Please note: this review is for the 2009 season rather than the current season.

Wisconsin Feargrounds

by scaredstiff after attending on Thursday, October 29, 2009 at about 2:30 p.m.

Fun Factor: Very High Fear Factor: Very High


I attended HauntCon back in April and toured the facility during the convention and I thought it was quite the set up then. Going to it during the October season, I did not think that much was going to change...BUT I WAS DEAD WRONG! The actors were amazing through out the whole 3 areas that we attended. (Side Bar: If you do one you must do all is quite the production)
The detail to attention, 1.)while standing in line, and getting scared, to the first corralled area, getting scared, to the entrance to all three attractions (getting scared), was absolutely awesome! (Did I mention getting SCARED!) This was one Haunt that I will go to year after year to gaze in horrific glory. I was in amazement that there were hardly any masks, all real faces, real facial expressions and real eyes staring you down. I specifically appreciated the one actor that got up right in your face (inches away) that seemed like he had just popped a breath mint, no bad breath, that was a plus! This was like an amusement park of horror and the price, fitting to the park theme. I was concerned about spending $30 for all three but not after going through it. It was well worth my money and would do it again in a heartbeat, or at least the ones that skipped a few times after being scared. Great job Timmer, you and your crew of everyone involved deserve a pat on the back. Keep the Twinkies, HoHo's, and Ding Dongs on that silver platter, they will come in handy sometime!(haha)


Great Experience for anyone and everyone. Well thought out and planned. Great timing of the actors. This is an excellent production for anyone wanting a memorable moment for attending a Halloween Attraction. Will see you guys next year! Good Luck this last weekend...KNOCK 'EM DEAD!

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February 18th, 2025 6:08 a.m. CST 24.11.01