Please note: this review is for the 2010 season rather than the current season.

Hubertus House of Horror

by CC2 (Newbie Review Crew Member) after attending on Friday, October 8, 2010 at about 2 p.m.

Fun Factor: High Fear Factor: Medium


The Hubertus House of Horror has been around a while and I attend it routinely.

Creation/re-creation of the house requires a good deal of effort throughout the year to change things up, and staff there are always attentive to trying to keep things as fresh as they can, which is appreciated.

The house features a nice swamp scene and a restaurant with a butcher that wants some acknowledgment, as well.

You will also have an early session with Santa that was an interesting twist.

There is an excellent animatronic effect that awaits you.

There is also a surprise after your instructions before entering the house.

I went with a group of three to get different reactions to the haunt and my guests felt there was too much glow make up at one point in the house and they felt the 3D aspect was not much of a novel experience.

Some of the scenes had rather poorly hidden actors lying in wait, so those scares were unremarkable.

I'm not sure if in week two of the season the actors aren't quite at peak performance, but some of the scenes were slow to develop and the timing was off. There were some awkward waits for the scare during my visit.

The house begins with a bus ride that has essentially zero scare factor and doesn't really provide much of an enhancement to the experience.

Signage / Visibility / Location

If you can find your way to Hubertus, you should be able to find your way to the House of Horror. Look carefully for a small sign on the left side of the road near a church off of Holy Hill Rd, if you are approaching from the highway. The exit will be on your left in front of the church.

Wait Area / Line Entertainment

For our visit, a local radio station was doing a promotion with giveaways in the gym. Wii system games were available as were other arcade games for a fee.

Hubertus has a nice snack area available and ample toilet facilities.

Actors' Performance

The house's actors gave nice performances and seemed invested in trying to startle the guests.

Sets Scenes / Props / FX

The Hubertus house routinely adorns its rooms with lots of props. It featured one of the best scenes that I've seen thus far this season with a zombie that notices you watching him.


The trip through the house takes about 25 minutes, depending on your pace and how quickly you are permitted to enter various rooms.

Staff at the house gatekeep entry into the different scenes and sometimes you will catch the group before you and hear what you are about to experience.

Crowd Control

The House has a system of lining up guests in 3 lines preparing them to enter the house. this works effectively for routing people into the attraction. Ticket numbers are announced and written on a chalkboard inside the gym so that you know what ticket numbers are able to enter the house.

Most Memorable Moment

The house features an animatronic that is outstanding and also includes a sensory effect. It's been the best scene I've experienced so far this season and in itself validated the price of admission.


I hate to be critical of an old classic in Hubertus, but I felt the scare and startle factors were a bit lower this year than usual. Perhaps scenes will tighten as the season progresses. For those in the Milwaukee area, I still recommend the attraction as its creators routinely put forth a good effort to diversify the haunt. Despite not being particularly scary per se, I feel this attraction is worth a look. The very fact that you are wandering the corridors of an old house will be chilling enough for some, but for those with higher expectations than just an old, creaking house this may not be a maximum experience.

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February 9th, 2025 3:30 p.m. CST 24.11.01