2004 Event Reviews

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Please note: this review is for the 2004 season rather than the current season.

by Zangz after attending on Saturday, October 9, 2004 at about 2 p.m.

Fun Factor: High Fear Factor: Medium


Signage / Visibility / Location

If you're coming off the hwy, Alpine Valley is easy to find per instructions from web site. If you're traveling by country road, you can get lost pretty easily. Stick to the hwy! There was a sign at the Resort enterance, but not the ampitheater entrance.

Wait Area / Line Entertainment

They had a consession area, a guy wandering about in a cloak and metal mask, a couple of videogames and true wisconsin ghost stories posted in the line. They also had a bunch of paranormal investigators hanging out in the snack area. But to be "in line" you had to pass by all of that.


Wait: Apx 30 minutes. Event: Apx 15 to 20 minutes.

Actors' Performance

The majority of actors were really good, however there were a few who seemed to have all the enthusiasm of an avacado pit.

Appropriate For

13 and up.


Having a theme and storyline associated with this haunt was pretty cool. Most of the scenes were built and designed really well! Unfortunately, we got put through with a larger group and missed some of the scares. I think that it could have been a bit longer in the end, but overall worth the price of admission (a bit lower than a lot of the big haunts in the area!)

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Please note: this review is for the 2004 season rather than the current season.

by dizzymisslizzie after attending on Sunday, October 10, 2004 at about 10 a.m.

Fun Factor: Very High Fear Factor: N/A


Signage / Visibility / Location

very easy to see, big sign right on hwy 16

Wait Area / Line Entertainment

there's a gift shop


1 min - just to explain the rules

Actors' Performance

no actors - went during the day

Appropriate For

all ages


had lots of fun - there's 2 mazes, just over 2 miles each - if you don't get to lost it averages about an hour per maze - and you can do both mazes with the same ticket

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Please note: this review is for the 2004 season rather than the current season.

Mars Haunted House - CLOSED-

by elizaphn after attending on Sunday, October 10, 2004 at about 5:15 p.m.

Fun Factor: High Fear Factor: Medium


Signage / Visibility / Location

There was a small sign, but the person that was driving had been there before, so we didn't get lost.

Wait Area / Line Entertainment

There was good conversation in the waiting line, but no scares or actors.


The wait was fairly short 10-15 minutes, and I am not sure how long the house was. It was a good length. It didn't seem very short or too long.

Actors' Performance

There were several actors in the house, but most of them didn't really seem to be getting into it. There was one girl that got our whole group very good. Her make-up was excellent and she was very creepy. There were two actors with leaf blowers, both got the startle scare. The first one held the blower in my face though, and that kicked up all kinds of dust into my face and eyes. I think he thought I would be more scared if he held it there longer, but that was just annoying.

Appropriate For



I liked the disorientation that happens in the house. I do have a few sugesstions though. The doors that patrons need to pass though should be marked a little better in the house. Some of them are marked, and others not. Sometimes we didn't know if we were going the right way, since there are also emergency exits in the house. Also, there is a setting with a matress or springy type floor. I liked the change in the texture, but even though I was wearing good boots, I fell because the springs are so old. On those lines, the last decline before leaving the house was very slippery, and there was an actor that jumped out to scare me, but I almost slide into him. I wasn't scared there, I was tring not to knock over my group.

Overall, I need to say that I had a great time, and I enjoyed the house. My sugesstions were just that. I would reccomend anyone to go. :)

View all Mars Haunted House - CLOSED- reviews

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Please note: this review is for the 2004 season rather than the current season.

Burial Chamber Haunted House Complex

by martian after attending on Saturday, October 9, 2004 at about 5:30 p.m.

Fun Factor: High Fear Factor: High


Signage / Visibility / Location

Located on the back side of the Burial Chamber Haunted House so you cannot see it from the front, but there is a sign in front and another one inside the Burial Chamber.

Wait Area / Line Entertainment

We heard monsters in the woods but did not see them


Wait time here was only five minutes. We found almost everyone started at the Burial Chamber first and then to Blood City so the wait was short. the event lasted about 20 minutes.

Actors' Performance

The monsters that they had were great. I especially liked the monster stripper! They could use a few more monsters to make it scarrier but I was talking to someone there and they said more were expected. Then this place will be great! I guess this is their first year open. We plan on coming back.

Appropriate For

12 and up


We lliked that there were two haunted houses in one location and both were very different from each other. Also that they have a discounted fare if you go through both.

View all Burial Chamber Haunted House Complex reviews

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Please note: this review is for the 2004 season rather than the current season.

Burial Chamber Haunted House Complex

by martian after attending on Saturday, October 9, 2004 at about 5 p.m.

Fun Factor: Very High Fear Factor: Very High


Signage / Visibility / Location

with the directions off the web we had no problem finding it. It is located not too far off the main highway with easy access to it. The building itself, being an old warehouse of some type makes it scary before you even go into it.

Wait Area / Line Entertainment

The outside wait area offered refreshments is you wanted them and had some monsters lurking around


45 minutes wait time. event took about 20 minutes

Actors' Performance

excellent job some really unique ideas

Appropriate For

12 or up


We were really liked this haunted housed. It was dark, scarry, and different than most and we had a great time. We also liked the fact that there were two haunted houses in one location. A really unique situation. They also offer a discount ticket price when you go through both haunted houses.

View all Burial Chamber Haunted House Complex reviews

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Please note: this review is for the 2004 season rather than the current season.

Hubertus House of Horror

by Heather2004 after attending on Saturday, October 9, 2004 at about 5:15 p.m.

Fun Factor: Very High Fear Factor: Very High


Signage / Visibility / Location

It was very easy to find. It is right off the road.

Wait Area / Line Entertainment

The waiting area is inside and very warm. The consession stand is also very cheap.


We only waited for about 30 minutes.

Actors' Performance

The actors did a wonderful job with scaring the people going through. I was personally very scared of the clowns and the chainsaw people. I found this haunted house to be the best I had been to in years. ALso the 3d effect was very cool.

Appropriate For

13 and up

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Please note: this review is for the 2004 season rather than the current season.

by amberage after attending on Saturday, October 9, 2004 at about 5 p.m.

Fun Factor: Very High Fear Factor: Very High


Signage / Visibility / Location

it was really easy to find, signs were all visible so we knew exactly where we were going!

Wait Area / Line Entertainment

Wait area was clean and fun. Plenty of places to sit. There was an informational table about paranormal studies that was very interesting. There was also a KISS FM dj that was very entertaining for the wait!


we didn't wait long at all to get into the house. The house itself was pretty long!

Actors' Performance

Scary! All the actors did their jobs well of jumping out at just the right time, and some of them were very entertaining!!!! I was scared

Appropriate For

6 and up


I was scared the whole time, but I was also laughing the whole time. It was so much fun!!!! Best haunted house I've ever been to.

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Please note: this review is for the 2004 season rather than the current season.

by tweeds301 after attending on Saturday, October 9, 2004 at about 3:30 p.m.

Fun Factor: Very High Fear Factor: Very High


Signage / Visibility / Location

Signage was good, nice to have the torches in the fair grounds to follow

Wait Area / Line Entertainment

Awesome lightshow, "characters" walking around, scared a lot of people just waiting in line. Security there just in case people get obnoxious


about 20 mins, and it was busy. Time went by pretty quick.

Actors' Performance

Great, I thought my wife was going to wet her pants

Appropriate For


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Please note: this review is for the 2004 season rather than the current season.

by melisme7 after attending on Sunday, October 10, 2004 at about 3:30 p.m.

Fun Factor: High Fear Factor: Medium


Signage / Visibility / Location

The directions i got of this website were very misleading. There was a sign on the corner of highway p, but other than that there was none. if any one else goes, don't take the denmark exit. you won't find it.

Wait Area / Line Entertainment

They told us it took aout five minutes before they took each group through, but in actuallity we waited about 10-15. There really was no entertainment in the line other than the the room we were in. (It was a recreation of the texas chainsaw massacre kitchen.)


we spent about a half hour in line and about 15 minutes in the house.

Actors' Performance

The one who cared were great! Other than that it seemed like they'd rather be doing something else. It seemed also like they didn't have enough actors either. Some of the rooms had really cool effects, but no actors.

Appropriate For



If you can stand the smell of barn and cows for a period of time, i'd check it out. Also they did some really creative thinking on how to turn a barn into a haunted attraction.

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Please note: this review is for the 2004 season rather than the current season.

Hauntfest - CLOSED -

by Monsterfan after attending on Friday, October 8, 2004 at about 4 p.m.

Fun Factor: Medium Fear Factor: Medium


Signage / Visibility / Location

Easy, it's at State Fair Park

Wait Area / Line Entertainment

OK, we were entertained by actors


about 20 min

Actors' Performance

So-So, uneven quality, some were into it, & some weren't

Appropriate For

8 & up


Good 3D black light area, & the walk outside in the enclosed wooded area was OK, but might be not so good if it's raining.

View all Hauntfest - CLOSED - reviews

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Please note: this review is for the 2004 season rather than the current season.

The Corn at Lindners Farm

by sticks after attending on Friday, October 8, 2004 at about 2:15 p.m.

Fun Factor: Very High Fear Factor: Very High


Signage / Visibility / Location

you can get to this corn mase very easly

Wait Area / Line Entertainment

the wate ariea is very scary and well themd


the wate wase about twenty minuts and well worth it

Actors' Performance

the performance of the actors was ausom i got soo scared soo manney times it wase ausom i had soo mch fun

Appropriate For



this has to be one of the scarrest places to go this october it is a pea in your pants thrill ride

View all The Corn at Lindners Farm reviews

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Please note: this review is for the 2004 season rather than the current season.

by kruul after attending on Saturday, October 9, 2004 at about 4 p.m.

Fun Factor: Medium Fear Factor: Medium


Signage / Visibility / Location

Poor directions. Doesn't tell you which way to turn on roads.

Wait Area / Line Entertainment

The waiting line was next to a manure vat. It smelled like cow crap the whole time in line. Little entertainment while in line. Once in a while, a guy would come up with a chain saw or a firecracker. You can vaguely here some music.


Wait time was 40 minutes. They let 4 people in at a time. The smell of manure made it seem longer. The actual time in the haunted "barn" was 15 minutes.

Actors' Performance

Average. If you are 12 years old or younger, it would be pretty scary. Not recommended for adults.

Appropriate For

10-17 years old


Reasonably priced, however, you get what you pay for. Not worth the drive from Green Bay since there are other events that are closer.

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Please note: this review is for the 2004 season rather than the current season.

by linsp1s9 after attending on Saturday, October 9, 2004 at about 4:30 p.m.

Fun Factor: Very High Fear Factor: Very High


Signage / Visibility / Location

Located at the Alpine Valley ski lodge- easy to find, just follow the signs! The dark drive up through spooky woods really gets your mind wandering and sets the mood!

Wait Area / Line Entertainment

Decorations and a scary video of a paranormal experience tempted you before even stepping in line. In addition, while waiting we were entertained by a local radio station DJ on location- it really got you pumped up and I forgot I was waiting!


The wait was sort of long, but went by quickly because of all the other entertainment and anticipation of the event. The event itself was well worth the wait- much longer than I expected. Creeping, crawling, sliding through numerous rooms, around scary unexpected corners and hallways that continued on for what seemed like forever!

Actors' Performance

Well casted characters that took you out of reality and into a world wear you couldn't help but scream!

Appropriate For

10 and up


Definitely take a big group of friends or your family or better yet both and make a night of it! The location is great with concessions and a bar upstairs to further entertain you after being spooked!

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Please note: this review is for the 2004 season rather than the current season.

The Corn at Lindners Farm

by smoochy after attending on Saturday, October 2, 2004 at about 4 p.m.

Fun Factor: Very High Fear Factor: High


Signage / Visibility / Location

Easy to find

Wait Area / Line Entertainment

Stuff to look at, pumpkins, gourds, etc.


3 minutes

Actors' Performance

Very good.

Appropriate For

10 and older


Very good, it was a lot of fun. They keep the groups separated so you don't get too close to the other group ahead of you.

View all The Corn at Lindners Farm reviews

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Please note: this review is for the 2004 season rather than the current season.

by smoochy after attending on Friday, October 1, 2004 at about 3:30 p.m.

Fun Factor: Very High Fear Factor: Very High


Signage / Visibility / Location

A bit of a drive, but well worth it!

Wait Area / Line Entertainment

It was their first night opened, no waiting at all!



Actors' Performance

Awesome! They were very good, they played creepy music that really put you in the haunting mood.

Appropriate For

12 and up


Very good haunted house, great effects, they put a lot of money into making this house and it shows. We really enjoyed it.

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