Newbie Review Crew Member

Pete (dubstyle_2k)

Photo of Pete

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2009 Reviews

Please note: this review is for the 2009 season rather than the current season.

Lister F/X Presents Monster Mayhem Haunted Laser Tag (CLOSED)

by dubstyle_2k (Newbie Review Crew Member) after attending on Saturday, October 17, 2009 at about 5:30 a.m.

Fun Factor: Very High Fear Factor: High


Monster Mayhem, an outbreak experience!  The night began with kind of a boring wait, you purchased our tickets and waited, no music, no monsters, but this is to be expected, you are waiting in a pizza parlor after all.  Once in, you are led to a dark staiway, where you wait in another line, for a gentleman to get you.  Monster Mayhem was very actor and prop heavy.  The central theme is an outbreak, and zombie takeover.  At times you are rushed by "guards" to get from area to area, this is a great effect, gets the heart pumping.  This haunt has two fake elevators that give the effect that you are going down deep into the ground.  There is a couple effects that involve getting sprayed with water, always nice when there are physical scares like this.  The best part of Mayhem was the giant alien at the end that appears to be an animitronic, you walk by, it follows you!  Mayhem was a short, but fun thrill ride!

Signage / Visibility / Location

If you are not looking for it, you will miss it, no real outside signage, just inside.

Wait Area / Line Entertainment

It is in a pizza joint, so not much they can do, don't want to upset other patrons

Actors' Performance

the actors were totally into this!  they made you believe you were in a heap of trouble!

Sets Scenes / Props / FX

the sets were great, unbelievable effects


about 10 minutes, a little short, but fun

Crowd Control

lacking, once you get your wristband, you can sit wherever, seemed like it could get chaotic

Most Memorable Moment

Large alen chasing us


Short but sweet, Monster Mayhem was full of infected ghouls and heart racing activity.  A full throddle haunt!

View all Lister F/X Presents Monster Mayhem Haunted Laser Tag (CLOSED) reviews

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Please note: this review is for the 2009 season rather than the current season.

Gilly's Haunted House

by dubstyle_2k (Newbie Review Crew Member) after attending on Saturday, October 17, 2009 at about 4 p.m.

Fun Factor: Very High Fear Factor: Very High


Gilly's the haunt I was least excited for, turned out to be the best so far!  The line was short and fast, there were no actors entertaining, but there were, "newspaper clippings" explaining the history of Gilly's.  I really liked the music that was being played as we waited, part circus, part halloween, part ska, it was fun to listen to.  After the line we were led down a path to a very smokie greenhouse-ish area where we boarded an animated boat!  It was great.  A ghoulish woman then boarded the boat and went over a few rules with you.  The smoke was so dense, you couldn't see a thing, it was very cool.  The theme was very circus heavy, which is alright with me, sideshows, clowns and freaks all in one place!  The highlights of the haunt were the spinning room, this left you feeling real disorientated.  There was a room with a swirl on the floor, a strobe light and what appeared to be a fake clown contorsionist on the wall, but he wasn't fake!  Creeped us out!  Another great part was the mirrored hallway, my girlfriend said the highlight of her season was me leading the way down this hallway, walking up to one turn, seeing my refection, and saying "oh wait, that's me"  Great effect!  In all, the effects were great, the actors were top notch, the staff was awesome, and Gilly's was the best haunt of the year!  

Signage / Visibility / Location

Gilly's was well lit, and easy to find.

Wait Area / Line Entertainment

Waiting area could have used some actors, but the clippings on the wall and the music was very entertaining.

Actors' Performance

The best actors around, very dedicated.

Sets Scenes / Props / FX

The sets were great, all in the circus theme.  They spent a lot of time!


15 minutes to complete, but felt like we were in there for an hour, lots to see, lots of fun!

Crowd Control

The lines were contained very well, nobody bouncing around

Most Memorable Moment

The boat ride was the best, it was just the rules, but nothing I had experienced in a haunt before.  The spinning room definately was second.


I have been to Gilly's a few times in the past and never was "WOWed" by it, but this year Gilly's made a believer out of me.  It was by far the funnest experience haunt wise.  They had the most dedicated actors.  Lots of fun!

View all Gilly's Haunted House reviews

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Please note: this review is for the 2009 season rather than the current season.

Haunted Forest and Cornfield at Meadowbrook Pumpkin Farm

by dubstyle_2k (Newbie Review Crew Member) after attending on Saturday, October 10, 2009 at about 6 p.m.

Fun Factor: Very High Fear Factor: High


Meadowbrook is always one of the highlights of the season for me.  This year was a bit different, but good none the less.  We arrived, the parking was ample.  Decorations on the outside were the same as years past, highlighted by the Killer Clowns From outerspace exhibit and the penned animals that at times can freak you out.  Nothing scarier than a goat making noises when you are not expecting it!  We got our wristbands and headed to the campfire, where a gentleman was
telling ghost stories, this is new to me, there was no fire the last
time I was there.  After about 20 minutes listening to stories and warming up by the fire, our numbers were called and we proceded to the line.  This line would have been uneventfull, had it not been for the above mentioned animals, it was fun watching them.  After about 20 minutes in this line we entered the cornfield.  The cornfield had AMAZING effects, I couldn't even begin to guess how much money was spent on props and electricity.  There were a minimal amount of actors in the haunt, which was a little dissapointing to me, I would have liked more interaction.  With that said Meadowbrook went above and beyond decorating the haunt.  The best part, by far was an animitronic at the end that was reminiscent of an alien from the Alien films, fery good detail and very big!  The field took a good 45 minutes to an hour to get though.  In all, Meadowbrook is probably the best haunt for your money, long and detailed, Meadowbrook knows what they are doing! 

Signage / Visibility / Location

The directions provided on the site take you to where you need to go, The large sign in front and the visable bonfire don't hurt either!

Wait Area / Line Entertainment

The bonfire before the line definately help warm you up, in years past I remember waiting in that line for, what seemed like, forever, freezing.  The line itself was shorter due to this, but no real entertainment, aside from some penned animals.

Actors' Performance

There were few actors in the field, the ones that were there were pretty good, the corn all around them made it hard for them to "sneak" up on you, but they did well.

Sets Scenes / Props / FX

A++++, the best props this side of the Rocky Mountains!  but seriously, unbelievable stuff, these people know what they are doing and don't hold back a thing!


Another stellar area for Meadowbrook, If you want to get your moneys worth, this place is it.  Your are looking at upwards of an hour, that is rediculously good!

Crowd Control

The bonfire was a great addition, this keeps the crowd down and eliminates what I remember from the past, lines extending across the main road.

Most Memorable Moment

The LARGE alien at the end, very cool looking, very awesome


Meadowbrook is a visual masterpiece of horror!  A lengthy journey through the corn with unbelievable effects.  Fun for the entire family!

View all Haunted Forest and Cornfield at Meadowbrook Pumpkin Farm reviews

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Please note: this review is for the 2009 season rather than the current season.

Wisconsin Feargrounds

by dubstyle_2k (Newbie Review Crew Member) after attending on Friday, October 9, 2009 at about 3 p.m.

Fun Factor: Very High Fear Factor: Very High


Wisconsin Fear Grounds, what a treat this was!  Three haunts in one, all three completely different.  Our night began with a little confusion, as the grounds have many areas , and not all of them are haunt related!  We arrived only to discover we went to the wrong area.  This was totally our fault as there were signs directing us to the haunt, that we missed.  Once we finally made it to the right area, things ran smoothly.  Tickets and concessions along with port-o-pottys are readily available.  We got our tickets and headed into a short waiting area.  The line wasn't too ling and was entertaining due to a television that was running a loop of one of the hallways in the haunt.  You could see, thanks to night vision, some visitors being scared, some to the point of falling!  Next, we were herded up like cattle and lead to a pen, where I can only guess houses cows during the fair season.  The pen was entertaining because just when you thought it was just another waiting area, out come some ghouls to get you!  They were great, smelling us and telling my girlfriend she had gone bad!  After the pen, we were led to the first of three haunts...

Morgan Manor:  Manor was great, reminiscent of haunts I attended as a child, relying heavily on props and ambiance to scare you.  There were few actors in here, but the decoration and effort they had to put in payed off.  Loud sounds, darkness, and ghoulish props made manor very fun and creepy.  This haunt lasted about 10-15 minutes, after we exited, there was a path that led to the next haunt...

Morgans Torment:  Torment was the best of the three haunts.  Torment  utilizes darkness, which is always my favorite feature of a haunt.  The best part of the house was the vinyl balloonish material on the walls and ceiling to give you that claustrophobic feeling as you have to SQUEEZE your way though these hallways.  It was great!  I have experienced this before, but my girlfriend had never, and it totally blew her mind!  There were a few actors in this house, which played there parts very well, separating us from the rest of the group to add an additional scare to those who fear abandonment! 

Unstable:  Unstable was a the most actor friendly of the three houses.  You are first greeted by a tall goat man, who talks similar to Jim Breuer's "Goat Boy" character on SNL, he was a laugh riot, very funny.  This haunt was very much like walking though an insane asylum, lots of crazies, and creepy rednecks!  The actors were very into what they were doing and committed, no pun intended, to spooking you out!   

Signage / Visibility / Location

There were signs, but small ones, simillar to candidate signs on lawns, if it is dark, you may miss them.  Once you find your way though, you can't miss it!

Wait Area / Line Entertainment

Line was good, filled with a loop of haunt highlights and actors.

Actors' Performance

The actors were dedicated to spooking you, none of them seemed like they were ready to retire for the night, which is always my pet peave at haunts.

Sets Scenes / Props / FX

The set and all props and FX were top notch.  You can tell they spend a ton putting this thing together, and it pays off in the end.


Each house is about 15 minutes long, so plan on spending a good hour to an hour and a half if you count lines.

Crowd Control

Everything was orderly, the lines were roped off so no stragglers!

Most Memorable Moment

Ballooned hallways were the best!


Definately worth the time and money, Wisconsin Fear Grounds is three haunts that have something for everyone!

View all Wisconsin Feargrounds reviews

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Please note: this review is for the 2009 season rather than the current season.

Mars Haunted House - CLOSED-

by dubstyle_2k (Newbie Review Crew Member) after attending on Friday, October 9, 2009 at about 5 p.m.

Fun Factor: Very High Fear Factor: High


On the night of October 9th I visited Mars Haunted House in Milwaukee.  My visit started in grand style as we waited in a fairly short outdoor line.  Mars seems to know what they are doing, as they had ghouls walking up and down the line, interacting with the guests.  It was cold, and the actors made the elements much more enjoyable.  After a short wait, we were invited to go up a flight of stairs to purchase tickets.  Once up the flight of stairs and after getting our admissions squared away , we were greeted by a woman who appeared to be undead!  She took us through a door and into a small area where an audio recording played a brief history of Mars, the undead girl was great.  Once in the haunt, we were on our own.  The set was fantastic, seemed like they put a lot of time and effort into this years event.  The actors were also pretty good.  At times it seemed like they were tired, which is understandable, as they had been haunting for a few hours and I can only assume that takes a toll on you.  A few of the actors really went above and beyond.  One actor that sticks out had stopped my girlfriend and "forced" me to go on without her.  He blocked her from advancing for quite some time, sniffing her as if she was that evenings dinner.  This literaly lasted about 2-3 minutes, finally he let her go.  My favorite part of the haunt was the vibrating floor.  It shook violently as you passed over it.  I love haunts that physically jar you, and as you walked over the floor, it did just that.  In all I would have to say Mars is definitely worth the time, just make sure you dress for the occasion!

Signage / Visibility / Location

Signage was good, the giant hearse that said Mars Haunted House on it was a pretty good sign if you ask me.  Also, the line of people outside the haunt doesn't hurt either.

Wait Area / Line Entertainment

The line was pretty quick moving, with actors that interacted with you.  My only complaint was the drunk gentleman in front of me that kept leaving and entering the line, despite the rope keeping the people in, bumping into me every time, but that is not the haunts fault.

Actors' Performance

Actors were good, some seemed tired and a few were amped up and really into spooking people.  This seemed to even things out and made for a very enjoyable time.

Sets Scenes / Props / FX

Props were great.  The vibrating floor was amazing.


15-20 minutes

Crowd Control

Well, as stated before, there was a drunk guy in front of me that kept leaving the line and entering, while bumping into me every time.  I really wish someone would have said to him that he either needs to stay in line, or go to the back, but he was with a group, so I understand.

Most Memorable Moment

Definately the vibrating floor


Mars was a fun haunt, with a great set and props, and dedicated actors.  

View all Mars Haunted House - CLOSED- reviews

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February 19th, 2025 8:39 a.m. CST 24.11.01