2008 The Morgue (PERMANENTLY CLOSED) Event Reviews

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Please note: this review is for the 2008 season rather than the current season.


by missthang1113 after attending on Friday, October 24, 2008 at about 5:30 p.m.

Fun Factor: Medium Fear Factor: Medium


First timer on this one... I was reallly excited for this haunt.. but in the end was dissapointed... Throught the "haunted" forest you couldnt see a damn thing... we kept running into trees! and no actors anywhere in sight to scare us.. but when we pulled out a cellphone to see where the hell we were.. then one finally popped out to yell at us! wait time was not bad at all!! bonfire was nice and music/video was cool. Inside the hoouse.. welll.. running into poles is always fun.. not to mention actors standing around talking.. But they actually helped us when we couldnt see where we were supposed to go.. the "toliet room" now that was just discusting!!!!! And my question is.. what if your not the skinniest person in the world?? how are u supposed to fit through all those tiny areas... and there is NO DISCLAIMER about crawling around... I usually am very scared at haunted houses but this one was a downer... it had its scary parts but the unscary ones overwhelmed the rest...

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Please note: this review is for the 2008 season rather than the current season.


by Mr. Malice after attending on Friday, October 17, 2008 at about 2:30 p.m.

Fun Factor: Medium Fear Factor: Low


After hearing all the hype on this place, all I can say is it was a let down...from an adult point of view. The trail was a nice walk but the actors were kinda listless, to the point of falling in front of you. I think a few might have gotten stepped on since it's too dark to even see your footing. We were impressed with the group system. No lines and people sitting around a huge bonfire. The techo music needed to go but then again it's aimed twords the younger crowd. after about 1/2 hour we made it in. I liked the entrance area and the first room but after that my expectations dropped. the actors were dressed in street clothes and rather boring. the scare factor was not there mixed with the crawling made it seem more like a fun house than a haunted house. Climbing through a port-a-potty, the crawling and the very tight hallways/stairwells turned me off completely.


I'd recommend they remove the crawling and the 1 foot hallways. As for a fun house, this is great but as a haunted house, they missed the mark.

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Please note: this review is for the 2008 season rather than the current season.


by PoetMom after attending on Saturday, October 18, 2008 at about 4 p.m.

Fun Factor: Medium Fear Factor: Medium


We went to this house because my sister was psyched to go. The $10 price tag seemed reasonable, and I liked the idea of a covered waiting area. The 1/4 mile haunted hike in pitch darkness was awesome, and I loved the chainsaws and ghouls along the way.

The group numbering system is great - being able to mill about and be by the bonfire or concession stand makes the wait more bearable. However, the two and a half hour wait to get into the house was not something I was expecting.

While there were spooks out scaring people, there were also actors just out and about chatting with friends - not scary.

When we finally got into the house, I was surprised by the number of very young volunteers. There were a couple kids in there who looked younger than 10. There was a lot of great ideas that made up the experience, but there were a few things that were just nasty. The port-a-potty idea would have been great, but the dirty diapers and bloody maxi pads on the walls were gross - not scary.

Its a 3 story building - yes, we know there's going to be stairs. But all the crawling sucked. There should be some kind of warning for people who would have hard time on their hands and knees scurrying around in the dark.


Not bad for your money. Be prepared to wait. Be prepared to crawl around on your hands and knees ... and don't go in with your expectations too high.

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Please note: this review is for the 2008 season rather than the current season.


by jamegurl after attending on Friday, October 17, 2008 at about 4:30 p.m.

Fun Factor: Very High Fear Factor: Very High


I went to The Morgue last year and thought it was a lot of fun, so I, along with some friends, decided that this was going to be the haunted house we went to this year.

Before we went, I came online to check and see if there were any reviews on it, because I wanted to know if it was still a good one to go to. I did find one review, in which they stated, they didn't have a good time and it was not very good. I was a litte thrown off by it and a little skeptical about going, but having gone to it last year, I knew it couldn't be worse.

We arrived at The Morgue and found it to be not very busy at all. Parking was good and the wait was not terrible at all. I arrived about twenty or so minutes after the rest of my group, so they had my wristband already. If you don't know, they give you a wristband with a number on it, and call you in to the haunted house by group numbers. It is an awesome system and works very well.

Before you go into the haunted house, you have to walk through about 1/4mile dark woods. No lights or anything. Not allowed either. It was a terrifying experience for a few in our group.

After you exit the woods, you stand in an opening which has a big bon fire, and wait for them to call your group number to go into the house. Our wait was about three minutes, which was awesome, but I wouldn't have minded waiting longer. It was not cold outside nor raining.

The house was insane and filled with things you would probably never expect. You walk, crouch, crawl, climb, and slide around in there. I loved going through!! I wanted to go through it backwards when I was done.

I recommend this for anyone looking to have a heck of a time! Our group had a blast!


Awesome haunted woods/house! Not everybody has the same experience so just because you read one bad review, doesn't mean it sucks. It just means they themselves didn't have a particularly good time on a certain night. Read more then one review before deciding. Maybe opening wknd is not a good wknd to attend a haunted house.

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Please note: this review is for the 2008 season rather than the current season.


by snoopy after attending on Friday, October 17, 2008 at about 4:30 p.m.

Fun Factor: Not fun - I got a rock. Fear Factor: N/A


Where do I begin. It had been years since I had been to this haunt so i was excited to see how it had changed. The woods were too dark, found myself and my group struggeling to find the path. We made it to the bonfire and that was great. I loved the idea of being able to stand around, talk, eat, drink while wating for our groups number to be called. Then came the house, I have never been more dissapointed. I spent the entire tour watching out for my own safety as to not get hurt tripping over doorways, crawlspaces that lead to unlit drops. The actors seemed to mostly be under the age of 13 with shabby makeup wearing street clothes talking to one another as we went through the house. Needless to say it was not a good experience and I would never go back again.

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Please note: this review is for the 2008 season rather than the current season.


by svault after attending on Wednesday, October 1, 2008 at about 2 p.m.

Fun Factor: Low Fear Factor: Low


This is a very hard review for me to write. For years, the Morgue has been my all time favorite haunt. Sure there are ones that get more exposure and spend lots of money on advertising, but the Morgue always blew them out of the water. While the "big dog" in town lost site of what a haunted house should be and their price continues to climb, the had Morgue perfected what they all should be: dark, scary, and priced reasonable! That's why this past Saturday was a letdown.

I'll start out by saying that we went when it was VERY busy. I've never seen so many people at this haunt before. Word of mouth has always been the best promotion, and this was proof. We were in group 261, which I believe was the last group. At $10 a ticket and between 4 to 6 in a group, that's pretty darn good for a haunt that does very little advertising! We arrived at 11pm, and took the walk through the woods which is normally one of the scariest parts of the night. Several times we saw a cluster of actors standing around talking. Sometimes they tried to scare us (a little late as we already saw and heard them), while others would just let us walk by. Several times I heard "We want b**bies", which I did NOT appreciate.

We came into the clearing, and waited over two hours! The wait did not bother me, sometimes that's the norm. They have the big bonfire, which is nice. And they have the snack bar, which is also nice. I question some of the music selection this year. Lots of Marilyn Manson, which I guess is ok. But 'When I Grow Up' by the Pussycat Dolls? Come on!!! You could tell it was getting to be the end of the night, as they were rushing people through. Near the end, they basically just said, 'everybody come in'. We were tipped off by security that this was going to happen, so I was ready. We ran for it, so we were the 1st to go through.

I'll say it right now, I was a little disappointed because it didn't seem to have changed at all from last year. If there were changes, I didn't see any... and I went through it twice last year because we loved it so much. Another disappointment was the actors. I know it was the end of the night, and they were tired and ready go to home. But they should have known that the remaining people were being sent through (at least 60 people!), and they should have been ready. Even the automated scares seemed to be off... as they would trigger as we were already past them.

Much of the house was dark and non-eventful. I've always said in my glorious past reviews of this house how I LOVED how dark it was. Now, I'm eating my words. When you're walking around in the dark for a long time and nothing happens, it's not very exciting. When we actually did walk into a room that had actors in it, they were all sitting around talking, some even with their masks off. After this happening multiple times, I started trying to scare THEM. I think I succeeded once.

Once again, the house ends with a big slide. At this point I was more than ready to get out and go home. It was only at this time, that someone actually scared me... because I wasn't expecting it. I've been waiting all year for this house to open, and I was extremely disappointed with it. I'm not sure we'll go again, and that bums me out.



- The guy doing the announcing of numbers. He did a good job of staying in character with his voice and what he said.
- Great location
- Bonfire
- Decent snack bar

- Very little (if anything) changed
- Actors who took away from the scare instead of adding to it.
- Selling novelties that light up at the snack bar, even though they ask you don't bring anything that lights up into the house. Duh!

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Please note: this review is for the 2008 season rather than the current season.


by chcar after attending on Saturday, October 11, 2008 at about 2 p.m.

Fun Factor: Not fun - I got a rock. Fear Factor: Low


Wow what a difference 3 years makes! we attended this 3 yrs ago and thought it was great. Now i feel they missed the ball on this house, 90% of it was walking through complete darkness and when you finally came into the rooms there was little effort ftom the actors and the scences were not very impresive. Th sign at the front said it was menned by the Brillion highschool nad it showed, at one point where ther was a girl stomping her feet , she actually screamed out "dont touch my f**cking bike". Not very appropriate for highschool kids . There were many steps that we tripped over and we actually ran into a pole in the midle of the door in complete darkness, they should warn visitors of these hazards before someone gets hurt. I did not find this huant to be very fun nor scary at all, with no imagination put into it. When i finally turned on my phone light to see if there any more hazards, a boy told us " that just takes the fun out of it". I replied with the fact that they did that as soon as they shut the door.


If walking through complete darkness with limited action is for you , then you will love it. But for those who love the excitement and thrills of a good haunt, you may want to look elsewhere. In summary they missed the ball!

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