
Please note: this review is for the 2014 season rather than the current season.

Hubertus House of Horror

by Captn_DeathSchlager (Newbie Review Crew Member) after attending on Saturday, October 4, 2014 at about 7 p.m.

Fun Factor: Very High Fear Factor: Very High


While I've only visited The Hubertus House of Horror 26 of the 31 years this haunt has been in existence I'd like to nominate the 2014 edition as the best Hubertus House ever! If you're concerned at all that a 31 year old haunt would be gruesomely stale don't be. Only a few of the best techno-scares from 2013 were redeployed for this year's edition. With the exception of the haunted school bus ride all the others were modified to sensationalize your scare. (...which, on a cold creepy night, taking the bus to a haunt IS better than walking, right?) The remaining rooms (...too numerous to count while you're getting the bejezus scared out of you!) have been completely transformed into a scaretacular visual extravaganza.

Similar to 2013, this year's journey begins with bizarre bus ride that transports you to the shadowy doorsteps of the Hubertus House. Your haunted journey then begins on the third floor of the house and sends you spiraling down through a whirlwind of creepy corridors, multiple mazes and countless rooms that each carry unique themes and actors performing ghoulish skits.

The special effects this year totally rocked my world! They were frequent, very creative and effective in not only entertaining you but keeping you immersed in the action. Rooms with extraordinary effects that I enjoyed the most included the creepy chamber of hooded figures, the candle lit caverns, the mad scientist, the wild elevator ride, the mine shaft, the construction site and the multiple Vortex rooms. (...yes, you read it correctly…there are multiple Vortexes!) ...note... given the unique surprises and effects found in each room my list of favorites would most likely change after each tour.

The Hubertus House is an interactive style haunt with each room containing a unique theme and skit performed by costumed actors/actresses. The ages of these actors appeared to cover the spectrum from high school kids to adults. While this haunt does contain a little gore and some loud scares I'd say it's definitely suitable for haunt goers of all ages.

Signage / Visibility / Location

This may not be the easiest haunt to find but if you're on the right road you really can't miss it. Also, if you come across a mass of parked cars in what feels like the middle of nowhere you've probably found the right place

Wait Area / Line Entertainment

One of the best wait areas around! The Hubertus House leverages a school gymnasium to keep you warm, well fed and entertained while you wait. The concession stand was well stocked with sweets, popcorn, drinks and even burgers. Costumed actors also popped in occasionally to heighten your anticipation of what was to come

Actors' Performance

A good mix of adult and young actors delivered entertaining performances. None of them totally freaked me out but they were still very entertaining. A few of them were good at adlibbing and allowed you to interact with them

Sets Scenes / Props / FX

Some really unique sets and a several exceptional special effects. First times and annual Hubertus House haunt goers will be dazzled with this year’s thrills.


Approximately 15 minutes.

Crowd Control

Get your tickets early! This place fills up in a hurry. Numbered tickets allow you to purchase your tickets now and come back later in the evening for immediate entry into the waiting line.

Most Memorable Moment

I swear those hooded figures are still following me!


Of the 3 haunts in the Holy Hill area this one was my favorite. A scaretacular visual extravaganza! In my opinion this year’s edition of the Hubertus House of Horror is the best ever!

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October 22nd, 2024 5:28 p.m. CDT 24.19