Please note: this review is for the 2010 season rather than the current season.
by x0char0x (Newbie Review Crew Member) after attending on Friday, October 1, 2010 at about 3:30 p.m.
Submitted: Sunday, October 3, 2010
The Haunted Barn is a haunt that I feel is a must see. This was my first time attending this haunt and I was left very impressed. The use of their space is simply amazing to me. They have you going in and out of building, through the woods, past graveyards, you just never know what to expect around the next turn. It truly makes you feel like you are inside of an eerie haunted farm.
The house portions of this haunt have very detailed and creative scenes. They had scenes set up that I haven't seen really anywhere else. There were monsters lurking in all the right places.
The wooded portion was one of my favorites. Although it did start off kind of slow it definitely picked up speed as you wondered further into it. As I walked further into it not only did I have the actors scaring me but the atmosphere did as well. There is just something about wondering in the woods not knowing where you will end up that has always creeped me out.
It isn't over yet when you walk out of the woods, you are then led back into the house for more nightmares that came to life.
View all The Haunted Barn Stoughton (PERMANENTLY CLOSED) reviews
February 9th, 2025 3:33 p.m. CST 24.11.01
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