
2008 Burial Chamber Haunted House Complex Event Reviews

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Please note: this review is for the 2008 season rather than the current season.

Burial Chamber Haunted House Complex

by burial_screamer after attending on Thursday, October 23, 2008 at about 2 p.m.

Fun Factor: Very High Fear Factor: Very High


When going through there complex I was thrilled to see what they had up there sleves this year. Granted some haunted house are smaller and they can change there scenes every year. This haunted house does it to portions of there haunted houses. With this being a thursday night they only had two haunted house open. I knew this before going there, and I was really just going to see there new haunted house. But at seven o clock I first went into Adrenaline, even though they didn't change there haunted house. There scare were F***en Awesome. There actors also stepped up there game and set a high level for scaring. Well when I Finished there first haunted house, I went to there brand new haunted( formally Blood City) now know as Insanity, most people that don't go through this haunted won't believe, but that one word summarize this whole haunt, from the plant hallway, to baby boy, to there facade. Honestly there is a reason why this haunted is know as one of the best. Even though you might pay a little bit more to go through the whole complex, If you are looking for a night of fun and scare, I highly suggest Burial Chamber Complex

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Please note: this review is for the 2008 season rather than the current season.

Burial Chamber Haunted House Complex

by Mr. Malice after attending on Friday, October 24, 2008 at about 3:30 p.m.

Fun Factor: Very High Fear Factor: High


This was my first visit to the burial chamber and they did a excellent job. I liked the fact that there wasn't crawling or 1 foot wide hallways. We went through all three haunts with our VIP pass. Considering there were probably 1000-1500 people waiting to get in between the three haunts, we found this to be a very wise choice. They seem to be a little understaffed with actors but did a very good job none the less.


Some of the rooms inside were done very well but the three that stick out were the 'baby', the 'barber' and the puppet show. Now I'm not going to go into detail which haunt they are in or what rooms they are but I figure the Burial Chamber people will know which ones I'm talking about and you will too once you go through.

I manged to jump a few times and that is a task in itself since I still build/work at another haunt. Well worth the time to check out!

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Please note: this review is for the 2008 season rather than the current season.

Burial Chamber Haunted House Complex

by earthangel129 (Newbie Review Crew Member) after attending on Saturday, October 18, 2008 at about 2:30 p.m.

Fun Factor: Very High Fear Factor: High


This is always one of the premier haunts in Wisconsin, and this year was no different.  Upon arriving I saw that only one half hour after opening the lines were full.  This complex consists of three seperate haunts and a special treat called the Last Ride-where you actually lay in a cofin and have the feeling of being burried alive.  The three full size haunts are all great and different.  There are two inside haunts called Insanity and Adrenaline, that are both great with good acting and excellent props.  The other full size haunt is an outdoor haunted woods which is very creepy and full of great actors making funny and scary noises.  My favorite part was when one actor kept making sheep noises at me from inside the woods.    It was great!  An overall one of a kind experience that everyone should check out.  

Signage / Visibility / Location

Very easy to find and  great directions provided or use any map system and you'll get right to it.  Once close you can see the huge spotlight and as soon as you turn the corner where the haunt is located-you can't miss it.  It is huge and has tons of lights, sounds, signs, and people helping you find parking and tickets.

Wait Area / Line Entertainment

I came early and it was pretty busy.  My total waiting time was approximately 20-45 minutes depending on the haunt.  However, they have concessions, two huge screens that they show videos on and they are constantly playing music.  By the way I suggest the mini doughnuts cooked right in front of your eyes and served piping hot which is great in the cool weather.  Plus they taste delightful!

Actors' Performance

Great, good makeup, and did an excellent job staying in character.

Sets Scenes / Props / FX

Unique and well prepared.


Well over an hour of entertainment and that does not include waiting.  I would definately plan at least a couple of hours for this haunt.  Believe me it is well worth it.

Crowd Control

Good crowd control, there are lines roped off and signs showing the different haunts as well as people everywhere you can ask for help.

Most Memorable Moment

I have to say that my all time favorite was definately the person in the woods baaing at me like a sheep.


Worth the time and money-don't miss this one.

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Please note: this review is for the 2008 season rather than the current season.

Burial Chamber Haunted House Complex

by LoudMth after attending on Sunday, October 19, 2008 at about 2 p.m.

Fun Factor: High Fear Factor: Medium


Adrenaline - Good Haunt though mighty dark. There didn't seem to be a lot of change. Actors were good.
Insanity - I hadn't seen this haunt yet. The actors were really good and on mark. The entertainment in the line was good, though I only saw one character walking around. Lines were short due to it being early on a Sunday.


Very good. I'd have liked to see more new scenes. Insanity was my favorite of the two.

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Please note: this review is for the 2008 season rather than the current season.

Burial Chamber Haunted House Complex

by pud27 (Newbie Review Crew Member) after attending on Saturday, October 18, 2008 at about 6:30 p.m.

Fun Factor: Medium Fear Factor: Medium


The Burial Chamber complex has been one of my favorite haunts over the last few years. Unfortunately this year they have slipped a little in my mind. In years past I have attended earlier in the season and earlier in the night, but on this occasion we were out late. Burial Chamber Consists of three sepaerate haunts in one location. Phobia haunted woods, Adrenaline, and Insanity, the last two house style haunts. The biggest problem I saw which could be because of the time of night was the group sizes/ my group consisted of just my Fiancee and I, but for Adrenaline we were put in a group with 10 other people. 12 people in one group! Thats way too many to go through a haunted trail, not to mention a haunted house. Our 5 minute walk through what they called a haunted woods also consisted of a large group that split itself up once past the ticket lady. Lastly, and worst of all we finished the night with 13 other people through Insanity. I understand the haunt is only open until 11:30, but if they want to be out by that time they need to stop selling tickets earlier. It really wrecked the night and they will end up losing credit if they keep that up. As a very satisfied past customer this was an extremely disapointing night for me.

Signage / Visibility / Location

The haunt is not hard to find at all, it's not too far off Hwy. 41 and it's only one turn from there. They have spot lights that shine up into the air that you can see from a pretty good distance. Once you turn off the highway and get to the road you turn on to you easily see the building right away. The big Burial Chamber painted on the side is a giveaway, if all the cars and people haven’t already made it obvious!

Wait Area / Line Entertainment

They have loud metal music playing and have music videos playing on the bigscreen. They have concessions and a tent to wait under. I’m not sure what the tent was for unless they call numbers at certain times. While we were there the only way to get in was to stand in line making the tent basically useless. I would suggest buying VIP if you can afford it or if you simply cannot stand the lines.

Actors' Performance

I would say they did good considering the circumstances. I can’t imagine what it’s like constantly staying in character while hundreds if not thousands of people come thorugh on a given night. On top of that with a larger group size they had to figure out when to jump out so everyone gets a chance to see the effect. They Didn’t break character and most of them seemed to enjoy what they were doing. Have to shout out to Stewart and the baby-both were pretty disturbing. Phobia was a little disapointing. The few actor’s out there didn’t seem to be completely in to it. I have to give them the benfit of a doubt though as our group split up and they probably did not know what was going on either because of it.

Sets Scenes / Props / FX

The set’s were good as always. Phobia doesn’t really have many sets or props, but they use the wooded scene as best as they can. Adrenaline was the same as years past. They always have great sets and some of the coolest props around but after a few years of the same it can get a little tiring. It wouldn’t hurt to spice it up a little bit. Insanity suffered this year from the opposite. Again they have great sets and a great theme as if a city has been taken over by freaks and wierdos, however they made changes to this one while I personally liked it the way it was. It had been repetitive but it was ok that way. Overall the sets and props were great, you can definitely tell they care how this place looks. The only other problem I saw was it appeared that it was a little understaffed and some rooms/scares went empty. Could be a product of group sizes again and that the scares were over by the time we got there but it was late too so who knows? Something just seemed to be missing.


Phobia clocked in around 5 minutes while the other two took about 15. They were all shorter this year, but that can be attributed to many reasons. The time of night and trying to get so many people through. Also how fast your group walks through-if your scared or want to take your time to see everything.

Crowd Control

I honestly was not impressed with their crowd control. We never did run into another group, but being put into a group with 10-15 people is a bit ridiculous. I realize it was late and they were trying to get so many people through but I don’t know how that justifies the issue. It felt like they were taking advantage of the large crowd and then sacrificing the customer’s enjoyment. With people’s discretionary income spread thin, if they decide to spend it on a hauunt they should get their money’s worth. I would like to see it again earlier in the evening when the crowds aren’t so bad-I’m confident that it’s a totally different animal at that point.

Most Memorable Moment

While the large groups is the most memorable, I have to again comment on the big baby. Also, the one point I got to lead through Adrenaline I took a wrong tunr and opened a door to a storage area! It was nice and big, so it’s nice to know they still have room to expand if they would ever want to do so!


I know what this haunt can be like, and I'm really hoping my experiance is not what they are doing all year. I have always liked this haunt and expected much better from them. I know this can't be the way the haunt is really being run, it honestly kills me to say all this about it. I would really like to see how they run the haunt earlier in the evening. I would definitely recommend being out there early, it cannot be as bad as my experience. Pleas note, this is one person’s thoughts on his own experience. This by no means is a representation of every minute of the attractions operating hours. Everyone has different experiences and different thought on situations. This is my opinion, I hope everyone else has a better time in their situation than I did.

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Please note: this review is for the 2008 season rather than the current season.

Burial Chamber Haunted House Complex

by louiscyphre (Newbie Review Crew Member) after attending on Saturday, October 18, 2008 at about 2 p.m.

Fun Factor: High Fear Factor: High


A lot of fun, though suffers occasionally from an apparent issue some haunts are having, with multiple houses at one location leading to a dilution of scares.  These guys do get points for having one of the haunts be an outside walk through a haunted woods (inexplicably named "Phobia"), which was incredibly, pants-wettingly scary.  Man, if you're scared of zombies, you're basically toast here -- best damn zombies this reviewer has ever seen; my scalp is off to the actors out there in the cold dark woods, shuffling along behind or toward us, contorting their bodies, dragging their busted leg behind them....  Oy Vey.  And I like how they just let the dark woods be the dark woods, and then something would come lurching out from behind the trees...

So, three haunts to go through, and also a little burial simulator, where you get put in a coffin, and then you go through a whole Disney-Haunted-Mansion's-trashier-cousin thing where you're "lowered" into the grave and someone is talking about how you're going to an "Underworld of Doom" (are there other kinds of Underworlds?) where your soul will something something something...I will say, though, being put in a coffin has its own disturbing "is there enough oxygen in here" sense to it.

Ghouls in this haunt also seemed a bit more on point about performance; there's a disturbing "bikini wax" offered, a cool and confusing Autopsy Room, and a child's room where we're still not sure who was a mannequin and who wasn't.  Another really cool point -- the ghouls in these haunts don't just
menace you by growling or saying something threatening, they're also
making weird little noises, like clicking or sniffling or snorting or
whining or rattling something in their throat.  I liked that they
really seemed to be trying to unnerve you on multiple levels.  And boy,
that haunted woods.

And for all those Allie McBeal fans out there (anyone?), get ready for a Dancing Baby of a very different order....

Signage / Visibility / Location

Very easy to find; just off the main highway, it's a whole complex with a parking lot in front and very clearly marked (how could it not be, I suppose), with a blazing searchlight over the whole thing. 

Wait Area / Line Entertainment

We got there right when they opened, so didn't wait in line very much, thank Satan, 'cause the lines when we left at 8:30 were wrapping around the buildings, so get there early.  There are huge video screens which were showing Rob Zombie videos (appropro), but then sometimes would show footage of stand-up comedians and SNL and dance videos.  I didn't really understand.  They also have a huge tent and a well-stocked concessions stand, including mini-donuts, which are kind of the (un)holy grail of concessions to this writer.  And, again, points for them; the guy cooking Brats on a grill also had bloody body parts on the grill, in case you were into something more exotic, I suppose. 

Actors' Performance

Im-freakin-pressive, there is a giant Dancing Baby who danced us out of his room (very cool idea, guys), the autopsy room doctors click and swing a mean scalpel, and there is a really really cool leaf monster in the Haunted Woods (I'm sorry, "Phobia") who came out of a pile of leaves and crawled along the ground and kept following us while making weird hard-to-pin-down noises.  I can't tell you how disturbing it is to have something emerging from the bank of a body of water and just make weird noises and crawl after you in the dark woods.  And, as above, awesome awesome zombies.  Oh, and we llked the vampire lady who does crowd control at the front of one of the haunts.  I wonder if they have a group of college theatre people helping out or something -- ghouls seemed like they gave it kind of an extra something. 

Sets Scenes / Props / FX

Good stuff; really cool underground tunnel look at one point, some elaborate sets, spooky outhouses, but a little too much dark hallways.  Maybe the dark hallways are one way to space out groups; I don't know. 


Very good -- each haunt took about 20 minutes to go through, and then you wait in line for the next one.  I bet this could get kind of ponderous if there are lots and lots of people, though, so get there early.  But I guess you could enjoy some delicious mini-donuts while you're waiting, so it's not all that bad. 

Crowd Control

As above, there's a huge tent and concessions.  You line up outside whichever haunt you want to go through and get to watch videos. 

Most Memorable Moment

Dancing Baby Dancing Baby Dancing Baby.  And pretty much all the ghouls and zombies in the Haunted Woods (You too, Leaf Monster!). 


A very enjoyable haunt experience, though I could see it being even better if there were less haunts to go through overall, and they correspondingly upped the quality of remaining scenes; really, one does get kind of numb after traipsing through three haunts in the course of 1.5 hours.  Impressive actors who seemed to really get into it, and I bet think up new ways to disturb people on a regular basis; whoever came up with the "clicking"/other weird noises idea should get a gold star (if ghouls do indeed value gold stars).  I got the impression the people doing this are enjoying themselves, and it showed.  Recommended. 

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Please note: this review is for the 2008 season rather than the current season.

Burial Chamber Haunted House Complex

by bluebliss909 after attending on Friday, October 3, 2008 at about 2 p.m.

Fun Factor: High Fear Factor: Medium


Adrenaline- This traditional haunted house was the first attraction we visited. I was very impressed by the scenery and how long it was. Because this was the first day, perhaps, the actors seemed to miss their cues. We often passed them before they popped out. Their makeup looked very very well done, and unfortunately the lighting wasn't sufficient enough for us to see it. The music was cool, they had the Halloween movie theme song playing towards the end.

Phobia- It was the second haunt that we went to, and I was sorely disappointed. There seemed to be about 5 actors in the forest, and one didn't even get up, and we could tell they were real. The setting was amazing, it was just a forest and that in itself can be more terrifying than an actual haunted house. One actor actually started dragging his feet in the gravel while he was following us, which was about the scariest part.

Insanity- This was my favorite attraction. While waiting in the short line one actor (Randal) walked up to us and started interacting. The greeting actress was very nice and added to the allure of the upcoming event. She walked us into a room in which we watched a movie and she warned us about running into walls (which people apparently broke their noses by doing). The actors in this one knew their timings well. They were acting insane! and they had us do weird things with them. The people from the burial chamber should advertise this haunt more than the other two, it is VERY original and it played on a very primal human fear, and that is being afraid of people that are unpredictable, which these insane people definitely were.


Overall the number one rated haunted house in Wisconsin disappointed me. I drove all the way up from Waukesha county to visit this attraction and was in anticipation for something spectacular. Phobia wasn't organized and the actors didn't seem committed. Adrenaline was a pretty average haunted house and that is just what it was, average.

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Please note: this review is for the 2008 season rather than the current season.

Burial Chamber Haunted House Complex

by majorXpsycho (Newbie Review Crew Member) after attending on Friday, October 3, 2008 at about 4:30 p.m.

Fun Factor: Very High Fear Factor: Very High


The Burial Chamber Haunted Complex is considered the number one haunt for a reason. Our group was blown away by how well this haunt is organized. It begins as you are traveling and notice the large spotlights in the sky drawing you near. Even the smallest details were well put together (such as the cool wristbands and delicious treats). This year "Phobia" the outdoor woods haunt was my personal favorite. The natural setting is perfect. The moonlight is the only thing guiding you and the ghouls come from every angle. My friend was so frightened he actually pushed me to the ground and ran. One of my friends referred to "phobia" as a "Blair Witch" feeling (only with better actors). The actors clearly are professional and LOVE their job.

Adrenaline as always offers you those in your face scares that makes your heart race. There was rarely any "dead time".

Insanity has you misled and thinking you are seeing UFO's! The alien actor was my favorite of all the three haunts.

We even tried the burial simulators this year which I would definitely not recommend to anyone who is claustrophobic.

Signage / Visibility / Location

Excellent signage, you can't miss the large spotlights in the sky and it is located right off the interstate.

Wait Area / Line Entertainment

They have large projection screens playing creepy scenes. They also have plenty of goodies to snack on. If you do the combo the wait for the other haunts is minimal.

Actors' Performance

The actors are very professional, I wouldn't be suprised if some of them have real acting careers :) Again we loved the alien ... creepy!!


We arrived around 9:30 and left around 11:30 so that was 2 hours of fear, with little to no wait time! There was no "dead time" either, you rarely find yourself just walking down a dark hallway.

Crowd Control

They do a great job of maintaining crowd control. We only ran into another group at one point because a couple of people in our group moved too fast.

Most Memorable Moment

There were a lot of memorable moment ... this is a great haunt to go to and make a night of it. The most memorable would have to be in the woods when my friend pushed me to the ground to run!


I highly reccomend this haunt to anyone over 16, it has something for everyone! I think I could go back 10 times and still wonder whats lurking around the corner.

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