waited, without doing that for just over an hour and a half. The entertainment was heavy metal, but still decent to listen to. The night we went a bunch of people got in trouble by the cops though.

Most Unique

I didn't see much of the chainsaw rooms because whenever I heard the chainsaws I was running out the other door, but it's unique because it truly is scary and every year it's different!

Actors' Performance

The only one that scares me! I love this haunted house because the people are in your face, scary and the rooms themselves are so creative. Don't forget the slide, how it turns! This is definitely the best one ever, and I walk through all haunted houses like they aren't anything but this one gets me jumping and grabbing onto the nearest man!

Appropriate For


View all Splatterhaus Presents - HELLWORLD (PERMANENTLY CLOSED) reviews

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Please note: this review is for the 2006 season rather than the current season.

Wisconsin Feargrounds

by draculasmistress after attending on Sunday, October 15, 2006 at about 3:15 p.m.

Fun Factor: Very High Fear Factor: High


Signage / Visibility / Location

There was not a sign per say for the haunt itself, but the Expo sign was easy to see and find.

Wait Area / Line Entertainment

We waited no time at all. Being a Sunday we went right in. People were very friendly.

Most Unique

All their personal and haunt effects were top notch and done very well. Also crawling actors were the best feature, very creepy.

Actors' Performance

The actors did a fantastic job. They kept out of sight until the right moments. They also never broke character.

Appropriate For

Mature 14 and up


I liked that they asked when it was over if you liked it and if you enjoyed yourself.

View all Wisconsin Feargrounds reviews

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Please note: this review is for the 2006 season rather than the current season.

Trail Of Terror - Final Season

by shorty_12177 after attending on Friday, October 13, 2006 at about 7 a.m.

Fun Factor: Very High Fear Factor: Very High


Signage / Visibility / Location

Yes there were big signs - including signs all over the town with great directions. This haunted trail was very easy to spot.

Wait Area / Line Entertainment

There were phsyco people running around scareing people in the barn along with some very good music and scarey sounds! I had fun just waiting

Most Unique

All of it was totally unique! Even though chains saws are common the way they did it was compleatly unique!

Actors' Performance

The actors were very good! i had so much fun! They had a lot of variety - really dark parts of the trail, witches with fog and coldrens, people jumping out, chain saws, and a lot more -the actors were awsome!

Appropriate For

12 and over - any younger would pee their pants!



View all Trail Of Terror - Final Season reviews

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Please note: this review is for the 2006 season rather than the current season.

by kawaskigirl after attending on Thursday, October 19, 2006 at about 3:30 p.m.

Fun Factor: Medium Fear Factor: Medium


Signage / Visibility / Location

Well seeing as I got lost along the way, I think the directions online could of been better, but once I got close I knew I was there because of this unique stuffed clown hanging from a light post.

Wait Area / Line Entertainment

Well there were different ghouls walking around, but I didn't have to wait because there wasn't a line. All you had to do was walk right in.

Most Unique

The pitch black maze was pretty awesome and the security was really nice and helpful.

Actors' Performance

Some of the actors were good, but I can remember when one of the actors blurted out that none of the others knew how to hide, which ruined the whole staying in character. However, the performance was pretty ok.

Appropriate For

10 and up


The drive was ok (except for getting lost), but I was expecting so much more especially from the title they gave it.

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Please note: this review is for the 2006 season rather than the current season.

The Haunting at Hickory Oaks - CLOSED

by wonky01 after attending on Saturday, October 14, 2006 at about 4:15 p.m.

Fun Factor: Very High Fear Factor: High


Signage / Visibility / Location

Pretty good once I found forest Home ave, you cant really miss it.

Wait Area / Line Entertainment

Not much of a wait, little entertainment.

Most Unique

The Vortex awsome, I have seen and been through others but this one was right on, however the entire theme of the house was great, it messed with my mind alot.

Actors' Performance

Wow, Wow, And wow again, you cant say enough about it.

Appropriate For



This so far this year is the BEST Haunt I have been to, I have a few others on my list to go but wow, from the actors to the trippy rooms, this is one place you will not want to miss!

View all The Haunting at Hickory Oaks - CLOSED reviews

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