Please note: this review is for the 2016 season rather than the current season.

Haunted Forest and Cornfield at Meadowbrook Pumpkin Farm

by LyleisWeird (Newbie Review Crew Member) after attending on Saturday, October 1, 2016 at about 10 p.m.

Fun Factor: Very High Fear Factor: Very High


Well boils and ghouls, it’s that time of year again! Pumpkin spice is in the air and hauntings are revving up to full, spectral force. What better way to kick off the season, and the first day of October, with a haunted cornfield? When my wife and I heard about Meadowbrook Haunted Cornfield we were all ears.

The first night we tried the haunt we got rained out. They had still been setting up and the rain had delayed their opening. We spent about 20 minutes chatting with Rick, the proprietor. After a spell, we decided to just come back the next day rather than wait around. Rick seemed generally let down that we couldn’t stay. As a manner of apology, he gave us a jar of Meadowbrook pickles—they pack a punch!

The next day made a huge difference. The whole place was lit up with spooky goodness everywhere and a pumpkin patch with some of the most impressive gourds I’ve seen in a while. The unassuming cornfield from the night before was alive with eerie lights and the waling of the damned. The ground was still muddy, but the haunt was pretty steady with victims, er, guests, tromping through the pumpkin patch and lining up for some scares.

The haunted cornfield itself was out of this world—sometimes literally. You'll follow the winding path and run through a variety of themed encounters. It's almost like getting a few haunts for the price of one. The haunt has great pacing, giving you just enough time to catch your breath before scaring it right back out of you. The haunt's design tells a tale of an abandoned mining town before opening up to all your wildest nightmares. Far from feeling hodgepodge, it's like a measured decent to madness. As it says on their website, the haunt is physical. Be ready to stoop down under spider webs, squeeze through looming corn stalks, and crouch through tight passage ways. You can skip the gym after this one.

I shambled into this haunt with the expectations of quality scares and low budget charm, but what I got was a haunt that can rival some of the big budget productions. I don’t want to give much away, there are surprises around every turn, but at one point you will board a haunted ship and flee from an animatronic prop that would give Cthulhu nightmares. If you're looking for a frightfully good time, the Meadowbrook Haunted Cornfield is the place to be.

Signage / Visibility / Location

You might miss the turn off the main road heading to the haunted cornfield—keep your eyes peeled for the large, pumpkin-shaped signs. When you first pull in to Meadowbrook Haunted Cornfield you pass their wild assortment of pumpkins with the mouth of their haunted cornfield looming in the distance. The parking area could use some lighting, as it was a little dark; nothing dangerous, just keep someone's eyes peeled for signs and staff, and drive slow. You’ll be fine.

Actors' Performance

The actors do a killer job with their roles. They chased, jumped, screamed, crawled, and tormented us through every winding turn of the haunt. They put their hearts and souls, and maybe some other people’s hearts and souls, into their acting. We were literally chased back to the parking lot. That’s the kind of dead-icatation that’s hard to dig up.

Sets Scenes / Props / FX

The prop work at this haunt is on its own level. The aforementioned animatronics steal the show, but the rest of it is nothing to shake a stalk at. I would not have been disappointed to see some of these special effects at a big budget, pro-level haunt. The unassuming, bucolic farm belies the interactive props, motion sensors, and immersive sets. Rick and his team have the chops to give any haunt a run for their money.


This is going to be some of the most terrifying, frantic, and enjoyable 40 minutes of your life. Their website says to expect 45 minutes to get though the haunt. We made it in just about 40—but we were running for our lives for a good portion of that.

Most Memorable Moment

I won't spoil the horror for you, but, at some point, you'll be lost in a maze with a clown that just, really, really wants some friends to play with...


I can’t recommend this haunt enough. In spite of the 40 minute drive from Milwaukee, my wife and I plan on going back at least one more time this season. 10/10 Children of the Corn recommend this haunt.

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February 19th, 2025 10:02 a.m. CST 24.11.01