2009 The Haunted Barn Stoughton (PERMANENTLY CLOSED) Event Reviews

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Please note: this review is for the 2009 season rather than the current season.

The Haunted Barn Stoughton (PERMANENTLY CLOSED)

by Haunt2009 after attending on Saturday, October 24, 2009 at about 4:30 p.m.

Fun Factor: Very High Fear Factor: Very High


This was my first haunted house that I've gone to. It was very good. There was a line when we got there but it went very fast(lots of things to help pass the time like concessions pizza and the girl scouts were there selling baked goods). There were many actors through out the barn and bloodshed. Bloodshed is a great new addition, me and my friends loved the kitchen the mean kitchen lady and the guy by the fridge was very good. The woods was lots of fun also. There were lots of good actors out there. The guy with the chainsaw was scary. Then when I thought that it was done, a huge demon guy was awesome. We had lots of fun and were really scared.


Lots of fun & scary for the whole family. Definitely worth $8. Recommended highly.

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Please note: this review is for the 2009 season rather than the current season.

The Haunted Barn Stoughton (PERMANENTLY CLOSED)

by danceluvr95 after attending on Saturday, October 24, 2009 at about 3:30 p.m.

Fun Factor: Very High Fear Factor: Very High


I don't usually do the Haunted House thing - but my kids wanted to go - so I went. There was a line when we got there but it moved quickly. You had to be in groups of 3 – 4 and there was a large group in front of us. After entering and hearing the “Rules of the barn” the scarring starts. There was someone around every corner – from the beginning to the end. There were 2 girls that wanted to play games; there were 2 more up near the roof of the barn. There were more actors in the Blood shed to scare and someone yelling about their kitchen. Outside on the walk there were actors to scare everywhere as well and they didn’t stop until the very end with a VERY Large creature. There were a couple groups selling treats for locaal charities and there was a concession stand with food for sale while you waited. We will be making this a annual Halloween stop from now on.


Was worth the wait and admission

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Please note: this review is for the 2009 season rather than the current season.

The Haunted Barn Stoughton (PERMANENTLY CLOSED)

by Freddy K after attending on Saturday, October 24, 2009 at about 2 p.m.

Fun Factor: Very High Fear Factor: Very High


This was one awesome Haunt. Had a lot of laughs and screams. Love to fear the chainsaw guy.


About 20 min wait, 25 to 30 min to get thru depending on how fast you can run. Good signage to find it.

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Please note: this review is for the 2009 season rather than the current season.

The Haunted Barn Stoughton (PERMANENTLY CLOSED)

by debbie after attending on Saturday, October 24, 2009 at about 4:30 p.m.

Fun Factor: Very High Fear Factor: Very High


i have to addmit the haunted barn was not my first choice of haunts to go to this night but i was out voted. thinking you get what you paid for right?
for the first time in my life i have to say i am glad i did not get my way! i started out thinking ok this is going to be a borring night ! upone ariving at the haunted barn i had to do a double take on the number of people that were waiting in line we had a chance to talk to other people every one was friendly and excited, their was deffanetly alot of errie energy amoungst the crowd and its actors mingeling with the crowd! awsome scarecrow!!!! there were plenty of baked goods(sold by a local girl scout troop) and hot chocalote there was also hot dogs or pizza if you wanted. once we entered the barn we were informed of the rules, then were on our way!!!!! i made it through the fist area but almost wet my self! the zombie girls really did me in i knew then this was deffanetly going to be a good night! i have just one question WHO DID THAT MESSED UP DOLL ROOM!!!!!! i will never look at a baby doll the same EVER! we made it through the barn thinking ok we made it........ then we enterd the BLOOD SHED! with at least 7 people acting like we were their next meal all i could think of was get me the heck outa here!!!!!! the trial to the woods i THOUGHT would be a releaf....... NO! you can see just enough to get were you need to go but not enought to see what may be waiting to jump out at you and let me tell you they jump out!!! i think i went gray at the cabin!!!! on the path to the exit when we finally thought we were done... we ran into this huge and i mean HUGE vampier creature!!! (lets just say HE alone is worth paying $8.00 just to see!) well this night was not what i thought it would be it was MUCH better all the actors did an excelant job! i like the fact that most of the adult actors have their children helping out as ghouls,(kreepy kids on the bus) this defanatly feels like a home town family/comunity run haunt!! for $8.00 you get more than your monies worth!


Great Deal for $8.00 worth the wait, awsome actros! scare your pants off fun!!!!

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Please note: this review is for the 2009 season rather than the current season.

The Haunted Barn Stoughton (PERMANENTLY CLOSED)

by Beelzebubba after attending on Saturday, October 24, 2009 at about 2 p.m.

Fun Factor: Very High Fear Factor: High


I readily admit I really wasn't entering into the idea of visiting The Haunted Barn with any high expectations. I figured, what exactly could possibly be done to a family barn that would result in a truly remarkable experience?

Then we arrived at the farm.

There is no problem locating The Haunted Barn even though it is out in the un-street-lit country. In addition to a large lighted sign announcing that you have indeed arrived, the volume of cars turning into the driveway 15 minutes before it even opened was my first clue that this may be better than I hoped. Ample parking was provided in a large mown area.

My husband and I were fortunate to head straight to the entry line; before the 7pm opening a line formed that wove out into the dark farm. The overview of rules given by the witch as you enter is a very good idea as you can also ask her any questions you may have. From there, the tour is mostly self-guided, which did cause us to catch up to the small children ahead of us, but didn't cause any annoying stops. Along the way, you will encounter many well-known horror icons (Freddy, Jason, etc) and many children who do a great job of remaining creepy and not breaking character. There are also some children who are athletic enough to leap from the rafters and land right next to you. In addition, the actors have passageways that allow them to pop up on you again; just because you've left their room doesn't mean they won't be around the corner!

From the barn, you are led to the Blood Shed, which, while still sufficiently gory, benefits more from the tight angles keeping you from seeing what is ahead than the actual contents. Except for the kitchen. That is awesome.

The walk into the woods to the graveyard is a bit long, but actors along the way serve two purposes: they help keep the mood going and also provide some degree of guidance as to which way to go. By all means, take a moment at the top to check out the graveyard... there's nothing in the shack. Just kidding, the teenage girl behind me wouldn't let go of my arm after that. I wonder who she was?

From here, the trail leads you back to the parking area, but don't let yourself be fooled into think it's all over. The chainsaw-toting mainiac was already at a dead run at us before the saw's engine fired up.

Between the concessions offered, gift shop provided, music, lights and other "entertainment" aside from the tour itself, this is quite a production. As we left, we noted the line was even longer than when we started, and cars were still coming down the highway. In a small town like Stoughton, if the product isn't worth the time and $8.00 admission, The Haunted Barn would quickly become a real ghost town.

I highly recommend taking the time to see this.

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Please note: this review is for the 2009 season rather than the current season.

The Haunted Barn Stoughton (PERMANENTLY CLOSED)

by ethel after attending on Saturday, October 24, 2009 at about 2 p.m.

Fun Factor: Very High Fear Factor: Very High


oh my god ! i was a haunted house virgin before this. 90% of the actors were just plain creepy...this is a good thing! the wait was only about 1/2 hour and the line was tripled by the time we got thru. still have a sore throat today from screaming


just cannot wait until next year. went to 2 other places after this and this one was the greatest!

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Please note: this review is for the 2009 season rather than the current season.

The Haunted Barn Stoughton (PERMANENTLY CLOSED)

by hermek after attending on Saturday, October 24, 2009 at about 2 p.m.

Fun Factor: High Fear Factor: High


Very Good, Really liked the addition of the blood barn. Although I would like to see more human (actor) interaction on the wooded trail,perhaps the addition of a "Big Foot" (Sasquawtch) would be awesome.


Overall was a worth the money and I would recommend as a place to go this halloween. That is if you like to be scared!

Good Job Guys, looking forward to next year.

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Please note: this review is for the 2009 season rather than the current season.

The Haunted Barn Stoughton (PERMANENTLY CLOSED)

by Grey Knight after attending on Friday, October 16, 2009 at about 3 p.m.

Fun Factor: Very High Fear Factor: High


For $8, the Haunted Barn provides you with a long stroll - indoor and out - through numerous mazes and paths. The tour relies heavily on live actors to deliver the scares, and they do so very well. The real entertainment value is in the actors and not the animatronics, unlike more 'commercial' and 'carnival-like' attractions. The "organic" touch really enhances the experience as each player seems genuinely interested in their role.

*Spoiler Alert* There were even moments where the animatronics came alive to reveal that they were living people the whole time, which really added to the spook factor.
I also appreciated how the players didn't just do their piece and wait fo you to leave the area. Being dogged by a machete-wielding maniac down the entire length of the hallway, around the corner, and into the next room, while he was slashing and slamming it against the wall, was a great "motivator."

The ONLY thing I would have done differently would have been making the final walk back to the concession area a little more event-filled.

Thanks, Haunted Barn and personnel. You gave me a thoroughly enjoyable experience.


I have been a part of or helped out with 4 Haunted Houses in my life, and this one put to shame any of the ones I was involved in.

With a huge staff on hand, lots of role players, ample live interaction, a vast array of props and animatronics, refreshment vendors, and great costumery, The Haunted Barn is not just an attraction, [b]it's an event.[/b]

A tremendous value for your admission money.

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Please note: this review is for the 2009 season rather than the current season.

The Haunted Barn Stoughton (PERMANENTLY CLOSED)

by badgerman06 after attending on Saturday, October 17, 2009 at about 5 p.m.

Fun Factor: High Fear Factor: Medium


My fiance and I went to the Haunted Barn last Saturday night. It was really easy to find, and it is by far the best haunted house I've seen in the Madison area. We got there just before 10pm and had to wait about an hour to actually get in, which the ticket clerk told us was a much longer line than they were used to. Obviously they're getting the word out. It was really cold, and it looked like their hot chocolate and coffee sales were doing well. They also had a few actors warming up the crowd. Beetlejuice was especially good, sounded just like Michael Keaton. Once we got in, a kindly witch explained the rules to us, and she also mentioned that a lot of the actors had either taken breaks because of the cold or gone home. I would have to say that that trend held true through the entire tour. There were some creepy little kids taunting "You're not gonna make it", and of course prominent appearances by slasher favorites Jason, Michael Myers, and Leatherface. Beetlejuice also made his way inside, and this guy knows his stuff. Make some obscure reference to the movie and he'll probably get it. The rooms were laid out in a way that allowed the same actors to come around and get you again just after you thought you got away. The new building "Bloodshed" was not very impressive at all, except that they made good use of pounding on the walls and this was where we met Michael Myers. Props and decorating were good, especially the plastic hose maze section. There was not enough use of sound. Most of the actors did not even talk or scream. After going through both buildings, you follow a trail into the woods, which could have been truly terrifying, but was decidedly not. They did selectively place a few bright lights to keep you from ever really developing proper night vision, but there were a total of 3 actors in the woods. 3! I must say though that the woods did contain the biggest real scare moment of the tour. Be a good sport and check in the cabin. From there, just follow the trail back to the farm, completely unbothered. They tried to keep groups small and pace them well, although we managed to catch up to the group in front of us. Overall, a pretty good value for only $8, but they need more actors and need to make better use of sound and complete darkness.


Best haunted house so far in the Madison area. Good value at $8, easy to find. Need more actors, especially in the woods. Pretty fun, not so scary.

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Please note: this review is for the 2009 season rather than the current season.

The Haunted Barn Stoughton (PERMANENTLY CLOSED)

by louiscyphre (Newbie Review Crew Member) after attending on Saturday, October 17, 2009 at about 2 p.m.

Fun Factor: High Fear Factor: High


Another nicely scary working-farm haunt, The Haunted Barn consists of a trek through a haunted barn (ironic, no?) and "Blood Shed," followed by a night-time hike through some spooky fields, up and down a moonlit hill, and then over a spooky rutted path.  It's a good home-grown haunt, not all overly-fancied-up like the more corporate haunted houses out there, and there are some cool scenes and good characterizations.  The ghouls interact and threaten well at times and it has a really nice sense of place and atmosphere, with the stars stretching out above you, and with all the autumnal smells and night time sounds of a rural farm in October.  Unfortunately, the final leg of the haunt might need a few more scares, as we found ourselves wandering around a little too much and hoping for something further to happen a little too much.   Still, a good haunt fer yer money and definitely worth the trip from Madison. 

Signage / Visibility / Location

Very easy to find, just follow directions on Haunted Wisconsin (that's hauntedwisconsin.com, its on the internets, oh, wait, you're probably there right now), there's a big lighted sign pointing you toward the working farm on some rolling hills.  You park on the lawn, which looks like it might get out of hand sometimes, so pick a spot on the outskirts where you can get out easily; we saw some cars almost parked in even at such an early hour, I dunno, maybe that's part of the terror. 

Wait Area / Line Entertainment

We got there very early and really had no wait, but by the time we left, a bit after 8 PM, there was a huge line, so get there early.  There were some ghouls harassing the crowd (let us praise an excellent Beetlejuice, whom one does not see very often amongst the Freddys and Jasons and Leatherfaces out there in this crazy topsy-turvy haunted-house world of ours), and there are a number of snacks'y things to purchase to keep your spookin' energy up.  It's again on a real farm, so there are outbuildings to wander around and there's a pretty cool little giftshop trailer with lots of black-lit halloween/horror-themed stuff going on.  There's also a big lit-up tent with picnic tables, which was a good place to rest with the group, quickly hash over the haunt, and enjoy the screams of other patrons gently cascading down the hill. 

Actors' Performance

Quite good.  The aformentioned Beetlejuice popped in and out of the haunt, doing a pretty dead-on Michael Keaton, and there are several scenes where the actors really act like they mean it; shout-outs to the little girl in the nursery who apparently is of two minds about what she wants you to do with her doll, and the most excellent little vampire girl toward the beginning, who forced one part of our group to engage in a twisted game of Simon Says.  There were also evil children who yelled at you from inside an abandoned schoolbus; yes, that's right, evil children on an abandoned schoolbus, but we weren't sure if they were supposed to be there or were other patrons' nasty little kids, so basically, hat's off to the nasty kids, whoever you may belong to.  Oh, and you end up at Camp Crystal Lake at one point and don't make any assumptions....

Sets Scenes / Props / FX

This haunt set up some of its scenes quite well; there are some interestingly-developed little vignettes which depend on characters, such as the little girl in the f***'ed-up nursery, which always adds a little sumthin' sumthin', and the natural setting of the farm at night, and walking around through fields and up and down hills, is suitably atmospheric.  Had some good props, really loved Camp Crystal Lake and it's misdirection.  Did think that the Blood Shed lacked a little in the creativity department and seemed a little sparse, at least when we were there, which again, was the very beginning of the night.  Apparently another part of our group heard some kids calling out in the Blood Shed that they wanted daddy to get them dinner and they wanted "people meat" tonight, so maybe there was more going on in there than I saw in my group. 


Three different areas with no waiting in between:  the haunted barn proper, then the "Blood Shed" and its outdoor accoutrements, and then a hike up a haunted hill, through a graveyard and back down again through a spooky field.  Took us about 45 minutes, a real value for your dollah. 

Crowd Control

As stated before, there are multiple waiting areas and stuff to distract you patrons while you wait.  You purchase yer tickets and you takes yer chances and then you wait to get in.  Groups were spaced out well throughout the haunt, we never ran into another group, and there are some cool moments outside when you see other groups wandering around and can wait and watch them get freaked out by the scares you know are almost right upon them....

Most Memorable Moment

1)  Camp Crystal Lake and that pneumatic Jason prop. 
2)  Simon Says with the one little vampire girl.  


A good haunted-house value for your eight bucks -- an enjoyable haunt and a great "cold night on a spooky farm" experience, but not as kick-ass as it could be, as it ends with a whimper, not a bang.  They might be stretched a little thin or something; the haunted barn and overall setting are quite cool and there are some excellent characters and interactions with ghouls, but, at least in my experience, the "Brand New for 2009 Blood Shed" seemed a little underwhelming, and the haunted hill/field/forest area a little lacking in the scenes.  It might be that we were there very early, and perhaps some of the ghouls had not had their din-din yet or were delayed otherwise, I suppose time management can be an issue when one is slaughtering and spooking and terrorizing all day.  We may also have missed some stuff in the Blood Shed, as other people in another group seemed to have seen (or heard) more.  Whatever the case, the wonderful setting itself really seals the deal, and it's pretty much an evening's worth of entertainment and then some.  Recommended. 

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Please note: this review is for the 2009 season rather than the current season.

The Haunted Barn Stoughton (PERMANENTLY CLOSED)

by MMRAD after attending on Friday, October 16, 2009 at about 3:30 p.m.

Fun Factor: Very High Fear Factor: Very High


I went to The Haunted Barn, expecting to have a good laugh, and that's about it. A laugh I got, along with a sore throat from sreaming for about 20 minutes. Thankfully I had used the restroom twice prior to my visit! The hardest rule to follow....no running.

The actors, props, the setting...all fantastic!

All-in-all, it was worth every penny, and I will be making this a new Halloween tradition.

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Please note: this review is for the 2009 season rather than the current season.

The Haunted Barn Stoughton (PERMANENTLY CLOSED)

by halloween725 after attending on Saturday, October 3, 2009 at about 4 p.m.

Fun Factor: Very High Fear Factor: Very High


This haunt has to be the best deal in the area. For eight bucks a piece, my group of friends and I were entertained for the night. The barn has grown over the past few years and we really enjoyed this years addition Bloodshed. All of us were scared pretty bad at different times. Even my friend who is 6'2" 280 lbs. jumped about 6 feet in the air. All of our favorites from previous years were there - Leatherface, Michael Myers, the trippy tunnel, and Jason (who caught me off guard more than once). The kids this year were great. They seemed to be placed according to their abilities. There were two girls in particular who deserve mention - I didn't enjoy their "game". All in all, this really made my night and I will come back again with a new group of friends to scare.



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Please note: this review is for the 2009 season rather than the current season.

The Haunted Barn Stoughton (PERMANENTLY CLOSED)

by remcycle after attending on Friday, October 9, 2009 at about 5 p.m.

Fun Factor: Very High Fear Factor: Medium


I was born a midwesterner and spent my first 15 years here. As such, I feel like as a child I got a pretty good taste of what Halloween in this country of ours should really be like; a celebration of the season...the weather changing and growing cold, the colors changing before our eyes, the feeling all around us that nothing is going to be able to grow for the many long months ahead.

I left Wisconsin in 1991 and lived in some pretty wacky places since, but returned to Wisconsin last summer...and I have to say that haunts like The Haunted Barn are one of the biggest reasons I came back.

Halloween haunts in this neck of the woods come in two predominant flavors. There are those that are built into an empty mall space and are designed to boo-scare you for 15 minutes or so. These have their place as not everyone has the stamina or desire to make it through the second type, being the full-on environmental experience. These generally require a good drive out into the middle of nowhere and involve parking in a field in the shadow of a big old creepy barn. There might be a dark cornfield on the property or nearby. There may be a highway that tears through the countryside, or perhaps just an old dusty road. But there's going to be a large outdoor component to it and it's going to make all the difference.

The Haunted Barn is just such a place. Just east of the quaint Main Street of downtown Stoughton on Highway 51, the venue is very easy to find, although the signs on the side of the road are very small and difficult to see. Just keep heading due east and it'll be on the right...you can't miss it (in case you do, if you pass Pleasant Hill Rd. you've gone just a bit too far).

Upon arriving, we found ourselves driving through the middle of a typical farm country homestead and I instantly had a smile on my face. My wife was a bit afraid that this event would be 'silly' and to be honest, I was kinda hoping for it to be.

We parked, walked up to a 'plaza' area outside of the barn and noticed an inordinate number of children walking around. They were all dressed up and ready to scare as only creepy children can. :) Then I remembered that these children are all members of volunteer families from Stoughton and surrounding locales; most likely the same children that are involved in the theater activities in town during other times of the year.

After paying our admission (a modest $8 each), we were led inside the barn, given the house rules by a ghoul, and allowed to enter.

Upon the first entrance my first thoughts were of the attention paid to minute details and I think this was because the designers were of the same mind as I was; make an experience, not just a few scares. And an experience it was...

The scares in the house were not very scary, but there were definitely some jump moments and the children in the house did a fantastic job. The two creepy girls who "want to play a game" are something I'll always remember of this place. I always caught myself checking behind me as these scarers liked to pop out from the walls when you least expect them.

The tour takes you through a barn, outside (where we stopped and played with a farm cat), through another barn and then back outside for a fantastic 20 minute walk through a field and forest. Being outside at a haunt has a wonderfully immersive quality that you just can't imitate inside a building. The music goes away, the effects go away and it's just you and the woods...and whatever may be lurking in the shadows. In the forest the usual rules just don't apply.

After the walk, the trail leads you back to the main plaza area where concessions are available and a fun black-lit Halloween gift shop awaits. We enjoyed having a chance to pick up some glow-in-the-dark fangs, glowsticks and a soda while talking to the people who run the haunt. You can tell how much they love doing this.

The tour was much longer than I expected, and after everything; the tour, the shopping, the laughing with the proprietors, playing with the cats, talking with the children...it was easily after 11 when we finally drove away.


It was great...just a fantastic time out in the country.

My only gripe was that there should be more timing control; keeping groups separate. Perhaps dead-ends that open to let groups through once the group before them has moved far enough ahead. Running into another group really steals the isolation out of the whole thing.

Other than that, it was a fantastic experience. Not very scary, but a wonderful way to celebrate fall in Southern Wisconsin!

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Please note: this review is for the 2009 season rather than the current season.

The Haunted Barn Stoughton (PERMANENTLY CLOSED)

by citizenjess after attending on Saturday, October 10, 2009 at about 2 p.m.

Fun Factor: Very High Fear Factor: Medium


SO MUCH FUN!! 6 of us went to the Haunted Barn on an unseasonably cold Saturday night. We arrived early (7ish) so we did not have to wait long to enter the barn. They split us into groups of 3 (with the option of 2 and 4) We were happily surprised to learn that the experience would take 45 minutes to an hour. The actors were great- despite the cold, they were in full character (no Badgers sweatshirts!) and delightfully creepy. Loved the "leatherface" guy happily hacking away at something in the distance. Loved the three different pockets of horror. Creepy props. Creepy moments of no one being around. Loved that some kids in front of us thought Beetlejuice was the ghost of Albert Einstein. The night we went, Friends of Ferals was there selling brats, which was a nice way to end the experience, along with friendly kittens. It was very apparent that a lot of love goes into creating this event- well done!


Scary but fun!

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Please note: this review is for the 2009 season rather than the current season.

The Haunted Barn Stoughton (PERMANENTLY CLOSED)

by FleshEater02 after attending on Saturday, October 10, 2009 at about 3 p.m.

Fun Factor: Very High Fear Factor: High


The Haunted Barn is better than last year's quality event. Groups needed to be 3-4. So if you have a bigger group be ready to split up. I love the haunted hills, outside. It was awesome. The actors were great. I met the monsters that chased me through the prairie outside and they were just as pumped to have scared me as I was to get scared. That's why I go. Well run, fun and scary!


Great haunt. Reasonably priced. Love the additonal haunt added this year. Walking outside in the woods is fantastic! We paired this with the short drive to the Fear Factory in Janesville. A great combination.

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