Why do I like Halloween? Here are a few reasons why my ghoulish tendencies come out for Halloween every year: (1) Imagination: What other holiday encourages kids to pretend they're adults and adults to pretend they're kids? (2) Creativity: Fueling our imagination while providing a chance to showcase our creativity so that our alter egos can shamelessly take center stage for a day! (3) Originality: No two Halloweens are ever the same! (4) …plus the candy is a pretty nice perk too. J
What do I look for in a haunt? These are elements that give me the heebee jeebies at a haunt: (1) Anticipation of the element of Surprise such as wondering through a dimly lit hallway (2) interactive haunts that include you in the action rather than relegate you to the mere role of spectator (3) techno-effects that excite your senses while challenging your mind to figure out how they did that.
Previous Reviews: 2021 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014
Please note: this review is for the 2015 season rather than the current season.
by Captn_DeathSchlager (Newbie Review Crew Member) after attending on Friday, October 16, 2015 at about 9 p.m.
Submitted: Tuesday, October 20, 2015
The 2015 edition of Neenah’s Most Haunted presents a Terror-riffic Tour. Walk through a maze of creative room and hallway layouts, all elaborately detailed with articulately dressed and skillfully positioned ghouls. Be very careful though, an epidemic is ravaging the inhabitants of this haunt turning many of them into Zombi-riffic creatures of the night looking for more victims…will you be infected as well?
While this isn’t the scariest haunt I’ve visited it most certainly offers a ghoulishly great time…especially for younger haunt goers. Despite the kid appropriate scares here adults will definitely enjoy the clever room layouts and polished performances of the ghouls as well as the maze that awaits. While dark and potentially frustrating the maze provides a uniquely chilling experience.
Neenah’s Most Haunted is in its 30th year and the 6th year of the last 7 that I’ve visit this haunt. Each year I’ve been pleasantly surprised by the improvements and the superb job the young actors do portraying their roles. Fun & Nicely Done!
Please note: this review is for the 2015 season rather than the current season.
by Captn_DeathSchlager (Newbie Review Crew Member) after attending on Friday, October 9, 2015 at about 8:30 p.m.
Submitted: Wednesday, October 14, 2015
Sensationally Scary! Fantastically Frightful!! Prepare yourself to be shocked and awed…regardless of whether you’ve never been to the Burial Chamber complex or you’ve attended toured all 7 reincarnations of this haunt a terrifying tour awaits you! While the sheer size of this haunt may make first timers gasp with nervous anticipation what lurks inside will certainly take everyone’s breath away. 2015 was my 6th visit to Burial Chamber in the past 7 seasons. Amazingly, despite being familiar with the scare tactics employed by the ghouls and demons at Burial Chamber they have always succeeded in making me jump. If you’re concerned about similarities between this year’s tour and prior year’s you’ll be pleased to find several new rooms and creepy encounters to excite your senses…particularly in Insanity. Over the past 7 years as a Review Crew Member I’ve been to many of the haunts in Wisconsin and I’ve yet to find one as massive as Burial Chamber…or as talented at terrorizing you.
Of course for all you Haunt Connoisseurs out there I don’t have to tell you that it’s not always the size of the haunt that matters. When it comes to Burial Chamber, not only is this complex well endowed, it employs an amazing arsenal of creeped out corridors, crazy creatures and good ole’ fashioned in your face scares to maximize your ghoulish gratification.
Burial Chamber features two indoor haunts (Adrenaline and Insanity) that reside side by side and one (Phobia) that’s outside. The layout of Adrenaline and Insanity are similar in that they are both comprised of a seemingly endless maze of cleverly crafted corridors consisting of a variety of themes. The journey through both Adrenaline and Insanity progresses continuously without stoppages for elaborate skits. Rooms here are more like themed corridors than rooms and your pace through these haunts are determined more by how quickly you walk than it is by the creatures lurking in the shadows.
Consistent with prior years, the pace of Adrenaline is fast and furious as the ghouls are unrelenting in their quest to scare each and every visitor regardless of their position within a group. Yes, you read that correctly…you will be terrorized regardless of your position in your group as there is no place to hide from the menacing monsters lurking throughout the haunt. The lighting of Adrenaline is noticeably darker than Insanity but there was always just enough light for you to find your way without the worry of walking into a wall. The maze of dimly lit hallways of Adrenaline did an exceptional job of building my anticipation of the scares that await but unfortunately made it challenging for the true haunt connoisseur in me to appreciate how elaborate the sets and creatures were. Nonetheless, if you’re looking for a good scare to get your heart dancing like Dracula’s Discotheque Adrenaline will get the job done!
Insanity on the other hand left little to the imagination. Sets were lit effectively…dim enough to encourage you to keep your scare guard up but light enough so that you could appreciate the amazing attention to detail with the sets and costumed actors. There were fewer creatures lurking in the shadows of Insanity but enough to make you jump occasionally. Gore and special effects were plentiful with several visual abominations that will torment your mind long after your exit. Laser lighting, black lit rooms, a vortex, strobe lights, and trick floor were just a few of the visual stimuli Insanity offered up.
Unlike Adrenaline and Insanity, Phobia resides completely outside and features a terrifying tour through the woods along with occasional petrifying passages through eerie dwellings found along the way. Rustling brush and sinister sounds heighten your anticipation of what’s to come as you proceed along a moon lit path. Similar to Adrenaline, the monsters in Phobia were menacing, highly motivated and acrobatic doing an exceptional job of appearing out of nowhere to scare each and every member the tour group regardless of position.
Consistent with prior years, I find it challenging to pick a clear-cut favorite out of Burial Chambers 3 haunted attractions. By far Adrenaline was the most terrifying while Insanity offers an amazing visual experience. Of the 7 haunted attractions I’ve been to in 2015, Burial Chamber once again has my vote as the scariest most terrifying attraction!
View all Burial Chamber Haunted House Complex reviews
Please note: this review is for the 2015 season rather than the current season.
by Captn_DeathSchlager (Newbie Review Crew Member) after attending on Saturday, October 10, 2015 at about 10 p.m.
Submitted: Sunday, October 11, 2015
The Dwelling of Despair Haunted House & accompanying Forest of Fear is a self-guided, interactive ghoulish attraction known for its scaretacular special effects, intense make-up, elaborate decor, skilled actors, unique monsters, unusual themes and chilling detail! To put it simply the Dwelling of Despair & Forest of Fear is the total package - an extremely high quality immersive event that merges SCARY, FUN and COOL into a safe environment. More importantly the Dwelling of Despair is ever changing. Accompanying the new name for this haunt are new effects, scares, characters, story lines and an extended terrifying tour. Rest assured though, this haunt has still retained the same Halloween charm that has brought guests back for the past 30 years!
The 2015 edition of this haunt presents two horrifying sections to test your wits and your desire to survive. THE Forrest of Fear kicks off your terrifying tour on a dark and twisted path patrolled by evil spirits and several fiendish ghouls. If you're lucky enough to slip past these gorish guardians the entrance of the 3 story Dwelling of Despair awaits from the 3rd floor balcony. To escape the nightmares found within the unfriendly confines of the Dwelling of Despair you must successfully navigate a maze of uniquely themed rooms and hidden passages through the bowls of the entire house. Along the way you are sure to encounter each and every inhabitant of the house...some fun, some helpful but most of all they are all quite frightful!
View all Dwelling Of Despair (PERMANENTLY CLOSED) reviews
February 19th, 2025 8:37 a.m. CST 24.11.01
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