Please note: this review is for the 2005 season rather than the current season.

Trail Of Terror - Final Season

by scaredtall after attending on Saturday, October 29, 2005 at about 3 p.m.

Fun Factor: High Fear Factor: Medium


Signage / Visibility / Location

Printed out Haunted WI page and directions given were accurate. A bigger or lighted sign at the enterance where to turn would have been nice. Being dark the small board sign pointing to where to turn into the event was hard to see. The event area was not visible from the road at a distance.

Wait Area / Line Entertainment

The ticket/wait area was decorated and so were the people. They gave out suckers and a light tube to put around your the ghouls can see where you are. A NICE idea! After paying we went to an inclosed wait area to listen to a voice tape. We sat on straw bales. We were the only ones there but had to wait to see if more people were coming. You were escorted thru the haunted forest by a guide. Nice wait/ticket area.

Most Unique

Actor on horse. Though I was always looking back not for the 'haunt' of it, but was concerned of the ability of the rider to control the animal. It did seem to get close at time. If it stayed more away it would have had a better effect. Was different (good)when it rained (drops) when the stars were out! The hay elevator watch out for. You knew something was up! The witch with 'supper' was excellent in repore with us. More of that type is needed in haunts!

Actors' Performance

Nice loud area to begin the journey. Actors did a good job. Some actors you did not see...such as screaming ones, throwing objects ones, and 'water' ones. There were loud areas in the forest to startle you.

Appropriate For

teens and up


Guide was good. Trail lasted about 20 minutes. The trail was minimally lit with torches or milk lanterns and kept the trail dark yet you were able to walk nicely. Trail was smooth to walk on. Nicely done. Though hate to say would not travel an hour to see it. We would not go next year unless more areas of fright. This is a very nice 'local' haunt. They did a good job.

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February 14th, 2025 11:24 a.m. CST 24.11.01