Please note: this review is for the 2008 season rather than the current season.

Haunted Forest and Cornfield at Meadowbrook Pumpkin Farm

by katie_kiesow13 (Newbie Review Crew Member) after attending on Saturday, October 25, 2008 at about 4:30 p.m.

Fun Factor: Medium Fear Factor: Low


A number of things lead to the success of this haunted corn field. First, the location is fantastic. It's in the middle of nowhere and the entire thing is set in a cornfield - setting the mood for a haunt doesn't get any better than that! Also, the length of the haunt is beneficial. It does cost more than most haunts, but it also lasts about three times as long, too. In that sense, it's worth the cost. On the other hand, how scary this haunt is depends heavily on your personal scare factor. I was not scared once through the whole haunt, but one of the girls I was with went in our second group and she came out crying because she was terrfied. So, I guess it all depends. This haunt depends heavily on animatronic and static props. Given its size, I guess that should not be unexpected. However, these types of props are not nearly as scary as a live actor in your face - which we saw very little of. A number of the actors we saw broke character, too, which makes them even less scary. In the middle of the haunt we were held up by security for a good ten minutes because everyone got caught up in the same area. So that was a total buzz-kill. Overall, I was unfortunately not all that impressed this year.

Signage / Visibility / Location

If you follow the directions on the website, you'll have no trouble finding the house. Keep an eye out for the sign, though, because it's not lit up and can be easy to miss if you're not sure where you're going.

Wait Area / Line Entertainment

There is a LOT to do while you're waiting. They have a gift shop and a bonfire and lots of animals to look at. Great things to do to pass the time... which can be long. I think it was around three hours when we went.

Actors' Performance

Nothing spectacular. In fact, not any memorable actors. A lot of jumping out and growling at everyone.

Sets Scenes / Props / FX

The UFO is my favorite, it's just so cool! There are a couple of rooms that you walk through in the middle of the field that play mind tricks with string and black lights... and clowns... that's kinda fun.


From the time we entered to the time we exited, it was 35 minutes. However, we were walking very fast because of some scaredy cats in our group... but on the other hand, we were stopped by security for about 10 minutes. So I'd say one half-hour from start to finish is about average.

Crowd Control

Security walks through the haunt at all times, as I'm sure they have to in such a large area. They did a good job except when we had to stop for such a long time because everyone got stopped up at the same place.

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February 19th, 2025 9:36 a.m. CST 24.11.01