2009 Terror on the Fox Event Reviews

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Please note: this review is for the 2009 season rather than the current season.

Terror on the Fox

by Boo2U2 after attending on Saturday, October 17, 2009 at about 4 p.m.

Fun Factor: Medium Fear Factor: Medium


I always hear of Terror on the Fox and it's great reviews so this year I made it out there to give it a try. The train ride was, to say the least, disappointing. The wait in front of the house was a good idea with the actors performing. The props and set up were good, you can tell they invest money in this every year. The actors/actresses were decent.


Overall I was disappointed. I believe it's become too overrated and I did not think it was worth the money.

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Please note: this review is for the 2009 season rather than the current season.

Terror on the Fox

by Loafstain after attending on Sunday, October 18, 2009 at about 3:30 p.m.

Fun Factor: Very High Fear Factor: Medium


I try to get out to Terror on the Fox every year, but unfortunatly I missed it last year. I was really looking forward to it, considering...

I got there around 8:30 and there were basically no lines, which was awesome! I went with the combo ticket because I had heard from a friend that the new Void thing was a lot of fun.

Ok frist up, the train ride: A little dissapointing. There were some strobe lights and only one or two ghouls that came though making random noises and getting in peoples faces. It was cool to take the train ride, but it wasnt really scary at all.

When we got off the train, all of us with combo tickets were sent to these big white tents. First up was Torment. The hospital feel was really cool, and I love how the farther you went, the weirder it got! The acting here was a little less than acting and a little more like beating the crap out of yourself, but the effect was bas ass!

From Torment, we went straight into the void. Can you say dark? Because I can! This maze in the haze was something else. I'll be honest, it wasn't scary, but it was pretty fun. There was crap haning in your face and countless wrong turns. It took my group quite a while to find our way out, no thanks to the actors wandering around in the dark.

After the void, we went straight into 3rd Dimension... no lines in between the events, I thought that was really cool. This event was something I had never seen before. the 3d aspect wasn't new, but the ideas were. I guess they had based every room on different holidays. I especially liked the amazingly corny Halloween room at the end. 3rd Dimension gave me a good laugh.

After the 3d event, we did have to wait in line for a little bit before we got into the big main house. Once we got close enough tot the front of the line, the show going on out front of the house was really cool. All the lights and the rocking music really set the tone for what was to come.

Our group walked into the first room and there was this huge guy in a top hat and cape. I was suprised, because I wasn't scared, but I laughed my ass off when he grabbed an empty water bottle that the lady in front of my was holding. He cackled something about how he would add it to his collection and then ran off through a secret door. After that, the house got a lot scarier. The acting here seemed a little more interactive than it had been in the other events and I really liked that. A lot of the rooms were kinda the same as I remember them from years past, but I always see something new, whether it was a new little detail like the fake wall that some chick jumped out of, or the new hidden compartment in a couch. The two things that stick out the most for me was getting the crap scared out of me by some little dude in the dark cave parts and then seeing that big dude with the top hat again at the end of the house. He was stading right outside the last door laughing he ass off. He gave the lady in front of me her water bottle back and told her that if he ever saw her again, he'd take a lot more than just some crappy bottle.

I loved Terror on the Fox this year, and I feel bad that I missed out on last year.


Overall, I'd say Terror on the Fox delivers a lot of fun, but, at least for me, it could be a little more scary. I loved seeing the interaction with the actors. Guys like the cook and the big dude in the top hat really stuck out in my mind on the ride home. I'd recommend Terror on the Fox to friends this year, and if I can get enough friends together on one night, I might even go back for another run!

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Please note: this review is for the 2009 season rather than the current season.

Terror on the Fox

by burial_screamer after attending on Thursday, October 15, 2009 at about 2 p.m.

Fun Factor: Very High Fear Factor: Medium


So those who know me, know that I love haunted house, so this was my first stop out of three haunted houses. When in line there was not many people there so I just went with the combo package instead of a VIP package. So entering the haunted house they had the train, the train was good but was not one of my favorites. We got off the train and was split up, one way was the main house the other was the combo line. I would have to say the tent haunts were my favorite. These were my favorite due to entertainment value. Between a nurse get lifted off her feet and thrown to a wall to the dark mazes. The other part I loved was the tour guide in the holiday section of the test. This actor never broke character was crack jokes about all the rooms, he was great. If you are looking for the vortex the tent haunts are the way to go because it is inside. Overall spending the extra money to go through the extra haunts is well worth it. When we finshed the tents we were off the the main haunt. As the boys are know for they put on a great main attraction, between the new prop, added detail and expanded rooms. There was one part it didn't like in both area and that was the air bag things. I hated the feeling of not having control.(hated in a good way, scared way). Once again great job on the cave looks like it has been expanded again and then you end up in the railway tunnel. What I was disappointed about was the number of actors in the house, seemed as if they were low numbered, however I did go on a off night(thursday)


Overall Terror on the Fox is still one of my favorite haunted house, and design wise hands down the greatest, keep it up bad boys. Good luck with the rest of year number 13.

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Please note: this review is for the 2009 season rather than the current season.

Terror on the Fox

by natalyaestelle after attending on Friday, October 9, 2009 at about 5:30 p.m.

Fun Factor: High Fear Factor: Low


Terror on the fox...
I attended their haunt 2 years in a row about 4 years ago (2005/2006). I was so dissapointed, I felt as if it was a waste of money...My opinion has changed after giving it another shot this year, here's how it went:

We went on a Friday night we early in the season as hope to get light lines and small waiting periods (so happy we did!). We arrived at about 10:30pm and had no wait at the ticket both. After asking and finding out about a 20minute wait was it, we went for just the combo ticket to see all the houses.

Train Ride: I was very dissapointed. 3 years ago the train ride was one of my favorite parts, this year left me asking if that was it... There seemed to be 3 ghosts haunting the train's 3 cars. If the train ride is roughly 15 minutes, the first five, we rode with just a strobe light. The second five a woman came in and spooked one group of 3 and then she left. The last five I waited wondering if that was it??? In the last two minutes of the ride 2 guys came on the other side of us but were never able to get close because the ride stopped. They also didn't seem to be really into their parts because all I saw them do in the car we were in was walk around and sit near people. Very dissapointed :(

The asylum: VERY good set, VERY good potential, VERY bad timing by the actors. They had a lot of spook spots, but I always saw them before or they missed the scare. I also did know what I was doing in each room. This house seemed to lack a plot. The fortunate thing was they let my group of 3 go together just us. This has a lot of potential and I think it could be better if they continue to develop it throughout the season

THe void: I am afraid of the dark, I was not so scared here. But this was the most fun. Almost pitch black and very hard to navigate through. I do wish that they would have had some lower ceilings and most textures on the wall. Again, this was my favorite part, but they could do so much more! My favorite mention was a guy that looked like death came into one of the strobe behind me and I happened to turn around to look and caught sight on him and he turned and walked back into the dark. It was the spookiest part of the night because I felt like it could have actually been a ghost!
3rd dimension: What in the world is sopposed to be scary other than the one guy that jumps out at you from the wall? Each room was holiday themed and the actor that guided us through I think every room just said "welcome to christmas" "welcome to easter" and some one line after that left me looking at him like...Ok, where's the scary part. They definetly need to work on the thrills in this event. Honerable mention: the girl giving out the glasses were very nice and stayed in character, even when I caught her and told her she said "the void" when she meant "3rd dimension of fear" :)

The main house:
Again we got to go in as a group of 3! woohoo! But, we are rather slow house viewers because we like to checkout the sets and get creeped out rather then just run through. SO the group behind us caught up with us. THere were several hallways they could have done more with, but the were REALLY neat hallways. A spectacular spook jumped out of the kitchen in a way that we brought up his performance several times throughout the night on the way home. There were several characters that I felt like they were extremely inexperienced. I think the biggest dissapointement in this house is the lack of and lack of quality in actors. Actors need to be ready for improv because every group reacts to scary differently. In acting class they teach you to develop a complete background story for your character, age, things that have happened to them etc. The actors seemed to have two emotions. One:crazy sounds and shrills or yelling at us. Their responces were often poorly developed as if in a loss of words and not as if that's what the character would have really said. The 2 biggest improvements were the change of the devil's room. Both years I had previously attended this room was exactly the same. This year it had some changes. Very impressed, but I still think there's a lot more they can do with their "big guy" :). The other part we LOVED was the alien thing near a bridge (don't want to wreck it for other's). But the timing was off, if we hadn't stopped to inspect it we would have missed it's movement. We also had bad timing with the spook in the livingroom. That lady jumped out when we were on the other side of the room not even looking or close to her.

By the way, we left at 11:45 and the lines were short so terror gives you a lot of entertainment time :)


Overall:Definetly fun and worth a stop. Best house around?...maybe not. But I was still quite impressed. I hope that by the end of the season when things get busier, they can have some kinks worked out. My advice is to work with the actors and develop their timing and skills for an improvement ten-fold! Sets were GREAT!!! Ability for this house to get a 5? definetly, but it will take a little work. This house had some five moments and some one moments so I'm going to have to give it a 4 for fun and a 2 for fear (simply because we scared each other more than the ghosts scared us---shows them they have much potential)

Looking foreward to next year!

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Please note: this review is for the 2009 season rather than the current season.

Terror on the Fox

by MistressSweetness420 after attending on Saturday, October 10, 2009 at about 4 p.m.

Fun Factor: Low Fear Factor: Low


This place was awful.. we drove out there from Milwaukee as based on their description sounded great.. haunted train ride etc.. yeah not so much.. first u wait in line to buy tickets, and wait and wait.. then you wait in line for the train and wait and wait... there "haunted train ride" is a slow moving train with smoke and ghouls walk down the isle..then you wait in line again.. and wait and wait and wait and wait.. and the house looks AWESOME and then you get inside and its all disappointment.. I jump when the toast pops out of the toaster and I wasnt so much as startled here..:( waste of gas and money


waste of gas and money.. spend more time waiting than in the "haunt" soooo not scary.. I was wasted and it still wasnt even so much as more than mildly amusing :(

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Please note: this review is for the 2009 season rather than the current season.

Terror on the Fox

by HannahBalLecter after attending on Saturday, October 3, 2009 at about 5:30 p.m.

Fun Factor: Very High Fear Factor: Very High


Wow, what a spectacular haunt!! I went with my closest friends and we all loved it. Everything was great. First of all, the train ride was truly amazing. Even waiting in line was fun! Torment was amazing and all the actor's definatley had fun with what they were doing! Then there was the Void... super awesome and freaky, but I don't want to ruin the suprise!! (Just be careful what you touch!) The 3-D house was unreal and although a little disorientating, it was superb. There was so much going on and it was such a fun time. The guy in the jester outfit was hilarious. But, by far the best part of the haunt was the main house. The details and effort that must go into the scenes is phenominal. Everything looked so real! The actor's were also amazing. They came out of nowhere and made noises and movements that seemed unhuman! I almost forgot that they were people and started believing that they really were zombies and monsters! They must love what they do. Especially the 3 people by the caves. They were so full of energy and were really into what they were doing. (They also scared the crap out of me!) Well done yet again guys! Keep up the good work!


Everything was great from the music to the detail, but the best part was the actor's. They must be well trained and clearly love what they do, which makes it more entertaining for the rest of us! The best haunt I've been to all year!!

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Please note: this review is for the 2009 season rather than the current season.

Terror on the Fox

by farbeyondtheshadows after attending on Saturday, October 3, 2009 at about 4 p.m.

Fun Factor: Very High Fear Factor: Medium


I went with a group of friends, and the scenery in the house was amazing! You could tell that a lot of detail and time went into construction. As for scares, I was not too amused. Their was some parts where I got scared, but it was a bit weak.


Overall, the house was awesome, but the actors need to work on scares a little better. Other than this everything was amazing!

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Please note: this review is for the 2009 season rather than the current season.

Terror on the Fox

by rtease after attending on Friday, September 25, 2009 at about 4:30 p.m.

Fun Factor: Low Fear Factor: N/A


the best parts of the haunt was the train ride was very unique and the actress on there was pretty good. The entrance to the main house was cool. There was one good actor in a room with a sofa he popped up at us from down low and was hopping around the room and really doing a good job working his room kudos to him. The downfalls was there were to many dead spots seemed like I walked forever without seeing an actor. didn't see any cool make-up at all on actors and not enough pop-out people. The rooms that had actors in seemed like they would just walk up to you and stare at you. also there were actors out of position I walked up behind an actor looking through a window he didn't even see us and I think I scared him.


I have read many good reviews about this place but was very disappointed. Not sure if it was because it was opening weekend or not but I will definitively not go back here.

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