501 Osborne Drive, Sparta, WI 54656 (directions)
The House of Shadows is an interactive haunted attraction/fundraiser for the Boys & Girls Club of Sparta. We take a "reportedly haunted" former infirmary of the Wisconsin State Child Center and turn it into a haunted house each year for your spooktacular pleasure.
October 11-12, 18-19, 25-26; November 1-2
The Not So Scary attraction runs from 5:30 – 6:00 PM is suitable for the young and faint-of-heart. The ghouls are visible and a flashlight is provided to help guide your way.
The Very Scary attraction, begins at 6:00 PM and ticket sales stop at 10:00 PM or until we are sold out for the evening. The creatures and ghouls are lurking, waiting… and daring you to enter!
Not So Scary $6
Very Scary $15
Spook Pass $30
Oct. 21, 2024, 1:52 p.m.
February 18th, 2025 4:02 a.m. CST 24.11.01