2012 Fright Factory Event Reviews

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Please note: this review is for the 2012 season rather than the current season.

Fright Factory

by Dave to the Grind (Newbie Review Crew Member) after attending on Sunday, October 21, 2012 at about 2:30 p.m.

Fun Factor: Very High Fear Factor: Medium


This was my first time at the Fright Factory and I wasn't sure what to expect. Quiet roads lead us to a building that didn't even seem occupied. My wife felt it was creepy before we walked in. Just how a haunt should start.

The ticket booth and line was in a big room inside the building. It was the first time I saw how many people were there. It seemed empty from the outside but had an impressive turnout on a Sunday night.

We were sent in with a group of teenage girls, which added to the fun as we heard their terrified screams. We started out with a video explaining the rules. A nice touch that most haunts do not have. The video ended with an expected scary surprise, which continued into the haunt.

The Fear Factory had a lot of terrific sets and themes. Some of the best I've seen this year. What was really cool is they had a few moving sets. Such as moving floors, walls and other objects to create an effect. These effects took you to many different scenes like the morgue, a witches creepy garden and, my favorite, a pirate ship!

The actors did a convincing job playing their characters. Many startled you when you weren't expecting it. Every room we walked through brought out a scream from the group. My wife actually started to feel panicked at one point when were in the pitch black trying to navigate through a dark "sea."

The Fright Factory was a really cool haunt with a unique lay out. If you're out in the Janesville area I'd highly recommend checking it out. It was filled with plenty of screams, terrific acting and highly entertaining.

Signage / Visibility / Location

They could use a bigger sign out front since we almost didn't see it.  In fact, I didn't see it but my wife did. I wasn't totally sure it was the right place at first. Though it did add an effect that we were out on our own and lost. 

Wait Area / Line Entertainment

They have an indoor line waiting area. There wasn't any line entertainment the night I was there.

Actors' Performance

The actors were excellent, their characters were solid and believable. 

Sets Scenes / Props / FX

The sets and props were some of the most memorable I've been to this year. Not only were they realistic, they added an element of movement in several rooms that you don't see at haunts. It kept you on your toes.


About 15 minutes

Crowd Control

We never ran into other groups. They had rooms and hallways that you would re-enter at another point and we didn't see anyone. In fact sometimes the actors would react to us again. The timing was excellent.

Most Memorable Moment

My favorite scene was a pirate ship we walked on. The floor moved back and forth with the sea. We had to crouch under the sails to move across the deck. It was a very cool and detailed set, all the way to the plank……


I really enjoyed to the Fright Factory and would love to go again next year. The sets, scenes and acting were fantastic. We were sent in all kinds of creative worlds with great care and detail. My ears were ringing from all the screaming in our group, a good sign of a great haunt.

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Please note: this review is for the 2012 season rather than the current season.

Fright Factory

by DarkWolf1088 (Newbie Review Crew Member) after attending on Saturday, October 13, 2012 at about 3:30 p.m.

Fun Factor: High Fear Factor: Medium


This was my first year to the Fright Factory, a non-profit haunted house used to raise money for a
local club in Janesville, WI. Fright Factory just implies a very industrial setting. Even the attraction's website sets an industrial tone. Well the drive to the attraction did not disappoint. Driving through an old brick and mortar viaduct and driving up to the massive industrial building really set the tone
for an exciting adventure.

The lobby of the attraction was large and actors had free range to scare as they wished. Modern
rock was playing in the lobby area and the way the lines were diverted and the environment you were in almost made you feel like a lamb to slaughter. It was an eerie kind of feeling. The wait to begin the haunt was approximately 20mins. The haunt split people off in groups but I would highly suggest staying in a very small group as this will give you the best experience.

As you entered the attraction you were presented with an actor that was telling you the rules of
the haunt but doing it in such a way that just made it seem like he was telling you what to do to survive. Then all of a sudden the actor screams and a splash of blood is thrown onto the window. This was all down through a projection system which was a nice touch and a great way to open the attraction.

The labyrinth itself is expansive. There are plenty of things to look at as each room is a different
theme. There are also plenty of pitch black corridors and "traps" (such as a maze filled with hanging pipes) that bring each room together. Scares were not just accomplished by the actors. There were "old school" scare tactics such as things popping out of spaces, pictures changing form, and moving platforms and walls. These "old school" practices were also paired with new technology that really brought an exciting flavor to this attraction.

Although the actors did accomplish their task of scaring customers I was disappointed in not having a little bit more "theatrically" from the actors. I have always liked the simple ambush scares but when an actor can pull you into a conversation and still scare you or use that conversation so that another actor can scare you, that is motivation and dedication. I just wish I would have had a little bit more of that rather than simple ambush tactics.

Pacing for this attraction also seemed to be a hang-up. I routinely ran into a group in front
of me and after awhile I just ended up staying with the group because I was not getting scared between the group in front of me and the group behind me.

This attraction, however, had solid scenery, had a mix of old and new technology, had good
actors, and had a solid presentation overall. I really enjoyed the rock/pop music that was being played over the mayhem. This was different, and it was a 'different' that I really enjoyed.


For a haunted attraction that is non-profit, I was amazed at the amount of technology and well constructed scenes that this haunt had available. Even if you never get scared this haunt is fun just to go to admire the scenery and technology that is in use. Thus, I found the Fright Factory to be an enjoyable experience but I came out of it really wanting more from the actors. There were so many good spots that a scare could have been made but was never used. Further the ambush tactics got old relatively quickly once you began to walk through the attraction. So although the Fright Factory may not be a contender in the scariest haunted house it certainly tops out as being one of the most fun.

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