
2019 Terror on the Fox Event Reviews

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Please note: this review is for the 2019 season rather than the current season.

Terror on the Fox

by celinasimon18 after attending on Saturday, October 19, 2019 at about 7 p.m.

Fun Factor: Not fun - I got a rock. Fear Factor: Low


From my experience: WASTE OF TIME. the first time i went a few years ago it wasn't great, so i haven't gone since. we got free tickets this year so we decided to go. We went for 7pm so we could be out early. We just got off the train at 9:30pm. We decide to leave because it was absolutely a waste of time. the lines were insanely long. i would say they need to greatly improve on their time management. to start, the train wasn't even decorated nor was the trail it took. so you just sit in the dark on the train for 15min with a ton of kids. wasn't "scary" what so ever. we got off the train and the line was at least an hour long. after the first house, the second line was another hour long. So i really (really) hope you you don't mind waiting at least 4 hours. to top it off, when we entered we had to leave a few items in the entrance and were told that we could get them after. when we left everything we left was gone. i highly doubt i will be returning.


not good

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Please note: this review is for the 2019 season rather than the current season.

Terror on the Fox

by KR385 (Senior Review Crew Member) after attending on Friday, October 4, 2019 at about 10 p.m.

Fun Factor: High Fear Factor: High


Terror on the Fox is located on the grounds of the National Railroad Museum. It is effortless to find this haunt as they have many signs, lights, and parking attendants. The haunt has been in the Green Bay area for over twenty years, and their experience shows. This year the two attractions have gone through a refresh with stories to back up their theme. To read the backstory behind the haunts, you can visit the official Terror on the Fox website.

To start your journey, you hop aboard a full-sized, double-decker train that takes you on a haunted ride along the Fox River. The train has monsters scattered about to increase your adrenaline level before reaching the first haunt. After unloading from the train, you will find restrooms, concessions, and a terrifying-looking mausoleum in the background to remind you it's not all fun and games. Entering the first haunt, La Llorona, takes you through a winding trail outside in the woods. While walking through the woods, you come across many small structures and buildings that all have secrets to hide. Are you daring enough to see if you can find the Woman in White?

After exiting the woods, our fast pass tickets helped us gain entry to another private waiting area with food, drinks, restrooms, and a fire! The fire allowed us to warm up after walking through the chilly woods before entering the main house. Walking up to the Rise of the Dead attraction is always jaw-dropping. From the loud adrenaline-inducing music to the monsters singing and dancing, walking up to the main house is exhilarating. The main haunted attraction is a winding house of the dead that has surprises around each corner. Even from last year, the house has different scenes and updated scares that will keep even those who have attended in the past on their toes. Terror on the Fox is a haunt that I try to visit every year, and there's something special about this haunt that makes me want to return.

Signage / Visibility / Location

Signage and visibility were great, and there were even parking attendants at the street, flagging you into the parking lot. The downside was that we had to park in a remote lot for a hotel next to the haunt. It was a bit of a walk, so bring a jacket!

Wait Area / Line Entertainment

Our group opted for the fast pass tickets (which were an extra 10$ but worth it). In the line, you will find concessions (including food, beverages, and even alcohol), restrooms, and actors scattered around looking for their next victims.

Actors' Performance

The actors in the attractions and the ones lurking in the lines are great at always staying in character. The quality of their costumes and props are very high. In the two haunts, I was a little disappointed because they did not interact with our group very much. The actors did not have any dialogue to add to the story of the attractions.

Sets Scenes / Props / FX

Every time I visit Terror on the Fox, I am in shock and awe at the quality of their scenes. The realistic sets immerse you in a completely different world.


With our fast passes, the haunted train ride, the La Llorona haunt, and the Rise of the Dead haunt took about 50 minutes, in all, to complete.

Crowd Control

Crowd control at this haunt is always fantastic. Roped off waiting lines and clear signage are present throughout. Haunt workers are happy to point you in the right direction if you need help. We never ran into another group while going through the haunts, which is an impressive feat to achieve.

Most Memorable Moment

The most memorable moment from my experience at this haunt was the impressive waiting areas they have before each haunt (especially for the fast passes). The amenities they provide are very welcoming, and the campfire in the fast pass section before the main haunt warmed up our group before we headed in to get chilled to the bone with fear.


The attractions at Terror on the Fox are always cinema-quality. The stories they develop behind the haunts add to the experience. After being open for twenty plus seasons, Terror on the Fox knows how to deliver a top-notch experience.

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Please note: this review is for the 2019 season rather than the current season.

Terror on the Fox

by hex_on_you (Senior Review Crew Member) after attending on Friday, October 4, 2019 at about 10 p.m.

Fun Factor: Medium Fear Factor: Medium


Terror on the Fox has always been a go-to for me and my group of haunt enthusiasts—it is a veteran haunt with high budget scenery, make-up and numerous high-tech effects. In recent years, it seems that not too much has changed, and this year, although there were some significant changes, they weren’t all for the better.

Be prepared upon arrival—leave all pocketknives and metal objects secured in your vehicles. New this year, Terror on the Fox has upped security and you can’t even enter the front gate with these items. If you choose to leave them at the front gate, they’re left in an unsecured plastic tote—and your items may or may not be there when you’re finished with the haunt. Luckily, an officer patrolling the haunt took an item for us and held it to the end. Along with increased security at the gate, came increased security on the grounds and on the train. I’ve always looked forward to the actors approaching us on the train and climbing levels (not sure what I mean—you will have to check it out for yourself!) but this is a thing of the past. Be careful while taking pictures with signage and banners on the grounds—we were warned not to touch them in any capacity, even while lightly leaning on a fence.

This is a very popular haunt, and as we have in the past, we chose the VIP ticket option. We were able to skip all the lines and got a second shot at concessions and adult beverages before arriving at the main haunt! There is also a bon fire to sit around to stay warm! Be sure to dress warm and ready for Wisconsin weather—the first haunt is almost entirely outside, and all the waiting is outdoors.

Terror on the Fox offers two haunt experiences for one ticket price—LaLlorona: The Weeping Woman and Rise of the Dead (or what I refer to as the ‘main haunt’).

Signage / Visibility / Location

Terror on the Fox is a veteran haunt and staple of the Green Bay community. It is easy to find, located on Broadway Street in Green Bay. There are numerous people directing traffic and helping with parking, which is always helpful—especially for such a large and well-known haunt!

Wait Area / Line Entertainment

As mentioned above, come dressed appropriately for the weather; all waiting is outdoors. There are more than a few stops along your way to the two different haunts giving opportunities for bathroom breaks in their multiple porta potties and a chance to stop for a bite to eat or beverages. Along the way you will meet some other creatures as well—we encountered anywhere from 3-5 live actors while waiting and walking the grounds.

If you choose the VIP experience, you’re given a second stab at concessions and adult beverages, all while waiting around a warm fire pit overlooking the incredible and iconic façade of the main haunt. This is a popular haunt and in the past wait times have been hours—I highly recommend upgrading to VIP if you choose to visit this haunt.

Actors' Performance

There were plenty of live actors that we encountered on our visit to Terror on the Fox. There were three that we met on the train. As I mentioned above, we always look forward to the dynamic and interactive creatures on the train, but this year was a bit of a disappointment. Quite a bit of the ride was taken up with a list of rules (which is important—but the way they were delivered detracted from the experience) and the actors were not as interactive and energetic as they were in the past. As we were exiting the train, an actor called out my name! This was surprising and unexpected—not sure how they picked up on that! Nice touch!

While we were waiting in line for concessions, we had several creatures lurking around us. The attention to detail on costumes and makeup were incredible and it’s obvious that quite a bit of time and money went into the actors’ looks. The actors interacted well with the crowds, and as we see at most haunts, they prey on the weak—watch out!

In the first haunt, we didn’t encounter many live actors, maybe four in the entire attraction which offered a growl as we walked past. The first haunt is a mausoleum and hike through the woods; a few more well placed and energetic actors would have made this haunt more memorable.
The main haunt offered more live actors, a few of which engaged with our group and set the mood for their room. Again, and as always, props to the makeup artists and costume designers—you never cease to impress!

Sets Scenes / Props / FX

As mentioned above and as in past years, the sets and scenery are beyond impressive. Its obvious that this is a high budget haunt, which is bound to be one of the reasons they draw in large crowds! The façades of both attractions are impressive and a great photo opportunity. As in years past, the main attraction features live actors as a part of the face of the house which is great line entertainment!

Keep your eyes peeled while walking through the attractions and pay close attention to detail—there are so many nooks and crannies and every last one is interesting to look at!


From arrival to end, we were at this haunt around an hour. This included going through security, purchasing tickets, riding the train to the two attractions, going through both attractions, and stopping for food, drinks, and bathroom along the way. In years past, we have spent several hours at this haunt (especially when we decided to forego the VIP option) so be prepared.

Crowd Control

It’s obvious that Terror on the Fox is well equipped for large crowds—the ticket lines, waiting lines, and more have well maintained line control. There are several staff and officers on the grounds to help you navigate and to answer any questions you may have, and they were very nice in our encounters with them.

Terror on the Fox also offers a photo opportunity with a live actor before the first haunt, which is a nice touch to pass the time. You are then able to purchase the photo at the end of the haunt.

Most Memorable Moment

Our favorite part of the haunt this year wasn’t an experience in the haunt, but while waiting in the VIP area! We enjoyed lounging by the fire, taking in the awesome scenery of the fun lit haunt. While waiting we had a creature try to photo bomb us—and we ended up getting a great picture with him!


All in all, there is a reason this haunt draws in such a crowd. There is so much to do on the grounds—from concessions, to wait line entertainment, a train ride and so much more. The sets and scenes have always been impressive, and it’s apparent that time and money goes into this haunt. Overall, this year was not our favorite year. From the increase in security and stricter rules, no real changes to the haunts, and the actors not having much gusto, we felt that we didn’t get much bang for our buck. If you decide to attend this haunt, spring for the VIP pass to skip the lines—and then try to hit up some more haunts in the area!

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Please note: this review is for the 2019 season rather than the current season.

Terror on the Fox

by majorXpsycho (Senior Review Crew Member) after attending on Friday, September 27, 2019 at about 8 p.m.

Fun Factor: Very High Fear Factor: High


Located at the National Railroad Museum in Green Bay, Terror on The Fox Haunted Attraction continues to firmly make its mark on the Wisconsin haunt scene. I returned for my 11th year in a row and walked away continuing to be impressed by the cinematic quality displayed. Your journey begins when you see the single light, of the impressive double decker passenger train, grow brighter through the fog. Once aboard, the 15 minute ride allows little time for relaxation as the dedicated cast effortlessly creeps throughout making passengers scream.

The first stop is at the newly themed attraction, La Llorona. The atmosphere was primarily outdoors, but cascading chapels, trees and structured props make you feel as if you are indoors. La Llorona and her crew made this 12 minute portion of the attraction come alive and feel like an eternity.

As you make your way to the main house, you will be amazed at the authentic look of the exterior. Blazing horror music, synchronized lighting and fierce dancers provide an experience you would expect from a professional theatrical show. Make it a night by watching while enjoying multiple beverage selections (including beer), food (including Texas Roadhouse) and a blazing fire. There are plenty of screams and photo opportunities with the cast while in line. All of the cast (Pennywise included) did not have to hide in the dark as the high quality and detail of their characters was frightening even with lights on! They were quite vocal, often speaking in unique dialects that gave their characters more depth.

Without giving away too much, once inside the final attraction, authenticity continues with no breaks or dark hallways. You can see well (if you don’t keep your eyes closed like someone in our group) as the scenes and transitions from room to room flow continuously. The level of detail, perfectly timed scares, top notch performance, crowd control and cinematic quality is what brings me back every year! I am already eager to see what next year brings.

Signage / Visibility / Location

Located at the National Railroad Museum in Green Bay. Once near it is easy to find with flashing signs for parking and lights glowing the path.

Wait Area / Line Entertainment

All 3 wait areas had cast roaming about to scare you. Once off the train you can have multiple food and beverage options to enjoy around the blazing campfire. Not just hot dogs and cookies ... REAL FOOD and BEVERAGES. If I were to change one thing about this attraction, it would be a system that allowed individuals to wait around the bonfire and enjoy the snacks (instead of standing in line each time). Something like a number system ... not a deal breaker.

Actors' Performance

All of the cast (Pennywise included) did not have to hide in the dark as the high quality and detail of their characters was frightening even with lights on! They were quite vocal, often speaking in unique dialects that gave their characters more depth. Their lines (when spoken) flowed excellent with the scenes. They remained in character the entire time (including in line).

Sets Scenes / Props / FX

Authentic! Cinematic quality!! I can not describe it any better. It is like being on set of your very own horror movie. Disgusting scenes, gory scenes ... there is such diversity in sets, with excellent transitions. We felt that the lighting effects were great, often times the lighting accentuated the details of the scenes beautifully and other times it was more dramatic, like the lasers that hid what could be at your feet.


If I combined solely the time we were inside attractions (Train, La Llorona, and the main house) it was about 45 - 50 minutes in length!!

Crowd Control

You go in with who you came with, and it stays that way throughout all attractions!

Most Memorable Moment

Again, without giving away too much: The butcher, the Dr., the "bathroom" and of course the CHAINSAW.


Located at the National Railroad Museum in Green Bay, Terror on The Fox Haunted Attraction continues to firmly make its mark on the Wisconsin haunt scene. I returned for my 11th year in a row and walked away continuing to be impressed by the cinematic quality displayed. The level of detail, perfectly timed scares, top notch performance, crowd control and cinematic quality is what brings me back every year! I am already eager to see what next year brings.

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