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Please note: this review is for the 2011 season rather than the current season.
by CC2 (Newbie Review Crew Member) after attending on Friday, October 14, 2011 at about 3:30 p.m.
Submitted: Tuesday, October 18, 2011
Terror on Rural Street has been almost entirely re-done since last year's production. That effort is always appreciated.
The creators of this event put much time into the development of the haunt and much attention is taken to present a safe, secure and fun event.
This year's haunt, per usual, features elaborate and intricate displays and high attention to detail.
The actors interact with the guest and are loaded with amusing dialogue.
Along your way, you will meet various creatures of the dark and have to squeeze your way through a maze.
There is a flashing sign to direct you to your destination.
We appreciated that they provided a television in the waiting area that had the Brewer game on during our visit.
Actors entertain you while you wait and that lighting affords you the opportunity to appreciate the excellent make up effects that this haunt executes.
Terror also now holds the distinction of being the only haunt with a concession stand that serves...wait for it...BEER. Candy and hot dogs are available, as well.
They are equipped with clever dialogue and let the guest know they care about their entertainment role.
My group really enjoyed their efforts.
Their make up staff is excellent.
Crowd control is a non issue and there are police present, as well.
There was much commentary on the excellent make up of the actors, the elaborate masks and sets and the overall aura of the attraction.
Personally, I appreciated an area in the attraction that featured spinning lighting effects that are quite unusual.
Please note: this review is for the 2011 season rather than the current season.
by CC2 (Newbie Review Crew Member) after attending on Saturday, October 15, 2011 at about 3 p.m.
Submitted: Tuesday, October 18, 2011
This was my first ever visit to the Haunted High and I found it quite enjoyable and distinctive, as did my group.
This production makes use of an abandoned school and provides a rather lengthy tour.
The haunt is themed around the progression of a school day and takes one through such stops as a detention hall, the weight room, the sick room, shop class and many others.
You begin your tour following a bloody trail into the attraction and there is a lot of detail to attend to along the way.
The producers of this event took good attention to staying in theme and that has resulted in a very believable presentation of a haunted school with remembrances of students past.
There are some very clever themes and nuances put into this haunt that I will leave you to discover yourself.
I especially appreciated the final acts of the haunt.
If you are not familiar with the area, you may have some difficulty finding it, but we found there was fairly significant traffic flow to it that one can follow.
It may be somewhat difficult to locate without a GPS.
The School was quite busy when we visited.
They were attending to a large group of people, however.
Overall, we were pleased with the effort of the crew.
I have yet to see a structure this large to have a production in.
The scenes were detailed and thematically solid and that made for an entertaining trip through the darkened hallways.
View all Haunted High presents Dark Carnival reviews
Please note: this review is for the 2011 season rather than the current season.
by chevyboy1965 after attending on Friday, October 14, 2011 at about 2 p.m.
Submitted: Tuesday, October 18, 2011
I thought it was done very well and I actually had gotten scared going through it. I believe the cast had done a superb job and I hope they do it again every year.
View all Oblivion Haunted House; The Gathering reviews
Please note: this review is for the 2011 season rather than the current season.
by CC2 (Newbie Review Crew Member) after attending on Friday, October 14, 2011 at about 2:30 p.m.
Submitted: Tuesday, October 18, 2011
The Hubertus House of Horror makes use of an old house on the grounds of a school to produce its haunts.
Because it is a house versus a warehouse, it has its own, distinctive charm and Halloween mystique.
The home has undergone significant updating since last year, which is always appreciated.
This year's house begins with a bus ride and progresses through sets where you will meet Little Red Riding Hood, rednecks and zombies, a monster factory and several other themed rooms.
You will also get to experience a different twist on what I call a "squeeze maze".
In addition, there are restaurants very near the attraction in the event you should want to have dinner before or after your trip.
Staff interact with the guests and there is some dialogue that is clever.
View all Hubertus House of Horror reviews
Please note: this review is for the 2011 season rather than the current season.
by wm (Newbie Review Crew Member) after attending on Saturday, October 15, 2011 at about 5 p.m.
Submitted: Tuesday, October 18, 2011
This was my first time to the Nightmare Factory, but it won't be my last! From the moment we walked in the haunt, it was on!
The factory is really broken down into two completely different types of haunts. The first is the old school, scare the pants off of you. They mix old school scares with some modern technology that will have you screaming for more! This lasts for about 25/30 minutes, and we enjoyed every second of it.
The second part is the 3D section. I'm normally am not a fan of any sort of 3D haunts. They, as a rule are more visually appealing but not scary. With that said, we jumped a few times! This section was another 15 minutes in the factory.
We walked out very impressed with almost every aspect of the Nightmare Factory. I can't wait to see what other nightmares this factory produces next year!
View all A Theater Of Lost Souls Presents: Nightmare Factory Haunt reviews
Please note: this review is for the 2011 season rather than the current season.
by mommydearest after attending on Friday, October 14, 2011 at about 4:30 p.m.
Submitted: Tuesday, October 18, 2011
We went through Oblivion with my teenage children and their friends on a Friday night. The House was GREAT! Every one of us loved it. Great effects & props, quite a few surprise scares, and a really fun time. After going through the house, they took our group picture on the red carpet which was a lot of fun. We even got some actors to stand in on our picture which was then posted on Oblivion's facebook page. A VERY memorable night! We will be sure to return next year. If you want a good scare, this is a definite one to see.
We had a great time at Oblivion. We were very impressed with the actors, props, scenes, and the photo at the end.
View all Oblivion Haunted House; The Gathering reviews
Please note: this review is for the 2011 season rather than the current season.
by Running_Wild after attending on Saturday, October 15, 2011 at about 2 p.m.
Submitted: Tuesday, October 18, 2011
This was the 2nd year I've come to the Burial Chamber and it was even better this year than it was last year. Our group planned it well and got there early(by the time we got through all 3 haunts the lines were insanely long). I for one had a great time(most in my group were terrified).
Adrenaline: This is the most like a "traditional haunted house" very dark with a little light here and there. This house had the most startling scares for us. The most memorable part of this house was the one actor climbing up the walls.
Insanity: This is the most unusual haunt I've ever experienced. The most lit house of the 3 and the most interactive. These actors have some of the best one liners. The best part of my night was when we came across the really big clown(Most of my group was ABSOLUTELY TERRIFIED of clowns). The actor jumped out of nowhere and made my best friend pee her pants I had a hard time holding back laughing.
Phobia(haunted woods): This was like something out of a horror movie, crazy noises coming out of the trees, killer hillbillies, pure chaos. Most memorable part: The actors that blended in with the leaves on the ground. All of a sudden the ground starts moving toward us that was crazy!
It was an awesome experience all around and they have some entertaining videos playing for the lines waiting to get inside the haunts and there's a few actors wandering around the lines keeping everyone's excitement up.
One thing I'd probably do different is buy VIP tickets and get around the wait time. I will definitely come back next year! Keep up the awesome work!
View all Burial Chamber Haunted House Complex reviews
Please note: this review is for the 2011 season rather than the current season.
by wm (Newbie Review Crew Member) after attending on Tuesday, October 18, 2011 at about 2 p.m.
Submitted: Tuesday, October 18, 2011
It was a clear night, perfect for a nice drive to Oconto. But this is no joy rideā¦ it's literally a Trail of Terror. (insert sinister music) Situated on farmland in a heavily wooded area, it's the perfect Halloween setting in the middle of no-where. As we drove up, we saw a crowd of people with glow necklaces being led to their doom. Just that sight alone, in this environment, got my adrenaline going.
You walk into the ticket building and are instantly handed a glow necklace. I'm normally against any sort of glow sticks or LED handouts at haunts, but I'm sure this helps the actors locate their customers in the extremely dark woods. After purchasing your ticket, you are led out to a large open field. The wait area had a nice fire and concession/merch booth, but it really could have used some music and a few actors trying to scare people. There wasn't that big of a crowd the night we went, but the wait was about 45 minutes. The time seemed to drag without any sort of entertainment. Once your number is called your group is led into the woods and your adventure begins.
One thing to note is that there is a guide who leads you through the woods. Although this is a great idea so you don't get lost, it does take away from the 'we're in the middle of nowhere and all alone' vibe that you would get otherwise. The guide is not one of the actors, he's strictly there to get you along the trail.
Throughout the walk, there are a series of skits performed by their actors. Most are humorous in nature. They make use of the darkness quite well, and the skits are paced far enough apart to keep the walk interesting. Although I don't rate the scare factor high, they definitely make it fun and interesting!
View all Trail Of Terror - Final Season reviews
Please note: this review is for the 2011 season rather than the current season.
by Kstar after attending on Saturday, October 15, 2011 at about 5:30 p.m.
Submitted: Monday, October 17, 2011
My friends and I went out to this one again, and although it was CRAZY BUSY, we had a BLAST!! These guys have not dissapointed us in the past, and yet again we were amazed with how they keep coming up with new ways to scare us!! All three of the houses were fantasticly desgined, phenominal detail, and the actors are non stop!!
Morgan Manor: An old decrepid manor with incredible detail, and actors who are EVERYWHERE!! Everytime you left one actor, there was another one creeping right up to you. They all have different ways to scare us. Completly original!! Each of the rooms are decorated in a fantastic and creepy way, to where you actually feel as though you are in an old manor. Loved every twist and turn!!
Morgan's Torment: This is a steller one to go through!! It's so dark, and they have you turned around six different ways, when you think you have it figured out and are almost out, you are trapped and turned around yet again!! Not to menation all of their actors just don't quit!!!! The guy climbing the walls was just pure insanity, I have not screamed like that since I was a kid.
Unstable: From the moment you entered the barn, till the time you left, it smelled like a barn of rotting death. The rooms in there matched the smell. All different kinds of hillbillies there to jump out at you, snaral, scream at you the whole way!! The incredable detail that has gone in to this one is so amazing, and the actors know how to use each and every little area to maximize they way they scare you.
Just pure AMAZING!!!!
View all Wisconsin Feargrounds reviews
Please note: this review is for the 2011 season rather than the current season.
by HocusPocus (Newbie Review Crew Member) after attending on Friday, October 14, 2011 at about 6 p.m.
Submitted: Monday, October 17, 2011
If you enjoy participating in your haunted adventures and enjoy being ghoulishly entertained chances are you'll like this year's Hubertus House of Horror.
This haunt features a mix of young (some very young) and adult actors in a variety of skit orientated rooms as well as some descent special effects. Quite a few of the effects were carry overs from prior years but they were still executed well enough to entertain and in some cases even make you jump.
I was grouped with several haunt goers that were aged between 17-24. While everyone in my group agreed that they enjoyed their tour of the Hubertus House nobody admitted to being particularly scared or surprised enough to jump at any point. ...although one couple did admit to clunking heads pretty hard in one of the dark mazes so perhaps they may suffering from a slight case of amnesia.
Personally I really enjoyed their elevator and Vortex rooms...which by the way may be the best executed vortex in the state. I also enjoyed participating in the skit orientated rooms. Unfortunately, like my fellow haunt goers I never experienced anything that made me jump during my tour nor did I particularly enjoy the pitch black mazes.
View all Hubertus House of Horror reviews
Please note: this review is for the 2011 season rather than the current season.
by HocusPocus (Newbie Review Crew Member) after attending on Friday, October 14, 2011 at about 4:30 p.m.
Submitted: Monday, October 17, 2011
Bravo!! Hands down I'd say this is the best Terror on Rural street they've had since it opened 11 years ago. I typically tour between 8-10 haunts a year and I'd say arguably this year's Terror on Rural Street is probably the best haunt in SE Wisconsin and certainly in the top 3 around the state. Seriously, you may find different kinds of scares at other haunts but you'll be hard pressed to beat the quality and attention to detail that you'll experience at Terror on Rural Street.
Elaborate sets, high tech scares and professionally made-up monsters. This haunt features effects so detailed and gruesome you'd swear they were real!
Following my tour through this year's haunt I had the privilege to get a behind the scenes tour. I was totally amazed at how much time and effort is invested into the nightly operations. Professional theatrical make-up artists with over 25 years of experience, a maze of corridors supporting the haunted hallways & rooms, a warehouse full of additional props, rooms cram packed full of costumes and a totally amazing tech room overflowing with electronics and video feeds that totally blew me away!
Speaking of video feeds....those of you who are particularly interested in the quality of your haunted experience or may just be wondering "how did they do that?" may find this interesting. Each room and hallway is under constant surveillance by staff members with a very keen attention to detail. These staff members remain in contact with the ghouls and monsters lurking in the shadows and rooms around the haunt to ensure they are always perfectly positioned and timed to scare the bajeezus out of you and your fellow haunt goers.
View all Terror on Rural Street reviews
Please note: this review is for the 2011 season rather than the current season.
by freaksjay06 after attending on Sunday, October 16, 2011 at about 2 p.m.
Submitted: Monday, October 17, 2011
So my friend and I were in the mood for a third haunt to add to our weekend. the problem was finding one worth while and close enough so as not to waste gas, time, and money.
We both live in the Madison area and saw the Thresheree haunted train. We were instantly interested.So we took off on the 25 min drive to the edge of Edgerton. It was super easy to find because you just drove straight though the city after you exited off the interstate. You can't miss the big signs and lights along with the train lights and smoke! I was tricked alittle from the place where you purchased the tickets. the building there was cheaply decorated and lots of black plastic. It was not cheaply decorated or as cheesy as i thought on the actual train ride. The props and vignettes were a perfect amount of cheesy and entertaining! the sounds effects on the train were very spot on with what was happening outside of the train. I loved the ufo you have to see that one for yourself. The scares were a alittle too spread out i would have to say though. I guess they did have a lot of people to scare. the lighting effects were uber-creative. I love the shadows! worth the amazing price of 6 dollars for sure and then some!
Loved The coal driven train through the awesome use of lights buildings on the property. Could have been scarier but all around a wonderful Halloween themed evening that I will remember.
View all Haunted Train Rides (PERMANENTLY CLOSED) reviews
Please note: this review is for the 2011 season rather than the current season.
by Ilikeike after attending on Sunday, October 16, 2011 at about 3 p.m.
Submitted: Monday, October 17, 2011
I was parked very neatly and professionally on arival. The atmosphere was unreal. There were creepy actors wandering around what seemed to be everywhere. One moment your talking amongst your friends and the next there is a clown peering over your shoulder. That scared my girlfriend very well.
The 3D was unreal!!! Everything seemed to pop out at you. The clowns were very crazy and were almost bouncing off the walls. Anyone who has a fear of clowns would flip! Not to many props in the clown house.
In the "Goffman Asylem" i was astonished. The high detail was unreal and made me feel as if i were in someones house! The girls in the nursery played their role very well. The Janitor was a very good comical relief, as a guy that travels around to haunts, that is what a good haunt needs!
Then when i was done i hung out by the fire with my friends.
The haunt overall took about 45 minutes but every second i was being entertiand by actors, and high detail. I was very impressed with this huant for being its first year! I am comming back next year for sure! I am hopeing for some huge additions next year!
Please note: this review is for the 2011 season rather than the current season.
by spookshow_babe after attending on Friday, October 14, 2011 at about 5 p.m.
Submitted: Monday, October 17, 2011
This haunted house is ALWAYS a favorite of mine! They always do such a splendid job with set design, and the actors are always the best out of any haunt I have attended! I have going to this haunt for 9 or 10 years and though the concept is usually always the same, it NEVER gets old! The actors, sets and props are always the best and my reason for coming back every year. They always know how to get a scream out of you and keep you on your toes! I like that instead of the usual dark hallways you need to walk through to get form one room to another, they have you explore the hallways that are very well decorated and spotlight many interesting props! It feels like the fun never ends and actors come out of nowhere and at any moment so you are never to sure of when you will find one. The actors must be theater students, because they ALWAYS do a GREAT job and add a little humor to the experience which is really nice and adds to the fun of a haunted house!
I recommend this haunted house to people who are looking for something more than your ordinary haunted house. This haunted house is for those seeking great performances from actors and a fully entertaining and wonderful atmosphere. It is not REALLY scary, but scary enough to be fun. They defiantly give you your money's worth!
View all Hartford Jaycees Haunted House reviews
Please note: this review is for the 2011 season rather than the current season.
by spookshow_babe (Newbie Review Crew Member) after attending on Saturday, October 15, 2011 at about 4:30 p.m.
Submitted: Monday, October 17, 2011
I can honestly say that though this is not one of the scarier haunts I have attended, it is certainly one of the funnest/most creative haunts I have been to and for that I did really enjoy the experience. It is a haunted attraction that both children and adults can enjoy. They have a different approach than the usual haunted house that adds a lot of fun and excitement to the experience by including everyone inside, actors and patrons!
View all Lister F/X Presents Monster Mayhem Haunted Laser Tag (CLOSED) reviews
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