11 total reviews. Showing 10 of 11 on this page (1 filtered).
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Please note: this review is for the 2011 season rather than the current season.
by DarkWolf1088 (Newbie Review Crew Member) after attending on Friday, October 28, 2011 at about 4 p.m.
Submitted: Saturday, October 29, 2011
This was my first experience of The Haunted Barn in Stoughton. On first impression this haunt looked exciting. The grounds were abuzz with visitors and screams could be heard throughout the grounds. Needless to say, all in all, this haunt did not disappoint.
Easily located off of Hwy. 51 in Stoughton this haunt is easy to find. After turning on to Hwy. 51 all you need to do is look for the flashing arrow sign and you will be guided in by staff from there. Parking is a plenty and you will easily find the ticket booth to begin your adventure.
As I already mentioned this haunt was BUSY. Even so the wait time was roughly 15 minutes. Don't worry though even while you are waiting your actors will be around to keep you entertained. At no time was the wait ever boring, which is certainly a nice change of pace. Even if the actors weren't out and about the screams of your fellow haunters would do the trick.
All in all this haunt was a fun time. There were times were I was disappointed. Spacing was a major issue (although you must remember this was Halloween weekend that I attended). Throughout the haunt I kept running into the group before me and the group behind me kept running into me. At one point I had to stop because several groups got held up in the house. Although we eventually had an actor that kept us entertained while the groups were being spaced out it took awhile.
At one other point the groups bumped into each other but we were able to keep moving. The other issue was the lack of actors in some areas....especially the woods. I know first hand that it is not easy to scare people in an outdoor environment but even in the house there were areas that an actor could have made an excellent scare but there was no one around.
Other than spacing and times of no scaring or interaction this was still a fun haunt. The scenes and props were simple but enough to "set the scene". Of most important note was the actors. Although some scares were not powerful the actors were having fun. This was contagious. It made the whole haunt that much more entertaining.
As I have already said, all in all, this was a fun haunt. Not including wait time the whole haunt took about 40 minutes to get through. This IS a indoor/outdoor haunt (don't let the word barn fool you), so dress accordingly. This was a good time and a good way to wrap up the Halloween season.
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Please note: this review is for the 2011 season rather than the current season.
by Wiscare after attending on Saturday, October 22, 2011 at about 4 p.m.
Submitted: Tuesday, October 25, 2011
Once my group and I got there you could tell this is a good haunt. By the cars in the parking lot you could just tell there was going to be a long wait. Tickets prices were not that bad, $12 for a haunt that is about 45 minutes long is not a rip off in any way. The wait was entertaining with "monsters" roaming the parking lot and the line. I didn't think the line was to long compared to some i've been to. The idea of actually telling the rules directly to the customers is smart because a lot of these sets take a long time to build and a lot of money goes into them. For the house I thought it was good but I would make it more interactive and have more actors. The trail was also OK but again more actors are needed. All in all I liked it.
One big down side was the group in front of us was going way to slow and the group behind us was going way to fast, so i would have an actor stop groups on getting to close.
This haunt is money well spent. I'd suggest this to my friends that are looking for a fun time.
View all The Haunted Barn Stoughton (PERMANENTLY CLOSED) reviews
Please note: this review is for the 2011 season rather than the current season.
by dubstyle_2k (Newbie Review Crew Member) after attending on Saturday, October 22, 2011 at about 3:30 p.m.
Submitted: Monday, October 24, 2011
This was my first trip to the infamous Haunted Barn, and it lived up to it's legend! Just hop, skip, and a jump from Madison, The Haunted Barn is easily the best haunt in the area. Parking was ample, although I would suggest you take it slow through the lot, as it is all dirt and grass, and is easy to bottom out if you are not careful. After we got our tickets, we entered. The haunt is separated into 3 areas, 2 houses and an outdoor trail. Both houses were frightening, relying on sensory tricks to spook you. The trail was long and you were guided by lights which led you from house 1 to the second house. Ghost and ghouls jumped out and got got some good jumps out of us! We found ourselves taking a lot of time enjoying the detail they put into the haunt, it seemed like they take a lot of pride in their work. Actors were great, playing it up the whole time! As we exited, we were quickly greeted by Beetlejuice, who in true beetlejuice fashion, proceeded to goof on me for quite a while, it was great! This haunt was fairly lengthy, which is pretty nice, just make sure you plan accordingly, as the line to enter was long! In all I would say The Haunted Barn is one haunt you don't want to miss!
View all The Haunted Barn Stoughton (PERMANENTLY CLOSED) reviews
Please note: this review is for the 2011 season rather than the current season.
by courtneykiesow after attending on Friday, October 21, 2011 at about 5 p.m.
Submitted: Saturday, October 22, 2011
The Haunted Barn was pretty fun. My husband and I and a friend attended it around 10pm. Definantly was worth the drive and the money. We had lots of fun. Beetlejuice was GREAT!! He stayed in character the entire time he startled me a few times but other than that he was my fav.The wait in line wasnt bad at all. and while your wating around you can buy some snacks as well as "getting burried alive". It was pretty cool.I dont like clowns AT ALL and right as you enter there are 2 but other than that I dont think there was any more of thoes so if you are afraid of clowns you dont have to worrie about them once you get past the entrance. I think that once you get outside that they could have had some more characters to fill in some empty spaces but otherwise I thought it was pretty fun it isnt the scariest but it was fun, so if your lookin to have fun with friends and or family I think that this would be a good haunted house to attend.Oh and I will warn you that there are very thight spaces and a couple steps. so be careful!!
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Please note: this review is for the 2011 season rather than the current season.
by Budda after attending on Friday, September 30, 2011 at about 2 p.m.
Submitted: Sunday, October 9, 2011
My wife and I attended The Haunted Barn last year and returned again in 2011 to find the same familiar friendly environment, with enough changes to make the haunt refreshingly interesting. An actor dressed like Beetlejuice greeted all visitors and played the role especially well, priming us for some good scary fun. Visitors were spaced apart nicely so we were not bumping into people who entered the haunt ahead of us.
There are three haunted locations on site and they each offer unique experiences, though we saw fewer actors this year. Some additional actors located throughout the trek would have added more fear factor and suspense.
A worthwhile haunt to include in your search for scary fun this Halloween season.
View all The Haunted Barn Stoughton (PERMANENTLY CLOSED) reviews
Please note: this review is for the 2011 season rather than the current season.
by BillFe after attending on Saturday, October 1, 2011 at about 2 p.m.
Submitted: Tuesday, October 4, 2011
Just simply fantastic! Beetle Juice does an excellent job. The twin clowns can be a menace without saying a word! You never know if an individual is a mannequin or a live person. Lots to be nervous about. I loved it!
enjoy the trip but leave the kids at home!
View all The Haunted Barn Stoughton (PERMANENTLY CLOSED) reviews
Please note: this review is for the 2011 season rather than the current season.
by AndreaR after attending on Saturday, October 1, 2011 at about 2 p.m.
Submitted: Tuesday, October 4, 2011
Loved it! The characters/actors were wonderful - the costumes, makeup, and portrayal of the character was perfect. Loved Beetlejuice and the twins (they totally creeped me out). The event is well worth your money, it lasts 30-45 minutes, depending on your pace. The decorations/scene setting, especially inside the barn, was amazing, these people really know what they are doing! I would have liked more interaction in the haunted woods, it was a pretty walk with all the lights through the woods, but not very haunted. Otherwise everything was great. My favorite thing was the vortex bridge. Words can't explain it, you just have to experience it!!!
Worth every penny!! I will definitely be back next year!!!
View all The Haunted Barn Stoughton (PERMANENTLY CLOSED) reviews
Please note: this review is for the 2011 season rather than the current season.
by AllesA after attending on Saturday, October 1, 2011 at about 2 p.m.
Submitted: Tuesday, October 4, 2011
The attention to detail in the makeup, costume and hair was terriffic. Each character played their part very well. I was particularily impressed by the erie twin clowns and the poor little girl looking for her lost cat. Also the horror and thrill was continuous. The haunted house is easy to find with a sign posted by the driveway and parking was plentiful. Definitely a must see haunted house.
View all The Haunted Barn Stoughton (PERMANENTLY CLOSED) reviews
Please note: this review is for the 2011 season rather than the current season.
by x0char0x (Newbie Review Crew Member) after attending on Saturday, October 1, 2011 at about 4 p.m.
Submitted: Monday, October 3, 2011
The Haunted Barn is a haunt that I have added to my must see list. They have created a complete nightmare of horrors. From the beginning, you are left wandering in a world of darkness and surprise. There are monsters and killers lurking around every bend just waiting for you to entire their world. After walking through the first part of the barn, you are lead down a dark path leading into the woods. The woods really add to the effect of this haunt. You feel as though you are walking through some strange forest and you don't know who or what will get you. I will add that there were some dead spots in the woods. Just a few more actors, would have just blow it away. After the woods, you are lead back to the barn and enter more rooms of darkness and terror.
View all The Haunted Barn Stoughton (PERMANENTLY CLOSED) reviews
Please note: this review is for the 2011 season rather than the current season.
by freaksjay06 after attending on Sunday, October 2, 2011 at about 2 p.m.
Submitted: Sunday, October 2, 2011
The last weekend in September seems really too soon for a haunt for some. Not for my friends and I. We hopped in car named Carl and headed to The Haunted barn for their first night if operation.
We arrived close to their closing time of 11 pm. there was a few groups that were going through at the time. This was my partner's second visit to the Haunted Barn and the scenery changed a little but very similar to last year. the scares were near and far between it seemed. The Haunt used the featured theme of Carnival very sparingly. It was present only during the beginning and kind of fell off my radar. The actors doing the scares were a little cheesy at times but still managed to make me jump a few times.
The length of this haunt was long but only because of the forest that was empty except for a few scare actors in the forest/cemetery. I will say that the props and detail is getting immensely better year by year. For example the awesome haunted mine that was neat. Also, the western style building with a porch and balcony was great to see.
To get to the haunt was easy there is two ways of getting there and both are equally easy if you coming from Madison. My favorite actor is Beetle juice. He made a triumphant but out of place return. He followed us through such as last year. b-juice was as clever and interactive as ever. Thanx for that highlight. Also, the clown like thing out side did not say much but he had great makeup. now if they could just fill those rooms up with more scares and more variety of things to experience next year I would give you a better rating.
Props and detail was most improved this year. amount and creativity of scares however still need work. I will still comeback for the next season just to see the Haunted Barn's improvements. this place has come a long way but still a bit of way to go.
View all The Haunted Barn Stoughton (PERMANENTLY CLOSED) reviews
Please note: this review is for the 2011 season rather than the current season.
by lazysmurf97 (Newbie Review Crew Member) after attending on Saturday, October 1, 2011 at about 4 p.m.
Submitted: Saturday, October 1, 2011
The Haunted Barn is a must see haunted attraction in Dane County! The atmosphere was perfect for a haunted house and you never knew what to expect. I really enjoyed the mixture of indoor and outdoor entertainment. At times, we felt like we were in a horror movie, especially while walking through the haunted forest.
I would highly recommend wearing good walking shoes and a jacket if you go on a cold evening. There are many steps and bits of uneven ground to go through. Most of the steps are well lit, but we did stumble on a few that were not, so use caution. There is also a point where you have to crawl and a point where you have to walk hunched over, so if you are unable to do so, be aware. I appreciated that they did point this out prior to entering.
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