2011 Event Reviews

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Please note: this review is for the 2011 season rather than the current season.

Lister F/X Presents Monster Mayhem Haunted Laser Tag (CLOSED)

by HocusPocus (Newbie Review Crew Member) after attending on Friday, October 7, 2011 at about 3:30 p.m.

Fun Factor: Very High Fear Factor: Low


This year's Monster Mayhem is definitely unlike any other Halloween attraction I've ever attended. By far it was the most fun I've ever had at a haunt.

Taking participation to a whole new level Monster Mayhem not only allows you to roam freely through rooms and hallways it also allows you to hunt and be hunted by the creatures lurking around the maze of rooms. As a bonus, you can also go rogue on your fellow haunt goers and hunt them down as well. (...this practice is actually encouraged.)

Also unlike other haunts this attraction offers fun for all ages...kids, parents and grandparents alike. I must admit, I was a bit nervous when I entered with a group of 12 as in most cases this results in being crammed tightly into small rooms where you struggle to see the action. But this venue
accommodated our group easily and the large group size actually made the action even more enjoyable. I particularly enjoyed watching a spirited mother of several young kids hunt them down and then shoot them cold heartedly in the back....several times! (...she did later admit that she may have gotten a bit carried away.)

While Monster Mayhem may not be the scariest haunt you visit this year it will make a strong case for being the most fun haunted attraction you attend this year!

Signage / Visibility / Location

Located in the basement of Paulo's Pizza / Pub. There are signs for the haunt but they're not nearly as obvious as the signs for Paulo's. Located right on the corner of 51st and Howard you can't miss Paulo's....but you may miss the signs for Monster Mayhem.

Wait Area / Line Entertainment

Doesn't get much better than this! While you wait....order a pizza, have dinner, play a few games in the arcade or listen to music in the pub

Actors' Performance

Granted, there aren't a lot of actors involved with this year's Monster Mayhem but the ones you interact with do a superb job of getting you involved in the fun.  I especially enjoyed the doctor...great job of adlibbing and if his accent wasn't real it certainly sounded like it.

Sets Scenes / Props / FX

These guys really have a keen eye for technology.  If you're into techno props you'll enjoy the sets at Monster Mayhem.


Beginning to end my adventure lasted about 15 minutes which included a little setup instructional time to get us operational.

Crowd Control

Given that the venue is at a Pizza Parlor / Pub the logistics of how the Haunt patrons mix with those from the Pizza Parlor Pub may be interesting....this is the fourth year I've visited this haunt and I've never experienced any crowd control concerns...I suspect that they've worked out any potential bottlenecks with the flow of traffic through the establishment.

Most Memorable Moment

Chasing monsters and then being chased by others...a very entertaining change of pace!


If you enjoy participating in your Halloween ventures you definitely need to checkout Monster Mayhem.  I've seriously never had more fun at a haunt.  Fun for all ages and for the who family!

View all Lister F/X Presents Monster Mayhem Haunted Laser Tag (CLOSED) reviews

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Please note: this review is for the 2011 season rather than the current season.

Green Bay Fear Haunted Attractions

by Dave_to_the_Grind (Newbie Review Crew Member) after attending on Friday, October 7, 2011 at about 2:30 p.m.

Fun Factor: High Fear Factor: Medium


What else is there to do in Green Bay when the Packers are on the road? Check out the Green Bay Fear. It’s part party/part haunt for a spooky good time. For an extra $10 you can get the VIP treatment and more entertainment, which I cover below in the Wait Area section. Whichever you choose, both take you through the haunted woods to the haunted mansion. The walk through the woods includes scares along the way. The mansion looks impressive on the outside and all the way to the inside. You begin with instructions from a man with his mouth sewn shut, so getting instruction was interesting and fun. You’re given a pair of 3D glasses that bring out colors and markings on the wall and the glasses keep you feeling uneasy. The actors go to great lengths to keep with their characters and make the haunt memorable.

Signage / Visibility / Location

Just minutes off of Hwy 41, easy to navigate to, and find, with plenty of signs and parking.

Wait Area / Line Entertainment

The people at the ticket booth, as well as the clown giving instructions, were entertaining and funny. I got the VIP package which instead of waiting in line you’re sent through a haunted path into the woods. You end up in a large clearing with a warm fire, seating, hot chocolate, a free t-shirt, a movie and a live band. As one visitor put it “this is freakin awesome!”

Actors' Performance

Terrific job and effort put forth by the performers. They perfected creepy movement and many had a perfect skin crawling giggle. Some just knew when to be quiet, stand there and look disturbing. The actors with dialog delivered with conviction.

Sets Scenes / Props / FX

The exterior is awesome, perfectly looking just like what you’d expect a haunted house to look like. The impression continues on the inside, very eerie and well decorated. Props, decoration and the actor’s costumes all fit the effect of the room and the theme they were creating


Fairly long and worth the money. One point during the haunt I thought we were done since we were outside through a haunted courtyard. An actor creepily said, “oh you’re not leaving…you’re going baack insiiiiiide.” I didn’t believe her until we we’re back inside for more.

Crowd Control

There wasn’t much of a crowd when we arrived, but there were quite a few in the VIP area enjoying the band. There was plenty of staff to move things along. Though at times it was confusing on which path to take. We had to ask for direction a couple of times.

Most Memorable Moment

My personal favorite part was a hallway with chains hanging from the ceiling. Some of the chains had glowing hockey masks attached to them. The 3-D effect made the masks jump out at you and some of the masks weren’t attached to chains…


Overall it was a fun experience. Probably a good haunt for a big group of friends who are up for a variety of entertainment with the haunt. The haunt itself was well done. Settings and actors were excellent. The startling frights seemed limited. I usually can gage how scary a haunt is by how much my wife screams, jumps and uses me as a shield. She rarely did walking through this haunt. The group we walked with seemed to laugh more, or comment how cool it was, instead of scream. I also took off the 3-D glasses half way through the haunt. The effect they provided wasn’t worth the detail I was missing and they kept falling off anyway. We all enjoyed the entertainment.

View all Green Bay Fear Haunted Attractions reviews

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Please note: this review is for the 2011 season rather than the current season.


by somomojo after attending on Saturday, October 8, 2011 at about 3 p.m.

Fun Factor: Very High Fear Factor: Very High


Way AWESOME! This is one of the greatest haunts I have been through. I came with my friends and have been coming to haunts all over Wisconsin - screamed the whole time.
It is dark and creepy in places, things coming from the walls, and actors coming at you from everywhere. I screamed through the whole tour, everywhere I looked, there was someone there to jump out to scare me. The face makeup was outstanding! Kudos to the makeup people. There are things in this haunt to scare everyone, I highly recommend it!
Everything is so well planned, from the time I purchased my ticket, throught the tour and even an exit interview. They really take the time to make sure you have a very scary, yet enjoyable visit. Concessions were available after the haunt.


Must see if you like an awesome scare.

View all Dr. SCary's (PERMANENTLY CLOSED) reviews

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Please note: this review is for the 2011 season rather than the current season.

Hubertus House of Horror

by HPpeople after attending on Friday, September 30, 2011 at about 3:30 p.m.

Fun Factor: Very High Fear Factor: Very High


this haunt is great. some of the 'rooms' were a bit predictable, and others were amazing. "Love the elevator!'
I drove about am hour with friends to this haunt. We visit this one every year. It is a fundraiser for the school that the haunted house is run by. Actors could be scarier, butI am a person that likes to be scared as well as entertained. This haunt is a must see, it is great.

View all Hubertus House of Horror reviews

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Please note: this review is for the 2011 season rather than the current season.


by HPpeople after attending on Saturday, October 8, 2011 at about 3 p.m.

Fun Factor: Very High Fear Factor: Very High


Oh my GOSH! This is one of the greatest haunts I have been through. I came with my friends and have been coming to haunts all over Wisconsin for over 20 yrs.
It is dark and creepy in places, things coming from the walls, and actors coming at you from everywhere. I screamed through the whole tour, everywhere I looked, there was someone there to jump out to scare me. The face makeup was outstanding! Kudos to the makeup people. There are things in this haunt to scare everyone, I highly recommend it!
We drove 2 hours to come to this haunt. Everything is so well planned, from the time I purchased my ticket, throught the tour and even an exit interview. They really take the time to make sure you have a very scary, yet enjoyable visit. They even have concessions, which is great for when I needed to quench my thirst after the screamfest I just experienced! I will be visiting again this year, and bringing more friends!


Totally a great haunt! One of the best I have been through.

View all Dr. SCary's (PERMANENTLY CLOSED) reviews

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Please note: this review is for the 2011 season rather than the current season.

Green Bay Fear Haunted Attractions

by Truebie31 (Newbie Review Crew Member) after attending on Friday, October 7, 2011 at about 3 p.m.

Fun Factor: High Fear Factor: High


This haunt was exactly all that I expected & more!  I attended with my 13-yr old & her friend on Friday the 7th.  It was very easy to find using the map on my cell phone.  There was plenty of parking & the lady shriners not only pointed you in the right direction, but also wished you luck & hoped you made it out alive!  You can purchase the general admission for $15 or the RIP admission for $25.  I highly recommend the RIP because you get a few nice perks, including getting bumped ahead of the general admission line, a cool Green Bay Fear t-shirt & before entering, you can enjoy a local band & sip hot cocoa.  After being admitted into the woods by a big, ugly clown, you will meet plenty of evil creatures lurking about. They will continually harass you (in a good, fun way) until you reach the point where it splits into the RIP & general admission lines.  Upon entering the RIP area, where your wrist band gets checked again, you are given your tshirt, $5 off coupon to Halloween Express & a cup of hot cocoa.  We sat by one of the fires & listened to the rock music for about a half hour before heading on the path to the house.  Groups of people are lead up the stairs to the porch to wait for the "butler" to usher you inside.  By the way, his mouth is sewn shut but he still tries talking to you.  This is a 3D haunt, so you are then given your 3D glasses which you must wear throughout the entire walk.  There are a lot of twists & turns & plenty of good scares.  When you think you have reached the exit, it just leads you through an iron maze outside & back into the house through another door.  

Signage / Visibility / Location

A wonderfully secluded forest location that is very easy to find.  There are also a couple of signs pointing you to the parking lot.

Wait Area / Line Entertainment

The big ugly clown who admits you also walks around terrorizing the crowd.

Actors' Performance

Excellent performances from these mostly high school students.  I was very impressed with how well they stayed true to the haunt & their characters.

Sets Scenes / Props / FX

This is a true haunted house & the sets, scenes & props were very authentic looking.  


The walk through of the house itself takes about 25-30 minutes, but if you purchase a RIP admission, the length can vary.  We were there about an hour total. 

Crowd Control

There wasn't too many people there when we first purchased our tickets, but I heard there was a group of about 80 coming through so I was glad we got through before them!  In the 2 lines, there were roped off paths to wait behind.  I also did see some people with "Security" written on their shirts so that I found reassuring as the gals marking our bands before entering the house itself were a little older & don't think they could have handled a drunk or disorderly person.

Most Memorable Moment

This had to be when we were being "harassed" in the woods. I told the demon that was up in my face that he needed a tic=tac for his bad breath to which he replied, "I've been in these woods for over 400 years, what did you expect."  :-)


I was very impressed with this haunt & would recommend it to all.  I would also highly recommend purchasing the RIP tickets for the extra perks.  Just sitting & listening to the band was worth the extra $10.  The Green Bay Fear & the Beja Shriners put on a great show!

View all Green Bay Fear Haunted Attractions reviews

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Please note: this review is for the 2011 season rather than the current season.

Mars Haunted House - CLOSED-

by spookshow_babe (Newbie Review Crew Member) after attending on Friday, October 7, 2011 at about 5 p.m.

Fun Factor: Medium Fear Factor: Medium


I would say that Mars Haunted House has done a really good job this year again. Keeping things fresh, it was nice to see some new added sets and props from previous years as well as new actors and characters. It is also nice to see some from previous years make a return as well. I feel Mars Haunted House's has some of the best actors working the waiting area. They are always done up in the BEST costumes and do a great job at keeping you entertained and they add a lot to the fun! Inside you will find very detailed sets and good props as well as edger actors ready to frighten you! I would say this haunt is best for teens and adults, but they do have a day where you can take kids and the scare factor is not as high as on a common night. I would say this is a haunted house worth  checking out if you haven't already and since I have been going for 8 or 9 years, it is obviously one I feel is worth revisiting as well!

Signage / Visibility / Location

There is a hearse parked outside the haunted house with the name on it that is visible. It is on a very well lit street and there are plenty of actors outside roaming the line that will grab your attention.

Wait Area / Line Entertainment

I was very impressed with the actors scaring people in line. My favorite of the 3 was a silly redneck clown called "Stitches". There is also a vampire and another evil clown, They do a wonderful job of adding a few laughs to the scares and do a good job of getting you excited to go in the haunt!

Actors' Performance

Most the actors did a really good job at timing when they would jump out to scare you and some came from unexpected places. One crawled out from under a bookshelf which I did not expect and it did startle me a fair bit! They did a good job of staying in character, and walking after you after you left the room which added to the scare.

Sets Scenes / Props / FX

I liked a lot of the sets and the props were well used in the sets. A lot of it was reused from previous years, but it was nice to see them used in a different way. My only complaint was that in 2 of the rooms they used something to make the rooms smell REALLY bad, so bad that I found myself rushing out of them and rushing along to the next room, though it was good to keep the people moving I guess, it was very unpleasant and took me out of the experience... I just wanted to get out. I didn't have a chance really to enjoy those sets much either because of that. If they were going for an "uncomfortable" feeling, they succeeded, but it was not something I would want to go through again! Another minor thing, was that the floors were very uneven throughout the haunt. In the past people have used pillows and such to create this effect, and it felt to me there were just a lot of lose boards and broken up wood on the ground. It was a nice effect, but in a haunted house where its very dark, it seemed a little unsafe. I almost tripped twice and husband did trip into me once. Pillows are a little better for this I feel, you still are stable and if you do fall its not going to be a hard landing.


It took us about 15 min to walk through it.. this could be because I walked a lot quicker through the smelly rooms though.

Crowd Control

It was good. It was just my husband and I and they let us go in the 2 of us. They seemed to let a lot of people in just with the groups they came with which is nice, and we didn't bump into another crowd in the haunt.

Most Memorable Moment

I really liked the opening of this haunt, or the first room you enter. You get a little history about the building being REALLY haunted which adds to the fear I think. They do a good job of getting you excited for the ride!


I have been going to Mars Haunted House for 8 or 9 years now and I am always pleased with it. The actors do a good job, the make up is well done, they have some really great masks they use and the sets are always different year to year and well designed. I was a little sad to see out "bearded lady" friend was not in it this year, he was always very funny from previous years, but the big guy wondering the hallways was pretty scary and could be my new favorite in this haunt, as well as "Stitches" working outside. I was also sad to not find our Devil friend from last year, but maybe he was not working that night. I think everyone in the haunt and working outside it does a good job and adds to the experience however, I just have some personal favorites. I would recommend this haunt to people looking to get scared, but NOT too scared and who enjoy a good creepy atmosphere. I only warn you about the really smelly rooms and the uneven ground.

View all Mars Haunted House - CLOSED- reviews

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Please note: this review is for the 2011 season rather than the current season.


by Pinkforme after attending on Saturday, October 8, 2011 at about 5 p.m.

Fun Factor: Very High Fear Factor: Very High


Dr. Scary's was even better than last year!!! We were freaked out before we even entered by a guy running around and through the crowd. The house itself is larger than last year, so they had more rooms. There were more big scares with new props. We just about p**d ourselves from some of the actors. We expected the chain saw guy to be last, but he wasn't, which took the fright factor to a whole new level. Just like I wouldn't want to tell you all the highlights of a movie, I'm going to leave it at that. This is a definite MUST for those who want a good scare or to laugh at your friends! But be warned, your friends may end up laughing at YOU! Also, I don't recommend this one for little kids--it's too scary. Definitely worth a drive from hours away! We found it last year from this website. Thanks! We will spread the word.


-big scares from beginning to end
-actors stayed in character
-located between Milwaukee & Madison and Beloit & Watertown

View all Dr. SCary's (PERMANENTLY CLOSED) reviews

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Please note: this review is for the 2011 season rather than the current season.

Wisconsin Feargrounds

by lilone2 after attending on Saturday, October 1, 2011 at about 3:30 p.m.

Fun Factor: Very High Fear Factor: Very High


One of the scariest haunted houses I have ever been to. I was there on the night they opened, as more of a dare from friends. The actors in the houses seemed to be brushing off their skills since it was opening night, but that didn't stop me from being really scared. The actors did a great job making me cover my face into my friends shoulder. The best acting was in the first haunted house, but that didn't stop the other two from working really hard. The fact that there are three houses for the price of one is sweet, and I had a $5 coupon from an applebees which made it even better! All three of the houses were totally different, each giving a totally different scare. The first one was very classic haunted house, where you feel like you go through a house with all of the classic moments, although very classic in feel there are some really cool effects, and the theme was very cool and stayed through. The second house was more scares on your senses which was my favorite! The third house was all acting and gross out scares, made me regret my dinner a bit, but it was cool to see never the less! People should see this, it is a good night of entertainment, laughs, and screams. These people are really good and what they do, and work really hard for it.

View all Wisconsin Feargrounds reviews

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Please note: this review is for the 2011 season rather than the current season.

A Theater Of Lost Souls Presents: Nightmare Factory Haunt

by kurtselke1976 after attending on Friday, October 7, 2011 at about 3 p.m.

Fun Factor: High Fear Factor: Medium


I got here at around 830. There was not a very long line. The wait to enter the hunt was about 10 minutes. We then walked into the inside waiting area and waited another 5 minutes. after the rules were told to us we walked up the stairs into the haunt. Started in the black maze, the black maze was extremely long. After the black maze the actual hospital scenes started. The sets were amazing this year compared to last year. Dollie girl was amazing. Great acting by all actors. Second floor was 3 d. Was kind of boring.


This haunt needed more actors and more intensity. Some scares were actually kind of early. The haunt flowed very nicely. I would definitely recommend this haunt to anybody under 17.

View all A Theater Of Lost Souls Presents: Nightmare Factory Haunt reviews

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Please note: this review is for the 2011 season rather than the current season.

Wisconsin Feargrounds

by DarkWolf1088 (Newbie Review Crew Member) after attending on Friday, October 7, 2011 at about 5 p.m.

Fun Factor: Very High Fear Factor: High


Welcome to Wisconsin Feargrounds were all your nightmares come true. From ghoulish beasts, to crazy hillbillies, this haunt has it all. Wisconsin Feargrounds has consistently remained one of America's and Wisconsin's top haunted attractions. I now can see why.

This was actually my first year at this haunt and I was excited from the get-go. Although this haunt may appear over the top a lot of time and energy went into throwing you into a very twisted and dark world. I was incredibly impressed by the scenes, props, and special effects. Even if you "don't get scared" this is a haunt just to check out for incredible attention to detail, fun obstacles, traps, and passageways.

What is also amazing are this haunt's prices. When some single haunts are charging 15 to 20 dollars for entry, Wisconsin Feargrounds has 3 (yes three) haunted houses available for only 30 dollars. That is surprising in and of itself without even being inside the houses yet. Being able to walk through a different world, while being scared by professionals...that is what I call a deal.

Now on to the nitty gritty. How were the haunted houses? Well let's break them down.

Morgan Manor

This is your "classic" haunt. Morgan Manor leads you through a once proud mansion that has now been corrupted by evil. Morgan Manor uses some of the classic haunted house tricks and scares. All the actors were top notch and stayed in character throughout. This house was fun and the scenes were absolutely amazing, detailed, and realistic. If this is the only house you do it will still be a fun night.

Morgana's Torment

I'll be honest I did not know what this house was. This house is full of obstacles. From pitch black corridors, to walls that squeeze you tight, to disorienting lighting effects, I never knew where I was. I only knew I had to keep going forward. The actors use this confusing labyrinth to their advantage and made some great scares. Just the mere fact of being "lost" and constantly turned around is enough to frighten some people. Morgana's Torment is quite simply a really twisted version of a fun house.


I don't know what was scarier in this haunt. The crazed hillbilly farm hands running around or some of the aromas that I smelled inside of Unstable. Again the attention to detail by this haunt operator is shown quite well. There is no question that you are in a stable from sight AND smell. This winding and twisting haunt provides for some really good scares especially as, you alone, try to figure out what is just an empty stable and what is the actual path through the barn. This haunt was fun, and the actors really put there all into forming a world right out of a horror film. A word of advice...hold you nose at Unstable's hillbilly restroom and, oh yes, give Bezel my regards.

Actors' Performance

5 out of 5. There were times that I wish the actor would of not just talked to me but was rather lying in wait to scare me, but from the actors that talk to the actors that scare, this haunted house will feel as real as it gets.


If you are looking for a full night of scares, for a great price, Wisconsin Feargrounds is the place to go. Everything is done professionally and, even if you don't get scared, you will be impressed by this haunt.

View all Wisconsin Feargrounds reviews

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Please note: this review is for the 2011 season rather than the current season.

Haunted High presents Dark Carnival

by witch4ever after attending on Friday, October 7, 2011 at about 5:30 p.m.

Fun Factor: High Fear Factor: Medium


Location: Easy to find in Oconomowoc.

Parking:Because it is an old high school, there is plenty of parking.

Waiting area: They are using the old gym as the waiting area. Plenty of space and indoors so need to worry about the weather. They do have refreshments for sale, and a big screen showing horror movies. Because it was late, we did not have to wait at all.

Haunt: They play into the fact that this was a old school and the whole haunt is based on the fact that high school is hell. The haunt took over 30 minutes to get through. Each room is 1 hour of your school day. Some really great effects using sensors so they are always timed right. The rooms are set up well and really use the space they have. You will walk up and down stairs and ramps. Liked the fact that each room had a very different feel and that they were trying to effect your senses in different ways. Downside is that the haunt uses a lot of teenagers to staff the haunt. We saw many actors take off their mask and drop out of character. We were also run over by some actors trying to get back to their mark as we entered the room. They could have used some music in some areas to help the feel of the room. The best room of the whole house is the glee club. Loved that everyone in that room really got into it.


Fun house that for $15 was worth it to me. Great house for people who hate clowns as there are none! If you are looking for a house in the metro-Milwaukee area, I would recommend.

View all Haunted High presents Dark Carnival reviews

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Please note: this review is for the 2011 season rather than the current season.

The Dark Side Haunted Adventure

by witch4ever after attending on Friday, October 7, 2011 at about 3:30 p.m.

Fun Factor: High Fear Factor: Medium


Location: Haunt is located on a farm. Easy to find as they have lighted signs to direct you. The only down side is the road you have to drive down is a small farm road so hard for cars to go both ways on the road.

Parking: As it is on a farm, there is plenty on parking on their grass field.

Price: At $15 the price is great for the amount you get.

Length: Total time is around 1 hour

Waiting Area: They have you wait in a barn that has hay to direct you around the barn. Actors hiding out to scare you while you wait. The only down side is you spend a lot of time standing in there. The haunt takes people in groups of 20 or so, so you will stand in the same place for a while. Would have like to see a seating area where they called numbers. They do have refreshments, but they are located in the outer part of the barn. If we had known, we would have gotten something before we entered the line area.

Haunt: Haunt is split into a haunted mine, haunted hay ride, walk through a haunted woods and then a corn field. The haunted mine had some great effects and lots of actors. The down side is they relied on the dropped hole in the wall and screaming at you a bit to much. At the end of the mine, you wait by a fire for the rest of the 20 people in your group. Some great actors out there to keep you entertained. Then you get on the hay ride. At this point all the actors from the house come out and continue to scare you as you ride off. The ride takes a while to get to the area where the scares are. Would have liked to see them do something along the way. The actors in the ride area are great and will jump up and sit next to you. Some really great elements along the ride. I don't want to spoil it but there will be at least one scare that will get you to jump out of your seat. They drop you off in the woods, where you wait to walk back. They send everyone in small groups of 2-3 people. They have a fire to keep you warm while you wait. The woods and cornfield were a disappointment. There were not enough actors to provide a good scare, and the scenes they set up were not complete. The best scare and actor was ruined by seeing him attack the groups before us.


Overall a fun haunt for the money. Great for families as it is not too scary and allows a parent to pair up with their kid for a bonding event. If you do a lot of houses like me, you will not find it scary.

View all The Dark Side Haunted Adventure reviews

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Please note: this review is for the 2011 season rather than the current season.


by DIhomehaunter after attending on Saturday, October 8, 2011 at about 5 p.m.

Fun Factor: Very High Fear Factor: Very High


The guys at Splatter Haus put on a hell of a show yet again. We got our tickets with a lot of the people in the waiting area. A movie was showing on a huge projection screen. We played a video game called "The Defecator" $1 for 2 scares in the haunt, lots of fun to play. We stuck at least $10 into it, way too much fun watching the reactions of the people going through. Before we knew it our wait was up, time to scream! The haunt was great, lots of rooms that I had never seen before, in any haunt. Actors spot on as normal. My opinion the best haunt I've been to this year! Well done splatter Haus crew, well done.


Lots of fun with things to do while you wait. Bring singles to play "The Defecator" 2 scares for a buck can't beat that

View all Splatterhaus Presents - HELLWORLD (PERMANENTLY CLOSED) reviews

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Please note: this review is for the 2011 season rather than the current season.

The Haunted Barn Stoughton (PERMANENTLY CLOSED)

by Budda after attending on Friday, September 30, 2011 at about 2 p.m.

Fun Factor: High Fear Factor: Medium


My wife and I attended The Haunted Barn last year and returned again in 2011 to find the same familiar friendly environment, with enough changes to make the haunt refreshingly interesting. An actor dressed like Beetlejuice greeted all visitors and played the role especially well, priming us for some good scary fun. Visitors were spaced apart nicely so we were not bumping into people who entered the haunt ahead of us.

There are three haunted locations on site and they each offer unique experiences, though we saw fewer actors this year. Some additional actors located throughout the trek would have added more fear factor and suspense.


A worthwhile haunt to include in your search for scary fun this Halloween season.

View all The Haunted Barn Stoughton (PERMANENTLY CLOSED) reviews

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