Please note: this review is for the 2002 season rather than the current season.

Fright Factory

by horseluvingrl after attending on Monday, October 28, 2002 at about 2:15 p.m.

Fun Factor: Low Fear Factor: N/A


Signage / Visibility / Location

It was pretty easy to find if you live in Janesville.......

Wait Area / Line Entertainment

We waited for about a 1/2 hour......


about 10 minutes

Actors' Performance

I really didn't think that there were a lot of "mosters" mostly what I see were little kids trying to be scary but they weren' was more funny than scary

Appropriate For

6-12 year olds


I think this place has good potential if they have more monsters who are willing to get into their character more......also I didn't like the guide showing us the way.....its takes the fun out of it

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February 19th, 2025 8:34 a.m. CST 24.11.01