2009 The Haunted Mansion (PERMANENTLY CLOSED) Event Reviews

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Please note: this review is for the 2009 season rather than the current season.

The Haunted Mansion (PERMANENTLY CLOSED)

by Jrmass after attending on Thursday, October 8, 2009 at about 2 p.m.

Fun Factor: Very High Fear Factor: Very High


It was so much fun going through the Haunted Mansion! You can tell that a lot of hard work was put into that place. It had some great rooms. I would say the vortex is my favorite! I loved the huge creepy monster walking around outside. He was awesome!


Great place to see....well worth it!

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Please note: this review is for the 2009 season rather than the current season.

The Haunted Mansion (PERMANENTLY CLOSED)

by toneym after attending on Friday, October 30, 2009 at about 2 p.m.

Fun Factor: Very High Fear Factor: High


I've helped set up and worked the Haunted Mansion the past couple of years but this is the first opportunity I've taken to join the crowds and be scared. And I was not disappointed. The actors throughout the four attractions played their parts to a T. I don't normally get scared easily but more times than I care to admit I was from the dark path through the graveyard followed by the corn maze and Roadkill Cafe. The chilly and windy night just added to the creepiness of the outdoors attractions. But the Mansion itself was the best. Got lost a couple of times but got scared straight by some of the best freaks and ghouls. The crazy assortment of rooms of rooms was unbelieveable and the vortex at the end almost made me lose lunch.


A great, frieghtful experience. Can't to see and experience what the organizers dream up for next year. A must see in Door County in October!!!!!!!!

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Please note: this review is for the 2009 season rather than the current season.

The Haunted Mansion (PERMANENTLY CLOSED)

by smmass after attending on Saturday, October 17, 2009 at about 3:30 p.m.

Fun Factor: Very High Fear Factor: Very High


I have visited a few area haunts and have to say this is by far the scariest and haunt of all. The scares start as soon as you leave the ticket booth. There is a large screen featuring movie clips and trivia. made it worth the time waiting in line to go to the woods. there were scarey ghouls behind trees and cemetary stones. next moved to Belgianville and on to the corn maze. We then loaded a bus and were brought to the feature act, the haunted mansion. We entered the front lobby where a greeter talked about the house and moved on to the actual house. there are mazes, fun areas, action areas and of course many ghouls in hidden spaces ready to do their scaring One of my favorite things was the coolest costume I have ever seen. There were a lot of actors everywhere along with some hi tech scares. Well worth the money of $10 you bet, I will be back again next year Great job everyone


Overall, this is an excellent haunt. I'm so glad there were so many volunteers willing scare others for fun

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Please note: this review is for the 2009 season rather than the current season.

The Haunted Mansion (PERMANENTLY CLOSED)

by trapshooter2 after attending on Saturday, October 24, 2009 at about 2 p.m.

Fun Factor: High Fear Factor: Very High


I help out at the Haunted Mansion and decided to take the night off and go thru. I knew the layout of the house and most of the people working and I still got scared! It was great! There were rooms I had to cover my ears and turn my back because I knew it was going to be scary. The actors in the house that night were right on. The lady in front of the house giving the rules of the house did a fabulous job! Great job to all!!

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Please note: this review is for the 2009 season rather than the current season.

The Haunted Mansion (PERMANENTLY CLOSED)

by greisen after attending on Saturday, October 24, 2009 at about 3:30 p.m.

Fun Factor: Very High Fear Factor: High


There are four sections to the Haunted Mansion so you definitely get you money's worth, and my favorite is the MANSION! They must have over 100 people working each night because the activity and creativity is mind-boggling! You may go in the mansion with a group of friends, but if they want to separate you, look out! If you want some GREAT fun and want to view some wonderful Halloween creativity this is the place!

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Please note: this review is for the 2009 season rather than the current season.

The Haunted Mansion (PERMANENTLY CLOSED)

by pud27 (Newbie Review Crew Member) after attending on Saturday, October 24, 2009 at about 2:30 p.m.

Fun Factor: High Fear Factor: High


My second haunt of the year was a trip to Brussels for The Haunted Mansion at Quietwoods South Camp Resort.  A short half hour drive into Door County from Green Bay, you know your going the right way soon as a bill board tells you that The Haunted Mansion is ahead. As you get closer to the haunt itself, signs off of Highway 57 point you the correct way, as  do signs at the rest of the turns you need to take. Be careful though, as the last sign, for Lover's Lane, is right where you need to turn, so there is no warning. The car ahead of us missed it, as did we and we had to turn around. The thing you notice most while driving towards the haunt is it's location. It is quite a ways from the higway, out in the middle of nowhere so it really sets the mood as your driving deeper and deeper into nothingness. We arrived about a half hour after opening, and parking was sketchy. We parked out on the road like a few others, but weren't certain if thats where we were supposed to be. They could use a few more signs or even a parking attendant to show the way to maximize the space.

 If it's busy, you can tell from the road where you're supposed to go as the line starts stretching down the driveway. This line is for the first attraction, the haunted trail. You can either wait in line and by your tickets when you make it to the window, or you can grab a spot in line and send someone up to purchase your tickets so your ready to go when you get to the front. The line features a few ghouls walking around, one being one of the coolest costumes I have ever seen. There are also movie clips and things playing on a big screen for your entertainment. Lastly,  be sure to use the bathroom before you start, they have a nice facility at the start, and even if the waits are short  you'll spend a bit of time in the haunts.

The complex is set up in four parts, which have a certain order that needs to be followed. The first attraction, The haunted trail, is a short walk with a few surprises. My fiancee and I  had the displeasure of taking this walk with a group of obnoxious teenagers, which of course is no fault of the haunt staff., I think it would have been better with a different group. They walked fast so it only took about 5 minutes to get through the trail. Overall I would say the quality was about a 3 and the scare factor could have been a 3 if it weren't for the rest of the group.

The second attraction is the corn maze. This isn't your typical corn maze, which you'll know what I mean when you get there, but it is a neat effect. Here you will definitely catch up to other groups, but that's the point of their set up. Again, I would say this is about a 3.5 in quality and a 3 in scare. Definitely more confusion than surprise, but it's a really neat effect.

Thirdly, you reach the line for the Haunted Bus. I found this to be a very cool, original idea. The bus ride take approximately 10 minutes or so, which by the time you get to the end your happy to be getting off. The bus is decorated like a gruesome murder inside, and the music playing sets the mood right as well. I liked the ride for the fact that it's right in the middle, gives you a chance to sit down and warm up, and gives you a nice tour of the decorated campsites in the resort. One of the coolest effect I have seen happens on the busride, I don't want to spoil it, but I'll tell you it doesn't happen inside the bus. Inside the bus, in my opinion it gets old when the gouhls come out. In my opinion it was more annoying than scary. A person can only take so much random, unrelenting screaming before you've had enough. Ear plugs are definitely not a bad idea here.  Overall I would say 3.5 on quality and and 2.5 on scare. It's a nice way to break it up, but the gouhls are a bit obnoxious.

Lastly, we arrived at the feature event, The Haunted Manison. Wow, is the first thing that comes to mind. When you arrive here, you realize why the set up is as it is. As you progress through the attractions, they are steadily getting better, and they totally save the best for last. The line here features a screen with movie clips, as well as people walking around selling hot chocolate. The group spacing is great, so you do have to wait in line a little longer, but once you enter you don't see anybody else til the other side. The outside of the building looks cool too, like an old rundown mansion should. Before you even enter the haunt, you can tell how the acting is going to be. The person in charge of letting you into the haunted house really plays her part well, as she makes conversation with you. Then, when you enter, the butler plays an awesome role as well. After that you enter through the fireplace and the scares begin. The pathways are kind of tight, so a bigger person like myself had to do a little turning to get thorugh, but it made for more room to scare by having tight spaces. Overall the scenes were great, some of my favorites include the mechanic, the electric chair and the bedroom. All the actors stayed in character the whole time, and no one was scrambling to get back to their spots for the next scare. The only real problem I had in here was some rooms had multiple doorways, some of which led backstage (whoops!) Every room in this haunt led to a new surprise, most of which was original from any other haunt I've been too. I give the haunted mansion portion a 5 for quality and 4 for scare factor.

Signage / Visibility / Location

Signs at every turn you need to make when coming from Green Bay.

Wait Area / Line Entertainment

THe only lin that didn't have a screen playing movie clips or ghouls walking around was the bus ride line.

Actors' Performance

Overall the actor's were great. They weren't really character driven with a script, but they did very well with their performances.

Sets Scenes / Props / FX

The sets were about average in the outside portion, but they were outstanding in the mansion itself.


We spent about an hour and ten minutes there after we parked, and only about 20 minutes was spent waiting in line. The longest amount of time spent in an attraction was definitely the mansion, and it wax close to 20 minutes there.

Crowd Control

It lacked in the earlier trail, and the corn maze seemed intended to be jumbled up due to the misdirections. The MAnsion control was perfect, not another group in sight after you enter.

Most Memorable Moment

Most memorable moment came when I accidently went through one of those doors that went backstage and I ran into an actor set in his scene and made him jump.


You more than get your money's worth for the ten dollars you spend per ticket. Where else can you get this much halloween entertainment for that price. As stated in the earlier review, the early stages are just primer's for the main event. If you feel a little disapointed by the time you get to the Mansion, I guarantee your mind will be changed when you get out the other side. Considering all components of the attraction, I would put this at an even 4 for quality/fun and for fear

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Please note: this review is for the 2009 season rather than the current season.

The Haunted Mansion (PERMANENTLY CLOSED)

by wtf after attending on Saturday, October 24, 2009 at about 3 p.m.

Fun Factor: Very High Fear Factor: Very High


Loved it!!! Was way better then I expected...Actors really seem to love what they are doing,,Chainsaw guy you are awsome only time I have ever been scared by a chainsaw...This is a really awsome place for the money...What a great value 10 bucks for all you get..


Easy to find... Well worth the price...GREAT HAUNT!!!Going to make it an anual haunt to visit... Has one of the coolest costume creatures I have ever seen..Attention to detail in the house and everwhere was amazing!!

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Please note: this review is for the 2009 season rather than the current season.

The Haunted Mansion (PERMANENTLY CLOSED)

by Jrmass after attending on Friday, October 9, 2009 at about 5 p.m.

Fun Factor: High Fear Factor: High


I have been to a numerous amount of haunts and having been raised in the Door County area and having moved away from the area only to be told that there was one from my past residence worth attending I was more than intrigued. After making the four hour drive I was very happy to say that is was worth the commute! Not to mention was this house different from the others but very reasonably priced in comparison to some of the others in the area (some of which I had been we'll say quite disapointed in as far as bang for the buck goes). Definately worth the drive and for any of you who live closer than I do; I can assure you that you would not be disapointed.


Good Haunt
Corn Maze
Bus Ride
HOT CHOCOLATE (Mmmmmmmm gotta love it)

I drove 4 hours to see it and would not hesitate to bring some of my buddies along to see it again!

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Please note: this review is for the 2009 season rather than the current season.

The Haunted Mansion (PERMANENTLY CLOSED)

by robone after attending on Friday, October 9, 2009 at about 4 p.m.

Fun Factor: Very High Fear Factor: High


I don't scary easiely but there were a few things that got me by surprise! More important than that for me was fun factor and the amazing creativity that was used. It was definately worth the 35min drive from Green Bay.


I liked the fact that it was not another wait in line for an hour for a quick 15 min. in and out and your done. This truly was an adventure with a fun corn maze start, a dark and scary bus ride middle, and the endinging was just the start of what they called the haunted mansion! endinging with

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Please note: this review is for the 2009 season rather than the current season.

The Haunted Mansion (PERMANENTLY CLOSED)

by majorXpsycho (Newbie Review Crew Member) after attending on Saturday, October 10, 2009 at about 3:30 p.m.

Fun Factor: High Fear Factor: Medium


The Haunted Mansion is a great local Haunt. There are four parts to this Haunt. The first is a walk through the haunted graveyard/woods. The walk was brief but plenty of actors from every angle. If you have to go to the bathroom I highly recommend holding it, don't trust the ghouls. The cornfield was more fun than scary. There was a great roadside kill cafe with "skunk burgers". We even found ourselves undecided as to which way to go. When we finally made our way through we jumped on the haunted bus. You are only allowed to sit one person per seat, this allows for easy victimization. Lopsided Lilly was clearly irritated by the group of teens at the back of the bus, and I don't blame her ... I was about to start screaming with her!

When the bus ride finally came to a hault we were at the entrance of The Haunted Mansion. There was a nice warm bonfire and a woman walking around with plenty of hot cocoa. There was also a projection screen playing music videos and scenes from Scary movies. Actors were roaming the lines trying to steal screams. Once inside you will find many unique scenes. The Mansion was by far superior to the cornfield, bus ride, and woods. There were many points in the Haunt that would make you jump, and others that were just plain creepy! I found myself alone a lot in this haunt (which was the ghouls intentions) and I loved it! The Haunted Mansion had the most actors of any haunt I have been to. There is NO "dark/dead time". If you live in the area, this is a haunt I would not miss.

Signage / Visibility / Location

There is a sign off Hwy 57 and as you enter. It is located on a campground in Brussels, WI. Make sure you have directions, because if you are coming from out of town you may get lost.

Wait Area / Line Entertainment

There was hot chocolate being sold for only a dollar while you waited in line. There was also a couple goodies at the concessions stand. Watch out for the ghouls while you wait and enjoy scenes from some of the best horror movies displayed on projector screens.

Actors' Performance

The actor's are all volunteers so naturally some were really good and some weren't the greatest. The ghouls on the bus were great, but were a bit distracted by the people they knew on the bus. I loved the shackled ghouls, the crippled ghouls, and the welcoming ghouls of the Haunted Mansion.

Sets Scenes / Props / FX

Some very unique Scenes in this haunt. You may find yourself trapped, lost, and stumbling (in a good way). The Haunted Mansion also incorporates some of the more popular new props.


The woods, cornfield, and bus ride lasted 28 minutes. The Haunted Mansion was 17 minutes long.

Crowd Control

In the cornfield we ran into the group ahead of us, but it was no fault of the actors. The group just decided to be extremely obnoxious.

Most Memorable Moment

There is a moment of the haunt that scared the living daylights out of us. I won't ruin it, but it involves clowns distracting us.


Overall I would give a 4 for fun, and a 3+ for fear.

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