2009 Hubertus House of Horror Event Reviews

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Please note: this review is for the 2009 season rather than the current season.

Hubertus House of Horror

by dirkadirka (Newbie Review Crew Member) after attending on Friday, October 23, 2009 at about 3:30 p.m.

Fun Factor: High Fear Factor: Medium


Hubertus House of Horror is as old as me and I am glad we finally met.  This family-friendly haunt has kept victims coming back for 26 years and I have no reason to doubt they will be around 26 more.  Your journey will lead you deep into a decrepit house to experience a mineshaft, crazy clowns, animatronic monsters, a 20+ft. vortex, and general creepiness.

Signage / Visibility / Location

The online directions made finding the haunted house easy.  Despite the rural setting, there are two welcoming bars located on the same corner.  Who’s up for Karaoke!

Wait Area / Line Entertainment

A large school gym has food, movies, video games and music to keep everyone occupied while they wait.  And you probably will have to wait because this is a very popular attraction that fills up fast every weekend in October.

Actors' Performance

The actors were more entertaining than scary but there was a lot of energy in their performance.  Several rooms had extended dialogue that encouraged interaction from the guests.  My favorite actor was the prisoner busting out of his jail cell.  Best scare in the house!  I also liked the hands reaching out in the dark to grab at your feet.

Sets Scenes / Props / FX

The haunt starts off with a bus simulator piloted by Freddy Krueger himself.  It was a great concept but like a lot of rooms I felt it was just a few ghouls away from outstanding.  We were confused about the theme in several areas and were unsure of when to move on. 

Most monsters wore some sort of mask or makeup, but don’t expect to see any gore.  This makes Hubertus appropriate for younger children compared to most haunted houses. The feeling you get from walking through a tired old house is awesome although the uneven footing can be treacherous.


Our group took fifteen minutes to get through the house.  Average length I guess.

Crowd Control

Groups of people are combined to form blocks of eight.  This seems pretty high, but Hubertus does a good job of making it work.  We got shuffled in almost every room and rarely left in the order we entered.  This requires you to get pretty cozy with strangers so get ready to make some new friends.  The pacing was very well timed and we never saw the group in front of us.

Most Memorable Moment

I’m not sure why blacklighting, 3-D artwork, and clowns always get thrown together, but it is definitely trippy.  The 3-D glasses heighten that sensation and Hubertus makes these rooms work better than anyone.


The evil grandmother of haunted houses in the Milwaukee area.  Hubertus House of Horror continues to entertain customers every year because the operators love what they do and are good at it.   This non-profit organization uses 100% of the proceeds to benefit St. Gabriel School.

For a quick detour, stop by Holy Hill on your way to Hubertus.  The impressive church looks incredibly eerie lit up against a misting October sky.

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Please note: this review is for the 2009 season rather than the current season.

Hubertus House of Horror

by CC2 (Newbie Review Crew Member) after attending on Friday, October 23, 2009 at about 2:30 p.m.

Fun Factor: Very High Fear Factor: High


I have been attending this event for many years and the 2009 version was a strong one, comparatively.

Hubertus makes use of an old house on site, which leads to a natural ambiance of a haunt, including its earthy smells and its dark, stone basement.

The house is negotiated via a series of stops in various rooms where scenes are depicted behind closed doors before you move on.

The props and detail of the sets are at a high level.

You begin your journey through the haunt with a brief motion simulation ride on a school bus and then you enter the house itself.

This year's house features among its numerous scenes a mob shooting, a visit from the earthbound spirit of a fallen bride, an encounter with Pinhead including a person trapped inside a matress from the Hell Raiser series and a face to face episode with the Predator.

A memorable feature of this year's house is a simulated mine train ride.

Hubertus was an enjoyable experience again this year.

Signage / Visibility / Location

As has been mentioned in other reviews, once you get to Hubertus just follow traffic to the house.

If coming from the highway, take Holy Hill Rd West (Hwy 167) and then turn left (North) at the St Jacobi church into Hubertus. It's ironic that a glowing, white cross on the horizon is your landmark to mark the turn to a haunted house.

There is ample parking and rest facilities at the school.

Wait Area / Line Entertainment

The wait area for the attraction is the heated gym of the neighboring school. It is equipped with a concession stand and numerous video games. Characters occasionally stoll through the gym, however, for the most part one either sits or stands awaiting their ticket number to be called for entrance into the haunt.

Staff at the attraction are polite and engaging.

Actors' Performance

The actors' performances at this haunt typically feature a lot of scripted dialogue. This year's version featured several such narrative scenes.

The actors were creatively attired with good quality make up and they gave energetic performances.

Sets Scenes / Props / FX

The creators of this year's house paid attention to detail and the scenes/sets were elaborate and well appointed.

There were some interesting effects using compressed air, as well.


Hubertus is negotiated via a series of stops in various rooms where scenes are depicted. It took about 20 minutes to complete the tour.

Crowd Control

Ticket numbers are called and 3 lines of visitors that are continuously formed for entry into the house. There was a visible security presence and two police officers on site during my visit.

Once outside, groups are spaced by a staff person to attempt to control catching up to previous groups.

Most Memorable Moment

This year's house features a motion simulation of a mine train that was an excellent production and very imaginitive.


This was a strong year for Hubertus. The level of imagination and production quality were well done. Scare factors are moderate to high, but it was a very enjoyable visit and is a recommended stop.

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Please note: this review is for the 2009 season rather than the current season.

Hubertus House of Horror

by propboy after attending on Saturday, October 24, 2009 at about 3:30 p.m.

Fun Factor: Very High Fear Factor: High


About Us: Group of ** 8 ** 2 adults, 2 girls age 10, 4 boys age 13
Time: Saturday 8:30 Prime hour
Location: very easy to find and get to
Parking: was packed and we have a large truck they got us in, had lots of parking people helping everywhere directing traffic
Restrooms: Chemical toilets, But, many of them, placed centrally, surprisingly clean A+ on that ** wife HATES these but also commented on the cleanliness of these **

The wait was very long, but again we planned at the peak of Halloween. You can go to the local bar for food and drink and they are within walking distance. Excellent waiting area INDOORS!!! Chairs to sit on, movie playing, good food at concessions and very reasonably priced, hats off to that! Even some arcade games, current ones at that.

Trying to describe without ruining the effects for future guests

They called our ticket #, the ticket booth said 3 hours and it was nearly 3 hours to the minute. WE decided to wait, others in our group did not, they missed out.
They staged us to exit the waiting area, and enter the haunt. I wasn't sure what to expect in the 1st scene but it was quite cool, the actors were strong, it hit many of the senses and did give you the feeling of motion. The use of modern technology was very cool and yet they still hit you with the good ole startle.
Traveling though the haunt, you are directed EVERYWHERE, halls, up stairways, down stairways, through pitch black passages, again hitting all the senses. I liked a little surprise ON one of the walls early on.
They did hit you with a long visual change that our whole group enjoyed, especially the room towards the end of this effect, very well done for a fun ending before the next scene.
Again good use of props to actors. I personally would have liked to have seen more props blended in with actors but that is ME and in no way detracted from the event.
The actors where all done up well and had a high energy to give our group a good scare. Towards the end, some more physical senses overloading, which we all enjoyed.

Over all a great time and awesome experience!!!


Great time for the WHOLE group, all ages, easy to find, VERY comfortable waiting, best I have had!!!!

Well worth the trip and a must attend on your Haunted House list

Be prepared to wait, comfortably!!

Like to see, again just me:
Since they have a captive audience in the waiting, they did have actors walk through but maybe increase the energy of them or have a chase of actor/guest (fake) through the crowd, but, somehow interact a bit more with the crowd to energize/scare the crowd a bit. Not easy I know but again just taking advantage of what you already have.
A cleaning crew to tidy up the floor. Lots of teenagers, fine, but we all know the mess we ALL can leave, a simple sweeping, mop of simple spills once in a while would be a great addition

As you can see not much to complain about at all!!!

You will enjoy this experience!!!!

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Please note: this review is for the 2009 season rather than the current season.

Hubertus House of Horror

by Dr_Caligari (Newbie Review Crew Member) after attending on Friday, October 16, 2009 at about 3:30 p.m.

Fun Factor: Very High Fear Factor: Medium


In the small town of Hubertus, there is something unsettling finding it's way into an old abandoned house in the middle of town. You are given a ride to this house and you are given the chance to tour it.

Undoubtably one of the older haunted houses in this area, this house again gives a stellar performance. Those who lurk within it are veteran ghouls and goblins (also don't forget the clowns....did I just hear laughter behind me?!). The attraction that they put together could be one of the best that I have seen them have.

One of the neatest things about the experiance is the building itself. It is a genuine old house. It adds a touch of authenticity that you can't build into a set. It a particularly notable example of this, one of the members of my group got all freaked out when he noticed that the spider webs on the stairs going down to the basement were real and not fake.

Once in the basement, you get all the authentic smell of damp earth and mustiness that really does exist. This makes the scares in this area particularly poignant.

One thing of note: This year they have one of the best 3D areas I have ever seen in a haunted house. The basic reason for this is that they actually do a lot with it. I have been in a number of haunted houses where a 3D area is just a little walk through their little 3D world. In this haunted house, there are actually some good solid scares that are hidden in the area. The 3D actually augments it and is not just a distraction.

The only problem with the scene is that it left many in our group wondering when we were supposed to take the glasses off. If you go, don't worry about this, they will collect the glasses when you are done. Just enjoy.

Signage / Visibility / Location

Hubertus itself can be hard to find, but if you can find Hubertus, it is easy to find the haunted house. Their signage is good, but all you have to do is look for the direction everybody in town seems to be headed.

Wait Area / Line Entertainment

They have a nice waiting area. It's in a school gym and it provides for plenty area for one to wait while waiting for the house. The wait time the night I went seemed to be around 45 minutes, but expect that it will get longer in the 2 weekends immediatly prior to Halloween. Don't worry about the wait, though, as you have plenty of arcade games and even an old horror movie being projected onto a screen in the back of the gym.

Actors' Performance

There were many spirited actors in the haunted house this year, as always. They were energetic and enjoyable. This haunted house thrives on getting a mixture of extreme scares, macabre humor, and shock. The actors here do not hesitate in getting in your face and often times flow as part of the group.

Sets Scenes / Props / FX

Though not the most elaborate haunted house as far as style, but the effects they use are ahead of the game. There is a lot of computer generated imagery and quite a large retinue of animatronics. They also have a large quantity of interactive scares. The only problem with this, though, is that it should be seamlessly be integrated into the scenes. This is a chronic issue with almost all the haunted houses this year. If it isn't seamless, it should be placed in the background, it shouldn't be the focal point for a scene. That being said, they are ahead of the game on integrating some effects into their haunted house. I think it is really neat and can't wait to see what they have next year.


It is a relatively average length haunted house, but they pack a lot into that time. Their is a lot of time given for interaction, which makes the haunted house seem much longer than it really must be.

Crowd Control

It wasn't hugely crowded the night I went. I didn't see any issues with the crowds at the event.

Most Memorable Moment

Unseen dogs can be really scary!


Overall, a good, creative haunted house. They utilize a lot of different methods to frighten you. They have simply the best 3D work I have seen in any haunted house. Definitly a solid performing haunted house

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Please note: this review is for the 2009 season rather than the current season.

Hubertus House of Horror

by Haunt Hunter after attending on Saturday, October 10, 2009 at about 5 p.m.

Fun Factor: Medium Fear Factor: Medium


A few new rooms but some props just moved into a different room this year. They do need some fresh ideas. Many special events but some are repeats from last year.


This year the house was not up to their usual level but still pretty good. I guess I was expecting it to be as good as last year.
Plus is that you can buy your tickets and return in an hour or so. Local bar/restaurant are within walking distance. Also nice heated waiting area with games and food.

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Please note: this review is for the 2009 season rather than the current season.

Hubertus House of Horror

by DeviantAngel22 after attending on Saturday, October 17, 2009 at about 2:30 p.m.

Fun Factor: Medium Fear Factor: Low


We went on a Saturday night, fairly early. It was easy to find and there was a gym for the waiting area. Nice and warm with lots of concessions. Also some ghouls walking around creeping you out. Kind of fun... except for those little teens who try to act tough. We were told the wait times were between 1 1/2 to 2 1/2 hours. Three and a half hours later we finally got our number called to enter the house. The longer wait wasn't horrible because we planned a head and brought snacks along in the car. There were also two bars right aross the street where we spent some time. We were very excited to finally be going into the haunted house. There was of course another 20-30 minute wait after being put into our 8 people groups. There was an area where you walk through a yard and a creepy bus. Then you enter the house. This is where it got bad. It was horrible. The walk through in general was extremely short compared to most haunted houses. Many of the rooms were just lame. There were just scenes set up with people acting for us to watch. Nothing actually scarry jumping out at you. There were a few cool 3D effect room, but other than that there wasn't much to be excited about. You could almost tell the characters were getting tired of being there. All in all, the experience was fun but the house was completely lame.


We went to this attraction after hearing it had gotten good reviews. When all was said and done, it should be called Hubertus House of Horrible. It wasn't fun, wasn't scarry and definitely wasn't worth the money.

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Please note: this review is for the 2009 season rather than the current season.

Hubertus House of Horror

by HocusPocus (Newbie Review Crew Member) after attending on Friday, October 9, 2009 at about 4 p.m.

Fun Factor: High Fear Factor: High


If there were a granddaddy of Haunted Houses this one would probably be it. The Hubertus House of Horror has been coming back year after year for as long as I can remember. (what is it, 15, 20 years now?) The venue has always remained the same...a creepy lone standing house in what feels like the middle of nowhere. But if you attended this haunt last year and are worried about finding the same experience, don't be. There are some really cool new effects to go along with a few of the best sets from last year.

I particularly enjoyed some of the special effects this year. Yes some of them were carried over from prior years but there were also some outstanding new ones. If you attend several haunts as I do you'll find that many of them will have a room or two in common. In these instances I did feel that the Hubertus House pulled them off a bit better. (...perhaps the result of years of experience?)

As you may have noticed I didn't give this haunt top marks in either the fun factor or scare factor. None of these were deal breakers for me and I still strongly recommended this haunt for everyone. My rational behind the imperfect scores are based on the following:

* Group size of 8. We weren't given a choice in this matter. While I understand why they group so many people together it definitely distracts from your fun when you're stuck in the back as the scare is often times spoiled by the time you enter a room. Also, in a few of the rooms it was challenging to see/feel/hear the action that was taking place. ...this isn't the only haunt that tries to push as many people through as possible with each group. I often wonder, though, if the time spent cramming a large group through each room could be saved with a smaller group that can move through rooms easier.

* Every once in awhile you come across what I call "mystery sets". You walk into a room, wait awhile and then leave when nothing happens or something happens and you're not sure if you're supposed to run to the next set or wait for something more to happen. Our group encountered two such rooms during our tour.

* There are definitely sets that appear geared to provide a few scares...but for some reason our group found them to be more entertaining than scary. Not sure why. Perhaps due to set execution or perhaps due to the actors expecting a younger group?

Signage / Visibility / Location

This may not be the easiest haunt to find but if you're on the right road you really can't miss the lighted. Also, if you come across a mass of parked cars in what feels like the middle of nowhere you've probably found the right place.

Wait Area / Line Entertainment

One of the best wait areas around! The Hubertus House leverages a school gymnasium to keep you warm, well fed and entertained while you wait. The concession stand was well stocked with sweets, popcorn, drinks and even burgers. Costumed actors also popped in occasionally to heighten your anticipation of what was to come.

Actors' Performance

A good mix of adult and young actors delivered solid performances. None of them totally freaked me out but they were still very entertaining. A few of them were good at adlibbing and allowed you to interact with them.

Sets Scenes / Props / FX

Of all the haunts I've been to so far this year (6) this one featured some of the best special effects. Topping the list of unique special effect sets was a room that brought a cinematic sequence to life, one that provided the illusion of height complete with the echo of your voices, another that allowed you to feel the splatter of blood and even a set that provided a thrill ride with a flight simulator like experience. Also, if you really enjoy Vortex rooms (which are becoming quite common at haunts) I'd place the Vortex Room at this haunt at the top of the list.


Approximately 15-20 minutes. Unfortunately I was so disorientated after the Vortex I completely forgot to stop my watch until I had regained my balance in the parking lot.

Crowd Control

Not sure what happened this year. Usually we have a very favorable experience at the Hubertus House which is especially remarkable considering the high attendance at this Haunt. This year was quite a bit more chaotic. The volunteers mentioned that they were trying something new. I sure hope they go back their original system.

This was our experience this year....As in the past we bought our tickets when the ticket stand opened at 6pm. We then assembled our group and returned at 9pm. Upon returning we were instructed that it was ok to get in line as our numbers had already been called. (There was only one line at this time.) After waiting awhile we noticed that a second line was forming. After inquiring, we were told that the second line was for those whose numbers were called off earlier in the evening. So we then got into this line. After awhile in this line a third group walked in and proceeded to form a third line. We then inquired about this line and were told that it was for those who purchased tickets prior to 7pm. At this point there really didn't seem to be any lines....just one mass of people inching towards the front and a bit confused. Their confusion was certainly understandable as not one announcement was made regarding the formation of the new lines or why the new lines were being allowed in front of the original line.

Most Memorable Moment

Still trying to figure out how they accomplished a few of their special effects...especially the echo room.


The granddaddy of haunted houses. Perhaps not the scariest haunted house around but a very solid performer year after year. Creative new sets and outstanding special effects make this an excellent haunt to attend.

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Please note: this review is for the 2009 season rather than the current season.

Hubertus House of Horror

by Webs after attending on Saturday, October 10, 2009 at about 2 p.m.

Fun Factor: Low Fear Factor: Low


First of all, one thing i liked, was the two creatures walking around scaring people while you wait in line. However, I find the house it self, lacking fear. At first, the bus ride from hell seems to set a high expectation, but that is lowered soon after. throughout the house, skits are performed and they have an attempt to be scary. The mobster one was just sad. Being shot with a gun, is not what haunted houses are about. The masks are plastic and there was almost no "creature" popped out. The pitch black parts are near impossible to guide through. The Neon rooms are very cool. Great effect, just not for a haunted house. Alot of the acts were predictable. I had a childhood trauma that made me scared of haunted houses, this is my first one in 10 years, and i think it was a good warm up.


Under 10 is easily accepted. The house is not scary what so ever.

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Please note: this review is for the 2009 season rather than the current season.

Hubertus House of Horror

by x0char0x (Newbie Review Crew Member) after attending on Saturday, October 10, 2009 at about 4 p.m.

Fun Factor: Medium Fear Factor: Medium


From the start of the haunt you experience things that are completely different from other haunts. They do an excellent job at setting the feel of what a haunt should be like.

Signage / Visibility / Location

Very easy to find. They have signs and lights right in front.

Wait Area / Line Entertainment

Their wait area is inside of a heated gym which is always nice. They also have one or two actors walking around as well as a few video games and a TV screen set up to make your wait more enjoyable.

Actors' Performance

I was a little bit disappointed with their actors this year. Most did an excellent job scaring you but there were a few that didn't stay in character very well.

Sets Scenes / Props / FX

Their scenes are very unique compared to other haunts. They add in things you never would expect which make it even better.


The wait for this haunt is very long I've noticed from this year and in the past, so get there a little early.


I would recommend this haunt for anyone over the age of 10.

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Please note: this review is for the 2009 season rather than the current season.

Hubertus House of Horror

by iluvhauntedhouses after attending on Friday, October 9, 2009 at about 5:30 p.m.

Fun Factor: High Fear Factor: Medium


We walked up to the house and heard a lot of screaming. There were a couple rooms that were similar to past years, but others that were totally different. Not every room was super scary, but some other ones had some really cool effects and some were just creepy! They got me and made me scream more than once!

Been coming to this house for years amd we'll be back again.


I think the price was fair, and even a bit cheaper than some of the others. Lighted sign a the entry helped (but we already knew where it was.) They have a new website this year and it has good directions and maps.

We had some good food while we waited (reasonably priced) and games to play. It was a cold night so we defintley liked staying in the gym. They had a radio station there which was cool and we all got a chance to win a prize. Don't know if Chloe went to the same house we did, cuz we had fun!

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Please note: this review is for the 2009 season rather than the current season.

Hubertus House of Horror

by willyscream165 after attending on Saturday, October 3, 2009 at about 2 p.m.

Fun Factor: Very High Fear Factor: High


wow it was very good! we went last year and its just as good! some parts are cool but not that scary but the awesome ones make up for it! we had a great time!

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