Please note: this review is for the 2010 season rather than the current season.

Youth Go's Haunted House (CLOSED IN 2020)

by blazepi13 (Newbie Review Crew Member) after attending on Saturday, October 16, 2010 at about 3 p.m.

Fun Factor: High Fear Factor: Medium


Now in its 25th year of operation, Neenah's Most Haunted is the longest running non-profit Haunted House in the Fox Valley and its experience shows.  This haunted house is a fundraiser for Youth Go, a non-profit youth drop in center in Neenah and is fully wheelchair accessible.  At only $10 a ticket, it is also a budget-friendly haunt!

Getting to and finding Neenah's Most Haunted is easy.  The directions on the Haunted Wisconsin website got straight to the haunt from far away and the lights, hearse, and lawn littered with patrons and actors (called "scharacters") let us know we were at the right place!  Mr. K, the easily scared, and I arrived around 8:00pm and there wasn't anyone in line so we pretty much had the house to ourselves!  From the moment we got in line to the moment we left we were constantly surrounded by "scharacters."  What was great about Neenah's Most Haunted was the amount of interaction we had with them - we spent quite a bit of time in the first room chatting with a couple of them and they kept scaring us over and over again, even when we were expecting it!

What really stood out to me at Neenah's Most Haunted was their use of false and hidden exits.  We were constantly searching for a way out and oftentimes came to a dead end.  Luckily the "scharacters" weren't too cruel and, after a while, would give us a little hint towards where we should go.

Upon exiting, Mr. K and I were both reflecting on what our favorite parts of the house were, when out of nowhere came a man with a chainsaw!  Mr. K ran to the car and jumped in, leaving me outside to be chased around the car!  The people at Neenah's Most Haunted are enthusiastic and full of energy from start to finish, and I think that's what makes it such a great haunt for a great cause.

Signage / Visibility / Location

It's easy to get to Neenah's Most Haunted and it's very easy to see from the street - just look for all of the scharacters running around!

Wait Area / Line Entertainment

We didn't experience any wait, but I imagine the wait is much longer if you are there later at night or later in the season.  The wait is outside so dress appropriately and be prepared to be scared while waiting in line!

Actors' Performance

The actors were fabulous.  They attend classes on how to scare and it shows!  We were really impressed with how even the youngest actors had no problem at all interacting with us and could have kept us there, creeping us out, for hours!

Sets Scenes / Props / FX

Again, the sets/scenes/props were great (and designed by the same youth who run the house).  There are no animatronics and no holograms, which gives every room a very realistic feel.


The whole haunt, from start to finish, lasted about 20 minutes.  We probably went through a little more quickly than usual because we were the only two in our group and Mr. K kept running away from the "scharacters!"

Crowd Control

We had no issues with crowd control as there were no other patrons present at the time we attended the haunt (though there were people lined up when we left).

Most Memorable Moment

I don't know what to call it but the hall of tubes.  It was really scary to be so crowded in and have no clue where I was going!  I also really enjoyed how personal everything felt.  Instead of just being screamed at we were actually able to interact with people.


Neenah's Most Haunted was a lot of fun for a good price.

View all Youth Go's Haunted House (CLOSED IN 2020) reviews

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February 19th, 2025 9:58 a.m. CST 24.11.01