Please note: this review is for the 2012 season rather than the current season.
by beastlysyl after attending on Saturday, October 13, 2012 at about 3 p.m.
Submitted: Tuesday, October 16, 2012
The Hills Has Eyes I must say was worth the money I paid for it. I am a Halloween enthusiest and have a good perspective on what is and isnt a good haunt, and I must say that Hills Has Eyes did a pretty good job.
I bought my tickets for $11.50 because of a 103.7 offer. So i bought them on impulse and I'm very happy I did.
3 Haunts in one!
The First trail was roughly 15 minutes 20 if you really take your time. The set up and the organization was very good. The path had plenty of actors, most in masks and the haunt was mostly a "hide behind a tree and say boo, or scare you suddenly in some way" which made it ok. There were a few "scenes" which were off the path which was dissapointing because some of them were very interesting and I wanted to get a better look.
The second trail was roughly 12-15 minutes, a little shorter, but was less detailed but there were some good things about it (i wont spill the beans). Then they took you to a ski lift and rode up the hill which i thought was a fantastic twist! Ascended to a tent where there was a foggy haze and various lights. And it was a typical maze of doors and windows that people would pop out of.
The entertainment/music/bonfire before hand was a great idea and i think they should grow on that.
The haunt was a very good haunt for the first year. Honestly the $23 would be too steep for me to pay for it that I didnt think it would be worth it, but its definitly worth $12-15
The scare factor was relatively low but It was a fascinating haunt and a great idea that I know they will grow on.
February 18th, 2025 4:04 a.m. CST 24.11.01
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