
Please note: this review is for the 2005 season rather than the current season.

Bear Den Haunted Woods - CLOSED -

by QWeenKelli after attending on Saturday, October 15, 2005 at about 3 p.m.

Fun Factor: High Fear Factor: Very High


Signage / Visibility / Location

We knew where we were going so it wasn't difficult, keep an eye out for two strings of orange lights, that's the only indication of the place. It's definitely tucked away in the "country" and that in itself, added to the creepiness.

Wait Area / Line Entertainment

The barn where you buy tickets kind of creeps you out. They have a lot of old farming tools that are really kind of creepy in there. They also were selling concessions which is a plus. There are not a lot of decorations and no roaming actors. It is dark outside where you spend most of your time waiting. Go early enough and the line moves very fast. From the time we first got in line to buy tickets to the time we left... 1 and a half hours. The only problem we had that night was figuring out which line was for what and where the lines ended.

Most Unique

Hearse ride! There's a lot of anticipation when you're packed in the hearse with a lot of people who are just as creeped out as you are. Everyone in our group was great. Be prepared to bail out of that hearse!

Actors' Performance

This haunt uses a lot of actors. We caught a few actors off gaurd and I swear I heard two actors having a casual conversation a few minutes into the trail. For the most part, the actors were creepy, well-done, and in some spots, unpredictable.

Appropriate For



The production was well done. This is my second time to this haunt and it was completely different than last year. The lines moved very quickly and they packed the hearses full. (No worries, a hearse is VERY spacious and fit 13 people without being too cramped)Keep pace on the trail. Don't run through. We didn't catch up to the group ahead of us but the group behind us caught up very quick and spent time standing around trying to lose us. It's a long trail and fun when your in one group of 13 people, not a group of 25. Dont speed through everything, you will miss things. Be prepared for an outdoor event where you could get a little dirty and be prepared for actors that are a LOT creepy when you're face to face. I'm not scared easily but there was one point where I found myself unable to move, screaming bloody murder.

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October 22nd, 2024 5:28 p.m. CDT 24.19