Currently Unknown
Information will be added once we're aware of the 2025 date & times.
Remember to turn your porch lights on if you're handing out candy & treats.
Follow these trick-or-treat safety tips for a safe and Happy Halloween!
Children of all ages (and their families) are invited to show off their Halloween costumes as we parade around Veteran’s Park in downtown Cambridge, followed by a “Trick or Treating Trail” where kids can trick or treat downtown businesses!”
Meet in the parking lot behind Badger Bank (102 W. Main Street, Cambridge) at 9:45am to line up to walk in the parade. The parade will begin at 10:00am. At the end, kids will pick up a “Trick or Treating Trail” map listing participating businesses.
Find more family friendly events in our event directory.
February 14th, 2025 12:11 p.m. CST 24.11.01