2021 Event Reviews

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28 total reviews. Showing 15 of 15 on this page.

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Please note: this review is for the 2021 season rather than the current season.

Skully's Terror Haunted House

by kevinhenschel79 after attending on Saturday, October 30, 2021 at about 7 p.m.

Fun Factor: Very High Fear Factor: Very High


Awesome, terrifying, unexpected, loved it!! Only haunted house I've in Jefferson, lived here my whole life!!!

View all Skully's Terror Haunted House reviews

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Please note: this review is for the 2021 season rather than the current season.

Terror on the Fox

by wm (Senior Review Crew Member) after attending on Wednesday, October 27, 2021 at about 8:30 p.m.

Fun Factor: Medium Fear Factor: Medium


This year marks the 25th anniversary of Terror On The Fox. It also marks my 10th year of writing reviews for Haunted Wisconsin. As things currently stand, this will be my last year as a reviewer for this great resource. So it feels right to do one final review of TOTF. My last review of this haunt, and I’m confident it's my last time attending it.

One thing to note: I originally tried to attend TOTF on Saturday, October 23rd, but the lines were extremely long. Instead I attended during the week and there were no lines at all. Seems like I made the right decision, as I’ve seen many complaints from those that attended on the weekend and were waiting hours in line… even with a fast pass. When I attended I was told that the same amount of actors were working during the week as the weekend. If that’s the case, TOTF is extremely understaffed. There was also an escape room on the property, but it was not open. There were numerous times throughout our visit where we were expecting a scare, but nothing happened.

TOTF has been around a long time, but the actual house structure has been around a lot longer. Whomever built it knew what they were doing and designed one hell of a haunted house! I have many fond memories visiting this house as a teenager. Then again as a young adult when it was on the east side of town. I even worked in it once! Through the years it was relocated several times before landing at what I believe to be it’s final resting place: Next to the National Railroad Museum. It’s changed hands numerous times as well, most noticeably owned by the Oneida Casino. Currently it's run by 13th Floor Entertainment Group, which claims to be the world's largest Halloween themed entertainment company. If that’s the case, then you would assume the bar is set extremely high for a quality haunted attraction.

My last review of TOTF was in 2011, but I actually attended it several years ago when they were doing Blackout. That was their highly disappointing lights out event. I did not review that visit, simply because there was nothing to write about. It was packed with (too many) people walking around in the dark, bumping into each other. The biggest strength of TOTF is their eye candy, which you can’t see when stumbling around in darkness. So this year as I attend, the lights are on and I have more to write about.

Your trip starts out with another staple of TOTF; the “Terror Train”. Visitors ride the train to the TOTF grounds, with a few actors on the train to scare you along the way. Taking a train through a wooded area and by a creek at night is something everybody should do at least once in their life. Upgrades to the train through the years have included lights, music and a huge skull with glowing eyes on the front of the train. It’s 100% unique to this haunt, but pretty much the same as it always has been for 25 years. On this visit there was one actor that did a GREAT job! He was making all sorts of crazy noises and did a good job of getting in people’s comfort zone. The other female actor was trying to have conversations with multiple people, but was very hard to hear with her covid mask on.

Once exiting the train there is another line that forms for their cemetery. This looks AMAZING. The church-like building is lit perfectly and it feels like you’re on the set of a big budget horror film. There are a few actors roaming around as you wait in line, but unfortunately hardly any as you walk through the woods itself. There were so many incredible things to look at, but the scares are few and far between. It was disappointing.

After your walk in the woods you find yourself in front of the great house itself. So here I am again, standing in front of this building that has held in millions of screams throughout it’s lifetime. I’ve seen it at least 20 times in my lifetime, but it still holds me in awe. There’s a VIP area off to your left for those that upgraded, but I can’t take my eyes off the house. Another line forms in front of it, which allows you to watch the actors in front of the house while you’re waiting. I guess you could say this is another staple of TOTF: the actors in front of the house putting on a show to lights and music. Since there was barely a line this night, we were ushered into the front door.

I find myself walking incredibly slow, trying to take it all in. That unfortunately allowed for the group behind us to catch up to us. There’s so much to look at, and it’s all lit perfectly. If there was an award for best looking haunt, TOTF would win every year. Each room is PACKED with eye candy. There were a few actors that were able to scare us, but there were also many areas with little to no actors. They use air cannons throughout, which had me jumping each time. In one room a TV distracted me enough to where I didn’t see an actor lunge at me until it was too late. It was effective, and those type of distracted scares could easily be done throughout the haunt to elevate the fear factor.

We walked back to our vehicle feeling let down. I can only imagine if we would have upgraded or waited in line hours to walk out feeling like that. There's so much potential at the TOTF, it's a shame to walk out feeling anything but entertained.

Signage / Visibility / Location

Super easy to find and you can see it from a mile away. In the past this was a great location because there wasn’t much around it so it had a creepy vibe. Now there’s a big hotel next to it and some other buildings with bright parking lots. It lost it’s charm driving up to it.

Wait Area / Line Entertainment

There are really three separate wait areas. On a busy night, you’ll easily be waiting hours in total. Going on a weeknight, the only thing we had to wait for was the train to come pick us up. There was no entertainment in the 1st line, but there were some actors for the 2nd and 3rd line. Watching the house while you wait in the 3rd line is a lot of fun.

Actors' Performance

This was a mixed bag, with some actors doing a great job and some not so much. The costumes were all great, it all boils down to performance.

Sets Scenes / Props / FX

Easily the biggest strength of TOTF. Nobody can touch their visuals that they create. They have a big budget unlike the smaller haunts, and they deliver in this one category.


It takes about 10 minutes to ride the train, 10 minutes to walk through the woods / cemetery, and about 20 minutes to make your way through the house. The time you spend waiting in line can easily add hours onto that during their busy nights.

Crowd Control

The group behind us caught up to us pretty quickly, but that’s all on me. I wanted to take in each room, and they just wanted to get through them as quickly as possible. I can imagine on a busy night it would be a totally different situation.

Most Memorable Moment

Being in front of the house taking everything in. Then walking into it, and having them close the door behind you. It’s extremely intimidating!


Tons of great things to look at, but extremely light on scares. That has always been a running theme for TOTF, and I’m not sure why that is. For amount of time and money you spend here, they really need to up their scare game. You can't keep claiming you're one of the best in the country or even in Wisconsin when people are leaving disappointed.

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Please note: this review is for the 2021 season rather than the current season.

The Hill has Eyes

by hex_on_you (Senior Review Crew Member) after attending on Saturday, October 23, 2021 at about 8 p.m.

Fun Factor: Very High Fear Factor: Very High


From beginning to end the actors and staff at The Hill Has Eyes have created not only a top notch haunted attraction--but a full experience for their patrons. This was my second time visiting The Hill Has Eyes, the first being 4 years ago, and I was pleasantly surprised that a lot has changed; the whole venue had a different layout and feel. This haunt is frequently sold out, and is completely outdoors, so be sure to plan ahead. Our group ordered our tickets online the Wednesday before our Saturday visit. Buying your tickets online and in a group has its perks--like $5 off each ticket and group rewards. Purchasing ahead of time also expedited our wait time in line. This haunt from ticket line to exit took about an hour and a half. When you purchase your tickets online, you pick a time slot to arrive between. Again, just plan ahead when planning to visit. With this being an entirely outdoor experience be sure to dress appropriately for the weather and wear appropriate foot wear. The change in elevation and walking paths means you need sturdy boots or shoes to navigate safely.

We bought our tickets for the 8-10pm time slot, which means you can arrive at any time during this period. When you arrive they check your online tickets and you receive a wristband with a letter on it. When you arrive to the large outdoor queue area, the DJ will call your letter and instruct you where to go when it is your time. This event has a very large outdoor queue area full of burn barrels, fire pits, a food truck, adult beverages, and a huge array of live entertainers. The level of fun and fear at this attraction are both very high--we didn't see many teenage-or-under guests, mainly an adult crowd, which we felt was appropriate for this haunt.

The Hill Has Eyes boast four different attractions. I have been to many haunts with a 'main' attraction, and accessory attractions which sometimes suffer in quality. That is not the case for The Hill Has Eyes. From queue line, and through each and every attraction there was a fine attention to detail in acting, props, fx and scenes. There was no lack of live actors either, the waiting area and each and every attraction was filled with live creatures waiting for you, sometimes in the creepiest places.


Entering the woods through a seemingly abandoned cabin feels like the beginning of a horror film. Once inside the woods we were stalked by mutant hillbillies. I loved the change of elevation throughout this portion of the haunt. From staircases to bridges, to walking through winding paths in the forest, you never knew what was going to be behind each tree. For me outdoor, wooded haunts always give me the creeps. I absolutely hate (yet love) when a deranged, seemingly possessed creature comes crawling at you down a forest path, and of course we found that here!


The actors in this attraction were wonderful at interacting with guests. I was invited by the bartender to stay behind to be a head on a platter, which entertained our whole group. Look out above and below, as actors in this attraction were adventurous in their scare locations. Much like the first haunt, the elevation changes and outdoor nature of these attractions adds to the fear factor--this isn't a four walls attraction. You never know where the next scare is lurking.


Fear of clowns? Be prepared to be scared! This fun attraction started with a decent into a well constructed mineshaft and through a topsy-turvy tunnel. Kudos to the engineer of that tunnel-- it was by far one of my favorite effects in all of the haunts. This whole attraction played on the fear of carnivals, clowns, and a freak-show like feel. We loved the scenes and entertainers throughout this haunt--and we got a bit dizzy heading through one of their effects!


The Hill Has Eyes saved the best for last in my opinion! It takes quite a bit for me to jump and be scared in a haunt, and I will reluctantly admit that they got me--good job! Again, there was no shortage of live creatures throughout this portion. The Viking-like actors stood out to us in this portion, especially the one behind the counter. His low, gravely, demonic voice gave me the chills! Again, those possessed night crawlers come out of no where--so watch out!

Signage / Visibility / Location

We used navigation to get us to the location and nearly drove by the entrance--there was just one small banner near the road so be sure to keep your eyes open when you know you're getting close! When we arrived in the parking lot it was quite full, and it wasn't completely clear where to go. Some additional, well lighted signage would do this location some good, as it can be tricky to find where you're supposed to go, especially if you've never been to this haunt before.

Wait Area / Line Entertainment

Where. Do. I. Begin. Wow. This was by far one of the most entertaining and enjoyable wait experiences I have ever had in all my years of haunt-going. This location is entirely outdoors, and in the past they had a tent for waiting, so when I saw that it was outdoors this year, I was a bit nervous. Those nerves quickly changed to excitement when we saw a food truck, full bar, multiple burning barrels and a large fire pit, and a DJ all waiting for us in the queue area. That isn't all that was waiting--I don't believe I've never seen so many live actors and creatures lurking about in a waiting area before! And these weren't your typical creatures. They had a steam-punk, freak-show feel and truly interacted with their guests and performed unhuman-like "tricks" for them. Make sure you watch your back--you never know where another actor may be hiding or what they have up their sleeve--or their nose!

Actors' Performance

Again, incredible. Each and every character took their role seriously and stayed in character the entire time. There's no "boo" scares or one-and-done scares here. You will be invited to become one with the scene and stalked through the woods. Some haunts with multiple attractions have a "main" attraction, and the added attractions are just that--an after thought. Not at The Hill Has Eyes. Each of the four attractions was well staffed with live actors and had a story line that carried through beginning to end. All four attractions were treated as the main attraction at this location.

Sets Scenes / Props / FX

From the queue area and through each of the four attractions the actors costumes and makeup, the props, and the scenes were a wonderful mixture of a classic haunt and a modern fear experience. The change in elevation with the use of staircases and bridges, as well as the detailed walkthroughs, were incredible--especially given the entirely outdoor nature of this haunt. What I loved most was that this attraction could go from a mutant hillbilly story line to a deranged carnival without losing out on their detailed scenes or interactive fx.


Plan ahead with this haunt. From ticket line to exiting the last attraction was close to an hour and a half.

Crowd Control

This was a very well organized haunt. When you arrive and check in with your online tickets, you receive a wrist band with a letter printed on it. The DJ in the queue area will call your letter and tell you where to enter the first haunt. With the amount of live actors, security, and staff spaced throughout the wait area and at the entrances to each haunt, we always felt we knew where we were going, and if there were any issues I have no doubt we would have found the help we needed. This haunt was also very well paced. We never felt rushed or crowded going through the attractions.

Most Memorable Moment

Huge shout out to the entertainment in the queue area--they have some tricks up their...erhm...noses. They'll be sure to "light" up your evening for sure.


This was definitely one of the more entertaining haunts that I have been to in awhile. I felt that everywhere I looked there was something creepy waiting to be found. With this being an outdoor haunt, be sure to dress appropriately and also be sure to plan ahead as this haunt frequently sells out. If you're looking for a night full of fun, fear, and food trucks, this haunt is the spot to find it all.

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Please note: this review is for the 2021 season rather than the current season.

Camp 5 Terror

by Sue.Marchant after attending on Saturday, October 23, 2021 at about 7 p.m.

Fun Factor: Very High Fear Factor: Very High


Very scary event waited about one hour. people are very friendly. they have a great photo op while you are waiting and some snacks and water. lots of parking.

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Please note: this review is for the 2021 season rather than the current season.

Terror Shed Haunted House

by muraskie after attending on Saturday, October 23, 2021 at about 11 p.m.

Fun Factor: Very High Fear Factor: High


My whole family was very impressed with the experience. You could tell how much details and works had been put into it. I most definitely recommend if you and you family are in for a fun scare!


Great family event

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Please note: this review is for the 2021 season rather than the current season.

The Realm of Darkness Haunted House

by wm (Senior Review Crew Member) after attending on Saturday, October 23, 2021 at about 8 p.m.

Fun Factor: Very High Fear Factor: Very High


There are many haunted houses that you see and hear about every season. They invest a lot of money in advertising, but do they really live up to the hype? That’s why I personally love finding the smaller, lesser known haunts in the area. They are hungry and have something to prove! The Realm of Darkness, located in Kaukauna, is one of those smaller haunts and has everything a great haunted house should be!

It was a chilly but clear Saturday night, perfect for seeking out those creative fiends that are looking to give us a few good scares. Kaukauna is pretty much right in between Green Bay and Appleton, so it’s a short 15 minute drive from either direction.

This haunt has a perfect mix of dimly lit rooms in addition to pitch black areas that you need to rely on your senses to get though. You start off in an Elevator seemed to have a malfunction. And so begins your descent into the Realm of Darkness! The next room was a surreal room of lasers and fog. It almost looks like we were in a swamp! A few rooms here are more entertaining than scary; like the dentist office or the Christmas themed room. There was a great maze that had us going in circles! The only lighting for the maze was a strobe light that cut in and out. When it was out, you couldn’t see a thing!

We exited the building, thinking we were done, but was another maze with more creatures lurking about! And just so you don’t forget about them after your frightful night, one last surprise waiting for you…

Signage / Visibility / Location

There wasn’t really any signs until you come up to the event. But if there’s an award for BEST SIGN, ROD should get it! It’s location on Wisconsin Ave seems a bit odd at first, in the middle of retail properties on one side and residential on the other. The maps app on my phone found it easily enough.

Wait Area / Line Entertainment

The wait line is in what was once a parking lot. Visitors that attended for the 1st time were confused if they should stand in line or head to the ticket window located in the back corner of the lot. There were a few actors that mingled throughout the crowd as they waited. They sold food and drinks while you waited and also had a nice fire going.

Actors' Performance

All actors did a great job! Some were funny, but most hit their marks and delivered the scares that you’re paying to get!

Sets Scenes / Props / FX

Each room in the haunt has its own unique theme and different from the next. Good use of fog, air cannons and sound. The props were well done and the lighting and strobes were PERFECT. Some haunts tend to over-due it, but less is more!


It took us about 12 minutes to get through the entire haunt.

Crowd Control

There was only once where we bumped into another group inside the haunt.

Most Memorable Moment

Easily the end of the haunt. Just as you let out a sigh of relief, they get you one last time!


This haunt has the perfect mix of scares and laughs! Fingers crossed that this haunt continues to get bigger and better. You’ll highly enjoy your trip here, and also enjoy spending less than half of what you’d pay at one of the bigger haunts.

View all The Realm of Darkness Haunted House reviews

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Please note: this review is for the 2021 season rather than the current season.

A Walk of Terror

by benko564 after attending on Thursday, October 14, 2021 at about 7:30 p.m.

Fun Factor: Not fun - I got a rock. Fear Factor: Low


The Walk of Terror was pleasant enough. There was certainly effort put into the haunted house, however, not even a quarter of the way through, we ended up at the front again. We didn’t not turn around, it just so happened that there was an open wall that was not blocked off in any different way when compared to our surroundings. But we kept going, and again, very nice effort. Now the big problem erupts where it turns out we had been walking too fast, and caught up with the group in front of us. With no gauge of how fast to walk, and with nobody to impede our progress of the hunted house, we were just walking a normal pace. Which in it of itself would not be the end of the world, however, once we DID reach the end, there was a segment where some man with a chainsaw would come out and scare us. Or at least I assume anyway, because when we actually got out, he blamed us for walking too fast (and not for any of the reasons outlined earlier), scoffs at us, and directs us to put our glow sticks into the bucket to be further reused.
Now I understand it can be difficult to direct people in a haunted house, time them well for the ending, and have it all be scary, but it’s another thing to directly blame the patrons as if they had some sort of malicious intent to sabotage their own experience. It was incredibly rude, and we were left very confused.


Chainsaw man was very rude to us for an issue that was out of our control.

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Please note: this review is for the 2021 season rather than the current season.

Warriors Haunted Asylum

by JenniferPiccione after attending on Friday, October 22, 2021 at about 7 p.m.

Fun Factor: Very High Fear Factor: Very High


We came as a group of 6 from Milwaukee for both of my daughter's birthday's and it was well worth the drive!

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Please note: this review is for the 2021 season rather than the current season.

Warriors Haunted Asylum

by BrendaSchweke after attending on Saturday, October 23, 2021 at about 7 p.m.

Fun Factor: Very High Fear Factor: Very High


This was amazing!! I loved it!! We took my 6 year old granddaughter and she loved it!! It was so much fun! And it really got my blood pumping!! It was intense and the actors were incredible!!! Had a great time! Cannot wait to do it again next year! This will become a tradition for us!!! Great job everyone involved!! Thank you!!


Great fun! Great price! Thanks so much! We loved it!!

View all Warriors Haunted Asylum reviews

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Please note: this review is for the 2021 season rather than the current season.

Field of Screams Haunted Trail and Barn

by Robcolvin75 after attending on Friday, October 22, 2021 at about 7:30 p.m.

Fun Factor: Very High Fear Factor: Very High


Was a great scare! We'll be back for sure.

View all Field of Screams Haunted Trail and Barn reviews

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Please note: this review is for the 2021 season rather than the current season.

A Walk of Terror

by HPpeople after attending on Thursday, October 21, 2021 at about 8 p.m.

Fun Factor: Very High Fear Factor: Very High


The Blackout was soooo much fun! Actors were on top of their game. Darkness filled with creatures equals an exciting yet terrifying experience. Love the lighting of the front of the haunted house. Soooo creepy! Scares around every corner, had me jumping out of my skin. I will be returning this weekend so I can have a different experience. Definitely recommend this place!


Spooky, Scary, Must see! Worth returning to experience BOTH Blackout Thursdays and Spooky lighting on Fridays and Saturdays.

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Please note: this review is for the 2021 season rather than the current season.

Terror on Rural Street

by hex_on_you (Senior Review Crew Member) after attending on Wednesday, October 20, 2021 at about 7 p.m.

Fun Factor: Medium Fear Factor: Medium


Terror on Rural Street is back! After a year off in 2020, Terror on Rural Street has returned, and they have a few new tricks up their sleeve! I was so excited to see one of my "staple" haunts return this year, and with having a year off, I was excited to see what has all changed. It seems as though everyone else in the area was excited too--the line for the haunt was one of the longest I have seen for this location. Luckily, the haunt has plenty of parking, and a large, heated indoor waiting area with full concessions, including adult beverages. New this year--there is a decorated outdoor 'courtyard' open for waiting as well. This haunt features many live actors, starting in the waiting line and extending all the way through the haunt. Special shout out to the larger-than-life devil haunting and chasing patrons both in the line and in the waiting areas! This haunt has both regular admission and VIP admission to accelerate your waiting time. We opted for the VIP experience to skip the line and get inside faster! As always, Terror on Rural Street is an affordable haunt at only $15 for regular admission, and all of their proceeds go to the local community.

Terror on Rural street is very well organized from ticket booth to waiting lines. Upon entering the doors you are sorted into groups and have the opportunity to take a group picture, which is then featured on their Facebook page and can be downloaded free of charge. One of the things I was most excited for was to see what changed, and I was let down a bit when I realized a majority of the first half of the house was very familiar from years past. What didn't disappoint was the amount of live actors, the scenes and makeup, and how some of the actors truly got into their role and made the scene and room their own. Look for the incredible special fx makeup and combination of classic scares and modern, life like props. Once we entered what I believe to be the 'second' half of the haunt, we were surprised to see a lot of changes! The second half definitely had a 'theme' going, so all of you with coulrophobia--watch out! The second half had some amazing new scenes, and was definitely more 'fun' then scary. They did a great job of tying in all of your senses--see if you can sniff out what I'm talking about! Overall, we were excited to see Terror on Rural Street with their doors open again, and the teaser of 'new' mixed with the familiarity of old has us on edge to where Terror can go in the future.

Signage / Visibility / Location

Terror on Rural Street is located off of Highway 60 in Hartford, near the Schauer Arts Center and the Hartford Recreation Department. There is plenty of signage pointing you in the right direction, and there is a large, well lit parking lot to hold all of the haunt-goers.

Wait Area / Line Entertainment

Terror on Rural Street is one of few haunts with a large, heated, indoor waiting area with full concessions including adult beverages. You won't be bored waiting here--and your scares may start in the ticket line!

Actors' Performance

Some actors really embraced their role! Some left a bit to be desired. Kudos to the creepy clowns and their rat infested popcorn, and the silent but creepy grim reaper!

Sets Scenes / Props / FX

Terror on Rural Street has a great combination of classic haunt and some modern day props and fx. Some of their props I had a hard time distinguishing if they were and actor or a prop! They truly activate all of your senses, with moving sets, creepy sounds, and enticing scents.


From entering the house to end took us roughly 15-20 minutes in length.

Crowd Control

Terror is a well organized haunt, which is to be expected for how long they have been in operation. Even with large crowds, security and staff presence was well noted, ticket lines and group lines were well organized, and even with a small group we didn't catch up to the group ahead of us while inside the haunt.

Most Memorable Moment

There is a very large, new prop in the second half of the house that we loved. I don't want to give it away, but I think you will know it when you see it!


Overall, Terror on Rural Street remains a staple haunt in our household. We love that it is non-profit and benefits our community, and we love that it is affordable and filled with volunteer, live actors. We are excited to see what the future holds for Terror, and would love to see them make more changes and mix up the sets. This is a haunt to put on your list for this year and for years to come!

View all Terror on Rural Street reviews

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Please note: this review is for the 2021 season rather than the current season.

A Walk of Terror

by HPpeople after attending on Saturday, October 16, 2021 at about 8 p.m.

Fun Factor: Very High Fear Factor: Very High


So much fun! Great scares. Energetic actors! Love that this haunt gives first $10,000 they make to charity. And has done so for 3 years! Come and you must see and become part of a great cause!


Amazingly spooky! Fantastic!

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Please note: this review is for the 2021 season rather than the current season.

A Walk of Terror

by JenniferBetts after attending on Saturday, October 16, 2021 at about 7 p.m.

Fun Factor: Very High Fear Factor: Very High


Amazing!!! Totally worth every penny!!!


Every turn there was tons of scare, the chainsaw freaaaked me out!!

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Please note: this review is for the 2021 season rather than the current season.

Skully's Terror Haunted House

by bioxxshawk after attending on Saturday, October 16, 2021 at about 8 p.m.

Fun Factor: Very High Fear Factor: High


Had a lot of fun going through the haunted course, would definitely recommend it to anyone if they're curious. While waiting in line someone who was dressed up made it very entertaining while going through the line and sharing people and sneaking up on others. Overall a great experience!


Would recommend to anyone who enjoys doing these types of things

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