2011 Terror on the Fox Event Reviews

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Please note: this review is for the 2011 season rather than the current season.

Terror on the Fox

by wm (Newbie Review Crew Member) after attending on Sunday, October 23, 2011 at about 3 p.m.

Fun Factor: Medium Fear Factor: Low


I'll admit it, up until now I have boycotted Terror On The Fox.  I'm a lifelong resident of Green Bay, and TOTF is basically a local
landmark in it's own right.  The house itself has been around forever at numerous locations, well before the 15 years it now celebrates at the National Railroad Museum.  Year after year, there's tons of hype for this well promoted house... yet I was a let down the many times I visited.  That, dear readers, was several years ago.  Now things are different.  New management.  Lower prices.  A 'back to basics' approach.  I'm part excited, part leery of how this experience will unfold.

I attended on a Sunday night, which leads me to believe that they were lower staffed than if I would have went the prior few nights.  There was only one actor on the train, and it seemed like he was making small talk more than trying to get some screams out of the
passengers.  The train ride is one of the most unique parts of this haunt.  When they first started offering it 15 years ago, it was much more spooky.  There was no strobe or loud music.  Sitting in a dark train as it travels through the woods at night, with monsters creeping around you.  Now THAT was scary!

Before heading to the main attraction, you're directed to several large tents (IF you purchased the combo or VIP pass).  The first up was the 3rd Dimension of Fear, "Carney Rampage".  There was no rampage there.  It was short and disappointing, with no scares and lots of glow in the dark colors.  The actor tried his best to be funny, I'll give him that.

Next up was The Void.  Now this was very well done, and it proves that your imagination can be more scary than anything you can see.  It's pitch black, you can't see a thing!  Just a dark maze with some actors in it, but we jumped a few times!  I think they had on night vision goggles as their timing was spot on.  We must have looked so goofy to them as we walked around in circles.  After leaving the dark Void, we came to the Vortex.  If you've ever been to the Terror On The Fox, then you'll know of the multi-color tunnel that plays mind tricks on you.  In fact, most haunts have something just like it now, or something similar.  TOTF was one of the first to have it, if not the first...  but maybe it's time to retire it?  Maybe it's time to take back the claim of the area's best haunted house with something new and original.      

Up next is a short walk in the woods before you come up to the house.  Another part that used to be much more scary, as they used to have actors jumping out at you as you walked by.  But again, this was a Sunday night.  I hope that is something they still do on their busy nights.  Now, walking up to the house is impressive.  The location, the look of the house, the lights and actors...  it definitely has the WOW factor going for it.  I'm glad to see they went back to the 'run down' look for the house, and
not the neon day glow paint job it sported a few years ago.  There were two actors moving to the music, looking extremely creepy while still keeping the beat.  Not an easy task!

I want to take a minute from this review to address a particular actor that was in front of the haunted house.  Picture a pale Aaron Rodgers wearing a black cowboy outfit.  I don't think I've ever been as offended by an actor in an entertainment setting before as I was this night.  He was extremely rude and demanding.  I get it, this isn't a kiddy ride.  But this isn't my first rodeo either.  He crossed the line several times by screaming in our faces with his demanding tone, talking down to us.  I also didn't
appreciate his holding a straight blade to my throat multiple times, real or fake.  You were way out of line A.R., this is SUPPOSED to be entertaining.  I ended up ignoring and walking past him into the house after several minutes of him berating us.  I digress...

We enter the house in all it's glory.  It really is something to see if you've never been there.  The amount of detail that's there is incredible.  I wish I could have spent more time in each room, taking it all in.  Some rooms I remember from before, but I didn't mind as they really are very impressive.  There was at least one actor in each room, and most did a good job at entertaining us.  There were only a few that actually scared us.  These were the sneaky ghouls that were actually hiding and jumped out when we approached.  'The Boss' near the end didn't have to hide though, he was terrifying just standing there.  The last room featured another TOTF classic, which maybe should also be considered for the retirement party at the end of the season.

Signage / Visibility / Location

Extremely easy to find, with lit signs as you approach. 

Wait Area / Line Entertainment

They have a nice concession stand and snack area.  Being it was on a Sunday, we really didn't have to wait.

Actors' Performance

All the actors stayed in character and some did a great job of getting us to jump!

Sets Scenes / Props / FX

This is where the Terror On The Fox shines.  Nobody can touch their scenes and visuals that they create.


The 3rd Dimension of Fear was about 5 minutes.  The Void was about 15 minutes.  The main house is about 20 minutes.

Crowd Control

They do a very good job keeping the groups from bumping into other groups.

Most Memorable Moment

I don't know what was in that toilet, and I don't think I want to know!!


Terror On The Fox is a ton of flash and eye candy, one that should really be seen if you're in the Green Bay area.  It's put together very well, and seems to run very efficiently.  Unfortunately, it doesn't change much year after year.  I have seen some GREAT positive changes since the new management has taken over.  Now it's time to get those creative juices flowing and bring something new to the table.  I'm sure it's not easy try to scare the same community year after year.  But they did it once, they can do it again!   

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Please note: this review is for the 2011 season rather than the current season.

Terror on the Fox

by earthangel129 (Newbie Review Crew Member) after attending on Friday, October 21, 2011 at about 2 p.m.

Fun Factor: Very High Fear Factor: High


A very wonderful and unique haunt that capitalizes on the fact that they are at a great location.  Terror on the Fox located at the Railway Museum in Green Bay, WI, is a first-rate unique haunt that will entertain a large range of age groups.  Scary, funny, outrageous, these are just a few of the words I would used to describe this haunt. 

This was my first year at Terror on the Fox and I will come back.  It was fun, creepy, and had things that I really hadn't experienced at any other haunt before.  This is a great area that includes free parking, a creepy train ride, 2 smaller houses (3rd Dimension of Fear and The Void,) which you can add on for an extra charge and a creepy walk through the woods and the main event a large traditional looking haunted house with surprise guests outside for line entertainment. This final house is called Ominous  Sanctum.  I had a very good time and believe you should see for yourself.

Signage / Visibility / Location

Easy to find, you should have no problems and once you get close there are big signs for the Railway Museum which is where the haunt is located.

Wait Area / Line Entertainment

Ticket purchasing is pretty average.  They do have a small gift shop and a place with pizza for sale.  The wait in line looked like it could have been awhile but we were in a VIP group and we warm next to a bonfire waiting for our train to pull up and let us on.  The people who worked the ticket booth and who escorted us around were very friendly and helped us out with anything we needed.  Some of the line entertainment consists of riding on the train, creepy ghouls lurking, and there might be a surprise type of entertainment during the wait into the main house but I will not give it away.

Actors' Performance

Very good I did not encounter one who wasn't in character and didn't stay in character-way to go ghouls and booys!  Their make-up and voicing were done very well. Funny and creepy the best combo you can ask of haunted house actors.  I must give a special "Thumbs-Up" to the creepy man who allows you to enter the final haunt, Ominous Sanctum.

Sets Scenes / Props / FX

Props or lack there of (as in the Void,) are well placed and work well in the haunts.  My favorite prop in any of the areas was, well I don't want to give it away, but it does involve an unfortunate run-in, for one young lady, with a shovel.


This haunt took about an hour from lining up for the train until we came out of Ominous Sanctum and headed back toward our car.  The train ride is about 10 min, 12 min for the 3rd Dimension of Fear and The Void and about 25 min the entire Ominous Sanctum, including a short walk through the woods.

Crowd Control

Very well controlled and organized.

Most Memorable Moment

My most memorable moment was when I was ghoul-knapped away from my party and secluded by a creepy ghoul into a tiny room.  He had me walk down a very short room and then when I turned around a new door had opened and I walked out separated from my group. It completely turned me around and walked through in a big circle through areas I had already been and then finally found my party again and they were behind me?  How cool!


Overall a worthwhile ride into a creepy haunt that has been doing a great many years-I believe it is 15 years now!  Good for you Terror on the Fox.  Now, everyone else quickly and safely get  to Green Bay and visit Terror on the Fox

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Please note: this review is for the 2011 season rather than the current season.

Terror on the Fox

by x0char0x (Newbie Review Crew Member) after attending on Friday, October 7, 2011 at about 2:30 p.m.

Fun Factor: High Fear Factor: Medium


Terror on the Fox is one of the largest haunts in Wisconsin. They have been around for 15 years adding more and more every year. They start you off on a train ride which is extremely unique. On this train you feel as though your worst nightmare is coming true as smoke starts to pour in and you will be left stranded in the middle of the woods with monsters and ghouls attacking you. After leaving the train you are lead down a path into the woods where if you bought the combo admission or just the regular admission you are divided. We got the combo admission so we headed to the 3rd Dimension. As you entered into the 3rd Dimension you are thrown into a freak show literally. You are at a circus that is unlike any circus you would go to as a child. After leaving the 3rd Dimension you enter the Void. The void was something I have seen done at other haunts but on a bigger scale. It'll definitely leave you with anxiety as you are walking through and you end up lost in the darkness. After the Void, you enter their 3rd haunted attraction Torment. As you are walking through, you enter room after room of a school like setting except its like a school for the dead. Finally, you are lead down another trail in the woods to the last attraction Ominous. It is a house unlike any house you have ever seen. This has always been my favorite at their haunt. You wind down hallways of terror and doom and you don't know what to expect around each corner.

Signage / Visibility / Location

The location of this haunt is very visible. It is located right on a major road and they have a lighted sign out front so you cant miss it.

Wait Area / Line Entertainment

There wasn't much of a wait when we got there but they do offer concessions. I didn't see any actors outside for entertainment though.

Actors' Performance

I felt the actors did a good job. There was a couple spots in the house where they were out of character which threw it off. Also, in the Void and Torment there could have been more. There were a few rooms that could have been a lot better with even just one person in there.

Sets Scenes / Props / FX

The scenes and props at this haunt are unlike anything I've ever seen before. You can definitely see the effort that was put into it.


It took about 45 minutes to get through the entire haunt. They were about 15 minutes a piece.


Overall, it was a good haunt. In my own opinion, I feel as though they are trying to do too much with not enough help. I would recommend it to anyone who loves haunts over the age of 13.

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Please note: this review is for the 2011 season rather than the current season.

Terror on the Fox

by majorXpsycho (Newbie Review Crew Member) after attending on Saturday, October 1, 2011 at about 4 p.m.

Fun Factor: Medium Fear Factor: High


Terror on the Fox is back again with their 15th year of fear!  Located at the
National Railroad Museum in Green Bay, Terror on the Fox is home to 4
separate haunted attractions, including the ONLY haunted train ride in
WI and perhaps the Midwest!  It is the haunted train ride and large
collection of ghoulish props that keep visitors (including myself)
returning  every year.  I have been attending Terror on the Fox every
year since they first opened and it is great to see fan favorites such
as the vortex, claustrophobia, and giant room sized animatronics
returning each year.  There were quite a few "hiccups"  (lack of actors,
no 3d glasses, and props that were not working) when I attended this
year, but I am assuming that is because it was opening weekend.  

Finding the Terror on the Fox should be easy even to the foreigner as
there are huge billboards off the interstate boasting their existence. 
Parking is free and they have a very LARGE selection of souvenirs
available for purchase (including a haunted house night light).  I
purchased a hot cocoa and a LARGE cookie to enjoy while we waited  ...
but since the line was so short, we were asked to toss our beverages
before boarding the train.  Most of the wait is uncovered, so make sure
to dress weather appropriate and wear shoes that may get muddy.  While
you wait there are large projection screens displaying numerous ghoulish
videos to entertain you. 

The train is an old double decker passenger car and visitors can choose
to ride up top or on the main floor.  Smoke and strobe lights fill the
aisles while ghouls appear from beneath and above.  Passengers leave the
depot never to be seen returning.  The train ride lasted about 15
minutes and it takes you along the river, through a woods, and past
several antique train cars.

Once you exit the train, if you purchased a combo pass you are guided to
the entrance of "3rd Dimension of Fear", if you purchased general
admission you will do a brief walk through the woods and head straight
to the main house.  We chose combo and headed for the "3rd Dimension of

The wait was not long and soon we were inside the "3rd Dimension of
Fear".  I'm not certain if they were out of 3d glasses or if they had
not come in yet, but we were not given any 3d glasses.  The fluorescent
paints, props, and costumes looked harmless without the 3d effect.  The
"3rd Dimension of Fear" had a very creepy circus theme, but lack of
actors (only 2) left more to be desired.  If this particular attraction
had been in 3d and had more actors it would have made the extra $7 well
worth it!  The "3rd Dimension of Fear" lasted about 12 minutes.  As soon
as we exited the "3rd Dimension of Fear" we found ourselves entering
the "Void". 

The "Void" is exactly as it sounds ... completely void of anything but
darkness.  You will find yourself walking, arms stretched out, in a maze
of complete darkness.  You may even find yourself trapped and having to
retrace your path to find a way out.  The "Void" took us 9 minutes to
complete.  Once we exited the "Void", there was a brief walk through the
woods up to the main haunt, "Ominous  Sanctum".

Ominous Sanctum is the main attraction and worth far more than the $13 general admission.  The amazingly realistic design make this portion of the haunt seem as if you just stepped foot in to your worst nightmare.  The rooms are laid out perfectly and there is no "down time".  Every actor was right on cue and even when we got close to their face, we couldn't tell what was real and what wasn't.  You can clearly tell that years of hard work have gone into this haunt and it is time well spent!  The entire house took 25 minutes to go through and there wasn't a single repeated room or blank spot on the wall.  Ominous Sanctum definitely puts Terror on the Fox at the top. 

In conclusion, the total time it took us to complete all the attractions collectively was just over an hour.  I would probably skip the extra haunts and head straight to the main event, at $13 you can not find a better bargain for such a well planned house!  Although for an extra $7 if 3rd Dimension of Fear has 3d glasses and more actors I would definitely consider spending the extra money.  15 seasons and Terror on the Fox keeps getting better, I already can't wait to see how much they grow in the next 15 years!

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