Currently Unknown
Information will be added once we're aware of the 2025 date & times.
Remember to turn your porch lights on if you're handing out candy & treats.
Follow these trick-or-treat safety tips for a safe and Happy Halloween!
The area that this applies to is Bay St. On the North, Howard on the South, Chase/Howell on the West, and the Lake on the East.
Night Time Trick or Treat in Bay View is from 5-8pm on the last Saturday of October. If you are participating, please turn your porch light on!
The area that this applies to is Bay St. on the North, Howard on the South, Chase/Howell on the West, and the Lake on the East.
Night Time Trick or Treat in Bay View is from 5-8pm on the last Saturday of October. If you are participating, please turn your porch light on!
The area that this applies to is Bay St. On the North, Howard on the South, Chase/Howell on the West, and the Lake on the East.
The area that this applies to is Bay St. On the North, Howard on the South, Chase/Howell on the West, and the Lake on the East.
The area that this applies to is Bay St. On the North, Howard on the South, Chase/Howell on the West, and the Lake on the East.
The area that this applies to is Bay St. On the North, Howard on the South, Chase/Howell on the West, and the Lake on the East.
The area that this applies to is Bay St. On the North, Howard on the South, Chase/Howell on the West, and the Lake on the East.
The area that this applies to is Bay St. On the North, Howard on the South, Chase/Howell on the West, and the Lake on the East.
The area that this applies to is Bay St. On the North, Howard on the South, Chase/Howell on the West, and the Lake on the East.
The boundaries run from Bay St. to Howard Ave. and from Chase Ave./Howell Ave. to the lake.
The neighborhoods that will be participating are bordered by Bay Street on the North to Howard on the South, and Howell Avenue/Chase on the West to the Lake.
Find more family friendly events in our event directory.
January 13th, 2025 8:27 p.m. CST 24.11.01