Please note: this review is for the 2010 season rather than the current season.
by carlykarl after attending on Saturday, October 16, 2010 at about 4 p.m.
Submitted: Sunday, October 17, 2010
We went to this haunt yesterday with a small group of four. We got there around 9:10 and it was pretty packed. We bought our tickets and then stood in line, asking everyone that had gone through if it was scary or not. As expected, most of the said, "you'll have to decide for yourself."
<b>Signage / Visibility / Location</b>
Make sure to print out some directions before you go; they do have signs pointing to the direction your are suppose to go once you get off the highway, but its also nice to have a little extra help. Also, please note that the haunt is at the END of a road, so even thought it feels like you're going to the middle of nowhere, keep driving, you'll get there eventually.
<b>Wait Area / Line Entertainment</b>
When we got there and saw how long the line was, we seriously considered leaving, but one of the members of our group convinced us to stay. Surprisingly the line went rather fast because they split the it into groups of 25 or so. There are no actors entertaining the line, but since you are at a farm the line forms around the pony pen! Also, they did have a table which contained a wide variety of refreshments available for purchase.
<b>Actors' Performance<b/>
The actors were great, and had no trouble screaming in anybody's ear. There were quite a few funny actors (e.g. some 12 year old boy calling us star trek geeks? weird) that did take the scary out of the atmosphere, but we were reluctant to have that.
<b>Sets Scenes / Props / FX</b>
You get for different settings for the small price of $15. First, is the mine shaft, which you are told the history of before entering. Honestly, this was one of the greatest set ups that we have ever been to. You could tell that they spent a lot of time, and money, on this part. You were slit into groups of two and then allowed to enter. It was filled with smoke, sand, grass, stairs, strobe lights, dark rooms... we think you get the point. It was great! After surviving the mine, you wait around a fire for the rest of the group to come out of the mine shaft. Eventually a large tractor comes and takes you on a ride to your nest destination. On the tractor you experience numerous ghouls, sounds, props, and interactive things as it drives you around a spooky woods. Be on your toes while on this tractor, there are definitely somethings that happen that you would never expect. After the tractor drops you off in the middle of the woods, you wait for a few moments before being split into groups of two again and venturing into the dark woods. There are many scares in this part and the props add a good effect. You then finish this haunt by entering into the corn maze. We must say, out of everything this haunt had to offer, this was definitely lacking some actors.
We agree that this is one of the longer haunts we have been to. It took about an hour to get through, which we thought was great.
<b>Most Memorable Moment</b>
We would say the mine shaft. Everything about that place was great.
For $15 we can honestly say it was worth the price. It's an event for people looking to have a good time. It may not be scary for everyone, but honestly, you'll have a blast. We will be back next year, there is no doubt about that.
September 9th, 2024 12:32 p.m. CDT 24.11
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