7 total reviews. Showing 5 of 7 on this page (2 filtered).
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Please note: this review is for the 2010 season rather than the current season.
by iluvhauntedhouses after attending on Saturday, October 23, 2010 at about 3 p.m.
Submitted: Saturday, October 30, 2010
We new it was a popular weekend, so we bought our tickets early and went to dinner first. When we came back, the place was packed!! Glad we had tickets with an early number, because our wait time was really short. While we waited, I listened to the buzz around me. I could tell that people were coming back for the 2nd time this year. Made me think that it would be a good house.
We waited in a heated gym where we could by snacks and play arcade games. They also had scary movies playing in silent mode. That was really neat!! Characters walked around scaring people. Some were scary and chased people, while others were just plain creepy and gave me goosebumps. They wouldn't leave us alone! To get to the house we had to go on a "prison" bus that driven by a really creepy guy. It was pitch dark and it felt like we had driven right off of the road! We were attacked by other prisoners and then got off. We were greeted by more prison cops that wouldn't leave us alone.
We went down stairs into a completly dark, noisy and creepy basement. We could feel that we weren't alone downthere! Dark places completely creep me out!
There were some pretty creepy things in that house, some scary and some fun stuff too. I felt it was a good mix and we got our $12 worth! I'm not going to give it away, but the technical zombie thing that everyone is talking about...OMG!!! I've never seen anything like it!
Defintely worth a stop. I don't agree with another review that this would be good family fun. I would NOT bring a young child through here! I thougth the actors were great and definitley made the experience. $12.00 is a steal for this kind of entertainment. It was a solid 20 minutes of scary fun. You could judge that by all of the screams you heard just walking up to that creepy looking house. It's in the middle of nowhere, but easy to find.
Just wait till you get to the vortex at the end of the house...it's mind blowing!
Please note: this review is for the 2010 season rather than the current season.
by witch4ever after attending on Saturday, October 9, 2010 at about 5 p.m.
Submitted: Monday, October 25, 2010
Been to Hubertus before and always liked it but this year was different. For the positives, they do a good job of blocking rooms so that the groups stay apart and had some good elements. On the other side, the rooms are not scary. Ghostbusters, really, a little outdated. They used the same tricks in every room, so you knew what was going to happen every time. Very disappointed by this house this year.
Having been to over 10 houses this year, I would not recommend Hubertus to anyone who wants a good house.
View all Hubertus House of Horror reviews
Please note: this review is for the 2010 season rather than the current season.
by katie_kiesow13 (Newbie Review Crew Member) after attending on Friday, October 15, 2010 at about 5 p.m.
Submitted: Monday, October 18, 2010
The Hubertus House of Horror has quite a few unique characteristics that I haven't seen used in any other haunt this year - which I thoroughly enjoyed! When you arrive, you can purchase your tickets and wait in a heated area where they serve concessions and can even play arcade games. Although it's not scary (though there are some actors in costumes walking around), it's really nice to have something to do when the wait can be quite long -about an hour and fifteen minutes when we were there- and to be able to stay warm is well worth it.
Once you're on your way into the house... the bus is fantastic and something I've never seen before. The house (school) featured plenty of different rooms so it keeps you entertained. The other thing that's different in this house which I had never experienced before was 3D glasses! They hand them out and you wear them through I think 3 or 4 different rooms and the paint like... comes off of the walls... it's a crazy feeling! It was kind of difficult to keep the glasses on, and I felt a little dizzy... but I thought it was something different and new and I applaud this haunt for trying something outside the box! Overall, I enjoyed this haunt for it's innovation and new ideas, but I wasn't entirely scared through the majority of it. Definitely a good choice for a younger crowd, though!
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Please note: this review is for the 2010 season rather than the current season.
by HocusPocus (Newbie Review Crew Member) after attending on Friday, October 8, 2010 at about 3 p.m.
Submitted: Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Okay...I usually don't start my reviews by raving about one of the rooms but I'm finding it nearly impossible to contain my enthusiasm. Without a doubt, this year's edition of the Hubertus House features one of the coolest new special effects I've seen in years! For me it not only stimulated my visual senses but it also shocked my sense of touch/feel. You could say it blew my mind....but of course I won't give it away. If you're a freight fanatic who loves to be technically freaked out you'll want to check this one out.
If there were a Granddaddy of Haunted Houses this one would probably be it. The Hubertus House of Horror has been coming back year after year for as long as I can remember. (what is it, 15, 20 years now?) The venue has always remained the same...a creepy lone standing house in what feels like the middle of nowhere. But if you attended this haunt last year and are worried about finding the same experience, don't be. Many of the rooms have been redone since last year with a some new effects to go along with a few of the best sets from last year.
In addition to the special effect I alluded to above I also particularly enjoyed this year's 3D experience. While many of the rooms in this year's Hubertus House may not have been particularly scary the special effects and their ability to stimulate all your senses make for a very unique and enjoyable experience.
As you may have noticed I didn't give this haunt top marks in either the fun factor or scare factor. None of these were deal breakers for me and I still strongly recommended this haunt for everyone. My rational behind the imperfect scores are based on the following:
* Group size of 8. We weren't given a choice in this matter. While I understand why they group so many people together it definitely distracts from your fun when you're stuck in the back as the scare is often times spoiled by the time you enter a room. Also, in a few of the rooms it was challenging to see/feel/hear the action that was taking place. ...this isn't the only haunt that tries to push as many people through as possible with each group. I often wonder, though, if the time spent cramming a large group through each room could be saved with a smaller group that can move through rooms easier.
* There are definitely sets that appear geared to provide a few scares...but for some reason our group found them to be more entertaining than scary. Not sure why. Perhaps due to set execution or perhaps due to the actors expecting a younger group?
View all Hubertus House of Horror reviews
Please note: this review is for the 2010 season rather than the current season.
by willyscream165 after attending on Saturday, October 9, 2010 at about 3:30 p.m.
Submitted: Wednesday, October 13, 2010
I thought the house was really good this year. I remembered a few things from last year but most of it seemed new. My favorite part was the whole first part of the house. The basement and all the way up to the zombie thing was awesome! The 3D was cool, too.
We always make a stop to Hubertus every year and have never regret it!
View all Hubertus House of Horror reviews
Please note: this review is for the 2010 season rather than the current season.
by CC2 (Newbie Review Crew Member) after attending on Friday, October 8, 2010 at about 2 p.m.
Submitted: Sunday, October 10, 2010
The Hubertus House of Horror has been around a while and I attend it routinely.
Creation/re-creation of the house requires a good deal of effort throughout the year to change things up, and staff there are always attentive to trying to keep things as fresh as they can, which is appreciated.
The house features a nice swamp scene and a restaurant with a butcher that wants some acknowledgment, as well.
You will also have an early session with Santa that was an interesting twist.
There is an excellent animatronic effect that awaits you.
There is also a surprise after your instructions before entering the house.
I went with a group of three to get different reactions to the haunt and my guests felt there was too much glow make up at one point in the house and they felt the 3D aspect was not much of a novel experience.
Some of the scenes had rather poorly hidden actors lying in wait, so those scares were unremarkable.
I'm not sure if in week two of the season the actors aren't quite at peak performance, but some of the scenes were slow to develop and the timing was off. There were some awkward waits for the scare during my visit.
The house begins with a bus ride that has essentially zero scare factor and doesn't really provide much of an enhancement to the experience.
Hubertus has a nice snack area available and ample toilet facilities.
Staff at the house gatekeep entry into the different scenes and sometimes you will catch the group before you and hear what you are about to experience.
View all Hubertus House of Horror reviews
Please note: this review is for the 2010 season rather than the current season.
by thatdudeman after attending on Friday, October 1, 2010 at about 5 p.m.
Submitted: Saturday, October 2, 2010
Directions: Very easy to find.
Waiting Area: Its in a heated area inside part of a school. There is food to buy if your into that sort of thing. When we got there there was almost no line so we waitied an amazing 5 mins. We had to 2 people in our group so we were thrown with a group of 4 people that we did now know.
The Good News
The haunt: It took us about 15-20 mins to go through the haunt. The whole begining part i thought was actually the best part in the whole haunt. The bus/police thing was a slick idea. There was a solid 8 mins if not more of 3-D. Which was actually pretty cool. Some of there electronics where really cool.The building itself its is in is awasome. I have been through a lot of vortexs in my time but boy did theres make you almost fall over. Most of them i can just walk through without using the bars at all. This one i almost fell over.Some of the actors that they had to do "funny" things did it really well. Who you gonna call??
The not so good news
Ok i will start out with the actors. The actors that they had to "scare" you did not do so well. There was quite a few actors that broke character. Some areas i thought had too many actors and they kind of used the same scare format for a lot of the rooms. What i mean by same scare format is you would walk into a room and there would be an actor waiting for you. They would have you either sit or stand in a specific area. They would tell some story and then actors would pop out. So it became very predictable. I will say that i think there electronics are way ahead of the actors. For a place that is called the hubertus house of horror i expected to get scared really badly and i go with very open minded.The girls got scared pretty good a few times.I think i would be as disapointed if it was not called "of horror" i think they should call it hubertus house of amuesment.I was watching the other guys in in the group that i did not know and they did not seem very scared either.
Top performers
The guy on the busy was awasome. He was in a jail outfit and so i asked him what he did to go to jail. He smiled creepishly and said rape. It was kind of funny and eerie at the same time. The ghostbuster guy with the hat was fricken funny. By no means at all was the area scary but it was funny i just wanted to stay and talk to that guy.
I must give them cudos on detail. I just wanted to stay in each room and look at all the stuff. Tho they did overkill a bit on the use of spiderwebs and paint splotches i still think the place was very detailed. Each set told there story not only through actors but just from the stuff in it.
I saw a few soda cans and bags of chips laying around. It kinda kills the mood.
Overall it was fun, i cant deny that!!! What they did not have in scary they made up with amuesment, high detailed rooms, and cool gadgets and gizmos. I understand they they run off of voulenteers but they need some "scary" actors that do not just pop out and say rawr. I admit i had fun, i came out laughing but was a bit disapointed that it was not scary. So i would consider this hautna double edged sword. On one side its cool, fun, detailed. On the other side, not so good actors and no scene that i would define as scary and or gross/nasty.
Would i come back??
I could see myself coming back every other year. So i will still be looking for a places that "scares" me. This haunt has just about everything but the great actors and reall scary stuff in it. Once they figure that out it will be one of the best haunts out there. 12 bucks i thought was a good price. but please make it more scary!!!
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