Please note: this review is for the 2009 season rather than the current season.

Gilly's Haunted House

by JJrakman after attending on Saturday, October 3, 2009 at about 5:30 p.m.

Fun Factor: Medium Fear Factor: Low


This haunt had a mix of really good points and really bad points. First the good.

The whole theme of a haunted circus is a great one, and one that isn't done too often. The actors gave a great performance and stayed in character. The initial boat ride in the fog was a great introduction to the haunt, and helped to set a mood. I really loved the black and white room with the harlequin camouflaged in it. Great effect. The vortex was awesome!

Now the bad, most of the haunt is too brightly lit for my tastes. There's nothing wrong with a haunt that is operated on a short budget, but darkness, shadows, and fog go a long way to hide a low budget. Many of the sets seemed plain and ordinary in regular lighting, not frighting at all, and a large room with only a few set pieces looks rather empty in bright light. Some of the "puzzle" rooms are clever but frankly after a while you want to get moving on, plus I see these as devices for holding up the line when it gets busier, not to mention separate groups bouncing into each other as one group gets stumped over a puzzle. A few more actors could be used in the transitions from room to room. Even something as simple as reaching out at the audience as they pass. The haunt could greatly benefit from the use of some sound effects as well.


While it definitely has its good points, it could use a bit of work.

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May 17th, 2024 6:33 a.m. CDT 24.08