Newbie Review Crew Member

Crystal (spookshow_babe)

Photo of Crystal

Previous Reviews: 2012 | 2011 | 2010

2011 Reviews

Please note: this review is for the 2011 season rather than the current season.

Wisconsin Feargrounds

by spookshow_babe (Newbie Review Crew Member) after attending on Friday, October 21, 2011 at about 3:30 p.m.

Fun Factor: Very High Fear Factor: Very High


It's hard to write a review when you are left speechless! Where do I try to begin...
I remember many years ago, when Splatter Haus was considered one of the best and scariest haunted houses in the area, and at that time, it was very true- however, over the years  they have lost that title and I truly feel that The Wisconsin Feargrounds has taken it! I remember going to this haunt years ago when it was just The Darkness and later when it became Morgan Manner. Even it's first year it was very impressive, with detailed sets, props and great make up/actors. As years went on you could see the passion they had for giving haunted house enthusiasts a whole new fun and yet scary experience. It has been wonderful watching this haunted house grow over the years and become the masterpiece in real horror and fun that it is now!  It deserves being voted #1 two years in a row, as one of the greatest haunted attractions in the Midwest. You can tell they put a ton of effort and thought into there attraction and it will leave you speechless!

Signage / Visibility / Location

Pretty easy to find, just look for the brightly lit expo center, there is a sign, however is wasn't lit, so be sure to watch for it.

Wait Area / Line Entertainment

The wait area is covered which is nice in case of rain or a windy night. They had plenty of great monsters working the waiting area to scare people and keep them entertained. They literally seemed to come out of nowhere at times scaring even the guys in line trying to play it cool.

Actors' Performance

The best I have seen in a haunt this year. They do an amazing job of scaring you by the "bait and switch" method.. there are plenty of monsters EVERYWHERE in the haunted house, not just in rooms, so they really do a great job of catching you off guard. I love that the females didn't just scream in my ear, I really hate that in haunted houses, these actresses actually acted and had wonderfully creepy things to say. Another thing I loved was that there was one or two that would keep reappearing in other rooms which really threw me off guard.. how did they get there? Did I see them before? Did I back track? It was such a great method!!!!

Sets Scenes / Props / FX

The sets and props, again, the best I have seen in a haunted house yet! They were incredibly detailed and felt very real, they did such a great job of taking you out of reality and into there twisted world.  The make up effects on all the actors were very quality, using foam latex, contacts, high quality masks and wonderful costumes that you wont find  at a Halloween store, they all looked amazing and not of this world. They could just stand there and creep you out by there appearance alone! Some of the props in the 3rd haunted house were so gross and realistic looking I did not want to touch them, but had to in order to pass through the hall.


I did all three, and you really should to! They were all very, very good and for all three is took about an hour to get through them, not counting the lines.

Crowd Control

Crowd control was great. The monsters kept people entertained, and we never bumped into another group while in the haunts. Also, they kept the groups small which was really nice and everyone was kept within there groups as well.

Most Memorable Moment

The whole thing was memorable. But my most memorable moment I won't share for the reason being that I want you to experience it without expecting it, that would ruin it. Another moment is less of a giveaway... All the actors inside were GREAT, but the ones who followed us around were exceptional. They really freaked you out after a while because it felt like they were really following YOU and never going to leave.. they followed all the way though all three haunted houses from the very start while waiting in line! I think maybe they had several actors in the same costume to achieve this, but either way it was really creepy! Made you feel like they were stalking you... I loved it!


This is hands down the best haunted house here and if you are a big fan of haunted houses, being scared, adventurous, or just looking for something fun and scary to do for Halloween you NEED to go to this one, you will NOT be let down! I will say that it is more expensive than most haunted houses, but you honestly get your moneys worth and then some! Another thing you may want to consider, is this one IS scary so I really don't think children should attend this haunted house, it is more suitable for late teens and adults.

View all Wisconsin Feargrounds reviews

Comments: (1)

Please note: this review is for the 2011 season rather than the current season.

Lister F/X Presents Monster Mayhem Haunted Laser Tag (CLOSED)

by spookshow_babe (Newbie Review Crew Member) after attending on Saturday, October 15, 2011 at about 4:30 p.m.

Fun Factor: High Fear Factor: Low


I can honestly say that though this is not one of the scarier haunts I have attended, it is certainly one of the funnest/most creative haunts I have been to and for that I did really enjoy the experience.  It is a haunted attraction that both children and adults can enjoy. They have a different approach than the usual haunted house that adds a lot of fun and excitement to the experience by including everyone inside, actors and patrons!

Signage / Visibility / Location

It is located in the basement of Paulo's Pizza / Pub, and though there are some signs for the haunt, you will have a better chance of spotting it by the restaurant sign. Paulo's is on the corner of 51st and Howard.

Wait Area / Line Entertainment

Make a dinner date! They have great pizza you can order and enjoy while you wait, or for adults, you can order a few beers while you wait to enter the attraction!

Actors' Performance

I was a little disappointed by the lack of actors in the haunt at first, but the ones that are inside do a really great job of staying in character and encouraging you to introduce a little extra anarchy of your own to the others that lurk and roam inside this haunt. I found it very fun and a creative approach that you don't normally find in most haunted houses. Other than being spooked by the actors you get to spread the fear as well by taking part in scaring people!

Sets Scenes / Props / FX

They did a pretty decent job, it felt very industrial overall and I would have liked to see a little more diversity in the rooms. I did like the fact that you could explore any room you happened across openly.. made it feel a little more organic rather than being moved along room to room.


It took me about 15 minutes to get through the haunt.

Crowd Control

It is well controlled for the most part, but you need to keep in mind that it is inside a pizza parlor/pub, so you definitely get an interesting mix of people, but the crowds we were with were respectful, as were the people already inside that were still exploring the haunt and trying to scare a few people. The monsters inside did a good job of encouraging others to move on if they were lingering a little too long.

Most Memorable Moment

I liked that I was able to play along with the actors and scare a few people myself, again, most haunts don't have this or allow it, so it was a fun change of pace.


I would encourage family's to attend this haunt if they are looking for something fun to do after a family dinner. The pizza was good and the haunt was a lot of fun, but not very scary. If your looking  to be afraid and a more detailed and spooky atmosphere, this may not be the haunt for you. This feels more family friendly than other haunts.

View all Lister F/X Presents Monster Mayhem Haunted Laser Tag (CLOSED) reviews

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Please note: this review is for the 2011 season rather than the current season.

Mars Haunted House - CLOSED-

by spookshow_babe (Newbie Review Crew Member) after attending on Friday, October 7, 2011 at about 5 p.m.

Fun Factor: Medium Fear Factor: Medium


I would say that Mars Haunted House has done a really good job this year again. Keeping things fresh, it was nice to see some new added sets and props from previous years as well as new actors and characters. It is also nice to see some from previous years make a return as well. I feel Mars Haunted House's has some of the best actors working the waiting area. They are always done up in the BEST costumes and do a great job at keeping you entertained and they add a lot to the fun! Inside you will find very detailed sets and good props as well as edger actors ready to frighten you! I would say this haunt is best for teens and adults, but they do have a day where you can take kids and the scare factor is not as high as on a common night. I would say this is a haunted house worth  checking out if you haven't already and since I have been going for 8 or 9 years, it is obviously one I feel is worth revisiting as well!

Signage / Visibility / Location

There is a hearse parked outside the haunted house with the name on it that is visible. It is on a very well lit street and there are plenty of actors outside roaming the line that will grab your attention.

Wait Area / Line Entertainment

I was very impressed with the actors scaring people in line. My favorite of the 3 was a silly redneck clown called "Stitches". There is also a vampire and another evil clown, They do a wonderful job of adding a few laughs to the scares and do a good job of getting you excited to go in the haunt!

Actors' Performance

Most the actors did a really good job at timing when they would jump out to scare you and some came from unexpected places. One crawled out from under a bookshelf which I did not expect and it did startle me a fair bit! They did a good job of staying in character, and walking after you after you left the room which added to the scare.

Sets Scenes / Props / FX

I liked a lot of the sets and the props were well used in the sets. A lot of it was reused from previous years, but it was nice to see them used in a different way. My only complaint was that in 2 of the rooms they used something to make the rooms smell REALLY bad, so bad that I found myself rushing out of them and rushing along to the next room, though it was good to keep the people moving I guess, it was very unpleasant and took me out of the experience... I just wanted to get out. I didn't have a chance really to enjoy those sets much either because of that. If they were going for an "uncomfortable" feeling, they succeeded, but it was not something I would want to go through again! Another minor thing, was that the floors were very uneven throughout the haunt. In the past people have used pillows and such to create this effect, and it felt to me there were just a lot of lose boards and broken up wood on the ground. It was a nice effect, but in a haunted house where its very dark, it seemed a little unsafe. I almost tripped twice and husband did trip into me once. Pillows are a little better for this I feel, you still are stable and if you do fall its not going to be a hard landing.


It took us about 15 min to walk through it.. this could be because I walked a lot quicker through the smelly rooms though.

Crowd Control

It was good. It was just my husband and I and they let us go in the 2 of us. They seemed to let a lot of people in just with the groups they came with which is nice, and we didn't bump into another crowd in the haunt.

Most Memorable Moment

I really liked the opening of this haunt, or the first room you enter. You get a little history about the building being REALLY haunted which adds to the fear I think. They do a good job of getting you excited for the ride!


I have been going to Mars Haunted House for 8 or 9 years now and I am always pleased with it. The actors do a good job, the make up is well done, they have some really great masks they use and the sets are always different year to year and well designed. I was a little sad to see out "bearded lady" friend was not in it this year, he was always very funny from previous years, but the big guy wondering the hallways was pretty scary and could be my new favorite in this haunt, as well as "Stitches" working outside. I was also sad to not find our Devil friend from last year, but maybe he was not working that night. I think everyone in the haunt and working outside it does a good job and adds to the experience however, I just have some personal favorites. I would recommend this haunt to people looking to get scared, but NOT too scared and who enjoy a good creepy atmosphere. I only warn you about the really smelly rooms and the uneven ground.

View all Mars Haunted House - CLOSED- reviews

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February 14th, 2025 11:50 a.m. CST 24.11.01