Please note: this review is for the 2004 season rather than the current season.

Hubertus House of Horror

by Little Nurkey after attending on Saturday, October 9, 2004 at about 4:30 p.m.

Fun Factor: High Fear Factor: High


Signage / Visibility / Location

It could use a sign visible at night when turning off 164 onto Hubertus Rd. but otherwise good.

Wait Area / Line Entertainment

Concession stand seems to get more variety every year. Pizza, hamburgers, and other hot foods good. Not too much to do while waiting but is there ever? That's what people watching is for!


25 minutes. Estimated time when we arrived was 1 1/2 hours, but they started trying to fill groups. There was two of us and we got in about an hour ahead of schedule. It was nice that they were trying to get people through.

Actors' Performance

Great and all very into their parts

Appropriate For

10 and up


Small groups (8) allow for equal attention from the monsters to all in the group. The actors make sure the whole group is into the room before scaring starts, making it a surprise for everyone, not just the first in line!!

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February 14th, 2025 11:58 a.m. CST 24.11.01