Please note: this review is for the 2009 season rather than the current season.

Hartford Jaycees Haunted House

by bigefan after attending on Saturday, October 31, 2009 at about 4 p.m.

Fun Factor: Medium Fear Factor: Medium


First off, for a handfull of kids and preeteen girls this was probably an ok haunt. For anyone else.....there were some suprises but for the most part you could see everything coming from a mile away....swamp thing????? My son...(9 years old) thought it was pretty cool but this was only his second one. The property is really great, the house, barn and woods all have great potential and it appears there are some dedicated people who can really put this haunt over the top with a little more work. Here are my suggestions;

1. Get some scary charectors greeeting people coming and going through the wooded area on their way in and out of the park. I could see someone like Mike Myers or Jason coming out by your car as you drive in or out of the park.

2. Get a lot better at transitioning people from one area to the next. The scenes were pretty decent but all too often we stood around wondering if we were supposed to move on to the next room or not. The guys in the kitchen were great but they wondering how to move us along too.

3. Lose the air bag things...not scary...annoying.

4. The mechanical things are ok for a startle but they stayed out long enough for you to get a long look at them and realize how fake and lame they were.

5. Do something with the staging area. Once you leave the barn and end up in the tent, you almost lose the mood as it isnt in theme anymore.


Ok haunt with great potential.

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February 19th, 2025 8:46 a.m. CST 24.11.01