
2003 Terror on the Fox Event Reviews

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Please note: this review is for the 2003 season rather than the current season.

Terror on the Fox

by nickerbocker after attending on Friday, October 31, 2003 at about 5:30 p.m.

Fun Factor: Low Fear Factor: Low


Signage / Visibility / Location

not really easy to get there with construction....

Wait Area / Line Entertainment

none really some people running past us while in line and some guy's in leather pants trying to jam to the music in the windows out side the house.... the only thing that was scary was seeing the guy's dance " can you say village people"


20 min tops with train ride, walking up to house and going through it...

Actors' Performance

not scary at all !!!!!!!! the train ride i honestly feel asleep the walk up to the house all people did was run past us and i was very disapointed with the house it self... for spending all that money i'm wondering were it all went ... the skeleton was cool but everything else looked like they took a shopping spree to spencer gifts. the people didn't scare you all they did was look at you. a couple of the room's i see they weren't expecting us to be coming because they were all talking then tryed to scare us when we were already walking by very bad .... the polka dot room cool probably the best wanted to stay in that room to try and get my $11.00 worth . could of had more people scaring people and not just standing ... maybe try lowering the prices next year because i feel your waisting your money . better luck next year.

Appropriate For

9 +


wasn't worth it not the best i've seen this year maybe next year dont' hype it up so much so people won't be disapointed when coming... maybe next year it will get better.

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Please note: this review is for the 2003 season rather than the current season.

Terror on the Fox

by Sophie after attending on Wednesday, October 29, 2003 at about 6 a.m.

Fun Factor: Medium Fear Factor: Medium


Signage / Visibility / Location

Wasnt too bad to find the construction was a little tricky.

Wait Area / Line Entertainment

The ticket booth opened at 6:30 and we got to board the train and start a little after 7:00.


It wasnt very long about a 5-10 minute ride on the train and 3 minute walk through the grass to the haunted house and the house only took maybe 15 minutes

Actors' Performance

The train was not too exciting the lights went off and the strobe lights came on and that was it. No scares or haunting on that train

Appropriate For



The internet made the place seem more exciting and bigger than it really was. The train ride wasnt very long and not scarey at all. The house was very good the people did a really good job of scaring you. And it said on the web page and on the news about a haunted trail there wasnt any haunted trail it was just a little grassey area that led up to the haunted house, not one bit scarey.

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Please note: this review is for the 2003 season rather than the current season.

Terror on the Fox

by MysticRainzz after attending on Friday, October 17, 2003 at about 1:45 p.m.

Fun Factor: Very High Fear Factor: High


Signage / Visibility / Location

It was a bit hard to find due to constuction and the fact that Mapquest gave us the wrong directons

Wait Area / Line Entertainment

right away for the Haunted train ride, about 30 min for the Haunted House.


15 min for the train and 30 for the haunted house

Actors' Performance

The train ride was unique but could have used a little more equal scare factors on the top...( it's a double decker train) The haunted house was AWESOME!!!We really enjoyed it a lot. Some thing new and different in every turn you make AND quite frightning as well!!!! VERY IMPRESSED!!

Appropriate For

10 and up with parent


We have to say that it was well worth the trip..(we drove up from Milwaukee) One thing .. THE GIFT SHOP..HARDLY NOTHING WORTH GETTING THERE..It would have been great if we could have gotten some t-shirts or some other keepsake.

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Please note: this review is for the 2003 season rather than the current season.

Terror on the Fox

by luvtobescared after attending on Friday, October 24, 2003 at about 1:30 p.m.

Fun Factor: Low Fear Factor: Low


Signage / Visibility / Location

The directions are good, however there is some terrible road construction that you have to go through to get there that really narrows the road and makes it incredibly bumpy, but other than that it wasn't too bad.

Wait Area / Line Entertainment

None, really, until you get in the line for the house itself, and then there is music playing and a few spooks creeping around.


It depends on how long you have to wait in line for tickets, etc. We waited in the ticket line about 20-25 minutes, and then in line to get on the train for probably about 15 minutes-the train ride over to the house takes about 5-7 minutes, and we waited in line to get into the house for about 35-40 minutes. Once you get into the house, it takes about 15 minutes tops to go through.

Actors' Performance

I am sorry to say not very good at all. The "haunted" train ride was hardly haunted-I only saw 2 spooks, and if you were on the upper level of the train like we were, you only got to see the tops of their heads, because there was none up by us. The outside of the house was awesome-a huge jumbotron shows you what is going on inside the house, and there was some creatures dancing in the windows of the house to the awesome music that was playing, but the people who were supposed to be spooking around and scaring us outside while we were waiting in line were lame.....they put almost no effort into what they were doing, and it almost seemed like they did not want to even be there. The inside of the house itself was okay...there were a couple small scares, but for the most part it was pretty boring. The only cool things were the vibrating room with the bridge that made you feel like you were going to tip over, and the polka-dotted room near the end (if you could stand the horrific sewer smell by that point). Overall just NOT VERY SCARY.

Appropriate For

10 and up


Not worth the $11.00 admission price-a big disappointment. Won't go back to this one anytime soon.

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Please note: this review is for the 2003 season rather than the current season.

Terror on the Fox

by titan-6 after attending on Sunday, October 26, 2003 at about 1 p.m.

Fun Factor: Very High Fear Factor: Low


Signage / Visibility / Location

It was kind of a circus finding your way around the construction. A few signs in better locations would fix those problems.

Wait Area / Line Entertainment

It was a Sunday so I would expect a shorter staff than normal so I can understand only having the one monster who was going through the lines.


15 min.

Actors' Performance

As far as the actors go, I was sorry to say I wasn't too pleased. A lot of what I saw was growling. That might scare some people, but I personally (and I think a lot of people would agree with me) was not scared. There were however some monsters in the house that worked very well at what they were doing.

Appropriate For



Excellent house as far as atmosphere goes. There were some very cool props used, most notably, the "impaler" prop. For those of you who don't know, it's about a 10 to 12 ft. monster, I won't give away what he looks like or what he does, but it's very cool to see in action. Lots of very detailed rooms, I don't want to go off on any single room except to say for a majority of the house a lot of effort was put into making this house look like it does. There is a downside to this house though, I wasn't too impressed with the performance of the actors/actresses of the house. There were a lot of people in the beginning of the house who just walked past you and really didn't give half and attempt at a scare. The people who did attempt the scares only got low growls out and most of the people of the house were in plain sight when you walked in. For some constructive criticism, try hiding some more or plan the rooms for better scares. There were lots of unused areas that looked incredible but had little or no scare value at all. I really enjoyed coming to the house. The train is cool and adds a good element to the overall quality of the event. There are lots of really good things in this house. The people in charge of putting this house together have a keen attention to detail. I love that!

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Please note: this review is for the 2003 season rather than the current season.

Terror on the Fox

by Nicole after attending on Sunday, October 19, 2003 at about 5:30 p.m.

Fun Factor: High Fear Factor: Medium


Signage / Visibility / Location

A little hard to find w/construction, but once we went on the main road we found it... need more directional signage (that is lit) in front of the Train Museum (where the entrance is closed due to construction)... we missed the directional signs there because it was too dark.

Wait Area / Line Entertainment

Line ent. in the ticket line and wait for the train was VERY GOOD - the line actors really get in your face and know how to scare! Lots of different ghouls working the lines... it was fun to watch! There was NO line entainment in the line between the train and the house... and that was the longest line... could have done alot here since it's in the woods and dark... line entertainment here would rock.


The wait between the train and the house was long... so we wished the house was a bit longer. If you count the house AND the train - it was worth it... the train makes it rock and makes it UNIQUE!

Actors' Performance

Good, but the strong blowing on the back of the head into my hair was weird... I don't care to get any cooties (germs) from the ghouls! Wished more were interactive... many just stood there. The ones who were interactive (did a strange purring/grownling thing) were EXCELLENT. Would have been more scary if more were interactive instead of just staring. The music/dancing schtick at the outside/front was cool (my favorite music) BUT having the guys in leather dancing is a bit unusual in a "Blue Oyster Club kinda way" (if you know what I mean.) People around us were joking about it.

Appropriate For



Overall one of the best I've seen this year! Loved the train! Costumes rocked... sets were THE BEST I'VE EVER SEEN!!!! The actors that were interactive were excellent.

Honest and constructive criticism: More actors need to be more interactive... several just stood there and we saw 2 talking to other actors as we walked by. The LINES: waiting in 3 lines was a bit much... 3 lines: one for tickets (which did move well), one for the train (moved ok) and one for the house (took forever). The waiting would not have been so bad if the line between the train and the house had line entertainment with live actors (maybe having ghouls abduct a 'planted guest' in the lines?)... and of course ghouls scaring line guests Lastly, the parking needed to be more organized - it was parking lot anarchy. The attendant basically told us that there was none, and that we shuold try another night?!?! (but we were from out of town, and that wasn't an option as we were anxious to see this house!). As the attendant told us this we saw an area about 100 feet behind him not being used that could easliy park 40 cars if it was organized better.

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Please note: this review is for the 2003 season rather than the current season.

Terror on the Fox

by lee after attending on Saturday, October 18, 2003 at about 5 p.m.

Fun Factor: Low Fear Factor: Medium


Signage / Visibility / Location

With the road construction, not knowing the area and the lack of signs it was a little hard to find. The parking was a mess, they had lots of open area to park but it was blocked by cars so you could not get to it. The had left 20 feet between rows of cars. They just wanted you to wait till someone left and take thier open spot.

Wait Area / Line Entertainment

It was a about a 20min. wait to buy a ticket, 30min. to get on the train, another 40min. to go from the train to the event. There were plenty of actors working the lines.


The event was not real long. 10 min. to walk through maybe a little longer. It was a quick walk through and it made me wonder why the line moved so slow.

Actors' Performance

Except for maybe a handfull of actors the acting was weak! Although this has been the same problem everywhere this year. The just look at you as you walk on by. If I wanted that I could walk around the mall.

Appropriate For

preteen and up


After waiting for a ticket and waiting for the not so haunted train(it was original and still neat)then having to wait next to the foulest smelling body of water (I'm talking sewage bypass)for the better part of an hour I was really hoping for a great house. The male go-go dancers doing the lipsync in the windows reminded me of the Blue-Oyster gay bar from the Police academy movies. If the actors inside would have given that much effort they would have a great haunt. The sets are great and there is a ton of detail to see inside just not a lot of scares. The trend this year for everyone seams to be charge more do less.

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Please note: this review is for the 2003 season rather than the current season.

Terror on the Fox

by superfreak after attending on Saturday, October 18, 2003 at about 3 p.m.

Fun Factor: Low Fear Factor: Low


Signage / Visibility / Location

Road Construction was not as bad as the parking. Parking lot full and not very organized especially when your trying to leave and you can't get out because of the vehicles coming in. Poor organization.

Wait Area / Line Entertainment

Line to get tickets went fast enough. Only one spook running around trying to scare people. Line to get on train went very fast. Line to get into haunted house very long and slow. Not scary at all. It was a very long wait with not one scare. No scary music. Just heavy metal coming from the house. Graveyard next to line did not have any actors coming around to scare people or even set the mood. To make the night more scary, it would have helped to make the wait in line scary with spooks, special lighting effects, maybe a dead body laying here and there.


Took about 20 minutes to get through the actual haunted house. Should have been longer for $11.00.

Actors' Performance

The go-go dancers in the windows of the haunted house and the actors in the house did okay. Just not very scary. How scary are go-go dancers anyway??

Appropriate For

9 years and over


We had a fourth grader with us that thought it was the best. Not scary for anyone older. The house itself was overpriced for the scary factor. The Terror people have to make this experience better before I'll go back. The biggest problem is with the wait to get into the house itself. They have to make the wait scary too. Spooky music would help. Rob Zombie is just not scary music. The wait has got to set mood for the house itself. Try cutting some of the lights too. Darkness and silence. What I experienced with the heavy metal music, go go dancers in the windows, and bright disco lights seemed more like a night out at the clubs than a haunted house.

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Please note: this review is for the 2003 season rather than the current season.

Terror on the Fox

by tasha_thang after attending on Saturday, October 18, 2003 at about 3 p.m.

Fun Factor: Medium Fear Factor: Low


Signage / Visibility / Location

the directions that were given on the site were not really easy to find, but my friend and i went out to eat and asked locals, they know everything better. And also you do need to go through road closed baracades.

Wait Area / Line Entertainment

we didn't wait in long for very long to wait for the train but after the train ride, (which wasn't interesting at all) we had to stand in line for about an hour, we came at the right time. Otherwise they had music playing and people dnacing around and a big screen playing clips of inside the house, but their are so many trees you couldn't really see it. And the monsters walking around trying to scare you did a terrible job, i didn't like the costumes and they didn't scare you they just walked around.


I bet we were only in the house for like 10 min. The train ride was about 5 min.

Actors' Performance

I thought it was terrible, the graphics were UNBELIEVABLE, but we would walk into a room and a monster would just stand their instead of actually scaring you, i was pissed.

Appropriate For



I think it was cool, it was a different experience, and for anyone who goes, stay in the spinning tube for as long as you can, you will know what i am talking about if you go, it is awesome. They do really need to lower prices.

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Please note: this review is for the 2003 season rather than the current season.

Terror on the Fox

by scoobs3812 after attending on Friday, October 17, 2003 at about 5:30 p.m.

Fun Factor: Medium Fear Factor: Low


Signage / Visibility / Location

Even though there was construction, it was east to get to.

Wait Area / Line Entertainment

The wait for the train was about 2 min. For the house it took about 45.


Going through the house took about 15-20 min......yeah we were being rushed.

Actors' Performance

The train ride got worse than from last year. Wasnt as dark or foggy. The actors weren't as good either. Except for this guy with braided hair and a bloody face.......he seemed to get into it more. The house has awesome props. The actors don't scare you as much as they use to. They are quiet and just come up to you.....just staring at you. The group that came in after use caught up and then there was twelve of us walking in a row and made the house "worse".......

Appropriate For

12 and up

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Please note: this review is for the 2003 season rather than the current season.

Terror on the Fox

by Misty after attending on Saturday, October 11, 2003 at about 4 p.m.

Fun Factor: Low Fear Factor: Low


Signage / Visibility / Location

confusing with signs b/c only one way of the street was open

Wait Area / Line Entertainment

pple running and music and big screen


half hour

Actors' Performance

was okay but seen better

Appropriate For

13 and up


wasn't worth the $11. I didn't like at all wasn't scarly we laught the whole way threw.

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Please note: this review is for the 2003 season rather than the current season.

Terror on the Fox

by redhickey after attending on Saturday, October 11, 2003 at about 5 p.m.

Fun Factor: High Fear Factor: Medium


Signage / Visibility / Location

Very hard to find with construction. Needs more signs to help people find their way. One sign even said to take Pilgrim, which was only going one way at the time....(not a good idea)

Wait Area / Line Entertainment

Not much of it, it was a long......wait, and for how long, there really wasn't much. The train ride over was good however.


Not too bad of length, mainly because we were waiting outside for about a half hour or more, so it seemed longer. There should be more waiting entertainment so people don't think about how long they're really waiting

Actors' Performance

Not bad, not quite worth $11, but not bad. I'd go again, only if someone else was paying for my ticket in.

Appropriate For

13 and up, please be mature 13 yr. olds though


One of the best I've seen so far this season. Consider lowering price or making more for your money? Many "kids" don't have much cash but are looking for something safe to do with their time (just a thought...)

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Please note: this review is for the 2003 season rather than the current season.

Terror on the Fox

by cleopatra after attending on Friday, October 10, 2003 at about 5:30 p.m.

Fun Factor: High Fear Factor: Medium


Signage / Visibility / Location

Very difficult to get too! There is major construction so we went up and down broadway 4 times before we finally asked for directions ... then they told us that we had to go beyond the signs that said "NO THROUGH TRAFFIC" ... once we figured that out, it was no problem.

Wait Area / Line Entertainment

There are concessions as well as a gift shop!


10 - 15 min, not including train ride.

Actors' Performance

The actors were all highschool volunteers, and I believe it was there first night ... so a little practice might have been helpful!

Appropriate For



The train ride definitely makes this haunted house unique! Compared to previous years, the special effects and props were great! They were not scary, but very well put together.

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Please note: this review is for the 2003 season rather than the current season.

Terror on the Fox

by Killah after attending on Saturday, October 11, 2003 at about 3:45 p.m.

Fun Factor: High Fear Factor: Very High


Signage / Visibility / Location

I have been coming to this haunted house for years, the location of it is great in reference to the "spookiness" of the woods. However, this year road construction made it a little difficult to get to the house.

Wait Area / Line Entertainment

Absolutely Amazing!! This is the only house I have seen in WI with a live front show. Many of the actors enjoyed scaring me as well as my girlfriend. What interested me aside from other houses, is that the actors don't concentrate on "just" the girls, but the entire crowd as a whole.


I was a little upset at the length of the house. It was so good, that I wish it was longer. It didn't help that it rained, but it helped to set the scene.

Actors' Performance

As like all haunted houses, some actors were "good", some were very poor. ( I'm really not scared when they just stand and look at me) Not that it's made up by the others, but some actors almost made me %$#@ my pants. I can remember the actor with a devilish red bloody face that followed my girlfriend and I through the entire house. If more actors could do the same, the experience would have been much more dramatic, not that it was all ready.

Appropriate For

PG-13 is a good rating for them, however some areas were a little more horrific.


The train ride was a little boring. It started off great, but when you see all the actors you tend to blank them out when they scare you multiple times. I especially liked the polka dot room. The huge monster was very impressive. My only grudge I guess would be that some of the actors may have needed to "step it up"

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Please note: this review is for the 2003 season rather than the current season.

Terror on the Fox

by spook reviewer after attending on Saturday, October 11, 2003 at about 6 p.m.

Fun Factor: Very High Fear Factor: High


Signage / Visibility / Location

Same as always...but Broadway is under construction...lot of potholes to get there.

Wait Area / Line Entertainment

The haunted train ride to the house is always entertaining! The ghouls did a good job of making the ride fun.


We went on a rainy night, so the line was short...only a 5 minute wait to get in which was great. It WILL be longer on nice nights. Our group of three took 20-25 minutes to get through...with the smaller crowds (rainy) the actors were able to spend more time with each group going through to try and scare them.

Actors' Performance

A+ job this year. I've been to many of their previous "houses", and this one was the best by far. Great scenes and a new layout. Actors had good energy for the late time of night we arrived.

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